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Bad Coach (An Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (Forbidden Romance)

Page 65

by Claire Adams

  “Hey, how about we play a little game while these love birds do their thing?”

  Brenda shot him a look, and he laughed.

  “What kind of game?”

  “Well, a drinking game, of course.”

  “Ohhh, that sounds risky.”

  “Are you scared?”

  I laughed. “Only of you having to hold my hair back when I puke all night.”

  “Come on, it will be fun. We'll take it easy at first, because I don't want us to get to that intimate point of me having to hold your hair back.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him. “I think it's a terrible idea.”

  “Why, did you get all your rebellion out in high school, so you don't need to have fun anymore?”

  “Actually I was no bad girl in high school, though I'm sure you know that already.”

  He leaned in closer to me, looking very interested in what I had to say. I wondered if his interest was genuine, or if that was how he lured women into his web.

  “So what kind of girl were you?”

  I giggled. “I read books, Jet. I studied, and I got good grades. I behaved myself, so I guess you could say I was a goody two-shoes.”

  “You're kidding me.”

  “No, what did you think that I was riding on, the backs of Harleys? Come on, Jet,” I started laughing.

  “No, I didn't think that, but I don't know. Look at you. I don't exactly picture you as a bookworm. I thought maybe a cheerleader.”

  “Oh God, no, are you crazy?” I slapped his knee playfully.

  “Okay, well, if you never played drinking games in high school, you for sure have to play one now.”

  I giggled while taking a drink of my wine. I looked over at Brenda, and saw her kissing Dan. Wow, that didn't take long. Well, maybe I should consider getting shitfaced to make the evening fly by a little faster.

  “Alright, alright, I'm in.”


  “So, how are we going to do this?”

  He thought about it for a moment, and said, “Let's play, I have never.”

  “What's that?”

  “You have to say something after making that statement. If I have done it, I drink. If I haven't, then you drink. See?”

  “How interesting.”

  “Let me start so you get an idea, I have never ... ridden a horse.”

  I smiled, and I took a drink. “This sounds fun, okay let me think, I've never played the guitar.”

  He took a drink.

  “Really, how cool. What kind do you play?”

  Acoustic, and really, I just fiddle with it. I'm not out to start a band or anything.

  The night truly started to fly by after that, and as the wine went down easily, and the questions kept coming, it wasn't long before I started to feel a little drunk. We had become very hilarious to each other, and could not stop laughing at the questions. They kept getting sillier as the night went on. For example, I have never ... eaten a cockroach nor done it doggy style nor gone skinny dipping.

  “Hey Jet, you are getting better looking the more wine I drink.”

  His mouth dropped open, and he laughed so loudly he almost fell out of his chair. “You are awesome, and a little funny too.”

  I leaned in before I even knew what I was doing, and my lips met his. They were warm and tasted of wine. His lips parted to accept me, and I felt his tongue graze mine. His hand fond the back of my neck, and he pulled me in closer, as our kiss became more of a passionate embrace. I slid my tongue into his mouth, and he sucked it gently. I felt completely warm all over, and my lips melted into his.

  Suddenly someone cleared her throat and I thought to look up, but his lips felt so nice that I didn’t care. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I decided I should probably investigate the situation, and that's when I realized it was Brenda trying to get my attention, and she looked pissed.

  “Hi, Brenda.”

  “What the hell are you doing?” Brenda was glaring at me, and I couldn’t quite comprehend why, through the fog of alcohol around me.”

  “What? You wanted me to come.”

  “Yes, but did you have to get annihilated, and make out at a wine tasting event. Things are a little classier than that here, Natalie. Not to mention I'm the one on a date here, and last I heard, Jet was just your buddy.”

  I looked over at Jet, and he looked confused, although that could have been part of the fog. I couldn't tell.

  “We are leaving now. So let's go. You guys can get a separate cab back to your place.”

  I nodded, got up from the table, and immediately forgot about the kiss.

