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Educating Callie

Page 13

by Emma Jayne Mills

  “Nick and I will get beer and meat, you do the salad pip squeak.” He instructed, pointing at me with his phone in one hand, while with the other he caught the sweatshirt I threw at him and pushed his feet into trainers. Who says men can’t multi task? Then he ran down the steps and joined Nick who was already sitting in our car. Salad? Really?

  “Do your own salad you pre-historic beast!” I shouted after him as the car pulled away and went to have a shower instead. I was surrounded by cavemen.


  I am livid. I had successfully managed to discover my lady’s new telephone number and now I cannot access it. She has somehow blocked me from contacting her. This is not acceptable to me. How can I tell her when she looks beautiful if she will not allow me access to her? My latest student will take the brunt of my anger but my frustrations with my lady will linger until I have her again. It is impolite to ignore the attentions of a person. Surely she must be aware of this? I collect the poetry book I have for her from the hallway table.

  My gifts she cannot continue to ignore. She has shown me that she cannot be swayed with flowers, the finest champagne or divine fragrances. She requires more thought than this, my chosen one is not easy. My Mother taught me well in the art of romancing a lady and I intend to use those lessons to the best of my ability. My lady is sweet perfection and she belongs to me. Not tonight however. Tonight is for teaching. My new student awaits and I am feeling quite brutal, I hope she bleeds well. This one may take some time. But first I have a gift to deliver.


  “Keats?” I murmured to myself as I picked up the book and flicked through the pages after wandering onto the porch after my shower. It had been left on the top step, clearly in view, so it couldn’t be missed. At least Cam and Nick weren’t back; if they had seen him here they would have gone nuts. A chill ran through me as it struck me that there was a strong chance this wasn’t Jase’s doing. Although he was aware of my love of books, I couldn’t see it even occurring to Jase to go out and buy me a book of love poetry. I was pretty sure he wouldn’t have a clue about the kind of thing I read, let alone poetry. Would he? Maybe this was him trying to change for me, make more of an effort to acknowledge my interests? I doubted it, but then, what did I really know about him anymore?

  Taking the book inside, I added it to a pile on the window ledge, intending to deal with it later. Even if Jase was changing his ways and trying to get my attention with books, I wasn’t going to accept them. I would give them back to him and let him know he was wasting his time. I pushed it out of my mind for now, refusing to allow the niggle at the back of it to grow and acknowledge the fact that there was more to this than I was willing to think about. The darkness was closing in on me but I was going to outrun it this time, I had to.


  “Incoming!” Liv sang as she and Vinnie walked up the steps to the front porch where Cam and Nick had a raging fire burning at one end. They claimed they had it under control but I had my phone in my hand ready to dial 999 at the drop of a hat. Adam followed a few minutes later along with Dana and Greg.

  “For you.” Adam handed me a small bag after I returned from the kitchen where I had begrudgingly thrown salad into a bowl. I put the bowl down on the table with a clatter and scowled at Cam, he threw his head back and laughed. I hoped the flames singed his eyebrows off. In his defence he had returned from the supermarket with a tub of cookie dough ice cream and a jar of red heart shaped sprinkles for me while announcing “Happy Valentine’s Day tiny twin!” Seeing as there was ice cream involved I couldn’t justify staying angry at him for long, but I wouldn’t give in too easily even if he did find it hilarious.

  “What’s this?” I frowned, turning to Adam.

  “Have a look.” He nodded towards the bag as I took it. I opened the bag and pulled out a pair of rainbow coloured, striped mittens. I smiled; Adam had officially joined the Callie needs gloves club.

  “They’re not just any gloves, look...” he pulled them all the way out of the bag to reveal a thread running between the two mittens, attaching them together. “You thread them through your coat sleeves. No more forgetting or falling out of pockets, they’re always there.”

  “Genius! Adam you’re amazing.” I jumped up and threw my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He laughed, because my feet were no longer touching the floor, and hugged me back, looping his arms around my waist and lifting me higher.

  “They’re perfect. And they make me feel like I’m five again and that was a good year.” I rested my hands on his chest when he set me down. “Thank you for thinking about me.”

