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Smoke and Mirrors

Page 45

by Tiana Laveen

  He grinned at her and turned away, staring down at his shoes, which now reflected his image as well.

  “No.” He shook his head. “Unfortunately you can’t smoke in the tram, or the airplane. I find thinking about things you enjoy tends to help,” he offered in a friendly, singsong tone.

  She nodded, though obviously not thoroughly convinced.

  “What if I just snuck and did it?” she blurted. His stop was only moments away. “Just a little one?”

  “Well, you may get away with it, but you’ll know that you never really faced your fears. You just ran from it, and then you’d have to deal with it yet again later down the line. Just face reality and make the best of it.”

  She rolled her eyes dramatically and grinned.

  “So I’d be fooling myself, huh?” The doors opened for his exit. He stepped out, then looked over his shoulder.

  “Indeed. It would just be an illusion, a self-imposed daydream. It would be smoke ’nd mirrors, baby, just smoke ’nd mirrors.” Blowing her a flirty kiss, he sealed it with a wink, and headed on his way…

  The End


  Smoke and Mirrors

  And amongst all the confusion was a little dirty house,

  The siding half off, but inside was much worse –

  A mother strung out on unreturned love

  A father passing along his birth-given curse.

  What type of world does one exist in?

  Where a nose upturns at such a sight –

  No one cares how the story began

  No one investigates the tiny boy’s plight.

  What type of man takes a woman in his hands

  And manipulate her into believing he’s all that she’s got?

  The same type of man raised in the dirty house

  Whose mother fell in love with him, until he screamed, ‘Stop!’

  What type of man can beat another person

  And wish to the heavens, the bastard was dead?

  The same type of man, who fucked whores on the daily

  But would rather be studying airplanes instead.

  Human beings are so complex

  There’s no magic to undo the confusion –

  Wet lips embrace, hence begins the chase

  Of love and lust, but it’s all an illusion.

  …And who is she choosin’

  To come scratch that itch?

  She calls him Daddy,

  He calls her Bitch.

  It is a game, but what’s in a name?


  … if you want to get rich.

  He played his cards, and ended up on top.

  How the hell did he accomplish this feat?

  Envied by many, heartbreaks aplenty

  Until one day, a Madam he’d meet.

  What type of man falls for a whore,

  Whose heart is closed, and he’s all but ignored?

  What type of man enjoys such a chase?

  A kind like Smoke, to put her in her place.

  And so it began, and he continued to pine.

  Voyeurism took up his time.

  People came, and people went.

  But perched by his window, all his time was spent.

  She was lovely, so fine, full of class

  Lips so luscious, and oh, what an ass!

  Smart and witty, and hard to get –

  He whispered in her ear, ‘I’ll make you wet…’

  “Madam Paris,

  I know your kind –

  Don’t you know,

  I marked you as mine?”

  “Madam Paris,

  I don’t have all day.

  I’m at your door.

  Can you come out and play?”

  “Madam Paris

  You taught me how to be –

  Here is my heart,

  And here is the key…”

  “Madam Paris

  If you only knew,

  We want each other

  But I NEED you…”

  “Madam Paris

  It’s time to meet a King –

  Here’s my last name

  And a 5-carat ring.”

  “Madam Paris

  It’s much too late.

  I’m here to stay.

  Accept your fate.”

  “You reflect me,

  I reflect you…

  We mesh so well,

  It’s what we do.

  We make love, ’til the world turns blue,

  Spins off its axis

  Without a damn clue…”

  A pimp and a madam

  Making sweet love.

  A mental connection

  From the heavens above.

  “Oh yes, baby, I’m standing tall.

  “Pimp Smoke, Pimp Smoke?


  Baby, did you call?

  When I look at my reflection,

  All I see is you,

  Smoke ’nd Mirrors, Baby…

  You’re my dream cum true…”

  The End


  The tale of a man who went from Playboy to Pimp to Partner to Patriarch and Pilot!



  Terminologies / Directory

  Here is a directory to help you with some of the slang/terminology often used in the professions described in this book. They are listed in alphabetical order for your convenience:

  1. BOTTOM AKA BOTTOM BITCH – A woman that the pimp trusts most. She is often in charge of running things when he is away or needs assistance. She makes sure the other prostitutes are doing what they are supposed to do. She collects money, makes appointments, checks on the other prostitutes, and at times, may deliver punishments for insubordination. She is often strong-willed and trustworthy and is susceptible to needing to be in control in an uncontrollable situation.

  2. CATCH A CASE – To be sentenced to jail or prison time.

  3. CHOOSING – When a prostitute chooses a pimp of her own to manage her. The derivative of this is CHOOSING UP, which means she is forced to choose by two or more pimps that railroad her.

