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Educating Callie

Page 9

by Emma Jayne Mills

  “What about me? I saw her too.” I suddenly remembered.

  “You’ll have to give a statement. But that’s nothing to worry about, I’ll be with you. The estimated time of death puts you at home, having dinner with both me and Adam. And if, as we suspect, she went missing the night you saw her, well, you were with Adam all night.” Cameron explained going into work mode.

  “I can’t believe this.” I said. Despite everything Amy had been my friend and a big part of my life. She had been part of the coven, as Mick had named Amy, Liv, Dana and me. Amy had made Vinnie an honorary member. As much as I might have been angry with her for sleeping with Jase, I would never wish this on her, on anyone. Adam wrapped his other arm around me and held me while the tears fell.


  Adam: Okay?

  Me: Okay.


  “Do you think he had anything to do with this Cam?” I asked my brother as I pocketed my phone and set down a cup of tea for him on the shelf above the sink in his bathroom. I perched on the edge of the bathroom counter facing him as he stood, shaving, in front of the mirror. My brother had inherited our Dad’s dark hair and olive skin in the same way I had, but he had Mum’s blue-grey eyes sitting under his thick, black eyebrows, whereas mine were the same deep brown as our Dad’s. He had a pouty mouth any woman would covet as her own and he wore his hair slightly too long, his untamed curls almost drawing level with his chin. Dad would never have let him get away with it at work, but Jim, his old sergeant had been lenient about it and only told Cam not to let it get any longer.

  He paused, “I honestly don’t know Callie. He’s like a different person lately. All day yesterday Greg and I tried to get through to him and it was like talking to a complete stranger. I don’t know who he is anymore.”

  “I know that feeling.” I laughed humourlessly. “It’s like he forgot how to be himself. He used to be relaxed and easy going, he was always trying to make me laugh. But recently he’s short tempered and moody. I know we weren’t exactly in a good place, but I still care about him. “

  “Of course you do twin. We all do. This just isn’t the Jase we know.” Cam finished shaving and wiped his face with a towel before pulling on his shirt. He changed the subject. “What’re you doing today?”

  “Not much. Got some reading to do for college. I might try and get hold of Nick, have you seen him lately?” I separated a strand of my hair from the rest and wove it into a thin braid as I spoke.

  “I spoke to him yesterday, he said you two had talked lots.” Cam frowned at me in the mirror.

  “Yeah, but I haven’t seen him for ages. That’s not normal. And when I ask what he’s doing he’s really evasive. I don’t think I can take any more of my friends going bat shit on me twin!” I joked half heartedly.

  Cam shrugged it off, “He’s probably busy at work, you know how popular he is. Want to get dinner at the pub before your shift tonight? I should be done at work by then.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll meet you there.” I stood on tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. “Take it easy today, don’t let him get to you. Ok? “

  “I’ll try.” He promised and I left him to finish getting ready for work.


  Me: Dude! I just polished the floors. Do you know what this means?

  Nick: You need to get out more?

  Me: The entire floor is a slip n’ slide.

  Nick: Be there in ten.


  They found the redhead. She wasn’t as easy to mould as I had hoped in the end, she fought me at every turn. Perhaps her betrayal of my lady angered me, leaving me with less patience than I would normally have for a student. Still, she knew in the end. She was suitably horrified when I revealed myself to her and begged for her life when I enlightened her as to who she had wronged and why she must die, which she did beautifully. I enjoy it when they beg.

  Young women these days don’t know how to behave, they should be classy and elegant, not loud and obnoxious as developments in society over recent years have encouraged them. This loutish behaviour is not a sign of strength and equality as they mistakenly believe. They need to be taught and I have been more than happy to pick up my teaching again, but the fiery one did not want to learn.

  My lady was raised properly, by decent parents; my teaching with her would have been minimal. Of course, she will have to be punished for running from me, but I know I will forgive her and I will teach her still. There are others that need to learn first though; I have my eye on several potential students. And when I have finished teaching, she will be my reward. Mine, for the rest of my life, as she was always meant to be. Until then I will continue to romance her with my gifts.