  He smiled before leaning down and kissing my forehead. “You’re welcome. And I think about you a lot Angel.”

  I ignored Dana when she giggled and sang the words “Forehead kisses” from somewhere behind us.


  Liv: Bored. Come and keep me company.

  Me: Can’t. Out with my new man. He’s so hot!

  Liv: And the truth?

  Me: I’m stalking a hottie in the frozen produce isle. He bought rocket ice lollies and fish fingers, I think he’s the one...

  Me: Shit! He just called security.

  Liv: Thought so. Vinnie’s cooking tonight. Witches only. Be there or be sober and alone loser.


  Someone was watching me; I could feel a presence, wherever I went and I was certain it wasn’t just my usual paranoia. I shivered, trying to shake the feelings that had plagued me since Amy’s body had been found. Since I had given him my number Jase had messaged me daily, just idle chit chat kind of stuff and although I knew I ought not encourage him I couldn’t help it, I missed him. But he had also developed a habit of turning up at random points during the day, always seeming to know where I would be. The roses and other gifts were less frequent but they still came. And he still denied sending them. It was the books that unnerved me more than anything.

  The fact was though; Jase didn’t have to be watching me to know where I would be. He knew when I worked, when I had classes, when I was at home. He had lived that life with me for as long as I had, so his showing up out of the blue shouldn’t really surprise me. He did it all the time when we were together, so we could sneak off to be alone every chance we got. I’d given him my number, had I thought he wouldn’t use it? And yet, this was more than that. It was a weird sense of déjà-vu and I couldn’t put my finger on the reason behind it.

  I pulled myself together and looked around briefly before letting myself into Liv and Vinnie’s flat. Tugging off my mittens I smiled to myself at the way they hung down from my coat sleeves, just like when I was a kid, I took off my coat and hung it in the hallway. Then I dragged my mind, kicking and screaming, out of the darkness and went in search of my coven.

  “Incoming sexy witches!” I called out as I wandered along the narrow hallway.

  “In the kitchen, sexiest witch.” Vinnie answered, his voice carrying from the kitchen. That man knew how to boost a girl’s confidence.

  “I bet you say that to all the witches.” I laughed as I leant on the kitchen doorframe. “What’s cooking?”

  Vinnie could well afford to live alone, but he stayed in the flat with Liv because he knew her measly librarian’s wage would never afford her anything decent on her own. That and I think Vinnie would go insane if he had to endure his own company for more than twenty four hours.

  “Papa Vincenzo’s spaghetti and meatballs. Mama Mia!” Vinnie’s very bad Italian accent drifted towards me on a wave of sweet smelling basil and tomatoes as he stirred a pan on the hob. He was wearing black boxer shorts and an apron with no shirt underneath. Muscles bulged over the top of muscles and black ink swirled around the dark skin on his right arm and across his chest. I swear if this man were straight. Then I saw the dinosaur slippers!

  “He’s been wandering around like that for hours.” Liv shoved a glass of wine into my hand as I moved fully into the room and took a large slug of her own, clearly unable to deal with the visio
n that was Vinnie much longer. “It’s a crime to womanhood. I’m moving out if he keeps it up. And as for the Italian thing...”

  “You’re not Italian. Your name is Vincent, not Vincenzo. And I guarantee that sauce came out of a jar that has Dolmio written on it.” I pointed at him, downing my wine in one and reaching for the bottle.

  “Way to piss on a man’s cornflakes. I was living the dream there for a while hellcat.” He plopped the wooden spoon into the pot dramatically and came over to kiss me hello.

  “Looking beautiful as always witch.” He said, squeezing me tight.

  “I look like shit V. I haven’t slept properly for weeks. I have a constant headache. When I do sleep nightmares wake me and my brother, who I am pretty sure has a man crush on Adam, has got me on some kind of fucking suicide watch.” I responded with sarcasm. “Where’s Dana?”

  “Well, aren’t you just two scoops of grumpy and a bowl full of bitchy tonight? Are you both pre menstrual? I thought that shit only happened when you women lived together. Dana couldn’t make it, maybe she’s on her period too.” He looked between Liv and me.

