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Undercover Submissive

Page 8

by Michelle Hughes

  "It would be anal, Cayce." He wasn't going to explain his motives to her, because they were his own personal issues. If she decided to still go through with this, then after all was said and done he would give her the choice to stay with him as his own.

  "But I've never done anything like that, Sir." She knew first hand just how well endowed he was and could only see the pain issue behind it.

  "Then you've got a decision to make Cayce." He had meant to get straight to the point and give her the chance to back out. "This is what I know will work to get that invitation and I never said it would be easy." The best thing that could happen was for her to realize she wasn't ready to pull this off, he thought to himself. He would go return her sister and offer her the chance to belong to him when the deed was done.

  "You have my word Cayce that I will get your sister back without you putting yourself through this." He didn't want her to think for a moment that he was going to leave Cait with Serif. What he was proposing was something most submissive's took months of training to accomplish, and he had been crazy to think he could fast forward her education even with twenty-four hours a day to practice.

  It would be so easy to just give in and forget how hard the next few days would be, but she was not going to make the same mistake twice. "I need to think about this, Sir."

  "I'm glad you feel that way Cayce, I'm going to call an old friend and ask her to stop by in case you choose not to do this." He was very proud of her for not giving in without considering the consequences and he smiled warmly. "Why don't we get some rest and see how things look in the morning." Standing up he held out his hand for her.

  She took his hand and followed him back to the bedroom. He didn't ask her to undress and she slid into the bed in her clothes knowing she'd never sleep. Her eyes watched as he stripped down and climbed under the covers.

  He smiled warmly then pulled her against him. "Get some rest honey, tomorrow is soon enough to worry about the rest." He held her until she finally fell asleep it was almost dawn when rest finally found him.


  Dylan had mixed feelings as he called Elizabeth the next morning. He knew well how her time at the Island had affected her and feared that bringing those memories back might interfere with her happiness. It had taken months of training to get her back in a position of trust, and the last thing he wanted was to bring back painful memories of her past. She agreed to come over and talk with him later and asked permission to bring her Master.

  Jerry and Elizabeth had married six months ago and he had been the best man at the wedding. It was a match he fully approved of since the two seemed to be so perfect together. They were both highly respected in the business community, and Elizabeth was one of the most sought after financial advisors in their area. Being a submissive was her own idea of stress relief as it gave her the ability to have that private time in her life where she didn't have to be the one in control of everything.

  Dylan explained their relationship as he and Cayce sat down to lunch, waiting for their arrival. It felt oddly comforting to have her sit with him as an equal and he decided that it was a feeling he would have to evaluate when he had more private time. "I think you'll like Elizabeth," he didn't mention that she reminded him a lot of her when she first began training. Prior to meeting him she had been a well-educated woman with no self-confidence who felt like she didn't deserve love.

  "This is the submissive who escaped the Island, Sir?" She doubted seriously she would like any woman that Dylan had trained. Without knowing why, the thought of him being with any other woman angered her.

  "Escape would probably be the wrong word since they don't hold people prisoner," although he thought, mentally badgering might be considered the same thing as being captured to a woman with no self-confidence. Serif preyed on those types of submissive's, feeding them with lies about how only he could accept them for who they truly were. "But yes, she did leave the island."

  "Is this Serif so difficult to resist, Sir?" She honestly couldn't imagine a man being so appealing that women just lined up to be his shared play toy. The thought was disgusting, lifting her lip into a sneer.

  Smiling at her expression he thought for a moment. "Well he lures them in to this tropical paradise and promises them that they'll live a life of luxury with no one to please but him. He chooses women that have little self-confidence, and likes the type he can easily bend to his will." Serif was a strange man in his opinion, and he truly didn't understand his thought process for the most part. "Most women find him physically attractive, and he has this charm that lures them in." A submissive was a treasure to be cared for, he thought and not to be exploited and used to benefit ones business dealings. The fact that these women were pimped out as prostitutes didn't sit well at all on his conscious. "After he has full control of them mentally, he makes them believe it is an honor to serve his business acquaintances."

  "So they become his whore?" She was shocked that any woman would agree to that no matter how a man made them feel.

  "There are those Master's that ask that of their submissive's." Dylan was not one that agreed with the method, but he tried to not be judgmental. Where Serif was concerned it was not a form of submission, but a way to improve his business profits, this was where his real problem came to the surface with the man. If a submissive and her Master both agreed to taking other partners, then so be it he thought, but to use a woman and basically become her pimp, that to him had nothing to do with their lifestyle.

  "Okay that's just disgusting," shaking her head at the thought of allowing any man to be that controlling had her seriously rethinking things," Sir."

  "It's not something I approve of Cayce, but I also think that people have to decide what works for them."

  "Wait a minute," she knew she had to be misunderstanding him, "you think a Master has the right to ask his submissive to sleep with other men." The thought that he could approve of something like that really angered her.

  "What I am implying is that if the Master and the submissive both want these things, then who am I to tell them it's wrong?" He really didn't understand what she was so upset about.

