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Hidden Monster (The Monsters Among Us Book 1)

Page 6

by Amanda Strong

  Krista’s eyes zeroed in on Jeremy. “Mm… you can’t go like that. I need to fix you.”

  I had to admit, his black wizard cape and hat looked like a fifteen-dollar drugstore costume now. Krista grabbed his arm, yanking him upstairs as Jocelyn fingered my hair. I did my best not to shudder. What if she realized everything wasn’t just a costume? What then?

  “Where did you get this wig? It looks so real. I would love one of these. Maybe a red one so I can dress as Red Riding Hood.” Her brown eyes studied me over.

  Blood rushed to my face. Jocelyn wasn’t the type to let details slide. Darn her for so many questions! “I, uh, same store too.”

  Jocelyn peered at the wings, her hand skimming along the edge of one. My mouth felt like cotton, and I swallowed hard. Her fingers were cold and dry. I can feel with my wings!

  “What in the world?” she murmured. “I’ve never seen anything like these before.”

  I ducked away, unsure what to say. Luckily, I was saved by Jeremy and Krista coming back down.

  “Doesn’t he look better, Sammy?” Krista asked with a smug smile.

  “Yeah, it’s creepy,” I said, meaning it. Jeremy’s face was painted gray with black shadowing his eyes and mouth. He looked mean and I didn’t like it, but I was glad he was ready to go. My mom pushed us together and took several pictures.

  “Mom, its Halloween, not prom.” I needed to escape the brightly lit living room. If my wings even shivered, I knew I’d really be known as the circus sideshow.

  “I know, I know. But you’ll thank me later,” she huffed. “Be safe, have fun,” she called as we finally left.

  “We will. Thank you, Mrs. Campbell,” Jeremy replied.

  Chapter 11

  Ten minutes later, we pulled into the high school parking lot. Jeremy had tried to converse with me, but I was too distracted by my new form to respond much. Leaving home was a mistake. I have wings! I can fly! I had no idea how it was possible, but one thing I knew for sure… what I’d thought was a dream had actually happened. My wings quivered. I know, I know. Trust me; I want to get away from here more than you do.

  Jeremy opened my car door and I followed him to the gym, careful not to walk too close. I didn’t want him to accidentally touch me. The gym doors were opened, and music blared out at us. I was glad to see only blackness in the opening. No lights on would make hiding so much easier. As my eyes adjusted to the dimness, I made out paper Halloween decorations—orange pumpkins, white ghosts, and something black, which I assumed were cats or maybe bats. Fake cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and an obnoxious strobe light lit up one corner of the gym. I slowed my pace, trying to sink back into the shadow of the wall. Jeremy went a few more steps, glanced around, and then spied me. He gave me a strange look, which with his makeup was more like a glare.

  He moved closer. “What’s wrong?”


  He grabbed my hand, and I wished the gesture brought me comfort, but it didn’t. There was a DJ at one end of the gym, and a long refreshment table at the other. I knew which side I wanted, but Jeremy made his way towards the music. Jeremy always thought himself the dancer. I glanced around; everyone was in costume. No one seemed to notice mine. I tried to relax a little. It was going to be fine. Then a slow song began, and Jeremy led me to the dance floor.

  I stiffened as his hand landed on my lower back. His hand brushed the bottom of my wings; they recoiled. He pulled me close, but I was too distracted by the hand still touching my wings to protest our tight proximity. I arched my back, trying to put some distance between his hand and me, but it just brought my chest nearer. He grinned, obviously misinterpreting my movement.


  Feeling dizzy, I gazed over his shoulder, trying to concentrate on a set point to clear my head. I chose the clock, staring at the second hand ticking away at its circumference.

  Wait, that’s on the other side of the gym. I blinked a few times, and then scanned the room; details I shouldn’t be able to make out so clearly glared back at me. That girl’s bag of chips has ‘only 150 calories’ written on it, that guy’s shirt tag says medium, and the tall kid in the back is going to lose all his makeup with how many cracks and flakes he has on his face.

  Nausea enveloped me, reminding me of the weeks following the cabin when I could hardly keep a piece of bread down. What’s happening to me? I pinched my eyes shut, focusing on my breathing, and trying to ignore the bile rising at the back of my throat.