  “Alright ladies, talk to the Vinster. What’s eating you tonight?” he put an arm around each of us.

  “Vinster?” We both said in unison.

  “That’s what I said. Come on now, I’m all ears for my girls. Talk to me.” He topped up both our glasses and grabbed himself a beer from the fridge. “Shall I just turn off the meatballs and get the ice cream out?”

  “No!” I answered quickly, afraid that if he stopped cooking he might put some clothes on. “I want Papa Vincenzo’s balls.”

  Vinnie rolled his eyes at me.

  “Me too, I haven’t eaten all day.” Liv agreed with a grin, “Balls, then ice cream and True Blood re-runs.”

  “I’m certain I must be in some kind of heterosexual heaven right now with both of you wanting to eat my balls, but I can’t help you there ladies. Ice cream and True Blood however, I am all over that shizzle.” Vinnie smiled as we perked up. “That Jason Stackhouse is one fine specimen of man.”

  “You remind me of Lafayette.” Liv told him, looking at him over the top of her glasses and waving her wine glass up and down his body. “Standing there cooking, all those muscles rippling.”

  “He needs a bandana!” I declared.

  “And mascara!” Liv added

  “Yes!” I agreed.

  “No!” Vinnie drew the line.


  Nick: Prepare to go on lockdown.

  Me: ???

  Nick: Fair warning.

  Me: Are the lemurs coming?

  Nick: No, it was touch and go for a while, but I threw them off the scent. Your brother is on his way to you. Go easy on him. I’ll come see you later. xx


  The killer had claimed another victim and a woman from the nearby town of Lochden Marsh was also missing. As Nick’s warning had predicted, Cameron, Adam and Greg were getting all watchful on us girls and refusing to let us go anywhere without one of them. None of them would, or could, go into details, all they revealed was that this one had been worse than Amy and they were almost certain the two were related, along with the missing woman.

  Do you know how easy it is to fall into darkness? I stood outside my body and watched myself change, I couldn’t stop it. It consumed me. I was a mess. I wasn’t sad or afraid anymore, I was numb. And numb is so much worse.

  “I don’t want you going anywhere alone Angel.” Adam said to me as, on autopilot, I served him and the others in the pub. His eyes bored into mine as he said the words. I didn’t have to tell him the crazy thoughts running through my head, he knew, they probably all knew what this would do to my already shattered piece of mind. It wouldn’t be hard to figure out, I’m certain it was written all over my face.

  “And not just with the other girls.” Cameron added, fiddling with the label on his bottle. “You need to be with one of us. Especially at night.”

  “What?” I gaped at him. Obviously I knew why he was doing this, he was terrified, the memories were there for him too but I couldn’t let him know that I was beginning to lose myself to them again. I had a show to put on.

  “I’ll bring her home myself after her shifts here.” Mick appeared beside me, he stood close to me, his shoulder touching mine as he bent and leaned his forearms on the bar. His actions attempted to comfort me but he still carried on the conversation as if I didn’t exist. “Either that or she’ll stay over with me.”

  “I’m right here you know!” I snapped, determined to not let the wave of fear that had washed over me show on the outside. It’s not him, it’s not him, I mentally told myself over and over. Mick put an arm around my waist and pulled me into his side.

  “I’m serious Callie. You, Dana, Liv, you don’t go anywhere without one of us. I’ve already spoken to Nate, Luke and Nick. They’re all making themselves available and I’ll talk to Vinnie tonight.” Cam was obviously spooked by this if he was rallying the troops and suddenly I was certain there was something he had held back.

  “What aren’t you telling me? I know that look. I know you. You’re keeping something from me.” I challenged him.

  “I just want you safe.” He snapped. We eyed each other for a few seconds, silent messages passing between us. I knew he wasn’t going to give anything up, Cam’s stubbornness was rivalled only by my own.

  “Fine. I’ll let it go. But you should know that I don’t believe you.” I told him.

  “You need to get on board with this Angel. I plan on being your shadow until this sicko is caught.” He looked at Cam who nodded his agreement.