  "So let's say I became your submissive, and not just for this show we're trying to pull off, you would consider it okay to share me with your friends?"

  "Cayce did you miss the part when I said it wasn't something I approved of," she seemed to be in the mood to argue and he wasn't really sure why.

  "The truth is this whole Master submissive thing just gives you the right to sleep with as many women as you want, doesn't it?" She wasn't sure why she was so angry but the thought of him with another woman really just ticked her off.

  "Okay why don't we really discuss what's going on here Cayce, because honestly you're not making much sense or staying on topic here." He was starting to get a little angry himself and it wasn't like him to lose his temper.

  "Have you ever been faithful to one woman in your entire life?" She wanted to goad him, not even sure why she felt the need to hurt him.

  The sound of doorbell interrupted their discussion, and he thought it couldn't have come at a better time. She was really acting strangely and while he wanted to get to the reasons behind it, he certainly didn't appreciate her tone. "My guests have arrived, but we will discuss this later." He would likely take her over his knee if she didn't change her attitude he thought.

  As the tall, voluptuous brunette walked in the room, Cayce felt herself growing even more agitated. Of course she was beautiful, she thought to herself, he liked pretty pets he could mold to his liking. She wanted to throw a temper tantrum and kick the woman right back out the door she walked in. She glanced over the older man beside her without much interest, since he wasn't the one that her Dylan had been intimate with.

  As Dylan walked over and kissed the woman's cheek, she wanted to claw her eyes out and demand she leave. Instead she smiled as she was introduced and attempted to remain cordial. Whatever was she thinking, she gave her mind a mental shake. D
ylan was not her man, and he never would be. She was being overly possessive about a man who probably wouldn't ever see her again when this whole farce was over.

  "I have to say Dylan trying to pull one over on Serif won't be easy," Jerry sat down at a chair in front of the desk and allowed his eyes to turn to Cayce. "She looks like his type, but what about pain tolerance?"

  Cayce watched as Elizabeth kneeled at his feet beside the chair and rested her chin on his leg. As her husband caressed her hair, she felt jealous to her very core. She had no idea how she was supposed to be acting toward Dylan in front of these people, so she simply stood beside him as he sat down at the desk.

  Elizabeth turned her eyes to Cayce and smiled warmly. When she noted the possessiveness in her eyes it took all she had not to laugh. She understood that look well, it was the same emotion she felt the first time Jerry had introduced her to one of his former girlfriends. She wondered if Dylan had any idea how deeply his little submissive cared for him.

  "She dances beautifully under the flogger but I don't think she's ready for a public exhibition." Dylan knew she needed more time and was convinced even more that her going with him was just a bad idea.

  "Serif isn't truly turned on by whipping scenes unless they draw blood and I know that isn't your thing." Shaking his head he thought it was insanity that Dylan would attempt something with such a new trainee. "I think you should consider finding a more experienced girl."

  "I thought about doing the anal rape scene, he wouldn't be able to walk away from that Jerry."

  "Is the girl comfortable with that scenario?" Jerry glanced over at Cayce noting instantly the blush that found her cheeks. He had known Dylan for many years. One of the things he truly respected about him was his ability to use good judgment. It was apparent to him that this girl was affecting his reasoning ability.

  "I haven't given him an answer yet, Sir." Cayce wasn't really enjoying being talked about as if she weren't even in the room.

  Jerry kept his eyes on Dylan as the girl spoke, he considered it rude to address another man's submissive without being given permission. It was readily apparent that this girl didn't understand the way things worked here. "I would sincerely think about taking my advice and using someone with experience Dylan."

  "Thank you for your opinion, so do you think the scene would work?" He was having his own second thoughts but his decision would belong to him, and ultimately Cayce in the end.

  "What say you pet," he looked down on Elizabeth who had remained quiet during the entire conversation obediently.

  "I think that would be enticing enough to Serif that he would want a closer inspection, Master," smiling warmly she continued. "It would very much depend on how well the submissive dealt with the scene."

  The thought of Dylan playing out such a scenario with another woman had her blood boiling and she clenched her hands into small balls at her sides. Her nails bit into her flesh and she fought to maintain her composure. Cayce had never felt such a wave of jealousy in her life. "I will do it, Sir." The words escaped her lips vehemently.

  Dylan glanced over at her, and for the first time was shocked into silence. The thought of driving inside her untried flesh sent a surge of heat through his cock that was right on board with the idea.

  "Master, a word please," Elizabeth asked politely understanding immediately why the woman had agreed so quickly.

  "Of course pet," Jerry smiled down into his wife's eyes with tenderness.

  "If Sir agrees I would like to speak with Cayce alone." She directed the question to her husband in respect.

  Jerry glanced over at Dylan, "I will leave that in your hands."

  Giving a quick nod of his head, Dylan agreed and spoke to Jerry. "I see no reason why the two should not speak. The living room should be private enough for a conversation."

  Elizabeth stood and lowered her lips to her husband's cheek. "Thank you Master." Motioning with her eyes to Cayce, she looked toward the door and started walking.

