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The Mediterranean Tycoon

Page 12

by Margaret Mayo

  The boys had already eaten their breakfast by the time Andreas returned. He looked hot and his hair was dry, so he’d obviously either not bathed or been out of the pool for some time.

  ‘Where have you been?’ Nikos posed the question Peta was dying to ask.

  Andreas grinned. ‘I thought we’d have a treasure hunt today, if that’s all right with you boys? I’ve been setting it up.’

  They both jumped up and down and said yes in unison.

  ‘That’s settled, then, but I need my breakfast first.’

  Peta thought how much younger he looked when he smiled, and how much more relaxed he was with the boys than he was with her. ‘We’ve had toast and cereal,’ she said, ‘but if you’d like an omelette I can easily—’

  ‘Toast and cereal will do fine for me, too,’ he said easily. ‘Nikos, I think you’d better put some sturdier shoes on; you, too, Ben.’

  As the boys ran off to do his bidding Andreas followed Peta into the kitchen. ‘How was the couch?’ he asked casually as she placed cereal boxes on the table and filled a jug with milk.

  ‘I slept OK,’ she admitted.

  ‘You looked more comfortable than I felt on it.’

  ‘Are you suggesting that I take the couch every night?’ she asked sharply as she sliced bread and placed it beneath the grill. ‘Because that wasn’t my idea when I offered to change places. I think maybe we should do it turn and turn about.’

  ‘And I think maybe if you stopped being so prickly we could share the bed.’

  Peta’s back was turned to Andreas as he spoke and she unconsciously stiffened, not turning to face him for several long seconds. ‘I can’t believe you’ve said that.’

  His lips turned down at the corners and his shoulders lifted slightly. ‘It seems a perfectly logical decision.’

  ‘Logical, maybe,’ she returned huffily, ‘but sensible, no. I can’t imagine anything worse than sharing a bed with a man who means nothing to me.’ Except that he had the ability to set every one of her nerve-ends quivering whenever he was near. Sleeping with him would prove impossible. Sleep she wouldn’t. Ignite she most definitely would.

  ‘It’s funny,’ he said as he sat down at the table and tipped cornflakes into a bowl. ‘My impression is very different. I think I do mean something to you, but I also think that you’re scared to admit it.’

  ‘Scared?’ she echoed. ‘Why should I be scared? I’m my own woman. I have full control of my life.’ Hell, what a stupid thing to say. She didn’t have control of it at all, he did. He’d had it ever since she’d begun to work for him. She’d used to be in control, yes, but not any longer. Everything he’d asked her to do she’d done, even so far as coming here with him. But she was definitely drawing the line at sharing a bed. All he wanted her for was to satisfy his male hunger, and that she could do without.

  ‘If you have control, why do you fall to pieces whenever I look at you in a certain way? Why do you respond to my kisses?’

  ‘Because you’re one hell of a sexy man, that’s why,’ she flared. ‘You might not have been aware of it but every woman in the company used to swoon at the mere sight of you.’

  Eyebrows rose. ‘Did you?’

  ‘Actually, no,’ she admitted. ‘And because you stir my senses now it doesn’t mean that I want to hop into bed with you. Maybe it’s because I was once bitten. I don’t know. All I do know is that I’m not prepared to let you use my body.’

  Her choice of words had him scowling. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever been guilty of using a woman for personal gratification. It’s always been a two-way thing.’

  ‘Have there been women since Maria?’ she dared to ask.


  ‘And are you telling me that you didn’t use them?’

  ‘I had needs,’ he admitted, ‘but so did they. And so do you,’ he added, his voice deepening to a sensual growl.

  Just the way he said it caused the pulse at the base of her throat to flutter. ‘But my needs are obviously not as great as yours.’

  ‘I think you’ve burnt the toast.’

  Peta swung around quickly. Smoke was rising from the grill. ‘Damn!’ she exclaimed, adding a few more choice swear words beneath her breath. ‘It’s your fault.’ She tipped the toast smartly into the bin, but when she reached out for the loaf to cut two more slices he stopped her.

