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Bad Coach (An Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (Forbidden Romance)

Page 137

by Claire Adams

  “I need to be as close to you as possible,” he whispered as he trailed hot kisses down my shoulder and pressed his body against mine. The solidity of his excitement pushed against the moistness between my legs. In one slow stroke, we connected. When he had filled me completely, he began to thrust unhurriedly. Each thrust sent a shock of pleasure through me. His smooth muscles slid against my stomach and he gazed down at me. All I could see was the blue of his eyes. All I could feel was the heat of him moving within me and his body grinding against my clit. All of my apprehensions disappeared, and for the first time in my life, I knew what freedom felt like.

  I slid my hands over his back and felt his muscles move under my fingertips. I bit my lip to avoid moaning, but he covered my lips with his and the moan slipped into his mouth. I held onto him tighter, wanting him closer to me than he ever could be. Tension built in my body. Every nerve was on fire. For a moment, the world seemed to stop.

  Pleasure exploded inside me, blazing through my body as Emerson released his own ecstasy. He took a few deep, sharp breaths as I trembled around him. After a couple of minutes had passed, I was still lost within my euphoria. He rolled over beside me, wrapped his strong, muscular arms around me, and pulled me close to him.

  “That was amazing,” he whispered.

  “It was,” I replied.

  “And do you know what the best thing about it was?”

  “What's that?” I replied.

  “That was just the warm-up round.”

  I giggled as he moved in, kissing me again.

  It was going to be a long night.

  A long and glorious night.



  I looked up from my book and eased my feet off the footstool, listening as the sound grew in volume. Tossing my book onto the couch beside me, I hurried to the front door just in time to watch Emerson pull into the driveway and slip his slick Kawasaki past my BMW and park it in the garage. He removed his helmet and saw me standing in the doorway. A huge smile spread across his handsome face.

  He hurried toward the door I held open for him and wrapped me tightly in his arms the moment he’d bound up the porch steps. A long, languid kiss got my nerves tingling and made my knees weak. Even after so many years, he still had that effect on me.

  “How was work, love?” I asked.

  “Good. We're making progress on the solar power compound. I'm pretty sure this product is gonna be on the market within two years, and it's gonna revolutionize everything! A solar panel powerful enough to charge a laptop in three hours, and it's only the size of a dollar bill. How cool is that?” Emerson beamed. “How about you, beautiful? How was your day?” He planted a sweet kiss on my forehead.

  “Actually, work was interesting. Remember that new bicycle concept I was telling you about?”

  “Oh yeah, the one that charges all of your devices at home while you ride?”

  “Yes! Well, we're very close to making a breakthrough,” I said. “Like, literally right on the edge.”

  “That’s awesome, babe. I can’t wait until you get to bring it home for us to try out,” he smiled.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just want to play with my gadgets,” I flashed him a smirky grin.

  “Oh, I definitely want to do that,” he said with a wink. “Oh. Almost forgot. I got a call from Chris today.”

  “Oh, yeah? How's he doing?”

  “He's good. Still sober. That makes eight months. And he's starting his first semester of a new college degree.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. He was stuck in a real rough patch for a few years after dropping out. I know you’re happy to see him like this.”

  “Yeah. I was beginning to think he wasn't gonna get through it. I'm glad he's turned his life around and proved me wrong. It’s nice to hear my old friend’s voice when I talk to him now.”

  “Speaking of old friends,” I added. “Don’t forget we've got an appointment in front of the TV at eight tonight!”

  “Oh yeah, Leslie's big break! I'm super excited to see it.”

  “She always did want a role in a sitcom, and I think she's gonna be great!”

  “Old friends,” he said with a smile, “it's great to see them doing well.”

  “It really is,” I agreed.

  “But then, we can't just focus on the old. There's also the new…” He took my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the diamond engagement ring on my finger.

  “I'm counting the days until you are my wife. You can’t get rid of me then and I can’t wait!”

  Tears stung the corners of my eyes. I kissed him gently on his forehead, and then on his lips.

  “I can't wait, either,” I said.

  “How about we crack open a bottle of wine, light some candles, and watch the sunset from the back deck.”

  “That sounds like a splendid idea. We'd better hurry though, the sun will be setting in a few minutes.”

  “Right. Meet you out there.”

  Emerson headed to the cellar to pick out a decent bottle of wine while I went out onto the deck. The air was still warm, with just the slightest nip of cold threatening to take over once the sun disappeared. Spring had always been my favorite season. The scent of new blossoms and flowers floated sweetly on the warm breeze, and the first evening star had appeared in the darkening sky.

  Emerson strolled onto the deck carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. We took a seat on our outdoor sofa and he filled up a glass for each of us as I lit some candles. I took my glass and clinked it against his.

  “To chemistry,” I said with a smile.

  “To chemistry,” he replied, the last golden rays of the day's sun glinting in his eyes.