  4. CIRCUIT – When a pimp has several of his prostitutes work different areas (cross country, different states, or different neighborhoods within a community.)

  5. DADDY – What many prostitutes call their pimps as a term of affection. Some pimps demand their prostitutes call him this – especially since they know, more times than not, the prostitute had no real ‘father’, which made her more susceptible to his mind games.

  6. DATE – An arrangement to have sex between a john/trick and a prostitute.

  7. ESCORT SERVICE – Oftentimes set up to seem official or legit, they are in fact organized online “companies” that arrange for johns and prostitutes to meet for a date. Typically, a pimp or madam runs it and arranges hotel accommodations, etc.

  8. FAMILY – What the pimp and prostitutes under his control call themselves.

  9. GUERILLA PIMP – An aggressive pimp that is known to be violent with his prostitutes.

  10. JOHN/TRICK – A man or woman who pays for sex from a prostitute.

  11. KIDDIE STROLL – An area in a city or main area known to have very young prostitutes, many of which are run-a.ways.

  12. (THE) LIFE – Being in the lifestyle of pimping/ prostitution. Some times referred to as, ‘The Game.’

  13. MADAM – A woman who runs an escort service, brothel, whorehouse, and/or stable of women.

  14. OUT OF POCKET – When a prostitute does something against the rules and regulations. It can also mean that a prostitute is working an area she should not be working, because it is a particular pimp or madam’s territory.

  15. PULL SOMEONE’S COAT – When a pimp teaches another pimp the ropes and/or gives some good advice.

  16. QUOTA – The amount of money a prostitute has to come back to her pimp with, or face punishment. Quotas vary depending on the pimp and the area of town.

  17. RECKLESS EYEBALLING – If a prostitute looks another pimp
in the eye, this is considered ‘unintentional’ choosing. If the pimp in question is so inclined, he could say she chose him, which would cause problems for her and her pimp, if this in fact was not true. Typically, the prostitute is punished for this. Thus, pimps may tell their prostitutes to always keep their head down when in the presence of other pimps, to help avoid a ‘reckless eyeballing’ charge.

  18. RENEGADE – A prostitute that does not have a pimp.

  19. SEASONING – The act of mentally, emotionally, sexually and at times physically manipulating and abusing a woman in order to have her ripe to be pimped. Some seasoning is more psychological in nature while at other times, it involves considerable to extreme violence, thus leaving the prostitute with lifelong physical and emotional scars.

  20. SQUARING UP – The act of leaving the lifestyle of being a prostitute or pimp. To go ‘straight’.

  21. STABLE – A number of prostitutes (see “Family”) that are governed by one pimp.

  22. TRACK – A street or block of streets known for prostitution.

  23. TRICK – (Can be a noun or verb); A trick is a john, a person who pays for sexual activity. ‘Turning a trick’ is the same as ‘having a date’.

  24. WIFE/SISTER IN LAW – What many prostitutes who live in the same stable call each other.


  Author Bio

  Tiana Laveen was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and resides in the Midwest with her husband, two children, and twisted imagination. She enjoys a fulfilling and enriching life that includes writing books, public speaking, drawing, painting, listening to music, cooking, and spending time with loved ones.

  Tiana Laveen is a uniquely creative and innovative author whose romance fiction is geared towards those who not only want to temporarily escape from the daily routines of life, but also delve into social taboo as it pertains to interracial relationships. Tiana creates a painting with words as she guides her reader into the lives of each and every main character.

  Her works include “Cross Climax I,” “Cross Climax II,” “The Slave Master’s Son,” “The Naughty Sins of a Saint,” “I Want Candy,” “When Saint Goes Marching In,” “Swirled Satin Sheets I,” “In My Sister’s Shadow,” “Swirled Satin Sheets II,” “Saved and SAINTified,” “Addicted In Cold Blood,” “Forgive Me Father For I Have Loved,” “Saint’s Sacrament – Sins of the Father,” “The Tale of the Blood Diamond,” “The Unearthing of Blackstone,” “Saint and Sinners – King Angel Child of New York”, and “Smoke and Mirrors.”

  If you wish to communicate with Tiana Laveen, please contact her at: for all business inquiries.

  Social Media:


  Author Thank You to Readers

  Thank you for purchasing, “Smoke and Mirrors”, written by Tiana Laveen. I greatly appreciate you taking this journey with me, and I hope that you enjoyed the ride. Peace and blessings.


  Music Makes the World Go ’Round!

  If you are a music lover like the author is, please take note of the songs mentioned throughout this book. If you are so inclined, re-read the passages with the particular song mentioned to enjoy the book in a new way.


