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Through Jenna’s Eyes

Page 9

by Kristi Gold

  “Be careful,” he told her as she took a few steps toward the edge of the bluff. “You’ve got a drop off about fifteen feet in front of you.”

  “What does the scenery look like?” she asked.

  “There’s a valley below and a creek. And mountains covered with trees in the distance.”

  “I’m going to take a few more pictures, then we can be on our way.”

  “Do you need any help?” He sounded way too eager.

  “Not this time. I’m going to rely on my intuition.”

  Drink in hand, Logan straightened and kept a close eye on her. So far so good, he thought as she remained in the same spot, snapping pictures nonstop.

  But when she started forward, every instinct he owned screamed danger. He tossed aside the bottle and caught her with one arm around her middle, impeding her progress.

  As he carried her back to the trail, his chest constricted around his hammering heart. “Dammit, Jenna, I told you to be careful,” he said as he set her down without letting her go.

  She sent him a sour look. “You said fifteen feet. I only moved two.”

  Hardheaded woman. “If you’d kept going, you would’ve walked right over the edge.”

  “Do you really think I’m that stupid?”

  “I think you take chances you don’t need to take.”

  She wrested out of his hold. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Logan. Are you proud of yourself now?”

  “I don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about.”

  She draped the camera’s strap around her neck. “You’ve done your good deed for the day, saving a distressed damsel whom you believe doesn’t have the sense of a pack mule. Isn’t that what this is all about between you and me? Your need to come to the rescue of a helpless, blind woman?”

  “You’re about as helpless as a fully armed militia.”

  “And you want to serve as my guardian. I don’t need a guardian, Logan.”

  He only needed one thing from her at the moment, right or wrong. “As far as you and me are concerned, this is what it’s all about.”

  He kissed her hard, and deep, driven by adrenaline and anger. Maybe even some latent fear.

  He expected her to pull away and slug him, but so far she hadn’t done one thing he’d expected. Instead, she willingly participated in the kiss, and in many ways took the lead. She rubbed her hands up and down his back. He pulled her closer. She executed a full body press against him. He inched his hands beneath the back of her shirt.

  He had half a mind to take her down on the dusty ground just to feel her beneath him. The other half of his mind, located below his skull—not his belt—told him that wouldn’t be at all comfortable for her.

  He had a blanket nearby and a large expanse of grass at his disposal. If she wanted a longer break, he’d be glad to oblige her. If she wanted to know just how badly he wanted her, he’d be more than happy to show her. And if he wanted to retain some honor, he’d stop the thoughts and the mouth action immediately. A tough decision, particularly when she acted as though she didn’t want him to stop.

  Something brushed Logan’s leg, forcing him to break the kiss. He looked to his left to see a patch of black loping away.

  “Was that another deer?” Jenna asked.

  “I think it was a Labrador retriever.”

  A whistle sounded, followed by a feminine voice calling, “Get back here, Perry.”

  So much for being alone. So much for his plans to engage Jenna in a heavy make-out session. And that was just as well. If he’d let his libido do the talking, they wouldn’t have made it to the campsite until well after dark—and he might have made a fatal error in judgment. Not a good thing to do if he wanted to befriend her, even if he also wanted to bed her.

  After nudging Jenna aside, Logan snatched her cane from the ground and handed it to her. “Time to hit the road again, princess.”

  “If you don’t stop that princess stuff, I will find a way to pay you back.”

  He leaned close to her ear and said, “You already have. Right now I’m in a helluva lot of pain, thanks to you.”

  Her mouth gaped open momentarily. The sunglasses prevented him from seeing her eyes, but he figured she had that whole “shooting daggers” thing going on. “Thanks to me? You kissed me first, friend.”

  Like he’d really forget that. “You didn’t stop me, did you?”

  She shook her head. “This is ridiculous. I’m not the type to lose control because some guy has a way with his tongue.”

  “I’m not some guy, Jenna.” And she wasn’t just any woman, either.

  “Whatever.” She flipped her hand in dismissal before gathering her equipment from the ground, but he would bet his last limo that she was as unable to ignore their attraction as he was.

  Logan had a strong feeling only time would tell how long he could keep his distance before only friendship went the way of the wind.

  As they lay side by side on their backs on a blanket, bedrolls supporting their heads, Logan noticed that the fire he’d built earlier had cast Jenna’s profile in a golden glow. Since dinner, he’d noticed a lot of things about her, including her ability to avoid certain subjects, namely what had happened on the trail earlier in the day, and the fact that, at some point, they had to climb into the tent together.

  Jenna released a satisfied sigh, disturbing the quiet. “Summer’s my favorite season. I wouldn’t mind if we had hot weather year-round.”

  He wouldn’t mind if someone would douse him with a bucket of ice water, otherwise he could be in for a long, hard night. “That’s a good thing since we live in Texas.”

  “True.” She stretched her arms above her head and dropped them at her sides. “When I was little, I used to go outdoors late at night, lie on the ground and watch the stars. Sometimes I’d fall asleep until morning and I’d have to sneak back in before my parents caught me.”

  “You were daring even as a kid.”