  The cab pulled up to the curb in front of Jet’s apartment. I wondered if Kyle was going to be home from the bar yet. It wasn't very late; the wine tasting had ended at 12:00 a.m., so the boys were probably still out. Jet paid for the cab, and we stumbled out of it. By stumbled, I mean I literally almost fell on my face when I got out of the cab. I did get up gracefully, though. Jet met me on the other side, and we watched as the cab drove away. Jet had the can take us to his apartment instead of mine, as he wasn't sure if I would be okay with him staying at my place.

  “You should probably come in and crash at my place, Natalie. We are hammered, and there's no way you should drive home tonight.”

  “Are you sure? I can always just grab a cab to my place. In fact, I'm not sure why I let that guy drive away. We could have just gone to our separate homes.”

  “Just come up; it's not a big deal. Just crash here and I'll go get my car in the morning.”

  “Okay, let's go.”

  We made our way up the stairs without incident, and I leaned against the door as he fumbled with his keys. Kyle wasn't there to let us in; either that, or he was in bed already. He finally got the key into the slot, and turned it. The door pushed in abruptly, and I fell to the floor, laughing. Jet was laughing behind me, and it was at me not with me. He held out his hand for me to take, and he pulled me up. I headed toward the kitchen while he closed and locked the door. He came up behind me, and tickled me. I worried for a minute that all the excitement was going to cause me some upchuck.

  “Shhhh! We are being really loud,” I whispered. Jet couldn’t stop laughing, however, and I couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Wow, I was really severely drunk. Man, that game had been stupid. I started walking toward the couch, and he tackled me onto it, and the next thing I knew, was that I was flopping on the couch, with Jet on top of me. I was giggling uncontrollably, and I couldn’t help but be aware of the close proximity between Jet and me.

  Suddenly the lights came on, and I put my hand over Jet's mouth, to quiet him but it was too late. Confused, we both turned around, and there was his roommate, Kyle, standing before us in his boxers. His eyes were squinting at us in the light. Embarrassed, I tried to sit up, but it was virtually impossible with Jet on top of me.

  “Oh, you have got to be kidding me. You two ... really?”

  Kyle had the same sort of look on his face that Brenda had at the party, and I thought briefly that I probably wasn't having the best night if I was seeing that look twice in one night. I tried to smile up at him, but it didn't wipe the unimpressed look off his face.

  “Oh, hi Kyle. This is not how it …” Jet stumbled, and then stopped.

  “Spare me. How about the two of you just get a room, and do it quietly please.” he shook his head at us before spinning around, and heading back to his room. Yikes, I was not planning on being there in the morning when he woke up. I could not have been more embarrassed than at that moment.

  When he disappeared, I looked back up at Jet, and it looked like he was about to climb off of me. I reached up, and wrapped my hand around his neck, and pulled his face toward mine. He looked shocked when I pulled him close, and kissed him hard. The next thing I knew, we were making out pretty hot and heavy. Our tongues touched, and a bolt of electricity ran through my body, causing heat all through me. His kisses became softer, as he literally tasted my lips, over and over aga

  I pulled away from him and whispered, “About that room?”

  He smiled, and climbed off me, toppling himself onto the floor. He was quick to get up, however, and I giggled as he made his way down the hallway toward his bedroom. He was practically hopping there as he undressed while he made his way down the hall. I followed after him slowly, undressing myself. We went into the bedroom, and closed the door behind us. He turned around, and he was completely beautifully naked before me. He helped me unzip my dress pants, and they dropped to the floor. I was wearing nothing but a thong at that point and he took it off just as quickly.

  He bent down on the ground before me to my pleasant surprise, and his mouth found my pussy, and he tasted me in the same way he tasted my lips, slowly, painfully slow. I moaned as his tongue found where my lips opened. He sucked on my clit, and had me shaking above him. He stood up and led me to the bed where I lay down. He stood before me with his beautifully sculpted body and his hard cock ready for me. He was incredibly sexy, and I couldn't understand why I had waited so long to have this moment with him once again.

  He climbed onto the bed above me, and found my mouth once again. He tasted like me, and I found that enticingly intimate. Our tongues found each other once again, and I moaned as his kisses came harder. He started kissing along my jawline, then down my throat to my neck, where he nipped me. Warmth flooded my entire body, and for a moment, I felt in complete and utter bliss. He made me dizzy with pleasure, and I ached for him to be inside me.

