Book Read Free

Educating Callie

Page 15

by Emma Jayne Mills

  “I know what she reads. I haven’t read any of it though.” Adam added hastily on the end of his reply.

  “I see.” Cam said as his lips curved into a smile and he looked from Adam to me and back again. It seemed my brother was no longer blind and could now see “it” too, just like Liv and Dana and Vinnie and Nick. Oh good! I mentally checked on my no swoon zone, which was now thirty feet high and rigged with explosives. Good luck getting over that you perfect piece of man candy!

  “What’s that?” Adam asked as he reached out and turned my wrist over to look at my tattoo.

  “Shit! How did that get there?” I joked sarcastically as I moved back the dressing over the new ink to show him.

  “What does it mean?” He smiled indulgently, but he had failed to hide the look of annoyance I caught in his eyes and my hackles were raised instantly. How could he have a problem with me getting a tattoo?

  “It means different yet the same. Nick and I got them yesterday. The moon is because Nick calls me Moonbeam, his has a sun underneath.” I explained, pulling my wrist away from him.

  “So that’s why you cancelled in favour of him. It wasn’t just about the vodka!” Cam beamed teasingly, knowing I had the hangover from hell. He took my wrist and leaned over to see for himself.

  “Cool.” My brother nodded his approval.

  “You and Nick got matching tattoos?” Adam frowned at me.

  “We’ve been talking about it for years but never got around to it. Couldn’t find the right design until now.” I told him with a shrug of my shoulders, wondering what the frown was about.

  “And because Jase wouldn’t let you. Mr Possessive couldn’t have his girlfriend getting a tattoo to match her best friend, just in case it was secret code for we’re getting it on behind Jase’s back!” Cam stalked over to the juke box with a dirty look on his face.

  “Is it?” Adam asked, his frown deepening.

  “Is it what?” I threw a frown of my own at him. Nobody gave dirty looks like I did.

  “Secret code? You and Jase are over now, that would make room for Nick.” He said, his voice low, his eyes growing dark.

  “No.” I answered him bluntly but I wasn’t about to go into the whole Nick and I are only friends speech, if he couldn’t figure that out for himself then it was his problem. “Why do you care anyway?”

  “Good to know.” He seemed to relax then and his eyes brightened again, although he completely ignored my question. Had it been jealousy I’d seen in those eyes? I hoped not. Another over bearing possessive man in my life was exactly what I didn’t need right now. Back when I was 16 and didn’t know any better Jase’s jealous streak had seemed romantic. He’d told me repeatedly that he was going to marry me one day, that I would be his for the rest of my life and never go anywhere without him and I’d swooned like the smitten 16 year old girl I was.

  But as we’d grown up the constant questioning had grown old. I began to see what our future truly looked like when Jase started talking seriously about us getting married as soon as I finished college. I had already been in enough turmoil with my plans to travel being thrown out the window. I couldn’t figure out what to do with my life and he’d claimed I didn’t need a career because he would eventually take over his family’s construction company like his father had after his grandfather, allowing me to stay at home. Fine, if that’s what makes you happy, but I wasn’t cut out to be housewife of the year. I could have played the domestic bliss game for a while, but I knew I wouldn’t have been content with that life for long. And for that reason, my relationship with Jase had become fraught with arguments and tense exchanges. He wanted us to buy a house and move in together, get married, have babies. I wanted him to give me the freedom to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life and support those decisions when I made them.

  “I like it.” Adam’s voice brought me out of my thoughts.

  “Well isn’t that fortunate?” I snapped, meeting his gaze. I didn’t recall asking for his approval.

  “It suits you.” He smiled, ignoring my obvious irritation. “And it means something. I don’t think anyone should permanently mark their body unless it means something.”

  “Is that what the frowny face was about?” I asked, might as well be upfront about it. If there was one thing Adam and I did well it was talking honestly to one another.

  “Yes and no.” He said and I was glad when he didn’t deny it.

  “Explain?” I pushed as Kat brought out his steak baguette and Cam’s BLT and set the plates down on the bar. He glanced up to thank her and turned his attention back to me.

  “Well, I may have had a little attack of the green eyed monster.” He admitted sheepishly and I raised my eyebrows, silently asking for more information.

  “You have got to be kidding me Adam!” I snapped when he just shrugged and squirted mustard on his food.

  “Hey twin, you want to go out and get dinner after your shift here? I’ll be finished around the same time. I fancy a curry.” Cam came back over to us then, ending any further discussion on the matter.

  “Sure Cam.” My response was automatic and I didn’t look at Cameron. Instead I narrowed my eyes at Adam letting him know that I wasn‘t satisfied with his explanation.