  I must be imagining things. No one can see like this. I peeked out, hoping my superman vision was gone. First thing I honed in on was a small tear in an orange paper pumpkin hanging on the fall wall. Crap, crap, crap!

  My gaze dropped, landing on a sparkling tiara, followed by blonde hair pulled up in a high chignon, dark red material draped across shoulders, and finally a long, white, high-waisted dress, which touched the floor. Jen. At her side, I met aquamarine eyes gaping back at me. My pulse quickened, blood pounding in my ears.

  It didn’t matter we stood a gym floor apart and in the shadows of a darkened room. I had no doubt Blake saw me; the shock in his expression was almost comical. While Jen jabbered at his side, Blake had come to a halt. It felt like forever we stared at each other and then he arched an eyebrow at me, a crooked grin spreading over his face.

  Surprised I look good for once, huh, Blake? I hated to admit I’d been wrong about the costume. Guess I don’t know my Jane Austin. Blake wasn’t in tights or knickers. Instead, he was in a sleek, form-fitting, black suit complete with tails and tall, black boots. Got to give it to Jen, he does look pretty hot right now. Jeremy whisked me around, and my friends were gone. Had all that happened in one turn of a dance? When we’d completed our nauseating rotation, I searched for Blake again. My heart squeezed when I saw them approaching; his aqua eyes were still glued to me.

  “Wow,” he mouthed silently when our eyes locked. The song thankfully ended, and Jeremy somewhat reluctantly let go of my waist and then hand. I scooted apart farther, hoping he wouldn’t notice. I wanted to give my wings plenty of girth.

  “Is that really you, Samantha?” Jen asked. Her tone was strange.

  I gave a nervous laugh. “Yeah, it’s really me.”

  I swear I caught confusion in her eyes before she was grinning and saying, “Oh… well… for hating getting dolled up, you sure did it right.”

  Though her words were kind, I couldn’t help but notice the oddness in her tone. Was it that unusual for me to get ‘dolled up’ as she put it? Jen seemed truly puzzled by my appearance. Oh my gosh, she can tell! I should leave now before I’m once again six o’clock news!

  I cleared my throat. Just act normal. “Jen, you look amazing! Just like Emma.”

  Jen did a small curtsy. “Why, thank you. What do you think of Blake? Isn’t he the perfect Mr. Knightly?”

  I glanced over; Blake’s eyes met mine. I stammered, “Uh… you look sort of like him, I suppose.”

  “You mean, I look better than him,” he quipped.

  Terrified my head would bob like a buffoon agreeing with him, I tucked my hair behind my ear and forced a glance at Jeremy. I caught the tail end of his eye roll. My annoyance at my own stupid behavior gave way to Jeremy’s. Why does he have to showcase all his feelings so freely?

  “Want to get us some drinks, Jeremy?” Cliché or not, I needed a bit of space from him at the moment.

  He glanced at me and sort of grumbled an agreement.

  Blake’s eyes followed Jeremy as he strode away. “Really, you picked him?”

  Not wanting him to say more, I countered, “You just need to get to know him. Deep down, he’s really a lot of fun.” Lies, lies, lies…

  “Yeah, I can tell,” Blake muttered, and then glanced down at Jen tugging at his arm.

  “It is really hot in here.” She flashed him a huge smile.

  “Would you like me to get you a drink too?” he asked.

  “Oh, would you?” Jen said, acting like the idea hadn’t occurred to

  I did my best not to stare at his backside as Blake walked away. His broad shoulders and tapered waistline were making it difficult though. What’s wrong with me? Blake’s not my date—he’s Jen’s.

  “Oh, Samantha, Blake’s the best date ever!” Jen blurted, reconfirming my own thoughts. “Oh yeah?”

  “You should’ve seen him at my house earlier. He was so great with my little brother, Kenneth. I can tell Blake adores him. He spent the whole time talking just to him.”

  So in other words, he ignored you, Jen. Stop, I chided myself. Be nice. I should be happy for her. I sighed. Who knows, maybe Blake does like her… It was so hard to tell with him.

  Jeremy returned too soon, handing me a drink. I sipped gingerly, wanting to put off more dancing as long as possible. Two people entering the gym caught my eye; a couple dressed as the Mad Hatter and Alice in Wonderland. Wearing a tall, green velvet hat, a crooked, polka-dot bow tie, and periwinkle dress coat, I had a suspicion I knew who it was.