  “Yes, I was. Fortunately I’ve never been afraid of the dark, otherwise I’d be in serious trouble now.”

  Occasionally she would slip in a reminder of her blindness, and Logan didn’t know if that was for her benefit, or his. “During the summer, I’d stay up late and play basketball with my brothers until the neighbors complained.”

  “And your parents didn’t object?” She sounded in awe of that concept.

  “No. Probably because they were glad to get us out of the house.”

  “That must have been wonderful, having siblings. I only had myself to talk to at home. After a while, that gets rather boring.”

  Logan had five siblings he had to talk over in order to get a word in edgewise. “It had its ups and downs, particularly when we’d get into fights.”

  “You didn’t really hurt each other, did you?”

  “I suffered a few black eyes in my time. We were more afraid of what my father would do after he broke them up.”

  “Were you afraid of anything else when you were a child?” The question took him by surprise. “Not that I can think of.”

  She touched his arm. “Come on, Logan. Everyone has fears. I promise I won’t tell anyone and destroy your rep as a tough guy.”

  He’d never been into soul baring, but for some strange reason, he didn’t feel the need to hold back with Jenna. “For a long time, I used to be afraid of heights before I forced myself to get over it. That started after Aidan pushed me out of the top bunk bed when I was about five and I landed on my face. I had to have stitches.”


  “On my chin.”

  She reached out and ran a fingertip along his face, sketching a path beneath his bottom lip. “Right here I feel a scar. Nothing big, but it’s there. I’m surprised I missed it before.”

  He was surprised by his reaction to only a simple touch. “I was lucky I didn’t lose any teeth.” He would be lucky if he didn’t lose his cool when her palm came to rest on his abdomen. “What about you?” he asked. “What were you afraid of when
you were a kid?”

  “Honestly, not much. Adulthood is another story altogether.”

  He could think of several fears she might have and he wanted to know them all. “What are you afraid of now, Jenna?”



  “I am serious. Oh, and I don’t like crowded elevators.”

  “Is that it?”

  She shifted onto her back and broke all contact between them. “I’m afraid my son will forget me.”

  The abject sadness in her voice cut Logan to the core. He’d never been all that good at consolation, particularly when it involved women. For her, he would try.

  After taking her hand, he placed it on his chest. “I doubt your son will ever forget you.” He’d never forget her, even if this weekend was all they would ever have.

  She worked her way into a sitting position and said, “Enough of that. We’re here to have a good time, not to discuss the past or worry about the future.”

  She’d said it with a good deal of bravado, but Logan surmised she did so only to cover her emotional scars.

  When she tried to hide a yawn behind her hand, he said, “Looks like the good times will have to start over in the morning. I have the tent up if you’re ready to get some sleep.” A tent barely big enough for both of them. A test of his willpower.

  She pushed off the blanket and came to her feet. “It’s too hot to sleep.”

  He’d have to agree, especially when she began to unbutton her blouse. “If you want some privacy, I can take a walk.”

  She slid the blouse away. “I want to go for a swim in the creek and wash the grime off my body.” He wanted to tackle her where she stood. “Did you bring a suit?”

  “I don’t need one.”

  Oh, hell. “You’re going to go for a midnight swim in a state park, buck naked?”

  “What’s a little nudity between friends?” To a man who was really trying to behave, a lot. “We’re not the only people around here.”

  “I haven’t seen a soul, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll leave my underwear on.” She dropped the blouse on his lap, concealing the first signs of an erection that fortunately she couldn’t see. “And you’re going with me.”

  He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and tried to avert his gaze, without success. “It’s too dangerous, Jenna.”

  She looked highly frustrated. “You told me earlier today the creek’s not deep at all.”

  “Me and you swimming together, with you in your underwear. That’s dangerous.”

  “Surely, you’ve seen a woman dressed only in a bra and panties before, Logan.”

  He hadn’t seen her that way before—until now.

  She shimmied out of her shorts, leaving her wearing only a skimpy white bra and skimpy white panties, setting a sufficient trap for Logan’s hyped-up hormones. “Are you trying to test me, Jenna?” If so, he was failing.

  She pulled the band from the top of her head and shook out her hair. “I’m trying to cool off.”

  And in the process, heating him up to bonfire intensity. “I didn’t bring a suit, either.”

  “Then feel free to strip down to your drawers. Better still, get totally naked. I’ll never know.”

  Yeah, she would, if he got anywhere near her. “That’s probably not a good idea.”

  “It’s a great idea.” She hovered above him, one hand fisted on her waist. “Get up, O’Brien.”

  He already was. “Are you sure you want to do this?”


  What the hell! Like she’d said, she couldn’t see him, but that didn’t change the fact he could see her. A lot of her, from the outline of her breasts to the minimal strip of fabric between her thighs, and all notable parts in between. At least, until they got into the water.

  As he tugged the T-shirt over his head and snaked out of his jeans, he made a firm commitment to keep his hands to himself. Maybe he should tie them both behind his back.

  Jenna stepped into the creek and immediately experienced the heady rush of freedom. She curled her toes into the sandy bottom as water lapped at her ankles. Cool water that reminded her of her companion. Although Logan had a firm grip on her hand, he didn’t say a word, and she suspected he was literally keeping her at arm’s length.