  The woman whimpers at me through her gagged mouth. This one has been mildly more satisfying than the last. On the surface she learns her lessons quickly but I am not sure they are sinking in effectively enough. She became demure and submissive early on, making me a happy teacher. Her clothes however, tell a different story. Short skirt, low cut top leaving virtually nothing to the imagination. I remove her gag and she promises to change her ways if I let her go free. Vows to become the lady I require her to be. I contemplate it briefly, but how do I know she will keep her word? A woman who dresses in this manner cannot be an honest person. A woman who shows off her body in this way is a tease, not a lady. I simply cannot trust her. She needs further teaching. I readjust the gag and watch as the tears wash away the blood on her cheeks. This one still has lessons to learn, but first I have other business requiring my attention.


  Chapter Eight

  Hey. How are you? J xx

  I hadn’t seen Jase around for a while and he hadn’t tried to contact me after the night in my room. Although the feeling of being watched hadn’t left me, I didn’t think that was down to him so much as it was my own paranoia. So his message took me by surprise and after Adam and his tattoo issues I wasn’t really in the mood to deal with Jase.

  Really? I responded. Was he serious? After he had been thrown out of my house in his underwear?

  His reply came swiftly:

  J: You at work right now?

  Me: You know I am

  J: I’m passing by. Mind if I stop in?

  Me: It’s a public house Jase. You don’t need permission.

  J: Is that a yes?

  Me: Whatever.

  I wasn’t over-joyed at the thought of Jase coming into the bar but there wasn’t much I could do to stop him. Adam and Cam had gone back to work after their lunch and the place was now virtually empty, apart from Kat who was cleaning up in the kitchen and a small group at a table in the corner who were lingering after their lunch. Mick had gone out earlier for a meeting with his accountant or something so aside from Kat, I was the only staff member around.

  “I can take my time clearing down if you like honey?” Kat offered when I told her he was coming. “Hang around in the kitchen, just in case.”

  “No, don’t stay any longer than you need to Kat. We live in the same town, I can’t avoid him forever. Besides, Nick is next door and Cam is only across the road if I need him.” I told her. I could handle Jase. I had done it before and I would do it again. I promised myself I wouldn’t be weak this time.

  “Ok, well I’ll be here a while longer yet. I’ll let you know before I leave.” She smiled and went back to the kitchen. “And if you plan on stripping him down and throwing him out in
the street in his underwear, let me know and I’ll film it.”

  “Ha! I’ll holler if I need you for that. Thanks Kat.” I called after her and turned to go back to the bar just as Jase walked in. Damn! How was I supposed to stay strong around him when he looked so good? He might not have done much in the way of growing up mentally, but physically he was all over it. Working for his family’s construction company meant the whole work boots and scruffy jeans look, which he could pull off perfectly.

  “Hello.” He smirked and I silently cursed myself for giving him exactly what he wanted when he caught me checking him out.

  “Hey.” I replied, cursing myself again for the moment of weakness that allowed him to hug me, before I slipped back behind the bar. I wasn’t afraid to admit I missed those arms, what woman didn’t like to be held? And that brief encounter in my bed had been all wrong but it had felt so good. I needed to give myself a serious talking to. He had been in the same room as me for mere seconds and I was ready to throw myself at him like a bitch in heat. Bad Callie! “Drink?”

  “I’d kill for a brew Cee, not stopped all morning.” He grinned, grabbed a bar stool and sat down. “You’re looking good baby.”

  “Thanks.” I said awkwardly as I heated hot water in the coffee machine for his tea.

  “Sorry, old habits.” He said, noticing my discomfort at the term of endearment. I shrugged it off and decided I had to confront him about the flowers again. If I did that I would get annoyed with him and stop drooling. At least that was the plan.

  “Look Jase, can you please stop with the roses and chocolates? And as for the books. It’s getting ridiculous now.” I ventured as I practically wore a hole in the bar top with my tea towel.

  “I told you Cee, I haven’t been sending you roses and chocolates. Why would I? I know you don’t like them. And babe, I know you like your books, but I wouldn’t know where to begin looking for all that paranormal stuff you read. Even if I did, you’ve probably read it all anyway.” Well that was news to me. Jase knew what I read. Maybe he did know me better than I thought he did. I realised I was fighting a losing battle with him and let it go, once again ignoring that niggle in the back of my mind that this was something more sinister than I was prepared to admit.

  “You look surprised.” He said as I finished preparing his tea and set it down in front of him, dropping the two packets of sugar I knew he would use next to the cup.

  “Hmmm?” I raised my eyebrows in question.

  “That I know about what you read? Did you think I didn’t notice?” He asked with a frown.

  “No. I mean. I don’t know.” I struggled for the words.

  “I notice everything about you Cee, I always have. It’s my job to know. Just because I’m not interested in the same things doesn’t mean I don’t notice how much you love them.” He explained, clearly a little irritated.

  “Yeah... So, what’s new?” I asked, over perkily changing the subject in an attempt to ease the tension that had fallen between us.

  “Actually, I have got some news.” He grinned over his cup at me. He had the most beautiful smile, even better than Nick’s.

  “Share.” I said, the tension cleared and conversation began to flow easily as it always had with him. I found myself absently thinking how easy it still would be to fall back into our old relationship.