  Chapter five

  On the morning that Jase was released without charge of Amy’s murder I found another rose and a bottle of expensive perfume on my doorstep. It was one I’d worn for him over the years because he loved it, but I preferred a more subtle scent. The detectives on the case couldn’t (yet, they had stressed) connect him to her murder other than the fact that he was likely the last person to see her alive. That alone wasn’t enough to hold him so they had no choice but to let him go.

  I had given my statement about the last time I saw Amy during which they also grilled me intensively about Jase and my relationship with him. Both Cameron and Adam had insisted on being present for my interview, which made for a very pleasant time. Not. Being trapped in an enclosed space with four dominant male types is not an experience I’d care to repeat any time soon. Testosterone overload!

  Leaving college after my classes, I wandered, deep in thought and enjoying a brief respite from my usual paranoia, along the road in the general direction of the bus stop. I was basking in the unexpected sunshine that had made an appearance despite the snow that still lay on the ground and the chill in the air, when Jase’s car pulled up alongside me.

  “Feel like getting lunch at that pub we found out in the country before we go home baby?” He asked casually, leaning across the passenger seat and talking through the open window. What the hell? He was acting as though nothing had gone wrong with us and he was just picking me up after classes as he’d always done.

  “ Thanks.” I told him, trying to hide my surprise at his sudden appearance, I continued walking and he drove slowly alongside me. He’d obviously been waiting for me to come out. Despite knowing that he hadn’t killed Amy, I still didn’t want to be alone with him.

  “I just want to talk, Cee. Please.” He said, he gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white and I could see he was struggling to stay calm. That worried me. “You know I didn’t hurt Amy don’t you?”

  “Of course I do.” I told him. Although he was technically still under suspicion, I was certain he wouldn’t do those things. Well, as certain as I could be. “I never really thought you did Jase, but it doesn’t change what happened. You still cheated on me. We’re still finished.”

  “She’s gone Cee. She’s not a threat to us anymore, it’s not like it’s going to happen again.” He pushed, stopping the car at the curb.

  “What?” I halted and stared at him through the open window, was he serious? I didn’t even know where to begin on picking apart all that was wrong with that sentence!

  A familiar black motorcycle pulled up in front of Jase’s car and I breathed a sigh of relief. Nick climbed off the bike and removed his helmet with one hand while pushing his floppy, blonde, slightly too long hair out of his eyes with the other.

  “Hello stranger.” He flashed a grin at me then looked towards Jase, the smile instantly dropping. “You ok buddy?”

  “Just fine Nick. Trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend, if you don’t mind.” Jase responded angrily. Nick caught my eye and raised an eyebrow at me in question, had he missed something? I shook my head in response.

  “Didn’t think so.” Nick murmured under his breath, “Why don’t you go home Jase? I’ll drop Callie off and then I�
�ll come over later with a few beers. I’ll give Nate and Luke a ring, it’s been a while since we had a decent session.”

  “CeeCee?” Jase looked at me. His eyes were cold and unfeeling and sent a bolt of dread flashing through me. Where had my Jase gone? The one I knew better than I knew myself, the one I had loved all my life? There was no hint of him left in those eyes.

  “I’m not going with you Jase.” I stated, unwavering.

  He turned abruptly, away from me, muttering under his breath before closing the window and driving away, the tyres of his car screeching on the tarmac.

  “Caffeine?” Nick asked, the infectious grin returning. He grabbed my hand, leading me to his bike and securing the spare helmet on my head. There was a reason I called Nick sunshine, he never failed to brighten my day, never failed to make me smile, never failed to lighten my mood. He simply was my own personal sunshine.

  “Always.” I agreed and climbed on the bike behind him.

  “Pockets!” He said above the noise of the engine, reminding me that I didn’t have any gloves with me and to put my hands in his jacket pockets. I did it and snuggled into his familiar warmth.

