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Spectral Vibrations

Page 7

by Mercy DeSimone

  We watched as others around us matched frequency, or simmered in despair at their lack of bond with another. As it turned out, for us, reaching frequency happened at the most inconvenient time. It’s almost comical now to recall the shocked expression on his face that day. He instantly recoiled from the energy that I unintentionally pushed his way, and we both immediately called our energy back before staring intently at one another, as if to ask if we should acknowledge the link. Others around us seemed to be impervious to the energy arcing between us, but we were captivated by the buzz; eyes locked, we couldn’t wait to leave the lab and explore on our own.

  Amet was the only one that seemed to notice that something was happening between us. His sharp eyes trained our way made me uncomfortably aware that we were in a lab surrounded by others. It was at that point that Amet called the team to order.

  “Tanzy, Laz, please bring your research forward.” Looking uncomfortably at one another, we gathered our books and headed to Amet, carefully avoiding touching one another.

  “I believe the two of you would be best served by combining your resources and conducting your research privately off-site for the rest of the day,” he said blandly.

  Glancing between us, he gestured toward the door as we stood there uncertainly, wondering what to do next.

  “Please,” he said, “proceed on your way.”

  Dropping our reports on his desk we headed to the door, halting at the exit before heading out to the Square. Not saying anything to one another, we simply walked in harmony back to the Cluster, where Laz grabbed my hand gently and pulled me toward his cell.

  Biting my lip, I kept my head down, avoiding the gaze of others who would stop us in conversation. Punching the release to his cell door, Laz touched my hand gently, pulling me inside before turning to gaze at me intensely.

  “Tanzy,” he asked hesitantly, “do you want this?”

  Bobbing my head in agreement, I reached my hand gently to his cheek. This was Laz, my best friend in the whole Universe. How could I deny us?

  Without any further words, he pulled me toward the platform in his room, pushing me softly onto the plush surface before following me down. Lying on my back, I gazed into his eyes searching his feelings.

  Laz laid propped on his side next to me, his head on his upright elbow and body half leaning toward mine. His hands soothed my aura, sweeping up and down my form before asking gently, “May I disrobe you? I would like to gaze on your form.”

  Shyly, I looked away, before turning back to him with desire in my eyes, saying softly “Only if I get to gaze at yours.”

  Beaming, he stood rapidly, shedding his tunic and leg coverings. Gazing hungrily at him I couldn’t help but admire the sight before me. I’ve always had a weakness for men of Laz’s form.

  Being Venusian has been an irritant all my life. The soft curves and abundance of my form have always made me long for the sculptural magnificence that those of Laz’s nature have naturally. Not as rugged or bulky as the Warriors from Marzz, Laz’s form of sinew and strength makes my mouth water.

  The male appendages that come with that form have also always gained my admiration. They are so different in nature from that of the femme form, that it is exciting to revel in the differences. I’ve seen Laz’s body change from that of a young offshoot to a grown male, and I’m conscious of the differences that time and nature have perfected and honed.

  My Indigo energy seeps from my palms as I reach up from the bed to smooth his aura, caressing him from his shoulders down his arms to link my hands with his. Energy pulses between our palms and we gasp once again as the energy sparks between us before he pulls away.

  “Your turn,” he says, pulling me gently from the surface before easing my tank top above my ample breasts and over my head. Reaching for the side button that will release my loose flottoms, he stands at attention, gazing avidly at my form fully revealed before him.

  His palms reach above my head cupping my aura and smoothing my energy down past my cheekbones, across my shoulders and down my arms to clasp my hands once again. The pulsing between us grows more insistent as he steps into my space forcing me backward. As the backs of my knees collide with the platform, we fall to the surface together before rolling to our backs.

  Clasping my palm to his chest, energy begins to build between us while my entire aura begins to gently pulse with Indigo energy that taps against my nerve endings before becoming a steady buzz.

