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Undercover Submissive

Page 5

by Michelle Hughes

"Yes, M-master," the slight slap on her backside stung a little but the feel of his arm around her waist was strangely comforting.

  "Good girl," his lips lowered to her cheek and he placed a soft kiss there before letting go, walking toward a pair of metal bars. One bar hung high from the ceiling, the other lower at his feet.

  Without his arm around her, she felt bereft and her eyes sought him out. He motioned her forward with his hand and she didn't think about not moving. She walked until she stood beside him again.

  "I'm going to discuss everything in this room with you and then we're going to talk about their uses," he wanted her to understand the equipment here and encourage her to speak about her concerns openly before they began. His hand went up to the chains hanging from the bar over her head. "I can attach your cuffed wrists to these chains and lift you into the air, or just stretch your body as I flog you." He saw the widening of her eyes and smiled patiently. "You'll notice the clamps on the bar at your feet," he motioned with his hands so her eyes would follow, "these will spread your legs widely for my pleasure while we train."

  Cayce felt her breath catch in her throat at his words and lowered her eyes quickly. The images in her mind of how he would pleasure himself with her body sent a strange shiver of anticipation and fear moving through her. She thought back to the list, remembering that she had agreed to be used by him sexually. The thought gave her a strange feeling of fear and oddly filled her with need as well.

  Walking over to a large chest, he opened it and pulled out four fur-lined cuffs, placing them on a small table at his side. "Kneel for me," he demanded quietly. She responded so well, he thought feeling encouraged as he watched her gracefully sink to her knees, her eyes lowered while her head remained up. He was impressed with how well she was able to remember the correct position. "Hands out, palms up with your arms extending straight in front of you."

  Without hesitation she followed his command. There was a strange sense of calmness that came over her at having him make all the decisions. As she felt one of her wrists encased, then the other, she was shocked to not feel frightened at all. The slight pressure on her wrists from the cuffs was almost comforting.

  "Stand", he waited until she found the position he had shown her earlier. Her legs were parted widely, her hands were behind her back, and her breasts thrust forward as she lifted her shoulders. Beautiful, he thought to himself as he lowered to encase her ankles in the fur-lined leather cuffs. "Unless you are showering, you will keep these on this week, now kneel again for me."

  He didn't wait to see if she complied, instead he walked over to s small cupboard and pulled out a slender white leather collar. It was devoid of any decoration except a sterling silver loop. "Lift your hair for me," he waited until she had followed his order before securing the collar around her slender neck. "Now you are mine," he enjoyed the sound of the words and smiled. "Stand for me again," he wanted to see her body standing proudly before him, showing his claims of ownership.

  The collar around her neck was a strange feeling, but not one that she found she minded. Standing with a slow grace, she returned to the pose he had taught her earlier this evening. With her eyes lowered she could still see that he moved around her, and knew he was studying her body. The nervousness she had felt earlier about being nude in his presence was dissipating, and she wondered if the strange cuffs and collar he placed on her was the reason.

  "Follow me," he walked over to a leather spanking bench and patted it, "crawl on." he needed her to feel comfortable with all the equipment here, but his true motive on this apparatus was to give her a small taste of punishment. She had done well so far tonight that it wasn't warranted, but he would make sure she enjoyed this lesson.

  "I don't know how, Master," she looked at the strange contraption then back at him in confusion. The top of the odd contraption was angled up and covered with bright red leather and there was a smaller platform at the bottom that she had no idea what the use was for.

  Of course she wouldn't know how, he needed to remember how new she was to his world. "You will lie on your stomach," he patted the soft leather, "your arms will hang over here." He watched as she climbed up awkwardly and was rewarded with the sight of her beautiful ass lifted in the air as her head rested lower than the rest of her body. "I'm going to secure your wrist cuffs to the base here." He reminded himself to explain everything to ease her fears somewhat.