  It had been so long since Nick and I had ridden the bike together. There had been snow and ice on the roads for weeks and Nick used his car mostly over the winter months. The recent sunshine of the last few days had started a long awaited thaw and he’d obviously decided it was bike weather again.

  Nick, Cam and I had been friends since pre-school. My parents had always loved telling the story of how I walked in on our first day, marched right up to the pretty little blonde boy, who was sitting alone burying his own feet in the sandpit, plonked myself down next to him and announced loudly that we were going to be best friends forever. He had pulled my hair (a habit he had never broken, even to this day) and apparently been impressed when I didn’t even flinch but laughed and poked the dimple in his cheek instead. The three of us had become practically inseparable immediately. He was the honorary third twin in our family and my parents had adored him as much as Cam and I both did.

  “So where have you been?” I demanded, giving him my scowly face when we sat down at a table in the cafe we’d stopped at.

  “Busy trailing Jase, keeping him away from you.” He said, as if it should be obvious. He reached a tattoo covered hand across the table and pulled on my pony tail, obviously unable to resist any longer.

  “Are you serious?” I gaped at him. “You’ve been following Jase around all this time? And he just let you? “

  “Pretty much. He hasn’t exactly been predictable since you broke up Cal. Drinking, getting into fights, trying to follow you everywhere. Between that and work and my brothers I haven’t had much free time.” He explained.

  Nick’s Dad had left them when he was still a child and his mother hadn’t been much use after that. Drinking herself into an early grave when Nick was twenty. Being over eighteen he had been able to take on his three younger brothers and had worked himself ragged providing for them and making sure they had everything they needed. In all honesty, it was nothing he wasn’t doing before she died, since she hadn’t been capable of taking care of them herself. Nick and his brothers had been regulars at our house, for mealtimes especially, over the years, my own parents taking them under their wing when their mother failed them. He had been there for us when our parents died and we were there for him in return. Cam and I and our other friends all helped out with the boys when we could. His brother Ethan was now 19 and training to be a mechanic at Nate’s Dad’s garage. The younger two, Danny who was 17 and Heath who was 15 were both still in school full time.

  “Nick...” I was speechless. As if he didn’t have enough to do and here he was running around after my unbalanced ex boyfriend.

  “You’re welcome.” He shrugged at me as the waitress arrived; she set down the coffees we had ordered at the counter before taking our seats. “Honestly? Cam asked me to keep an eye on him and I was more than happy to help. But I would have done it anyway, he doesn’t deserve a second of your time after what he did. I just didn’t realise it would turn into a full time job. How’re you holding up anyway?”

  “I’m alright. Shocked about Amy more than anything right now. Trying not to think about the other stuff.” I said, sipping my black coffee, I didn’t do all the fancy frothy, flavoured coffees that had overtaken the market in recent years. I wanted my caffeine in the purest form I could get it.

  “Yeah, hard to believe she won’t just come waltzing over all giggly and say something crazy, like she used to. Although I can’t believe she did that to you either. It’s hard to know how to feel about her.” He said, leaning forward and lacing our fingers together on the table top. “Listen, I’m sorry I haven’t been around Cal, especially the night you walked in on them. Was it awful?”

  “It wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had. Adam was great, he got rid of Jase for me. I’m not sure what I would have done if it hadn’t been for him.” I filled him in on everything else that had happened that night and life since. Leaving out the parts where I openly and uncontrollably drooled over Adam every chance I got. “Of course Cam went into big brother mode and barely let me leave the house for a week, but now I realise you were in on that with him.”

  “Not sorry for trying to protect you Moonbeam. So, I’m yet to meet this Adam.” Nick sat back and trained his eyes on me while rubbing at his short, neatly trimmed beard. “Heard a lot about him though. Seems he’s earned himself a reputation as your hero. A knight in shining armour no less.”