  Laz rolls us both until he’s beneath me, settling my body above him, my hips straddling his waist, so that he can gaze up into my face. “I don’t know why I’m so surprised by this,” he murmurs. “Surely this has been inevitable from the time I first met you and you looked at me with those pretty, adoring eyes.”

  “Laz!” I say, trying to act affronted by his teasing. “You mean the day we met and you brandished your metaphorical sword and appointed yourself as my protector?”

  “Hmmmmm… exactly so…” he hums as his hands continue to smooth down my aura, his eyes serious now. “I’ll always protect you, Tanzy.” The energy seeps from his palms to my silica, inflaming my nerve endings further.

  “I know,” I say, suddenly serious as the indigo in his eyes turns molten and my breath turns to fire in my chest, threatening to burn me with the warmth now pooling in my lower organs as if to stimulate physical desire.

  The world becomes a kaleidoscope of colors, my field of vision narrowing as my neurons fire rapid shots of adrenaline that inflame all of my nerve endings. I watch in wonder as Laz’s sexual organs grow taught below me, and suddenly wonder what it would be like to join our bodies like the elders did, even if we can’t feel the friction or produce any type of result.

  As if reading my mind, Laz’s hands grab my hips, a question present in his eyes. “Tanz, what if we tried it the old way?” A sly smile on his lips he adds, “For research purposes.”

  Biting my lip, I nod, shifting my weight above him, watching him fist his phallus in his hand before easing it toward the core of my body, and thrusting into the dark cave of my center.

  My body tightens at the phantom fullness. Lifting my vibration slightly, a soft chiming begins to sound in the room as Laz lifts his hips toward mine, increasing his vibration to match my pitch until a metaphysical connection snaps into place. A soft indigo glow begins to suffuse our silica as our bodies tighten, the energy locking around us, arcing and sparking as our energy cycles higher and higher, lifting us to a place of ecstasy, centered in the interconnection of our bodies joined together.

  When I had been vibrationally intimate with others in the past, it was very superficial; this far surpassed any depth of feeling or vibration that I had ever experienced. Watching Laz’s face strained with the exertion of holding back his energy, I sink down further, forcing him deeper into my center, and pressing his lips to mine. I fleetingly think about how much I wish I could actually feel the softness or warmth of his body when an explosion of sensation engulfs us both and a flash of white consumes our energy, sparking like a nuclear explosion as his lips seal against mine, joining our souls and vibration together.

  Falling back to the bed, I snuggle into his side throwing one arm around his waist, and laying my head on his shoulder as the buzz in my skin continues to reverberate and dance along my silica. Mission accomplished, I think sleepily as my eyes begin to close, we now know why the elders believe the old ways were the best.

  Not realizing I was actually sharing my thoughts, I’m startled when Laz replies, “Zirc, maybe we should try that again just to be sure.” His soft chuckle vibrates under my cheek as I drift peacefully into sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Passing through the doors of the Counsilary Cluster I'm awed by the grandeur. Sweeping arches of quartz create doorways that echo down long corridors. Different colors light each arch as if pulling you forward through the spectrum, leading you to the infinite power. After the simplicity of our cells in the Color Quarries, the magnificence of the colors being reflec
ted here buzz along my nerve endings as if generating their own vibrational energy.

  Mobile walkways glide along the passages as we step into the stream, my head swiveling in every direction to view the large marble busts of each Counsil Member, carved by master artisans in the trade. Each bust glows with a simulated aura, as if the members themselves have imbued it with their strength, beckoning you further into the power center. People pass us from different directions, walkways bisecting and drawing beings to other areas of the Cluster.

  The deep resonance of bass chimes echo around me as we pass through the first red arch, the feeling settling into my bones, resonant in a way that makes my body straighten as if called to attention. The feeling continues as we reach the orange arch, lightening fractionally, the chiming climbing half an octave above.

  Senator Titan lounges lazily against the opposite railing, watching my reactions with an amused air as we pass through each arch, the notes rising, half octave by half octave, until we begin to pass into the Indigo zone and my eyes close in pleasure; the sound resonating in my soul. Behind my closed eyelids I can still sense our passage through the Indigo arch.