  When her wrists were bound to the bench, she struggled slightly testing the strength of the bonds. Her knees rested on the smaller platform she had wondered about earlier. It wasn't uncomfortable, her face rested against the cool leather, but she did feel very exposed. She knew her rear was pushed up into the air and brought her knees together realizing he could see everything. The thought brought a blush to her cheeks.

  "So damn beautiful," he smiled at the incredible vision of loveliness she made, splayed so wantonly before him. Her beautiful heart-shaped ass was just asking to be slapped as she struggled slightly. His large hands went between her thighs and parted them, her sex was more exposed and he groaned. "I could take you from behind like this so easily," he spoke more to himself than her."

  Her body tensed at his words, she wasn't ready for that yet, she thought in panic. She fought against the fear that threatened to overwhelm her, as his hand found her rear and caressed it softly she trembled violently.

  "Tell me what you're thinking," he demanded, sensing her agitation.

  She wanted to be honest with him, but for reasons she couldn't explain, she also didn't want him angry with her. "I, I'm a-afraid, Master."

  "What is it you're afraid I'll do right now," his hand continued to caress her ass, then spread her cheeks feeling her tense. He knew what she was afraid of, but he wanted the words from her lips. She had to be able to talk to him.

  "T-that you'll hurt me, S-sir," he had to understand what she meant she thought to herself.

  "And how could I hurt you in this position?" He needed her to say the words as much as she needed to be able to talk about her own body. She was not a teenager, and should be able to discuss herself, it was part of the change he would make in her.

  She struggled with the words, frustrated. She was 24 years old not 12, she thought angrily as she fought to force the words from her lips. "If you entered me, Sir" that was so as close as she could come to using the words to describe sex, her mind was already overwhelmed.

  "Has someone hurt you that way before," he already knew the answer. The way she acted under his touch, the beauty of her body and the fear of being undressed, everything about her bespoke a history of abuse. He ran his hand up and down her back slowly, encouraging her to speak.

  "Y-yes, S-sir," she paused before continuing, "a long time ago."

  "Have you allowed anyone to touch you since then," he kept his tone soothing, wanting to draw her out. His hand moved under her hair and massaged her scalp.

  "No, S-sir," she closed her eyes enjoying his soothing touch, "I never wanted to feel inferior again." As she said the words, she found the irony in her situation now. She had actually submitted herself to him to be used that way. But it was willingly, trying to make sense in her mind of why this was so different, she just couldn't do it.

  "Tell me what he did to you Cayce," he needed to understand how badly she had been abused so he could help her heal. He knew without doubt that helping her get over her fears with this would start her on the road to recovery. It was strange to him how many submissive's he had met in his life that seemed to find this lifestyle after such a life occurrence

  She hadn't allowed herself to think about it consciously in years. Before she could change her mind she told him her story quickly. She'd only been fifteen the year it started, in the beginning he had snuck into her bedroom and fondled her when she was asleep, but that had gradually turned into something more. She recalled that first night with a terror that had her body tensing again.

  She had awakened with his hand covering her mouth and him in between her thi
ghs, forcing himself into her. She remembered the pain and the feeling of suffocation as his hand pressed again her mouth. Tears fell down her cheeks at the horrible memories. He had told her if she told her mother he would kill them all and she'd believed him.

  He didn't stop with her, and she found out months later that he'd been doing the same thing to her sister. Both of them were convinced by his lies that no one would believe them and how they deserved what he was doing, so they didn't tell their mother for a year. Instead they worked together and tried to make sure they were never alone. They had discovered he wouldn't try anything if they were together.

  The last time it had happened Cait had been beaten so badly after she refused him that her mother hadn't believed the countless lies they made up for various bruises he had left on their bodies and she called the police. The truth had finally been revealed.

  He listened to her story and shook his head in disgust. "He doesn't deserve to walk this earth!" He had never understood how someone could hurt a child in such a way and it sickened him. "Thank you for sharing your story with me girl." He knew that now their training could truly begin.

