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Fatal Evidence

Page 15

by Kari Lemor

  “No, doesn’t mean she can’t need money in a hurry. Money she can’t get at a bank.” Jian shifted from side to side, his eyes alert. Scott didn’t see any other members of the gang, but then he probably wouldn’t.

  “Did you find out what she needed the money for?” Heather asked, her voice strong but respectful. Good girl. She knew how to talk to Jian. He wasn’t too happy she’d done it on her own, though.

  “Her brother was big into drugs and needed help. Apparently, she sent him to some rehab place. But word is that her debt was paid in full.”

  “Paid in full? Because she took a beating and pinned it on me?”

  “It wasn’t from her waitress job, dude.”

  “Any idea who paid her debt?” Maybe he could find out who was behind this whole mill building fiasco.

  “Nah, I can keep digging though. The information I got was that she agreed to do a job for someone but didn’t expect what happened to her.”

  “I need to find out who she did the job for then get her to tell the police it wasn’t me.” The evidence would send him straight to jail for a long time. Her beating hadn’t been a mild one.

  “She’s too scared to tell the police. They threatened to do worse next time if she said anything.”

  “Can’t Drew get her into protective custody?” Heather suggested. It was a good thought.

  Jian laughed. “From the vibes I get, protective custody wouldn’t keep her safe. Could be some higher-ups are involved.”

  “Great, someone in the system has it out for me.” Like Jack had FBI agents playing him against a mob boss.

  “Or they might have friends in high places.”

  Turning, he faced the boarded-up windows. They reminded him of the closed-in cell. Something he might have to get used to. Shit.

  “So I’m screwed.”

  “Not so fast, dude. I said the law couldn’t protect this chick. I never said we couldn’t.”

  Scott whipped around. “You’d keep this lady safe if she came clean?”

  “You kept Mei safe for me. You didn’t even know me then and how charming I can be.”

  Laughing, he held out his hand. “I don’t know how I’ll repay you.”

  Jian’s grip was strong. “Seems to me we have a nice little give-and-take system going on between us already. This is something I’m giving to you.”

  If it was someone other than Jian, Scott would be worried about what the man would want in return. So far it hadn’t been more than hiring his old street gang members. He was getting to know Jian’s character, and the man had honor.

  “How do we go about getting Carla to tell the truth to the police?” Heather’s hand still clung to his elbow.

  “I think Drew could make arrangements to have her talk to the ADA trying the case. Jian, can you contact her, tell her what you have proposed?”

  “I’ve already got my people working out where to put her. I hear she has some good cooking skills so she’d be helpful in a few places. Places no one would ever think to look for her and where she’d have constant eyes on her.”

  “Great. Let me talk to my friend. See what we can set up. Hopefully they’ll go for it. And she’ll go for it.”

  “I’ll contact you when I have her agreement.”

  “No forcing her, man. I don’t need even more charges against me.”

  Jian’s lips quirked, his eyes flashing. “What, you don’t like all the attention you got in lock up this weekend? Some of the guys inside said you were the belle of the ball and number one on the list for prom date. Especially after the strip search.”

  “How the hell did you hear about that?”

  Jian’s laugh echoed through the building. “I got connections everywhere, dude.”

  “Great. But if you can help me with this, then I guess I don’t care what you heard. Let me know as soon as you get anything.”

  Jian tilted his chin up and waved his hand. “Sure, but you might want to make sure your lady doesn’t come looking for me again. Have her use the number I gave her. She could have been in a shitload of trouble if my guys hadn’t seen her.”

  Turning to Heather, he asked, “What happened? You said you were fine.”

  “Yeah, the four guys who were ripping her clothes off and ready for business thought so too.” The gang leader walked out with a shrug.

  Turning slowly, heat rushed through his blood, burning him alive. “What the fuck were you thinking? Is that where you got the bruises from?”

  “I’m fine,” she choked out, backing away. Yeah, she should be scared. He wanted to throttle her for taking that kind of chance. The thought of any other man touching her, hurting her that way, made his blood turn to ice.

  Reaching up, he held her shoulders and glared. “Do you have any idea how stupid that was? Nearly getting gang-raped isn’t anything to brush off. I can’t believe you came down here alone. What could possibly have been going through your head?”

  A tear slid down her cheek and her lower lip trembled. Afraid of him, or was she reliving the attack?

  “I know it was stupid. And I realize what could have happened. What almost happened.” Her voice caught on the words. “But I hated the thought of you going to prison. And for something you didn’t do. I couldn’t let that happen to you. I’m sorry.”

  Damn. How the fuck could he be mad at her for wanting to help him? Pulling her closer, he pressed his lips to her hair. “I’m glad you’re all right. But promise me you won’t ever do anything that asinine again.”

  “I promise.” She held tight to his waist and he didn’t let her go. He was beginning to think he didn’t want to let her go. Ever. And if Jian’s information was correct, perhaps he wouldn’t have to.

  * * * *

  “Is there a reason we aren’t meeting at police headquarters?” Virginia Dennis asked. As the prosecutor for his case, she certainly had a right to know. “This is most unorthodox.” She glanced around the park they’d met in.