  “Mack?” I called out. The Mad Hatter turned my way. His expression was hard to read under all the white makeup, but I didn’t miss his eyes sweeping up and down my body. I shifted my weight, hoping he didn’t stare too hard at my wings. The Hatter let out a boisterous laugh and rushed to me. I knew I was right. It was Mack.

  He was breathless, grabbing my arm. “Sammy? Is that you?” Mack’s question sounded so serious.

  I slugged his shoulder with my free hand. “Of course it’s me. Who else would it be?”

  His expression was hard to read with all the white chalk. I stared back at him. Can he tell my wings are real? Oh my gosh! What do I do? I inhaled deeply, waiting for his answer.

  He squinted back at me, both of us caught in a weird moment. I swallowed.

  “Samantha?” He said it slow enough that it came out a question.

  “Yes?” I drawled back, trying to act casual. I was dreading the question bouncing in his head. Surely, he won’t blurt it out in front of everyone, right? Maybe he will pull me aside later and ask if I’m really a fairy. I cringed at the absurdity of my own thoughts.

  “You surprise me again.” He stepped closer, his eyes meeting mine. “I hardly recognized you.” He straightened up. Then with a goofy grin, he nudged my chin with his knuckle. “My little minx, you.”

  I tittered nervously, trying to recompose myself. I was happy Mack’s attention turned to Jeremy. “Wow, check out your evil wizard hovering over you like a possessive—”

  “You guys look awesome!” I cut in, as Jeremy stiffened.

  Mack nodded, his snarly afro bobbing, and jumped back to Monica’s side. Her Alice dress showed off her lean legs. A small, white, top hat donned the crown of her black hair.

  Monica smoothed her white apron down. “Hey, Jeremy.”

  “What’s up, Monica?” Jeremy’s tone was surprisingly pleasant.

  A loud song began, and Mack tugged on his date’s arm. “Come on, Alice. Let’s get you to Wonderland.”

  Monica smiled, but it was directed more at Jeremy than Mack I thought, and followed him.

  “He’s just too weird. I don’t know what Monica sees in him,” Jeremy muttered.

  I opened my mouth to defend my friend but Blake was back, handing Jen her drink.

  I forced myself to ignore Jen fawning over Blake’s arm, saying to Jeremy, “Why do you care who Mack’s with?”

  “I don’t,” Jeremy said with a frown.

  Blake’s lips twitched as he stared at the floor.

  Jen gulped down her drink and then pulled on Blake’s hand. “Let’s dance!”

  I tried to see if he looked happy about it, but his face was a blank slate as he trudged after her. I felt Jeremy’s hand on my arm and cringed. Apparently, he had the same idea. I groaned inwardly and let him pull me to the dance floor. At least we were with Blake and Jen. The four of us formed an awkward group. Being in the middle of a crowded dance floor, Blake bumped into me more than once. While I was terrified he might touch my wings, his closeness sent shivers of excitement through me. I couldn’t understand why I wanted to be near him so bad. I hardly knew him. Shouldn’t I be feeling that way about my boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, or whatever Jeremy was?

  My inner turmoil was pushed aside when Mack rushed past me, jumping into the middle of our group. He gave me a lopsided grin and then began performing the jerkiest break dance I’d ever seen. The best part was it was on beat, his body’s rhythm matching the music. His enthusiasm was contagious, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Then I found myself moving closer to him. Not one for attention—I wasn’t sure what my plan was. There were already quite a few teens gathering to watch him dance.

  “Sammy!” Mack crowed, pausing for a moment, long enough to throw all eyes on me.

  Crud! What am I doing in the middle? Not only did I hate dancing, I knew it only took one person to realize my wings were real and any semblance of a normal life would be over for me. Time slowed, my heart beat matching the thumping music. I couldn’t tear my gaze from Mack. His brown eyes lit up, and his face appeared delighted.

  He gave me a wink and whispered, “Come on, Sammy girl. Just try.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, realizing my legs were moving and then my arms. I glanced down. My whole body felt taut; my muscles pulled tight like they were ready to spring into motion. Then I was moving again, my torso rolling like it was boneless and my limbs finishing each rippling wave. I gasped. I’m dancing… break dancing!

  Mack beamed back at me, his smile wide. “There’s my Sammy! Sweetness!”