  ‘Don’t bother. I’m not that hungry anyway.’

  Peta began to cough.

  ‘You’d better get out,’ he said, flapping a tea towel to try and get rid of the smoke. ‘See if the boys are ready. I’ll finish up in here.’

  She was glad to go, because not only had the toast nearly set on fire, but she was also on fire. All this talk about sleeping together had set off a chain reaction, and each nerve and vein and pulse that it touched jumped louder than the others until her whole body was jangling.

  The boys were outside, raring to go, and she drew in much-needed breaths of fresh mountain air. Not that it did a lot of good. It would take more than air to rid her mind and body of Andreas Papadakis. And the longer they were forced together the harder it was going to be.

  When Andreas was ready he handed out the first clue, and after studying it for a few minutes Ben and Nikos ran off, laughing. Peta followed more leisurely, conscious of Andreas a few yards away, his eyes everwatchful on the boys. And probably on herself, too, though she tried not to think of it.

  A quarter of an hour passed, and they had all found the second clue and worked it out when Andreas fell into step at her side. ‘The boys are enjoying themselves.’

  ‘Yes, indeed,’ she agreed. ‘It was a good idea of yours.’

  ‘Perhaps now we can finish our conversation.’

  Peta frowned as she quickly looked at him. ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘Needs. The fact that you said mine was greater than yours. I don’t agree.’

  ‘Not when you’re the one who’s pushing for an affair?’ she asked scornfully.

  ‘Not an affair. You make it sound sordid.’

  ‘So what is it you want?’ she demanded. ‘You know as well as I do that you’re still in love with your wife. No one will ever be able to take her place. What would you do if I let you make love to me? Pretend that I was Maria?’

  Oh, Lord, she shouldn’t have said that. It was cruel and unasked-for. And when she saw the hurt in his eyes and the angry black shadow across his face she clapped her hands to her mouth. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said quietly. ‘So sorry.’


  ANDREAS walked away from Peta. Her careless words hurt, deeply. If that was the impression he gave then he was doing something wrong. It was true, no one would ever take Maria’s place; she would always be very special in his heart. But Peta was different in every way, surely she knew that? He wanted her for herself alone, not as a replacement for Maria.

  He strode after the boys; they were having a whale of a time, laughing and running, arguing light-heartedly over the clue, eventually finding the ancient olive tree with the clue tucked into one of its lower branches.

  He had thought today would be fun for all of them, had never expected Peta to say something so hurtful. Admittedly she had immediately apologised, but it was the fact that she even thought he would do something like that. If he made love to Peta he certainly wouldn’t be thinking about Maria. The two women were as different as chalk from cheese.

  ‘Steady, boys,’ he said as they came hurtling back down towards him.

  ‘This is fun,’ said Nikos. ‘Where’s Peta? Why isn’t she joining in?’

  Andreas turned and was surprised to see that she was nowhere in sight. Surely she hadn’t gone back to the house? But he dared not go looking and leave the boys. Although he felt reasonably confident that whoever was threatening to kidnap his son wouldn’t trace them up here, he wasn’t prepared to take the risk.

  ‘I guess she’s still searching for the clue,’ he said.

  Ben laughed. ‘Mummy’s not as clever as us, is
she?’ And he ran off again.

  Peta didn’t know how she could have been so thoughtless. Andreas felt bad enough about losing his wife without her slamming into him like that. She’d been guilty of thinking of herself alone.

  She’d sat down on a boulder when Andreas walked off, burying her head in her hands, wondering how she could rectify the situation. All she could do was apologise again, but the truth was no amount of apology would set the matter right. She’d been completely out of order.

  ‘Mummy, what’s the matter?’

  Peta looked up as Ben came running towards her, Nikos not far behind.

  ‘I have a headache,’ she lied, thinking quickly.

  ‘Does that mean we have to go back?’

  ‘Of course not, darling,’ she said, shaking her head. ‘All I needed was a few moments to myself. How are you doing?’