  This author is addicted to music. She adds certain songs to specific scenes for a reason, offering the reader an opportunity to re-read the book with the music in mind. Thus, she has made an effort to start offering her readers a directory of the songs she mentions in various scenes. If you enjoy some of the music mentioned, please purchase the song/album from iTunes, or some other legitimate website so that the artist receives the proceeds of a job well done. Tiana Laveen doesn’t personally know any of the artists mentioned in this list, and simply wishes for them to be acknowledged for their hard work and talent.

  1. DRU DOWN – Can You Feel Me?

  2. ARCTIC MONKEYS – Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High


  4. ARCTIC MONKEYS – I Wanna Be Yours

  5. ARCTIC MONKEYS – Do I Wanna Know

  6. BEN FOLD FIVE – Draw a Crowd

  7. JOHN MAYER – Waiting on the World to Change

  8. JOHN MAYER – Vultures


  10. GLASS ANIMALS – Gooey

  11. GHOST LOFT – So High

  12. COLOR ME BADD – I Wanna Sex You Up

  13. INCUBUS – Drive

  14. BREAKING BENJAMIN – Sooner or Later

  15. MADONNA – Like a Virgin

  16. LYKKE LI – Little Bit

  17. BOYS 2 MEN – The Color of Love


  Book Questions

  1. Smoke is a rather complicated man. Some parts of his personality are understandable, while others are only revealed during extreme circumstances. In what ways did you see his character grow and transform?

  2. Both Smoke and Paris suffered from incidents of abuse as children. How do you think these circumstances affected Paris vs. Smoke, insofar as who they later became as adults?

  3. Paris represents a strong, independent woman who doesn’t bow out or give up. However, inside, Paris is wounded and somewhat vulnerable. How does this duality in her personality affect and influence others with respect to business dealings, as well as her personal life?

  4. Despite the abuse Smoke suffered at the hands of his mother, why do you believe he still takes care of her in some regard and doesn’t want her harmed?

  5. Smoke’s father was obviously a bad influence. Yet, how did Smoke’s father possibly help him, as it pertains to growing up and becoming a man?

  6. Once Smoke realizes he is interested in Paris, he goes after her, full steam ahead. What do you believe made him ready to go forward when, typically, he would not have been interested in settling down?

  7. When Smoke goes to prison, Paris steps up to the plate and runs his life as well as she ran her brothel. Why do you believe she stayed with him and did everything she could on his behalf?

  8. In this book, there is a lot of symbolism used, as in many of the author’s books. One metaphor often used relates to reflections, mirroring, etc. In what ways did Paris and Smoke mirror each other, and in what ways did they differ?

  9. Some people are unable to look at themselves in the mirror and deal with the truth of who they are, and the things they’ve done. Smoke’s mother is a perfect example of this. During their last encounter, Smoke deals with her in an entirely new way. What growth happened with him as a person/character that allowed him to deal with his mother in a less angry, but nevertheless, direct way?

  10. Smoke struggles with his own religious/spiritual beliefs. Why do you think, towards the end, he began to believe that God was real?

  11. A character in the book that represented different facets of Smoke was Felecia, Smoke’s ‘bottom bitch.’ In what ways did Felecia represent him and the world he’d come from, as well as the world in which she, herself, was enmeshed?

  12. At the end, with a bunch of time, patience, an old connection from his life as a pimp after he joined forces with Paris as well as work and perseverance, Smoke is able to get married, have a family, and get his commercial piloting license. He would have never dreamed this possible. Do you believe it is likely for a man such as Smoke to be able to turn his life around, especially after receiving love from a good woman?

  13. Smoke has always had a love for flying, aircrafts and model airplanes. What symbolism did we see in the story that was tied directly to this love of flight?


  If you or someone you know, is in need of assistance in order to get out of illegal prostitution/escort services, please check out the resources listed below:

  National Human Trafficking Resource Center, a program of the Polaris Project

  Hotline: 1-888-3

  Phone: text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733)


  The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) is a national, toll-free hotline, available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Through the hotline, you can report a tip, connect with anti-trafficking services in your area, or request training and technical assistance, general information, or specific anti-trafficking resources.

  Children of the Night

  14530 Sylvan Street

  Van Nuys CA, 91411

  Hotline: 800-551-1300

  Phone: 818-908-4474

  Fax: 818-908-1468



  24-hour hotline, 24-hour shelter in Van Nuys, California. Assists youth across the country, coordinating rescue and placement in local shelters or transportation to the 24-hour shelter in Van Nuys, California. Se habla Espanol.


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