  I grinned back at him. It was exhilarating to picture something in my mind and have my body respond so fluidly. It reminded me of another time. My wings flickered, and I prayed no one noticed. Thankfully, all eyes were on Mack, who had dropped to the floor, spinning on the back of his neck and head.

  No way I’m doing that, not with these wings… or ever. I glanced around the hooting crowd and met Jeremy’s scowl. Why does he have to be such a killjoy? My moment in the spotlight was over, so I grinned at Mack, who was still going strong, and tried to melt back into the group. I was ignoring Jeremy’s eyes boring a hole into the side of my head, when someone bumped my other hand. I glanced over. Blake stood close, his warm hand lingering near mine.

  “I take back the whole two left feet thing,” he said.

  “Thanks.” I waited for a sarcastic comeback, but his eyes held steady, gazing back at me, his hand still brushing against mine. I couldn’t tell if it was an accident or not, but it made my pulse race. I could feel the adrenaline tingling up my spine. My senses felt heightened. The warmth radiated from him, his scent reminding me of the woods on an autumn morning, his skin so smooth that I knew it would feel silky against my face.

  I don’t know how it happened, but next thing I knew, I was in Blake’s arms, my body moving with his. Only this time, neither one of us had left feet. This couldn’t be real, could it? I wasn’t really dancing with Blake, like this, in front of everyone. Even in front of Jeremy… oh my word!

  I knew I should break away from him, but I couldn’t, not even when the song ended. Blake’s face was inches from mine. I’d never felt anything like this before. Every part of me wanted to feel his hands securing me against him. His eyes were darting between mine, his brow knitting as his lips turned down. Is he upset with me? I tried to back up, but I couldn’t. Does he feel it too? Like we are being pulled together?

  He ran his hand through his hair and exhaled. Reality hit me and, feeling ridiculous, I stepped back. I couldn’t read Blake’s face. I couldn’t tell if he wanted me to stay by him or go away. What was I thinking dancing with him like that? Jeremy must be livid. I turned, expecting to see him storming up to me, but he wasn’t. I peered around, surprised to find him next to Monica.

  Jeremy caught eyes with me. I didn’t know what to make of Monica’s scowl directed at me. Jeremy moved away from her. I decided to walk over to meet him, reluctantly leaving Blake’s side.

  “Have fun with
Monica?” I asked when we were close enough.

  Jeremy hesitated, some of the determination leaving his face. “Uh, yeah. Sorry, she wanted to dance with me.”

  That explains why Blake doesn’t have a broken nose right now. “I don’t mind. You can dance with whomever you want. I danced with Blake.”

  Jeremy frowned, glancing over my shoulder. Probably glaring at Blake. Lucky for me, a friend came up to Jeremy, diverting his attention from Blake and me. I couldn’t help myself; I shuffled away, completely dogging my date.

  “Where’s the fire?” Blake asked from behind me.

  I turned around, happy to see who had followed me. “Is it that obvious?”

  He chuckled. “Little bit. Not that I blame you.”

  Man, you look good tonight. I giggled. Trying not to straight up ogle him, I glanced around. To my surprise, I spied Jen and Mack dancing together.

  Blake followed my gaze. “I told Jen it’d make Mack’s night if she asked him to dance.”

  “Good idea.” I was thrilled for Mack. He was spinning Jen in rapid circles as she laughed. “You must be so sad to share your date with someone else.”

  “Nope. It’s going to be a lot more painful for Jeremy.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Blake didn’t answer but grabbed my hand. Fire coursed through my veins, and I didn’t pull away.

  Chapter 12

  I hadn’t noticed the slow song until Blake drew me closer. His hand barely brushed against my back, almost as if he were afraid I’d break.

  “You’re right; this is going to be very painful for Jeremy,” I murmured.

  He glanced down at me, his smile not the crooked, confident one I was used to. Though his hand was weightless against the crook of my back, the warmth from his fingers seeped through my gown. Our other hand was intertwined, resting against his chest. I found it difficult to breathe or think straight. Was I imagining the heat coming off us? It felt almost electric. We rotated and I spied Jeremy, hands on hips. I cringed. I lifted my free hand off his shoulder and pointed at the back of Blake’s head, mouthing, “Sorry”. I wanted to imply that this dance was Blake’s idea.


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