  For reasons she couldn't understand, telling him about her past allowed her to relax. That and the feel of his hand lightly massaging her rear had her body feeling almost languid. His fingers were kneading the flesh of her rear and she moaned softly at the sheer bliss of it.

  "Did he ever enter you here?" His finger slid between the cheeks of her ass and a single digit pressed against the tight orifice.

  Her body tensed and she shook her head slightly. "No, S-sir,"

  "Has anyone ever touched you this way?" He slowly pushed his finger inside aware of how tense she was now.

  "N-no S-sir," she really didn't like the feeling, it felt so foreign and intimate to her.

  "Relax for me," he spoke quietly knowing she would need to get used to this because all the girl's he trained wore plugs in public. It was a technique he used in training because it taught the submissive to be humble in his opinion. As he began to work his finger slowly in and out of her tight chamber she tensed and he withdrew. His hand landed on her ass with a firm slap.

  "We're going to try that again, and this time you're going to relax."

  His finger slowly inched back inside her, and he was pleased to see her attempting to not fight the invasion. After several long strokes he added another finger and she gasped and tensed again. "Relax," he demanded firmly. Waiting as she complied he continued the gentle assault with his fingers, stretching her. Her body had sufficiently lubricated itself and he was pleased. It proved that she was not completely rejecting the act even if her mind balked at it. Pulling his fingers from her he stood and walked over to the chest. Finding a small butt plug he walked back over and slowly spread her cheeks. It was a little larger than his two fingers and he had to work it in with patience.

  The sensation was odd, and she felt rather full but she didn't attempt to push it out. She was rewarded with a soft caress down her back and felt like purring. This was one of the things on his list and she had mentally prepared somewhat, but the actual having the act done to her was different than reading it on paper.

  "That will stay in tonight and we'll use a larger one each night until you've adjusted," he continued to stroke her back.

  The thought of anything bigger being placed there gave her a hint of unease, she already felt completely stretched. "W-what if I have to go to the bathroom, s-sir," her face flushed bright red at the question.

  He chuckled at her words, "Well then you will have me remove it and put it back in." He was glad that she didn't hesitate to voice her concerns, that was going to be very important over the next few days. He had thought to spank her tonight, but the hour was growing late and he relented. Added to that he didn't want her to think any of her actions had been wrong. With slow deliberate movements he undid her cuffs from the bench. "Let's get some rest, we have a long day tomorrow."

  She got off the spanking bench and stood feeling the strange plug with every movement of her body. It felt foreign and oddly erotic as she followed him. As he led her to the door of the dungeon, she remembered the servant upstairs. "Shouldn't I dress, Sir." She was sure he'd just forgotten.

  "Unless I have company you will remain undressed in my home." He walked out the door expecting her to follow.

  Cayce was floored at the notion that the servant could walk out and see her like this and her face turned crimson again. She looked at the floor on their way back upstairs and into his bedroom. She let out a long breath as he shut the door behind them, glad she hadn't been noticed.

  "My servants are very well trained," he smiled at her nervousness. The sooner she came to understand her place in his household the more confident she would feel. "Do you need to use the bathroom before we rest?"

  "Yes, Sir," her cheeks were going to remain flushed, she decided as his words embarrassed her again.

  "Walk over to the bed and lay on your stomach," he commanded softly.

  Following his orders quickly, she rested on her stomach and felt his hands spreading her cheeks slowly pulling out the plug. Her core tensed at the sensation and she bit back a moan. His hand landing on her backside made her jump as she wasn't expecting it.

  "Finish up and get back to me," he stated his eyes glancing toward the bathroom. His cock was straining against his pants and he decided before bed he would teach her one last thing. As she closed the door, he stripped and laid on the bed waiting.