  Cayce followed her out the door having no idea what it was this woman wanted to talk to her about. She wasn't sure being alone with Dylan's ex-girlfriend was a really good idea in her current frame of mind. Elizabeth seemed to know her way around his house much better than she did, as she led her into the living room and sat down, and that made her even angrier. Walking over to the large chair beside the coach she sat down while reminding herself to not scratch the tall beauties eyes out.

  "Look Cayce I can see it written all over your face that you're ready to get into a catfight with me." Before she could say anything she held up her hand evasively, "There is no reason for you to be angry at me, Dylan and I were never truly lovers."

  The words were like a balm to her soul and she exhaled a breath that she hadn't been aware she was holding. Feeling like a complete witch, she lowered her head in guilt. "I'm sorry Elizabeth, lately I haven't been thinking very clearly." It was the best she could offer right now in the way of an excuse. She was moody and volatile of late and had no idea what was wrong with her.

  "I get it Cayce, this is all new to you and you're feeling things for Dylan that you've never felt for any man before." Smiling she remembered her first Master. Her entire world had changed the first night she met him and it was like she was finally alive for the first time. "I'm just worried that you're going in over your head because you don't want another woman to be with him and unfortunately that could be a bad thing for you."

  "I'll admit the thought of another woman touching him makes me want to pull their hair out." Shaking her head in embarrassment she understood just how jealous she was acting.

  "It's natural, you are embarking on this great journey and he's the one guiding you. He's opening your eyes to this beautiful experience and showing you parts of yourself that you never knew were there. But if you aren't careful, you may mix up what you're feeling with love honey and they are two completely different things." She knew firsthand about that, having done the exact same thing only to find out six months later that she and this man were completely incompatible outside of the dungeon.

  "It's not just him Elizabeth, my sister is on that island and I don't want him to go there without me to retrieve her. I don't even know if anyone else could talk her into leaving, she's not a very trusting soul after all she's been through."

  "Please call me Beth, and I can understand that concern and find it very reasonable, but an anal rape scene? Have you ever had anal sex before?"

  Normally Cayce would have been embarrassed to talk about sex to a woman she barely knew, but there was a strange bond between them that made little sense to her. It was almost like because they were both submissive's, at least for the time being on her account, it made them part of a secret sisterhood. "I haven't, but Dylan has been trying to, um, prepare me." Her face flushed hotly as she said the words.

  "So he's been stretching you with plugs," it wasn't a question, she knew his training methods. "Do you understand that this is going to be much different than that, he is a very well endowed man?

  Fighting back the jealous nature that didn't like the idea that she knew how big he was, she nodded. "I assume it will be painful." The thought of that pain was not a turn on for her, but she also wasn't willing to wimp out over that.

  "I know he'll do the best he can to make sure it's not overly uncomfortable, but the first time is not much fun and I'm not sure I'd want to experience it in front of room full of people." She enjoyed anal sex with her husband but it was definitely not something she had been willing to submit to with anyone else. "If you're sure you want to go through with this, you need to be practicing with the real thing now."

  The thought of him inside her that way filled her with some trepidation but also a surge of desire. Feeling her face flush again, she looked down not wanting to share her thoughts on the matter.

  Elizabeth laughed softly as she caught a look of longing in her eyes. "I can see the idea is not repugnant to you. You should respectively bring this up when you are alone aga

  "I will," she had no idea how she was going to bring it up, but she would find a way. What she said actually made perfect sense and they only had a few days before they had to put their performance on.

  "It's your ass," she couldn't help but make a joke, "we should get back to the men before they get antsy."

  Cayce laughed and shook her head, this woman obviously said what she meant. "Actually I think it belongs to him," she hadn't joked around with another woman like this before and it was strangely freeing.

  Beth laughed again and stood up. "I think you and I will be good friends before all is said and done. Come on, there's no telling what devious plans those men of ours are making in our absence."

  She felt much more in control after their talk and her earlier agitation was almost completely gone. As they walked back into the study she knelt down at Dylan's chair following Beth's lead. They smiled at each other from their positions as if they were sharing a private joke.

  "Our little pets are plotting Dylan, I can see it in their eyes," Jerry laughed good-naturedly. "Perhaps I should get mine back to the house before she destroys all your hard work." He lifted Beth's face and winked, letting her know he was just joking around.

  Dylan stood up and extended his hand, "Thank you so much for coming and bringing the girl," he smiled as Jerry stood and shook his hand, "I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the advice."

  "Let me know how things work out, you've done so much for me and Beth that I'm forever grateful." He held out his hand to his wife and she stood.

  "I'm glad things worked out for the both of you Jerry, so I'll guess I'll see you Saturday night?"

  "We'll be there, whatever you decide to do," he glanced over at Cayce then back to his friend. "We know the way out, I'm sure you have much to discuss."

  Beth waved at Cayce as she was led out of the room. She really hoped that things worked out with her and Dylan. He had never taken a full-time submissive and she felt it was time he had someone to call his own. He had helped so many people over the years, and maybe it was now his time.


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