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  By Claire Adams

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Claire Adams



  I stood in front of the floor-length mirror in my room at the church where I’d served as parish priest for the past two years. I stared at myself in my black cassock and thought about the days ahead.

  It wasn’t moving to a new church that troubled me—it was moving forward with a crucial piece of my life no longer intact. I’ve been devout in my faith since I was a child. But as I gazed at my reflection…I was having doubts.

  I looked at the man in the mirror and instead of seeing Father Jace, I saw the reflection of a frightened little boy. That little boy had been brought to where he was through the love and devotion of a woman—and now she was gone and I was questioning everything about my life.

  My grandmother used to say, “Be humble and respectful to everyone, whether you are sure they deserve it or not.” She taught me not to judge people too harshly and that if you worked hard and did good things, you would always prosper.

  When Grandma talked about prospering, she wasn’t talking about money. She taught my brothers and me that prosperity was about your family and your friends. The people that you kept within your inner circle said more about you than anything, according to her, and I had come to believe that myself.

  She also always said that if you looked hard enough, no matter how far you stray, it was always possible to find a path back into God’s good graces. That one I used to believe without a doubt, but those doubts had started to work their way in.

  I had strayed from my faith the moment they told me she was dead. I had spent most of my nights since railing against God, instead of praying to Him. My grandmother didn’t need my prayers for her soul. She was the purest soul that ever existed. The irony is if she were still he
re, she would be the first to tell me to hit my knees and pray hard for forgiveness.

  I was holding out hope I’d be ready to do that soon, but for the time being, I’d have to fake it. That day, repentance was not on the agenda. I knew that when I had to stand there and helplessly watch them lower her into the ground, instead of rejoicing for her soul, I would be agonizing over the pain in mine.

  I was angry, but I was not supposed to be. I was a priest, but damn it, I was also human. My grandmother was dead. She was the light that always beckoned me home, no matter how lost I’ve been. I was angry and sad and confused, and no amount of praying would give me the answers to my questions. How was I supposed to find my way any longer?

  It was just after 12 o'clock. The old church bells rang out, and from my second story room, I could hear the flock of pigeons the bells sent into disarray as they cooed and flapped violently away from the bell tower of the old church.

  I heard the echo of each slow chime as I made my way through the cavernous inner halls on my way to the vestry. The sounds reverberated off the stones that held the sacred building together and bounced off the stained glass windows and polished, oak pews.

  With a heavy heart and a deep ache in my soul, I draped the white stole about my neck in preparation for the mass I was about to say, as was tradition. I begged God to give me on the last day the garment of immortality that was forfeited by our sinful first parents.

  I was on autopilot. I was a priest; it was what I did, what I knew to do.

  The mourners filled the church, and I believed that I handled the mass with as much dignity as humanly possible. I had a hard time suppressing my own grief as I watched the broken faces of my brothers in the front pew. I managed to keep it together, and even remain pious in my thoughts, until we reached the cemetery.

  When I stepped out of the black car into the brilliant sunlight and looked around at the vibrant colors of spring that surrounded me, my anger returned with a vengeance. My grandmother was dead and the sun was offensively bright and cheerful.

  It was as if God and the elements were conspiring to show me that the world would go on just fine without her. It shouldn't, and that’s what I was so angry about. As far as I was concerned, everything should be as dark and gray as my emotions were. The weather should have been damp and cold, and the birds should not have been singing in the trees overhead.

  I walked through the cemetery like a silhouette of myself. I wished that I was as insubstantial as the shadows. Shadows don’t have to feel the tangle of emotions that were twisting around in my gut. I stood near the freshly dug hole and waited for the coffin to arrive.

  I was no longer apologetic to my Father in Heaven. I was pissed.


  “Touching service, Father,” a young congregate said to me as she shook my hand after the funeral. I forced a smile and nodded at her.

  “My condolences for your loss, Father. Your grandmother was a great lady,” the next one told me as he shook my hand.

  “We’ll all miss her, Father…”

  It went on and on. My head felt like it might literally explode and shoot off my shoulders before the last member of the congregation shook my hand and headed for their car. Finally, I was alone with my grandmother and my brothers.

  “How are you doing, Jace?” My brother Max was at my side. He was the oldest and the one that would be counted on to hold us together with Grandma gone.

  “I’ve been better,” I said, wiping a stray tear from my cheek. “How about you?” My other brother, Ryan, walked up as we talked.

  “I’m hanging in there. I’m not sure what to do without her. She will be sorely missed.” I had no doubts Max would miss her, but he’d been independent since we were taken from the house of horrors that was our life and placed with Grandmother when he was ten. I was six at the time, and Ryan was only six months.

  Ryan’s eyes and face were swollen and red. He still lived with Grandmother, and I had no doubts her death would leave the biggest void in his life. She coddled him a little too much, and at twenty-five, he was more dependent on her than a man really had a right to be.