  ‘We’ve found two clues,’ he answered importantly, his little chest swelling with pride. ‘Will you be all right if we carry on?’

  ‘Of course your mother will be all right.’ Andreas spoke over her son’s shoulder. ‘I’ll look after her.’

  Peta’s mouth twisted wistfully. She’d give anything to be able to retract those thoughtlessly spoken words. There was still pain in Andreas’s deep brown eyes, but, thank goodness, he didn’t look as though he was going to hold it against her.

  ‘What can I say?’ she asked, looking up at him sorrowfully as the boys ran away.

  ‘I think it’s best forgotten. Let’s follow.’

  They chatted as the boys raced around, and on the surface they were friends again, but the intimacy was lost. There were no more suggestions on his part that they share a bed. No innuendoes, no soft, hungry glances. It was gone. Dashed away by a few words.

  She ought to be pleased, but she wasn’t. Contrarily, she wanted him, wanted to share closeness with him because he excited her. He had awoken long-dead feelings. He had made her feel all woman again. No man had done that in a long time.

  Ought she to apologise once more? But one look at his face told her it would do no good. There was a sternness to the beetling brows, a tightness to his mouth, and although when he spoke to her he sounded perfectly normal Peta knew that inside he was hurting like hell.

  And she didn’t blame him. What she had said was unforgivable.

  The boys found the treasure—a carved wooden boat they could play with in the bathing pool—and they all made their way home.

  For the rest of the day Andreas played with the boys and Peta busied herself around the little house.

  ‘I think it will be best if you take the bed,’ said Andreas later that evening when the boys were asleep and they were sitting outside, enjoying the stillness.

  ‘Why?’ she wanted to know. She didn’t deserve the bed. ‘It’s not fair on you. I’ll sleep on the couch. I can quite easily manage there.’

  ‘I said, you take the bed,’ he answered tersely. ‘There’s nothing more to be said.’

  Peta couldn’t understand. If she had to sleep on the couch for the rest of their stay it would be what she deserved. Why wasn’t he punishing her? Why was he punishing himself?

  ‘Just for tonight, then,’ she agreed.

  ‘Every night, dammit!’ he shot back. ‘Just do as you’re told.’


  ‘But nothing.’ Stony brown eyes fixed unrelentingly on hers. ‘Go to bed, Peta. Go now!’

  It was a long and lonely night. Peta tossed and turned, unable to stop thinking about Andreas, wondering whether he was managing to sleep, how comfortable he was. If it hadn’t been for her crass insensitivity they might well have been sleeping together.

  Her heart pounded at the very thought. But it was one best not delved into. It would never happen, not now. She had well and truly put a stop to any romantic developments.

  During the next few days Andreas was friendly enough on the surface. Ben and Nikos never suspected that anything was wrong, but for some unknown reason the fact that he showed not the remotest interest in her made Peta want him all the more.

  She was consumed with a hunger she had never felt before. She craved to feel his body against hers, she desperately wanted his kisses, and the longer time went on the more she desired him.

  It was becoming an impossible situation.

  ‘How much longer do you plan on staying here?’ she asked as they sat outside one evening after the boys were in bed. It was quiet save for the rustle in the trees and the occasional squawk of a bird. ‘You can’t ignore your business interests for ever.’ In fact she was surprised that he had stayed away from them for so long.

  ‘Everything is being well looked after,’ he told her brusquely. ‘And I intend to remain here for as long as is necessary.’

  ‘How will you know when the kidnapper has lost interest? What if he’s staking out your mother’s house, waiting for you to return? What if he kidnaps your mother instead?’

  This latter was obviously something that had never occurred to him, for his eyes snapped open. Then he gave a harsh laugh. ‘Kidnapping my mother would be their worst nightmare. She’d give them hell. They’d soon realise their mistake.’

  ‘Whatever, we can’t stay here indefinitely,’ she said.

  ‘Getting fed up, are we?’ he asked with a further flash of his magnificent chestnut eyes.

  Peta shook her head, auburn hair flying. ‘No, but I imagine the boys will get bored soon. There’s only so much to do here.’