  Scott looked over at Drew, thankful his friend was here to run interference. Lord knew he didn’t have any clout with the woman who wanted to see him hang. She didn’t hide her disdain for him or what she thought he’d done.

  “I told you, Virginia, the witness needed to speak with you but is afraid to go to the station.”

  “Then she should have come to my office. And you”—she pointed at Scott—“shouldn’t be anywhere near the witness. I don’t know what you’re trying to prove here—”

  “That the witness lied,” Drew broke in. “She’s willing to tell you the truth and even sign a statement, but not at police headquarters. She’s scared.”

  “Of the man who beat her. Yes, I’m aware of why she might be frightened.”

  “I’m not afraid of Mr. Holland,” a timid voice came from behind them. Jian stood a few yards behind the blue-haired woman with several of his men scattered beyond that. Her face was still swollen and multi-colored. Shit, someone had done a number on her.

  “Miss Findley, why didn’t you simply call my office and arrange a meeting?”

  Carla looked around, her eyes anxious. “Because I don’t know who I can trust.”

  The prosecutor’s eyes narrowed. “I seriously doubt it’s this street gang you’re with.”

  “It does seem odd, but I do trust them. I think they have my best interest at hand. They aren’t involved in this case or what I was forced to do.”

  “You mean when Mr. Holland tried to force you into sexual relations?”

  Scott cringed but kept his eyes turned away from Carla. He didn’t want Virginia to think he was trying to intimidate the witness.

  “He didn’t do anything to me other than try and keep me from falling. The whole thing was a set-up.”

  The tension in his body eased out like water rushing down a stream. Would the prosecutor believe her? Or push to get him co

  “Are you being coerced to say this?”

  Carla shook her head, her eyes lowered.

  “You purposefully made us think Mr. Holland attacked you? Why?”

  “I borrowed a lot of money for some medical bills. I was having a hard time paying it off. These people approached me and said they’d pay it off if I did them a favor. I didn’t realize part of the deal was to have the crap beat out of me. I never would have agreed.”

  She sent a sideways glance at him and grimaced. “I’m sorry. It was a lousy thing to do. But I was scared what they’d do to me if I couldn’t pay back the money.”

  “Who are these people who wanted Mr. Holland charged?”

  Shrugging, Carla said, “I don’t know. The guy who approached me said he worked for someone else. Someone willing to pay off my debt. All I had to do was stumble into this guy, make a fuss. I didn’t know why. Until they beat me up and the police found me. One of the men who beat me said I needed to say it was the guy from the bar.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks and her lip trembled. “After what they’d done to me, I didn’t dare say anything else.”

  “Can we speak privately for a minute?” Virginia tilted her head toward a nearby bench.

  Drew and Jian nodded while Scott remained silent. The two women strolled away and spent a few minutes conversing. Scott’s heart beat faster, wondering if the prosecutor was attempting to get Carla to stick to her original but false story.

  When they came back, Virginia chewed her lip then looked at Scott. “Looks like charges will be dropped. I’ll need a written statement from you, Ms. Findley. And descriptions of the men who did this to you.”

  “No, I can’t give you any more information. The first guy wore dark glasses and a big hat. The men who attacked me dragged me into a dark alley. I couldn’t see what they looked like. And they’d kill me in a second if they knew what I was telling you now.”

  “We’ll keep her safe until you can figure out this mess,” Jian said quietly.

  Virginia’s expression was skeptical. “I’m still curious about this connection you have to Scott Holland.”

  Jian lifted his head. “A few years back he saved my sister from a gang rape. For that he is considered under our protection. And anyone else who he feels needs it.”

  “And I think Ms. Findley needs to be protected until we can figure out what the heck is going on,” Scott said. “Because something strange has been happening since I bought this mill building to renovate.”

  “Yes, Andrew mentioned the troubles you’ve been having. None of them sound harmful, but I want to be kept informed if there’s any new information that comes along.”

  Carla held out an envelope and handed it to Virginia. “This is my statement.”

  “I’ll need contact information for you.”

  Jian stepped forward. “If you need to contact her, let the lawyer friend know.” He indicated Drew. “Scott knows how to get in touch with me and I’ll get the word to Ms. Findley.”

  “I really don’t think—”

  “No,” Carla cut her off. “I don’t want you having direct access. It’s not that I don’t trust you but…”

  Virginia tilted her head. “You don’t trust too many people right now. I understand. Hopefully we can correct that soon.”

  Taking a cautious step in Carla’s direction, Scott thrust out his hand. “Thank you for coming forward. I know it had to have been hard for you.”

  “No harder than the weekend you spent in jail. Or for the embarrassment of the accusation and being arrested. I’m sorry for that.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Scott shrugged. “Jian, make sure you keep her safe.”

  “She will not be harmed. You have my word, dude.” He placed his hand on Carla’s back and led her away, his men staying on the outskirts of their vicinity.

  Looking back at the prosecutor, Scott asked, “What do I need to do now?”