  She quickly used the bathroom knowing he would be displeased if she made him wait. When she walked back out and saw his incredible body completely laid out in all its glory on the bed her heart fell into her stomach. He was so beautiful to look upon with his strong arms, wide chest, muscular thighs and even his feet. When her eyes fell upon his huge shaft she stopped walking toward the bed and stopped. He was enormous, she thought to herself as she forced her feet to continue walking until she was at the edge of the bed.

  He patted the bed for her to join him and she climbed up without hesitation. "I'm not going to use you tonight," he told her without emotion. He had considered it but he enjoyed the idea of her pleasuring herself and it went along with his training schedule tomorrow. "You're going to bring yourself to orgasm for me by following exactly what I tell you to do."

  This was also a lead up to another day of training he had planned, everything he did had a purpose. "Lay back on the bed," he commanded softly watching her as she followed his lead. "Spread your legs wide," smiling at her compliance he continued, "now slowly rub a finger over your clit."

  Cayce bit her lip as she followed his instructions feeling almost empowered as he told her to touch herself. Never in her life had she thought she would ever enjoy having someone watch her this way, but it was so much more intense than doing it on her own.

  "Slide two fingers inside," he leaned up on his side watching her finger delve inside, enjoying the picture she made for him. "Ride your fingers, for me," as her eyes closed he watched her come undone and smiled. "Turn over now."

  She couldn't believe she'd just brought herself to orgasm in front of him. She tensed as she felt his fingers slide inside her core briefly then moved to her rear stretching the tight flesh there, using her own fluids as lubrication. Then he slid the plug into her backside easily.

  "Now you're going to watch me, and learn what gets me off," he waited until she had turned back to him before stroking his long, thick length. "I like to start very slow, working my cock from base to head," he demonstrated. "Then I like to have the head rubbed over and start again." With unhurried movements he worked his cock watching her face the entire time to be sure she was paying attention. She would be learning to please him this way during another training session.

  He built the tempo up slowly into a fast rhythm, pumping hard until his body ejaculated with a small soft stream. "Have you ever tasted a man before?"

  "No, Sir," she whispered knowing what was coming without being told.

Taste me," he held his cock as she shyly allowed her tongue to run over the engorged head.

  The taste was slightly salty and not unpleasant. With a little more courage she lapped a larger amount that ran down the wide thickness of him. His shaft twitched against her mouth and filled her with a sense of power.

  "That's enough for now," if she continued he was going to move ahead and fuck her and he didn't like steering away from his own plans. "Lay back on the bed." She quickly did as he asked and he clamped her cuffs to a small chain. "Get some rest, you did well tonight." Reaching over he turned off the lamp on his side of the bed and the room was turned to darkness.

  She lay completely still for several moments, stunned that he had shackled her to sleep. As she moved her wrists she discovered that she could move them above her head, but that was about it. Knowing she would never sleep this way, she closed her eyes at least hoping to rest them.


  Dylan's internal clock woke him up just as the sun was starting to rise and he rolled over, glancing at his new pet. All her defenses were down as she slept and he had to admit to never waking to a more beautiful site. Careful not to wake her, he undid the clasp that chained her cuffs. Slowly sliding down the sheet, he admired her body. Her firm legs were parted slightly, giving him an incredible view of her sex. Without hesitation his fingers slightly grazed over the inviting flesh before a single digit dipped in, pleased that even as she rested her core bloomed for him, drenching him with her passion.

  Cayce was having the most amazing dream and moaned slightly. Her hips arched slowly off the mattress arching toward her dream lovers touch. Her breasts ached as the tight buds tightened, her own hands reaching up to cup their fullness then slowly flutter across the peaks in hunger.

  She slept soundly, he surmised as his finger slowly worked inside of her. He wondered how she had hidden her own passionate nature so long as he added another finger, stretching her before allowing his mouth to trail down between her thighs and take their place. Lifting her hips in his hands his mouth suckled the small nub of her core then lightly allowed his teeth to graze it.


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