  She couldn’t exactly fault him. After all, he seemed to be struggling with control, and she had only herself to thank for that. She’d welcomed his kiss earlier in the day. She’d invited him for a swim without the benefit of clothes. And she’d known exactly what she was doing.

  All the talk of friendship, of no expectations, had dissolved with every passing moment. With each and every kiss. Some might not understand why she would take such a risk with a man she didn’t know that well. Frankly, she didn’t care. Didn’t care what her father might think or what anyone would think, for that matter. She had a very virile male at her disposal, and she planned to take supreme advantage of the circumstance.

  “We’re only going to go a little farther,” Logan said, breaking into her thoughts.

  That remained to be seen, as far as Jenna was concerned, though she recognized he’d been referring to their swim.

  After the stream encircled her midriff, Jenna wrested from Logan’s grasp and plunged beneath the surface, a watery cocoon where she could wash away the dust and the last of her concerns. The night sounds gave way to serene silence and complete darkness, yet, she wasn’t afraid at all. Not when a beautiful man waited for her.

  After a few moments, Jenna came up for air and slicked back her hair with both hands. “This feels wonderful.” When she received no response, she questioned if she’d finally driven him away with her daring. “Logan?”

  “I’m still here.”

  Of course he was still there. He wasn’t the type to leave her to her own devices; he’d demonstrated that when she’d gotten to close to the edge of the cliff. She felt as if she were teetering on another edge right now, looking for a safe place to land. Her instincts told her Logan was that safe place, at least, temporarily, as long as she kept her emotional wits about her.

  “Where are you?” she asked.

  “To your left.” He caught her hand beneath the water and urged her closer.

  Her curiosity beckoning, she moved behind him, using his shoulders for support. His skin was damp and taut, she realized as she investigated his back, tracing a line with a fingertip down his spine until she contacted the rise below his waist. Wisdom warranted she halt the examination, but she wasn’t feeling very wise at the moment. She was feeling somewhat restless and warm. And she had to know exactly what he was wearing—or not wearing.

  Jenna received her answer when she splayed both her palms over the sides of his hips. His bare hips. Aside from a slight tremor, he remained very still as she explored the curve of his well-defined bottom. “Nice butt, O’Brien.”

  He clasped her wrists and pulled her around in front of him. “I’m warning you, Jenna.” He sounded stern, but not so intimidating that Jenna would veer from her goal.

  “Consider me sufficiently warned,” she said. And amply excited.

  “Do you realize what you’re doing?”

  “I’m finding out for myself what all the ladies see in you.”

  “You’re stirring up trouble.”

  “How much trouble?”

  He tugged her forward and pressed his pelvis against her. “Does that answer your question?”

  Yes, it had. He’d verified he was patently male, and that he had impressive attributes any women would find appealing. Most important, he’d proven that he wanted her, at least, in a physical sense. And she wanted him.

  She decided to go for broke. To go for it all. On that thought, Jenna reached behind her, unclasped her bra and tossed it in the direction of the bank. In order to remove her panties, she’d have to rely on Logan’s assistance and opted to let him do the honors later.

  She slid her hands up his chest and toyed with the fringe of hair at his nape. �
��Now we’re almost even.”

  She then became the aggressor, and kissed him first.

  When he released a feral groan, Jenna recognized she’d sufficiently unleashed something in him, spurring an all-out sensual attack on her mouth. She was mildly aware of a waterfall gurgling in the distance, the hum of locusts and the trill of a bird. She was more aware of Logan’s touch on her bottom, then on her breasts.

  Too many lonely months had passed since she’d felt so alive, so in tune with her body’s need. She craved the intimacy that he could give her, and fought frustration when he took his hands away. “We’ve got to stop this,” he muttered. “Before I can’t stop.”

  “I’ve decided to remove stop from my vocabulary.” Her attempt at levity fell flat when he said, “I’m serious, Jenna.”

  “So am I, Logan.”

  “What about our friendship pact?”

  “We’ll be really close friends.” Yet, she had one serious concern she needed to voice. “When we talked about our fears earlier, there’s one I’d failed to mention. Unplanned pregnancy.”

  “That’s only one reason why this isn’t a good idea. I didn’t bring any condoms.”

  Major warning bells rang out in her head. “Do you make a habit of not being prepared when you’re with a woman?”

  “I’m always prepared, just not this time.”

  Her confidence cracked, sending her back a step. “Then I must have assumed wrong. I thought you wanted me as much as I wanted you.”

  He brought her back into his arms. “You know damn well I’ve wanted you since the night we met. I didn’t pack condoms because I worried your dad might search my gear. I also didn’t want to be tempted to go back on my word.”

  He’d picked a fine time to be noble. “This definitely presents a problem.”

  “Yeah, it does.” His voice held a world of disappointment, bolstering Jenna’s determination.

  She saw no reason to end a perfectly good evening on a sour note. “You might not understand this, Logan, but I wake up every morning alone, and I go to bed alone. Sometimes the craving for a human touch is so strong, I ache. Tonight, I’m asking you to give me that much, even if it means we’re only going to hold each other.”


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