  “Hey,” he said with a chin tilt. Even at a funeral he was still clinging to the cool-guy, motorcycle stud stereotype. I opened my arms and it all fell away. He folded into them and sought the strength of his big brother and priest. I could at least be one of those for him.

  As soon as I closed my arms around him, his shoulders began to shake and he unloaded the grief that he’d been trying so hard to hold back. “I know that I’m not supposed to think like this,” he said between sobs, “But I’m so angry, Jace. We all still needed her. Why does God let things like this happen? She was nothing but good. Why does he take the good ones so soon?”

  Ryan, out of all of us, had struggled with his faith the most. It was the first time I didn’t have answers for him. I’d been asking those questions myself.

  “I wish I knew, Ryan. All we can do now is have faith and trust that she’s at peace and we’ll see her again someday.” Such a priest-like thing to say…but I was at a loss.

  My brother seemed to accept it. He nodded against my shoulder and then pulled back and looked at my face. His green eyes were so much like mine, and his sandy-blond hair fell down across his forehead the same way that mine did when it got too long.

  He was a younger version of me, but even priest compared to biker, he was a more innocent version. Ryan hadn’t known our parents long enough for the scars to take hold of him. Grandmother was all he’d ever known as a caregiver, and she did a stellar job.

  “I have to take off,” Max said. “I have a meeting across town at four. Maybe we can all have lunch Sunday?”

  “If it’s a late lunch,” I said. “I’ll be serving my first Mass at St. Luke’s on Sunday.”

  “Oh, that’s right. You’re moving to Lexington tomorrow, I almost forgot. At least it’s only thirty minutes away.”

  “Yeah, I’ll still see you guys a lot. Let’s plan on three for lunch at Mike and Patty’s. Will that work for you, Ryan?”

  My little brother looked like I’d pulled him out from under the water as he refocused his attention. “Mike and Patty’s at three. I’ll be there.”

  I hugged them both again and watched them go before I made my way back to the car the church provided for me. I climbed into the backseat and the driver said, “Back to the church, Father?”

  “Yes. Actually, if you don’t mind, Mitch, can we swing by Albert’s Grocery on the way?”


  Two hours after my grandmother’s earthly body was lowered into the ground, I sat in my upstairs room at St. Anthony’s parish, still in my cassock and scarf, sipping scotch out of the bottle.

  I’d gone into Albert’s Grocery under the guise of buying my specialty tea. The driver had stayed in the car, so it was easy to slip the bottle of scotch into my reusable bag and take it through the self-check-out. A priest buying a bottle of scotch might cause some talk. A priest sitting alone in his room drinking scotch was not only pathetic…he was destined to be tortured by guilt.

  At that point, I was willing to deal with the consequences when they arose. Being numb had its benefits.



  As I walked into my new apartment with my arms laden with groceries, my phone began to ring. I kicked the door closed behind me and rushed to dump the bags on the table.

  I had just left work; it was my second day at a new job, in a new town. I was afraid it was my boss. I was a little overwhelmed, and I didn't doubt that I’d forgotten to sign out on the register, or something silly like that. I finally fished the phone out of my work apron and became instantly sick to my stomach.

  It was my father.

  I shuddered as I answered. I would have just ignored it, but this was the fourth time he’d called that day, and I hadn’t answered the other three. He was bound to keep calling until he passed out if I didn’t pick up at least once.

  “Dad, you have
to stop this. You’re not supposed to be calling me.”

  “What do you mean I’m ‘not supposed’ to call you? I’m your father. You’re my baby girl. Daphne, come home, baby. I need you!” His words were slurred, and I could tell that he’d probably been drinking all day. He makes me nauseous, especially when he’s drunk.

  “I’m not coming home. I have a restraining order, remember? Stop calling me, Dad, or I’ll have to notify the authorities.”

  “Notify the authorities? When did you get to be such a little snot face? I’m your father, Daffy!” I hate when he calls me that, and he knows it. “Please, baby. Daddy’s sick. I need you.”

  Daddy’s sick; how many times had I heard that before? “Dad, I’m going to hang up now. When you sober up, you’ll remember why you shouldn’t be calling me. I hope you’ve been going to see your counselor.”

  “I don’t need a shrink. I need my Daffy.” His voice got low then, and I could tell he was letting his mind wander as he said, “Do you remember the good times we used to have together, baby girl?”

  I hung up and dropped the phone on the counter. My hands were shaking, and I thought I might have to throw up. I moved to get away from him. I was probably going to have to change my phone number—again.

  I pulled off the apron and picked up my purse and keys. I needed to get out of there. I needed to go for a walk…clear my head…have a beer, maybe—anything to get my mind off of him.


  It was after eight p.m. on a weekday evening and people still littered the streets. Couples mostly—something I was depressingly aware I had never been a part of at the ripe old age of twenty-two. They were all dressed up on their way to eat at a nice restaurant or meet friends for a drink at a bar.

  I walked in their midst, completely alone in the crowd. I desperately needed something different in my life besides work and church.


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