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Miss Taygete’s Sweet Sister’s Society

Page 22

by Charlotte Stone

  And while a year ago he’d have shuddered at the thought of marriage, the idea had started to grow on him when he considered the two people in his life who mattered most to him—Mary and Lily. Mary had turned seven last November, and Lily would be six in a week’s time. Aaron was sure there had never been more beautiful girls in existence. They had dark eyes and dark hair and though they enjoyed testing the limits of his anger, he couldn’t imagine life without them.

  He simply needed help.

  Aaron appreciated the help of his friends and their wives, but he was beginning to believe that what the girls needed was a mother.

  So Aaron had actively started looking, accepting invites to parties he would usually turn down and calling on a few ladies he’d thought might be good examples to the girls, but none of the ladies had struck Aaron as good choices, so he’d started to look outside of his class.

  Of his six friends who had married, only three of the women were ladies. Alice had been the daughter of a club owner. Taygete, who’d married Hugh, the Marquess of Edvoy, was the daughter of a businessman. Rollo, whose family was powerful gentry, had married a lady’s maid.

  And though he’d expanded his search, no one had become elevated to more than simple bed sport.

  And then Alice had suggested Potter Agency, and for the first time, Aaron felt hope.

  Christin looked slightly puzzled, and her mouth twitched as she studied him. That mouth had set an inferno in his gut, and he wanted nothing more than to light her fires again and watch her glow.

  She’d been like a vibrant sun in his hands. Aaron was surprised he’d not been burned by her touch. And she’d smelled amazing, like cream and vanilla. He’d wanted to devour her. He would have if they’d not been stopped.

  He still could.

  He would.

  He smiled. She had no idea what she was in for.

  Her eyes fell to his mouth before sliding away. She cleared her throat but didn’t meet his eyes as she summoned her voice. “Lord Jeanshire, would you be so kind as to remove your hands from my dress?”

  His fingers worked to straighten her skirts but then he grabbed her waist and helped her back onto the floor, liking the sound of her sharp intake of breath.

  He kept his hold on her and watched her hands hesitate before settling on his arms. She eyed him warily.

  “You can let me go,” she whispered.

  He could, but he didn’t want to. He could sense her retreat and had no plans of letting her escape. “I need your help.”

  Her gaze turned away, and she spoke to his shoulder. “Yes, I know, but perhaps it would be best if you found another agency.”

  “I was informed that you are the best,” he said. “I won’t accept anything less.”

  She caught his eyes, and he could see her nervousness. She’d worn something of that expression when she’d sat across from him as he drank tea. There’d been anxiety and hunger in her gaze, but it had been the flashes of color that had spread up her throat to her cheeks that had finally broken him, calling to him, forcing him to cross the room and take her.


  “Perhaps we should set another appointment for a later date?” She tried for a smile, but it fell short, and then she was looking away once more.

  Well, Aaron had every intention of seeing the woman later. Of that, he had no doubt, but now that he’d found her, he wasn’t ready to part. He looked at the clock by the door then turned to her. “I still have half an hour in our appointment.”

  She was staring at his shoulder again. “I’m sure we can find another time that suits you, my lord.”

  He settled his hands around her back more comfortably, which pulled her closer, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Perhaps it would be best if you simply listen to my issue and tell me the best way to go about solving it?”

  Her fingers tightened on his arms, and she started to push away. “Very well, but let us retire to our seats.” He could almost see her walls of civility being erected. She wore a plain expression, as though she’d not just promised to open her legs for him ten minutes ago.

  He’d preferred her more carnal.

  Would these things ever be easy?

  Had Aaron not heard her moans himself, he’d have been offended by her show of coldness. Up until this point, he couldn’t recall a single woman who had pushed him away. Usually, they clung to him, if only hoping to be the one to gain his title.

  But Christin reminded him of the women his friends had married, a group of tough females who’d not bent easily when their husbands had come to call. They'd even had the audacity to start the Spinsters’ Society, not that any of the women were actually spinsters. In the last year, the society had grown to include nearly thirty women who focused their time on charity, yet all the members were either married or far too pretty to remain spinsters for long.

  And the women had the bad habit of banding together to cause their men trouble. Aaron would try to keep Christin from it all.

  “My lord?” Christin called, as though she’d been trying to get his attention for several minutes.

  “Aaron,” he told her.

  She caught her breath with a start. “I will not call you that.”

  Oh, but she would, and he swore he’d have her shouting it by week’s end. He stopped those thoughts before his body could respond.

  He lifted a brow. “Call me Aaron, and I’ll let you go.”

  She seemed to contemplate her choices and then sighed. “Aaron.”

  He slowly dropped her hands, and she hastily stepped back and bumped into the sideboard. Then slowly, she sank to the floor and began to gather up the fallen items. “Tell me about your situation.”

  He moved to the door and began to pick up the mess the maid had dropped, pulling out his handkerchief to grab the cakes, noticing how new the floors were for an older home.

  The house itself had been a surprise to see in Covent Garden. Beautiful on both the interior and exterior, with hints of Roman design. The doorways were arched, the foyer domed, and at the foot of each column was a molding of a war scene. He wiped the floor clean. “I’m in need of a governess. I’ve two girls—”

  “I don’t provide governesses.”

  He paused and turned to look at her.

  She’d stopped as well, and a dark lock slid down her cheek and past her shoulder. She frowned. “Who referred you to me, my lord?”

  Aaron felt a tick in his jaw, both at the irritation of this new situation in which he’d have to find a new reason to keep her near, and that she’d addressed him formally once again. “Aaron.”