  ‘They’re not showing any signs.’

  She shrugged but didn’t answer. It was a pointless conversation. She should never have started it.

  ‘I think that you’re the one who’s finding life dull,’ he said softly. And, when there was still no response from her, ‘Perhaps it’s because I’m not paying you any attention?’

  His words had her sucking in a horrified breath and she jumped to her feet and walked a few paces away. Was he saying that he was deliberately leaving her alone? That it wasn’t because of what she’d said about his wife?

  ‘It’s what you want, isn’t it?’ he asked.

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘And yet it makes you look miserable.’

  ‘It’s not because of—’

  Her words were cut off when Andreas whirled her to face him and his mouth claimed hers in a kiss that sent her spinning into space. Yes, this was what she wanted. This!

  She felt herself melting, every one of her senses leaping into action. The exciting male smell of him filled her nostrils, teasing and tormenting, making her wriggle against him, inciting him to deepen the kiss, his tongue plunging and thrilling.

  He tasted good, oh, so good. This was definitely what she had wanted, had needed, even, over the last few days. She had thought he would never kiss her again, but apparently he had been as miserable as she, and now he was unable to contain his hunger.

  When she dared to open her eyes he was looking at her with a smouldering intensity that tightened every one of her muscles and sent shock wave reeling after shock wave. He lifted his mouth for a fraction of a second to utter gruffly, ‘You’re beautiful.’

  And so was he! So was he. Her answer was a mew of satisfaction, and when one hand crept beneath the hem of her cotton top to slide purposefully towards her breast Peta drew in a deep breath of anticipation—and held it. She fitted into the palm of his hand perfectly, but it was not until his thumb grazed across her already erect and expectant nipple that she expelled the air from her body and gave a further cry of pleasure.

  Whether he was using her or not, it suddenly didn’t matter. She would be a fool to deny what her body so badly wanted. As she involuntarily ground her hips against his she felt the full, exciting extent of his arousal, heard the groan deep in his throat, and gave an answering whimper as his hand tightened over her breast.

  ‘This is no good,’ he declared edgily. ‘I’ve been patient long enough.’ And with an expertise that sent her mind reeling he whipped her white top over her head and flicked the clasp on her
bra. In a matter of seconds her breasts were exposed to his eager eyes.

  ‘Ben and Nikos!’ she exclaimed. ‘What if—?’

  ‘They’re fast asleep,’ he assured her, leading her indoors, laying her down on the couch so that he could kneel in front of her. When he began an assault on her breasts with fingers and teeth and tongue Peta very soon grew past caring. This was heaven. This was the stuff dreams were made of. He was quickly transporting her to another world.

  She lay back and wallowed in the sensations he was creating. She felt a desperate, urgent, aching hunger to be made love to. No man had ever aroused her to such depths. His tongue flicked the sensitive nub of her breast, his teeth grazed and incited, and she moved uncontrollably beneath him.

  ‘Let’s go to bed,’ he growled, lifting his head to look into the deep ocean-blue of her eyes.

  Peta saw her own raw hunger mirrored on his face. And hunger won. She gave a faint nod and allowed him to lift her effortlessly into his arms. As he walked slowly into the next room he trailed kisses across her brow and over her nose. He kissed each eyelid in turn, each eyebrow, and by the time he put her down her heart was pounding fit to burst.

  The vague notion that she was making a grave mistake entered her mind, but she dismissed it instantly and when he kissed her again she entwined her arms around the back of his neck and held him close.

  ‘This is what you want?’ he asked roughly.

  ‘Yes!’ she whispered urgently. ‘Yes, yes, yes!’

  ‘There’ll be no regrets?’ He began to ease her skirt down over her hips, Peta obligingly lifting her body.

  ‘None at all.’

  ‘You’re sure, now?’ It was the turn of her panties next, brief triangles of white lace that hid almost nothing.

  Peta was beyond answering. Not very long ago she would have felt embarrassed lying in front of Andreas stark naked, but there was something very erotic about having him undress her, especially when he began to strip off his own clothes, too.


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