  My eyes fly open as I feel the hunger suddenly emanating from Titan directed my way as the strength of the Violet arch kickstarts my senses, sharpening my awareness. His eyes bore into mine while light chimes lift the atmosphere, his intensity making me lightheaded before he straightens quickly, breaking the spell. His abrupt change of attention, looking about nonchalantly at others who pass us heading the opposite direction, leaves me glancing at him uneasily, confused by the push and pull of energy that continually seems to try to attach to me.

  Lifting a trembling hand to my brow, I sweep my long bangs behind my left ear, blowing out a slow breath before inhaling deeply again, and repeating the process. I continue to be subjected to the stiff view of Titan's back until the walkway ends and we are deposited at the apex of another long walkway.

  Turning to me abruptly, Titan's face is devoid of all emotion as he gestures down the corridor.

  "A word to the wise - listen more than you speak. And keep your senses to yourself." His lips twist wryly once more in the expression I've come to associate as his resting face. "Never let your opponent truly know the extent of your strength... or your weakness." He counsels as I sputter in confusion.

  "I don't have opponents!" I protest, as I follow him further down the corridor to a set of grand double doors where two Red guards stand in the distance.

  "Don't you?" Titan asks shaking his head. "If you truly believe that, then you are in for a rough ride, Gemma. Power has no friends. It uses and it abuses. Best to open those Violet senses of yours and gather your soldiers while you can."

  Staring at Titan's use of the word ‘Gemma’, I almost miss the fact that we've come to a halt before two very large Red guards. Titan smiles at my confusion before turning a serious face to the guards who sweep the doors open before me. Even Laz doesn't call me 'Gemma'; it's an archaic intimate term generally used between lovers.

  Still flustered by his statement, I suddenly pale as the rest of what he said sinks in. Just as I gather the courage to ask him what he means, he grasps my arm drawing me further through the doorway when, still staring at his now inscrutable expression, I trip over my own feet and find myself falling as I try to follow him into the room.

  The floor rushes up to greet me before two strong arms close around me, one arm tucked under my knees, swooping me upward before setting me on my feet again. My heart pounds as I realize I almost face-planted in front of everyone, and heat rushes across my face as an electric buzz begins to vibrate across my skin.

  Abruptly, the arms holding me withdraw and I'm left wobbling on my own two feet before realizing the entire Counsil is staring at me with various degrees of disdain and amusement. The buzz quickly disappears and I reach for the sensation, trying to hold it to me as I feel it dissipate.

  I just know my entire body is going to burst into flames where I stand, the humiliation rushing through my body like a wave as I try to gather the shreds of my dignity around me like a worn cloak, now tattered in remnants. Remembering what Titan said previously about hiding your power, or in my case ineptitude, I search for him, only to realize he has moved to a position next to the long table, a shuttered expression on his face.

  The room is another monument to grand design. Colorful frescoes complement the effect of the high ceiling and sweeping archways once again with delicate clusters of gemstones discreetly placed within the walls that amplify the vibrational energy being generated within the room. My eyes sweep from one beautiful painting to the next, the scenes depicting the making of our world, the supernova that changed the course of our history, and the original warriors who battled for our freedom from the invaders who tried to conquer and enslave our ancestors.

  The sight is truly breathtaking. I sigh in pleasure before being brought back to awareness by a discreet cough, shifting my gaze to find eight sets of eyes staring at me in curiosity and anticipation.

  "Good Light, Tanzy. Let us meet in peace. Welcome to the Color Counsilary Chambers. We are pleased to finally make your aquaintance."

  I drop my eyes before bowing my head, murmuring the traditional greeting in return. Silence prevails as I raise my head and find everyone in the room again staring at me as if waiting for me to say something. My lips are sealed shut as if sewn together, my eyes moving from being to being, testing the energy in the room as I try not to panic.