  “You shouldn’t listen to Liv and Vinnie so much.” I laughed and fiddled with the sleeve on my jacket.

  “Yeah, maybe there’s something in their stories this time.” He cocked his head on one side and looked at me through narrowed eyes.

  “What’s that look for?” I frowned and he laughed at me, shaking his head.

  “You’re so clueless. I’ve missed you Moonbeam!” He said, still smiling.

  “You know where I am Nick.” I said sharply, letting him know that I still wasn’t entirely happy with him for disappearing on me. Not that it would stay that way for long, I was rarely truly angry with anyone, especially not Nick. It just wasn’t me.

  “Like I said, been busy. But I intend to rectify that from right now.” He said with a nod and his signature grin.

  “Well good!” I smiled, “Because I missed you too Sunshine.”


  Me: Game night. Tonight. Our place be there or be sober and alone losers.

  Nick: I’m in as long as the lemurs aren’t.

  Greg: You two ever going to tell the rest of us this lemur story?

  Nick: Lemurs are demonic. That’s all you need to know.

  Vinnie: I think we all know Nick just prefers monkeys to humans.

  Me: You guys in or not? No lemurs Sunshine boy. Just copious amounts of alcohol, junk food, a coven meeting and COD for all you toy soldiers.

  Mick: In.

  Me: You smooth talker Micka! <3

  Dana: We’re in. I’ll prep the cauldron.

  Me: Good girl.

  Greg: Did you add Adam to this message Cal?

  Adam: She did cous. I’ll be there.

  Me: : )

  Nick: If Ethan is home then I’m in.

  Me: Already cleared it, he’ll be home. Bribed him with chocolate muffins.

  Nick: Woohoo! It’s like being a parent and getting a last minute babysitter. My life bloody rocks!

  Liv: LMAO! Bloody love you Nick!

  Nick: Back at ya Liver bird!

  Me: Olive? You in?

  Liv: When am I not?

  Me: If you’re out (there)?

  Liv: John Legend witch! That was abysmal!

  Me: Fail.

  Liv: Epic! That makes me in the lead.

  Me: No fucking way! Not after my Maroon 5 extravaganza. That sent me miles ahead!

  Greg: ??????????????

  Vinnie: Freaks!

  Nate: No can do babe. Sorry.

bsp; Me: Ah come on Nate!!! COD is calling. Your country needs you!

  Nate: Next time. Promise. Love ya babe. Bell me soon. Xx

  Me: Will do. Xx

  Nate: : )

  Luke: Me neither. Family stuff.

  Twin 2: Everything ok Luke?

  Me: You alright Luca?

  Liv: Waving here Lukie boy!

  Luke: Waving back Liv. I’m fine. Things are just insane since Amy and I can’t get away right now.

  Me: Alright Luca, don’t be a stranger though yeah?

  Luke: Never Cal. Xx

  Me: Xx

  Vinnie: Oooh kisses! I lurve kisses! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  Liv: Shut up witch!


  I do not appreciate that my lady has been throwing away my gifts. This is ungrateful behaviour. It angers me, had she completed her education with me she would know this information. Going forward, I cannot tolerate it. Yet more lessons to add to her growing list. If only she had stayed with me, her lessons would be over now and we would be beginning our lives together. Far away from outside influences that could take her from me. Still, I have found a new gift for her, this one I believe she will be most taken with and it will suitably re-enforce the lessons she must learn.

  In the meantime, I have pin pointed my next student. I am watching and waiting for the opportunity that allows her to join me. I have learned, through observing her that she is quite the wild thing and I believe I will enjoy her very much.


  “Incoming!” Greg called as he and Dana walked through the front door and into the living room. She pecked his cheek with her lips and came to join Liv and me in the kitchen, while Greg turned towards the sofa area.

  “Hey you two, come on in.” I called back from the kitchen where I was preparing a plate of nachos and Liv was emptying peanuts into bowls, while casually throwing one at my head every few seconds.


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