  “What about college? I can’t expect a police escort to and from all my classes can I?” I challenged Cam again, my bravado became closer to slipping the more I realised there was to this. “Why don’t I just use the car and you walk to work?”

  “You’d still be alone twin. The last victim was taken between leaving work and getting into her car, which was parked right outside her place of work.” He explained as gently as he could, I still shuddered. Mick had turned away and poured a glass of brandy which he now set in front of me, I resisted the urge to knock it back in one.

  “You call either Cam or me when you need to go anywhere and if we can’t come ourselves we’ll send one of your other friends. Someone will be with you Angel.” Adam said reassuringly, closing his hand over mine where it rested on the bar between us. He had noticed my shudder.

  “Please don’t fight me on this Cal. I know you’re not the kind of woman who needs a man to survive, but right now I need to know you’re safe.” Cam said. He looked at me then and I saw the worry in his eyes. He was right there with me, I could almost hear the same words running through his head as were on a loop in mine. So I stopped pretending for a second and gave in, because he needed me to.


  I watch her as she walks towards the waiting car. I despise the way they cannot keep their filthy hands off her. Today’s chauffeur leans across the seats and pushes a strand of hair from her face and she smiles at the words he speaks to her. I cannot abide the way she looks at him, as though he is her entire world. I will ensure she looks at me that way before her lessons are over. She won’t look at me with fear and loathing the way she did when she was with me before. She will be awestruck when I finally reveal myself. She will always worship me first. She will always love me first. I made mistakes with her in the past, mistakes I will not repeat.


  Chapter Seven

  I lay in bed and watched the storm rage outside my open window. No point in trying to sleep, the nightmares would only come in force, they had been relentless since Cam and the others had taken up bodyguard duty. I loved storms; my Mum had always told us it was Mother Nature’s way of showing us that even she could have a bad day. The sky was screaming its anger down at me tonight and I was agreeing with every word.

  The white, full length curtains billowed in the wind and a black cloud covered my mood as well a
s the sky. Nights like this would always remind me of Jase. We’d lie in my bed together, watching the storm through the open window. When we were younger he would sneak in through my bedroom window and keep me company as we innocently held hands and counted the seconds that passed between the thunder and lightning. As we got older he didn’t need to sneak in anymore, but he did it anyway, there was something about him using the window that we both liked. We would lie naked in each other’s arms after making love, my head resting on his chest, his fingers lazily tracing patterns on my skin, while we watched the sky light up.

  A scuffle at the window had me sitting bolt upright in bed. It’s not him. It’s not him. My mantra kicked in. It’s alright, I told myself, Cam and Adam are in the living room, all you have to do is scream. The three of us had eaten dinner together, as was becoming a regular occurrence but I’d left them to it when the storm began, not being in the mood for company.

  “It’s okay. It’s just me CeeCee.” Jase’s voice carried through the window. It was followed a few seconds later by his smiling face. “Hey, can I come in?”

  “What are you doing here Jase?” I snapped, my heart rate slowing slightly. “You scared the shit out of me. You know they found another body right?”

  “Shit babe, I didn’t think. I’m sorry.” He moved to climb through the window but I held up a hand to stop him.

  “It’s not him Cee. He’s gone. You’re safe baby.” He paused and ran a hand through his soaked hair as I relaxed a little. “I miss you. I wanted to watch the storm together, like always. That’s all Cee, I swear it.”

  I sighed and nodded, knowing I should send him away, but I couldn’t muster the strength to do it. I pulled the covers up to my chin and watched as he made short work of climbing in through the window. He proceeded to kick off his boots and shrug out of his jacket. I gasped when he reached for his belt, “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I’m drenched CeeCee, walked all the way here in the rain. Couldn’t drive because I had a beer with Dad earlier.” He replied, gesturing to the window as he continued to peel the wet denim from his legs and yank off his t shirt in that one handed way men do. And then there he was. My 6’2, golden skinned, muscle bound Adonis of a boyfriend. Ex Callie! Ex boyfriend! I hastily reminded myself. I bit my lip, what was I thinking?


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