  The Spectrum sits in formal splendor according to their rightful position, with everyone seated on a platform, their Molecolor House Banner draped behind them. Like most of our people, I've seen images of each of them throughout the yarns, or watched them in news holograms as they discuss issues relevant to governing. As befits the nature of a yellow, Paz tends to be the spokesperson, the most visible as he steps into the light to represent them. Occasionally, Chalce, or Phire will speak for them as the most calming and well-reasoned energies, but her gentle nature tends to be used mostly in situations of a more emotional state.

  Carn sits at the far left, his red irises burning a hole through me, a stern expression on his face. His forbidding features have me backing up a step before realizing how foolish I must look, retreating as if I'm in danger. I sense the aggression pouring from him, but no real ill intent. Smiling hesitantly, I bow again in his direction acknowledging his power, recognizing a small flicker of amusement in his eyes before turning my gaze to Hesson.

  Her direct gaze challenges mine, a sly expression twisting her lips as if she's privy to some amusement that escapes me. The steady orange glow of her irises are trained on me without blinking; a tease of energy nips at my fingertips causing an involuntary reflex in my hand as my fingers curl protectively into my palm before I consciously relax them. I breathe out a puff of energy, swatting away the buzz that tests my boundaries.

  If what they whisper is true, Hesson has a taste for forcing her energy on males who interest her, whether their energy complements her own or not. It's rumored in empath circles that she once shattered a male whom she deemed disloyal, and used his energy to boost her own. No one dares to speak those words aloud, however. I once asked Amet if the rumor was true; he refused to answer but the tightening of his lips gave some sense of what he suspected.

  Vowing to stay far away from her influence, I continue on to bow to Paz. Realizing that there's a faint sense of familiarity, my forehead wrinkles in concentration as I stare into his yellow gaze, tentatively sending out tendrils of my energy to taste his own, before recognition quickly blossoms across my senses.

  Turning quickly to search out Titan I realize they must be related. Feeling my gaze, Titan dips his head in acknowledgement, a slight smile on his lips, as if proud of my instincts that I recognized him to be Paz's offshoot.

  Gazing wonderingly back at Paz, I understand now how Titan gained his position. Not that I don’t believe he has impressive energy of his own, but as an offshoot of one of the current Co
unsil members, it must be assumed that he could eventually fill his father's place, if and when his father finally leaves the light.

  A genuine smile lights up Paz's face as his eyes meet mine, so different from his offshoot's shuttered expression that I feel my own lips stretch into a reflective smile.

  "Good Light, Tanzy," his baritone voice grumbles. "You are quite the surprise, now aren't you?"

  Confused, I smile tentatively. I'm not certain what that means; if anything I was surprised by being called before them. I almost miss the quick wink Paz directs my way as I look at his offshoot again, who is carefully looking anywhere but at me.

  Reaching Jaden, I'm truly distracted by the beautiful, mossy radiance exuding through his irises. I just want to fall into the comfort of their striations as ribbons of darker green rim the pupils, highlighting the luminous color.

  There is no Green Quarry, for there are no other Greens on Krysalis. Jaden is the last known Green of his generation and if the rumors are true, he is almost six centons old. Behind closed doors beings speculate about what will happen to the power structure when Jaden's light fades. You can't have a full spectrum without a Green tuner. And with no chance of birthing new Greens it would seem as if our current Spectrum is on a death watch.

  Still, Jaden looks to be in great health. It seems likely that he could rule for at least another five centons. Surely, time enough for us to harvest enough Obsidian, or find a comparable cure, to anchor beings for breeding. A slight shiver chases down my spine as I consider all of the ramifications of a breeding program and the volunteers necessary to even make a start. Realizing my thoughts have strayed yet again, I glance guiltily to where Aquam sits.

  Marine colored eyes meet mine in greeting. Her aura sparks brightly toward mine surprising me, and garnering a gasp from some of the others in the room. Gathering my energy tightly back to my being, I smile tentatively at her as a mischievous smile meets my own. A musical laugh trips from her lips and I can't help but smile at her carefree energy, so precious in this stifling atmosphere.


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