  I needed him, in fact, and he seemed to know just where to touch me, and what felt the best. He kissed down my neck, down my chest until he found my breast. He sucked on my nipple, causing my back to arch. Everything he did to me caused an ache in between my legs, that I wanted him to extinguish. He went to my other breast, and gave it deserving attention as well. My hand reached down, and I felt his hard cock in my hands and I knew right then that I wanted him more than anything.

  “Please, Jet. Please give it to me.”

  He met my eyes once again, and kissed me softly. “Are you sure?”

  I thought the question a little amusing, since we were both drunk, but I decided to let it go for now and just nodded.

  He positioned himself and entered me slowly, causing me to gasp as he filled me up.

  “Oh, Jet, that's so good.”

  “You feel good, too, Natalie, really good.”

  He moved rhythmically inside me pushing in and out slowly. His pace quickened, and I moaned as he pushed into me over and over again. I felt a buildup inside of me, and I arched my hips into him with every thrust he made. He felt incredible, and I ached for more every time he pulled away.

  He bent down to kiss me as he moved slowly inside of me. I accepted his mouth, and kissed him hard, releasing another moan as he pushed deep inside me. I felt the buildup again, and my whole body tensed as an orgasm ripped through me, causing me to shake from head to toe.

  “That's it, come for me. You are so fucking sexy.”

  The orgasm continued to rock through me, and by the look on Jet's face, he was about to come as well. I cried out, as the intense orgasm finally peaked, and left me gasping as he spilled into me. He collapsed on top of me, and my legs wrapped around his. He was strong, and I enjoyed having his body against mine. I could smell the wine on his breath as he nuzzled into my neck, and I hoped that when I awoke in the morning, I would remember that night.

  He looked up at me, and kissed me once again. “How was it, Natalie?”

  “Delicious. So let's go again.”

  He chuckled, and kissed me deeply. “Anything you want.”


  Chapter One


  An excavation crew was mining in my brain as I opened my eyes that morning. The sun was filtering through the windows, and poking my eyes with knives. I quickly closed them and tried again but the same thing happened. I may never be able to open my eyes again. Oh, God, this was a bad one. I closed my eyes again, willing the headache to go away. It was far worse than a headache; it felt like someone was trying to remove my brain without making an opening to do so first. It really was a bad one, and my head hurt so much that I thought I may throw up, and that was definitely not good for anyone. I didn't know what to do, so it was probably best to just keep my eyes closed and try to get more sleep. If I had to sleep the entire day to get rid of it, then it was a far better idea than staying awake and feeling the headache. Painkillers would probably be a good idea, however, before I went back into sleep land.

  I thought about calling Julie to get me some water and serious painkillers, she would know what to do to make the miners stop. She was a true veteran of hangovers, and she always had a cure. I was about to shout for her when I heard a grunt come from beside me. It was then that the night before flashed before my eyes in an angry red. Oh no. Oh, God, no. I was not in my own bed; I was in Jet's bed. That grunt came from him. I was sure of it, and dread filled me completely. Slowly the memories of the night before came flooding back―the wine tasting, Brenda's angry face, coming here in the cab, and the sex. Oh yes, the sex. Wow, we had a lot of sex the night before. I couldn't remember how many times we had done it, but considering how sore I felt, it must have been one hell of a night. Jet had a knack for being able to get me out of my clothes on a regular basis, and remembering the things we did made me want to propel myself out of his bed.

  I opened my eyes slowly again, hoping that it was all a bad dream ... or a good dream, however you want to look at it. I turned my head, and there was Jet, handsome as always, but currently snoring away beside me. There was no denying it, last night had happened just as I remembered it. I groaned inwardly and cursed myself. What on earth had I been thinking? Why hadn't I gone home to my own apartment? Why hadn't I left with Brenda? Instead, I went home once again with a guy that I had been trying to keep in the “friend” category for so long. I really need to stop drinking. Isn't that what everyone said after a disastrous night of drinking? They always woke up with regrets, and then vowed that it would never happen again, only to go out again the next night. Well that wasn't happening to me. I was on that brink of not being sure whether I could vomit or not, and there was no way I was going to have Jet hold my hair back while I threw up.