  “Nothing. Simply accept my apology for the false arrest. The charges will be dropped. But keep me informed if anything else happens that’s even slightly suspicious.”

  “I will, believe me. Thank you.”

  Virginia walked off and Scott slumped onto a nearby bench. Drew dropped down next to him.

  “How are you doing?”

  Shaking his head to clear his mind, he pulled his shoulders back and took a deep breath. “Much better now. Appreciate the help.”

  “You look like you could use a drink. I’m buying.”

  Scott snorted. “Having a drink with a friend is what got me into this mess in the first place. Think I’ll pass. I’ve got something else I need to do.”

  Drew patted his shoulder then took off. As he watched his friend walk away, he thought of what he should do first. Letting Jack and Callie know was right up there. He’d give them a call. But Heather had been instrumental in getting Jian’s help. Telling her in person would be better. There were all sorts of ways in which to thank her. He couldn’t decide which one would be more pleasant.

  * * * *

  “Ms. Silva, Mr. Holland is here to see you. Are you available?”

  Heather pressed the intercom button on her desk phone. “Of course. Send him in.”

  Her heart beat in anticipation. Had he met with the prosecutor yet and had the Findley lady told the truth? The anticipation was also at seeing Scott again. For some odd reason, she didn’t feel as antagonistic with him lately. Seeing him go through this ordeal could be one reason. She didn’t like to see anyone in pain, physical or emotional.

  The door opened and he poked his head in, his face neutral.

  “Come in.” She waved him in then closed the door behind him. “What’s going on?”

  Moving toward her desk, he leaned against it. She stepped closer, drawn to him and his damn charisma.

  “I wanted to thank you,” he said, reaching for her hands and running his thumbs over her skin. “For getting in touch with Jian.”

  “You seemed kind of pissed that I did.”

  He tightened his hands on hers then pulled her closer. She wouldn’t object, though Scott and close proximity made her mind fill with mush.

  “That you took a risk like that. I am. It kills me to think you might have been hurt.” His eyes closed and his jaw clenched. When he opened them again they drilled into her. “I care about you, Heather. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” His finger slid down to where the bruise was starting to fade.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you either, which is why I went looking for Jian. Was he able to get the woman to rescind her claim?”

  His smile lit up the room, the dimple in his chin deepening. “Yeah, we met with the prosecutor and she says all charges will be dropped. Jian’s taking care of Carla until we can figure out what the hell is going on.”

  “Oh, Scott, that’s great,” she said, propelling herself into his arms. They tightened immediately.

  “Any idea how I can thank you properly?” His voice was low and rough.

  Running her hands up his chest, she grinned. “Well, there might be a few ways you can do it improperly.”

  “Do they include my lips and yours?”

  “My favorite certainly does.”

  Her breath hitched as he slid his hand behind her neck then kissed her. Damn, this man heated her up and sent chills through her all at the same time. How was that even possible? He skimmed his tongue over her top lip and she opened for him. Excitement coursed through her veins like a virus. He got inside her blood so easily, but she wasn’t sure she wanted a cure. It was more than she’d ever felt with anyone else.

  The rough skin of his fingers skimmed up her back. How had her blouse gotten untucked? His addictive lips plundering her mouth had kept her busy while his hands moved in. She didn’t have the will to make them stop. Didn’t want them to stop.

  “You drive me crazy with all the little sounds you make.” His voice in her ear snapped her back to earth.

  Sounds? What was she doing? This was her office. Her place of business.

  A soft knock sounded on the door followed by it opening. Scott twirled her around so she was closer to the desk and hidden from view. Good thing, the first few buttons on her blouse had somehow come undone. She’d almost come undone.

  “Ms. Silva, I’m sorry to bother you, but your next appointment is here.”

  “Thank you, Wendy. Get them settled in the conference room and I’ll be there shortly.”

  The door closed and she sagged against the firm chest in front of her. “I need to straighten up. I must be a mess.”

  “Not from where I’m standing,” he said, his thumb caressing her cheek. “I think you look amazing, as always. Like you’ve been thoroughly kissed.”

  Oh, God, she had been. This man didn’t do things by half measure. Taking a deep breath, she tried to get herself under control.

  “I’m glad you stopped by to share the good news with me. In all the excitement I forgot to tell you I had one of my employees do some digging on who owned the building before us.”

  “The bank did. That’s why it was at auction.”

  Twisting her hair back into its neat bun, she glared at him. “Yes, but the reason they had it was because the previous owner is in prison and wasn’t able to pay the taxes. I’ve got his name right here.” Turning around, she grabbed the slip of paper from her desk. Scott moved right behind her and slid his hands around her waist, his nose nuzzling her neck.

  “I’ll check it out. Thanks.”

  “I need to get to my client.” It was the last thing she wanted right now, but standing here kissing Scott wouldn’t keep her mortgage paid.

  “How about I take you to dinner tonight to celebrate my release from prison?” he said as she tucked her top back into her skirt. “We can discuss the project if you feel the need to keep things business between us. Or we can ditch the work conversation and simply enjoy each other’s company.”

  Doing up the buttons on her blouse, he added, “Your call.”


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