  She blinked at the floor and then stood. “It seems you’ve no need of me. I could refer you to an agency that can give you what you are in search of.”

  He stood with the tray in his hand and set it on the table next to the tea before approaching her again. “I thought you provided every staff member that one could need?”

  She shrank away then turned to place the candles in their positions on the stand. One candle was broken, and she pursed her lips before putting it down. “It’s rather that I provide what every house needs as opposed to everyone a house would need.” She glanced his way from underneath her lashes, and he wondered if the look was purposefully seductive or if that was just her way. He knew it was the latter when she went on, once again presenting him with her back. “While a gentleman’s home might need a gardener, stable boy, or doctor, I do not provide those either. The staff I provide are more foundational. Footmen, butlers, housemaids, scullery maids, ladies’ maids, valets...”

  With the room straightened and returned to order, Aaron decided to move closer.

  He positioned his chest less than an inch from her back and placed his hands on the sideboard on either side of her.

  He noticed the moment her breathing grew irregular, her shoulders lifting and falling with every pull. Her chest heaved.

  He leaned forward and inhaled her scent once more. “Why don’t you provide governesses?”

�I’ve no children to train a governess. Therefore, I could never claim my governesses to be... exceptional… if they’re not well... trained.” She tilted her head away from him in what he was sure was her attempt to get away, yet all it did was give him access to her throat.

  He brushed his mouth against where her collar turned to skin.

  Her breath hitched. The air grew thick around him. Aaron’s muscles tightened, and he was struck again by the powerful craving to lift her skirts and bury himself inside her.

  Her skin tasted just as good he thought it would. He ran his tongue up and behind her ear.

  “Oh!” Her hands fumbled and pressed against his hips. “You shouldn’t,” she whispered.

  He moved his hands to her stomach and yanked her in. Her backside cupped his ridge, and Aaron momentarily saw stars. His teeth caught her ear.

  She gasped and turned her head, probably to say something, but he stole the words from her lips and she moaned just as her body pushed back against him. Her hands moved to his neck, dragging him closer.

  Yes! Aaron had finally found heaven, and she was hotter than he’d imagined. She sucked and kissed his lips,

  A throat was cleared at the door.

  “Go away!” he commanded.

  There was a shriek and then the sound of footsteps once again retreating.

  Christin pulled way and moved out of his hold. Her hand went to her cheek as she stared at him. “You have to go.” She looked at the clock and then at him again. “I’ve another appointment.”

  He wondered how she could think of work when he was unable to think of anything but barricading the door so that they weren’t disturbed again.

  He approached her and took her free hand. “I’ll leave, but I plan to return.”

  “No.” Her eyes widened with fear, and he regretted shouting at her servant. He rarely gave in to his temper now, not since taking in Mary and Lily.

  “I can’t help you, Lord Jeanshire. I hope you do eventually find the right person to take care of your daughters—”

  “My wards, actually,” he corrected. “They’re the daughters of a distant cousin. I inherited them along with their father’s lands. But yes, they are like daughters to me.”

  She looked surprised. “How old are they?”

  “Seven and five. Lily will be six in a few days.”

  Her features were softened by a small smile. “They’re old enough to go to school.” She’d not been the first person to come up with that idea.

  He shook his head. “That’s not an option. I’ll not send them away. They’ve already lost too much.”

  And so had he.

  He’d not been there when they’d lost their mother three years ago, but Aaron had been in the room with their father, Baron Columbus Gates, when he had died. He had killed himself… just seconds before Aaron could kill him.

  Christin’s expression softened further, and her fingers tightened in his hand. “You seem to love them very much.”

  “I do.” He didn’t know when his feelings for the girls had grown but was sure it had happened little more than weeks after taking them in.

  Her face split into a warm smile, and Aaron was humbled by it, that she would give that to him. More hope. “How fortunate they are to have you.”

  “I’m the fortunate one,” he insisted. “Please, I need your help.”

  “But, I don’t—”

  “Perhaps, you could help me find one. Help me with my search. For them.” He felt no guilt at using the girls’ situation to endear himself to this woman. “You said you know people who train governesses, but I don’t know the first thing about them. Perhaps you could guide me on making a good choice.”

  * * *

  It is currently priced at $0.99 (around 230 pages)


  Click Here To See How The Story Ends . . .



  LINK: Book 1 - Lady Lorena’s Spinster’s Society

  ^ Story of : Ashwick . Lady Lorena

  LINK: Book 2 - Alice’s Shameless Spinster’s Society

  ^ Story of : Calvin . Alice

  LINK: Book 3 - Genie’s Scandalous Spinster’s Society

  ^ Story of : Francis . Genie

  LINK: Book 4 - Sophia’s Spirited Spinster’s Society

  ^ Story of : Morris . Sophia

  LINK: Book 5 - Florence’s Stupendous Spinster’s Society

  ^ Story of : Rollo . Florence

  LINK: Book 6 - Miss Taygete’s Sweet Sister’s Society

  ^ Story of : Hugh . Taygete

  LINK: Book 7 - Christin's Splendid Spinster's Society

  ^ Story of : Aaron . Christin


  LINK: Book 1 - The Earl’s Unforgettable Flame

  LINK: Book 2 - The Duke’s Ever Burning Passion

  LINK: Book 3 - The Viscount's Blazing Love

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  This book is copyright © 2018

  by Charlotte Stone

  All Rights reserved.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or deceased, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author.


  Cover Designed by: Sharon Caldwell

  Digital Edition

  Manufactured in the United States of America




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