  I had to get out of there, and I needed to do it before either Jet or Kyle woke up. My clutch was on the nightstand, and I reached over and fumbled in it for my phone. It was 9:00 a.m., which would explain part of the headache I had. Why couldn't I have slept till noon? If I had, though, I would have had to experience one of those mornings that I always considered too awkward, meaning I would have to deal with Jet and/or Kyle. It was unlikely that Kyle would be alive at this hour, so I stood a good chance of getting out of there unscathed if I moved quickly. I had a ton of messages on my phone from Brenda and Julie, and they had plenty of exclamation points after them. Lots of people were unimpressed with me at the present time. Their messages had begun the night before and carried through till the morning. I would deal with them once I found myself a cab. After that happened, I could reply to the messages while I was on my way home. But I needed to get out of that apartment first; that was the main goal of the morning.

  My clothes were scattered all over the place, and it took me awhile to find them all. The last thing I needed was for Kyle to walk in and see me naked again, though I supposed that was unlikely, since he actually knew I was there that time. I wanted to die at the memory of him coming out into the living room and seeing Jet and I rolling on the couch together. He had been just as impressed with us as everyone else was. I silently slipped into my panties and clothing, and wished that I had brought a brush with me. My hair must have looked a mess, and I had nothing to apply fresh makeup with.

  My head was pounding and I did not want to have to rush out. I wanted water, drugs and sleep, not in that particular order, but I was certain that I did not want to be there when Jet woke up. I wished I could sleep for the entire day, but I needed to find my way
back to my own bed first. Every time I was around Jet I behaved like an idiot―well, when alcohol was involved, anyway. I was not impressed with my behavior the night before. I never did stuff like that, and I was starting to think that maybe Jet was a bad influence. Sometimes that was a good thing if someone could bring you out of your shell, but waking up hung over and sore probably wasn't the best result of that.

  I quickly took a peek at myself in his bathroom mirror and groaned. I looked exactly as bad as I felt. My hair was a mess and I had bags under my eyes from no sleep. In fact, I could go as far as saying I could use a complete spa day to start looking normal again. As I was tiptoeing to his bedroom door, my phone buzzed. I looked up quickly, but Jet had not moved at all. It was possible that the guy was in a coma. If it wasn't for his intense snoring, I might have checked to see if he was still breathing.

  I looked at my phone, thinking that it must be Julie trying to track my whereabouts again. She was worried that I hadn't returned home the night before, but I was sure that she must have talked to Brenda and assumed where I had ended up. She was just mad that I ended up here; the question and exclamation marks told me all I needed to know about her mood.

  Shock hit my body when I saw that it wasn't a message at all, but that my ex-boyfriend Tom was calling me. Actually calling me on the phone at 9:00 a.m. I couldn't imagine what that asshole would want after all that time, but I wasn't about to find out while I was standing alarmed in Jet's bedroom. I turned the phone off so that I wouldn't wake Jet, and I slipped out his bedroom door, closing it behind me. Kyle's door was also closed, and I sighed with relief. As I was walking down the hallway I found pieces of Jet's clothing, marking our trail to the bedroom last night. Shirt, jeans, and oh, God, underwear. Mortified, I hurried to the front door, thankful that I was lucky enough to get out of there without either of the guys seeing me. I would hardly have been a sight for sore eyes for Jet when he awoke that morning.

  I made a slow progression down the stairs, and Tom came to mind again. I couldn't figure out at all why he would be calling me. He was off in paradise with my ex-best friend; why did he feel the need to call me now? Was he feeling guilty? Did he want to offer his apologies to me again? He couldn't think that he would get a good response out of me, so I had to give him credit for having the balls to call me after so much time had passed. I didn't want to hear any more apologies, though, and I had no interest in hearing him tell me again that he was meant to be with my friend. It sickened me that I had wasted years with a man, only to have him tell me he found his soul mate in my best friend.


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