  “Dad gave me my first site manager project this week. I’m overseeing the new school building at Marbledon.” He announced proudly. Jase, to give him his due, wasn’t afraid of hard work. He had gone straight into the family business from school and begun working his way up. There had been a lot of pressure on him to go to work for his Dad after his older brother had made it perfectly clear he had no interest in it and joined the army instead. But Jase had stepped up and worked harder than most would to get where he was. I knew he’d always felt he had more to prove, being the owner’s son and didn’t want anyone telling him he’d had it all handed to him on a plate.

  “Jay, that’s fantastic news. Is it big job?” I asked, beaming. I couldn’t help the excitement I felt for him. This was huge, it was what he had been working so hard for.

  “The school is set to take 300 pupils so yeah, big enough.” He said, his smile widening with pride.

  “I’m happy for you.” I told him sincerely.

  “Yeah, life’s on the up.” He smiled, meeting my gaze “Only one thing missing.”

  “Jase...” I began as my smile dropped.

  “I miss you Cee. So fucking much!” His voice cracked and I had to turn away and blink back tears. I busied myself behind the bar, my back to him so he couldn’t see how much his words affected me. Yeah, it would be so easy. I can do this, I told myself.

  “I’m sorry.” He said quietly “I shouldn’t have said that. I promised I wouldn’t do this. Told myself I’d just come over here and tell you my news, make small talk, be friendly. You were the first person I wanted to tell when Dad gave me the job, I just had to see you, you know?”

  “I know.” I nodded; I knew exactly what he meant. We had always gone to each other first, with everything, good news and bad. Why did this have to be so complicated? I wanted to be strong and stay away from him but I just couldn’t bring myself to cut all ties. A life without Jase just didn’t feel right; maybe I was clinging to the past out of fear of change. The last few years had been traumatic to say the least and perhaps I just couldn’t bring myself to let go of one of the few constants in my life. After losing my parents I couldn’t bear to think of anyone I loved no longer being there, Jase included.

  “Let’s start again?” he smiled, pulling himself together. “So how are you?”

  “I’m good. Working. Studying.” I shrugged.

  “Exams coming up soon?” he asked lifting his cup top take a drink.

  “Yep, in a few short months I’ll be the proud owner of a bunch of qualifications I still don’t know what to do with.” I laughed.

  “I’m leaving now honey.” Kat called as she came out of the kitchen. She eyed Jase as she walked past him but he didn’t turn to look at her, his eyes didn’t leave me.

  “Alright Kat, I’ll see you at the weekend.” I answered before returning my attention to Jase.

  “You should take Mick’s offer to manage this place Cee, it’s what you love. You and Mick make the perfect team here. This place would be nothing without you.” He said, finally glancing at Kat as she left.

  My chin almost hit the floor. Jase had never been overly supportive of anything I enjoyed or wanted to do. It surprised me that he even noticed what I liked doing, yet here he was proving it to me twice in as many minutes. I mused over Jase’s words, Mick told me all the time he wanted me to take on a bigger role at the pub and I couldn’t deny I loved the place.

  “I don’t know, maybe.” I admitted.

  “Don’t waste the opportunity babe.” He smiled as he stood up and pulled out his wallet to pay for his drink.

  “It’s on me.” I waved his money away.

  “It’s good to talk to you CeeCee.” He said and leaned across the bar to kiss my cheek.

  “You too.” I answered dreamily as I watched him leave and muttered to myself while I began emptying the glass washer. “Too damn easy.”


  I saw her today. Dressed in her faded jeans and rock band t shirt with biker boots. She may almost be a lady in every other sense, but she needs an education on how to dress appropriately. I didn’t get through to her during her brief stay at my school house. My time with her draws near again. The anticipation of seeing the blood running down her beautiful skin once more is almost too much to bear. The pleasure it brings me is beyond anything I have felt with my other students. She wears her blood lessons so well. I must, for now, be content with my memories of her. I can be patient. I am content to watch from a distance for a while longer. I know my new gifts will be pleasing her. A lady wants to be courted, romanced properly and my lady deserves no less.


  J: You looked
pretty today.

  Me: Stop spying on me Jase.

  J: Can’t I pay you a compliment now?

  J: It’s rude to ignore me.

  J: I thought you had better manners. After all we’ve been through together.

  J: I wish you would trust me. I love you. See you soon.

  I managed to intercept and bin the latest delivery of flowers and chocolate before Cam left for work the next morning. I added the copy of Great Expectations to the pile of books on the window sill and pushed it out of my mind. I knew I was going to have to tell Cameron but I wanted to put it off as long as possible. He would be angry and despite Jase denying all knowledge, it had to be him. The other option, the one that told me these were all books that had been on the shelf in that house, was one I could not allow myself to entertain.

  “Incoming!” Adam said as he walked through the door.

  “Adam, you beautiful hunk of manliness!” Vinnie flirted loudly, “Am I glad to see you bud. I think she’s cracking up in there and I’ve gotta go to work!”

  I’d told Vinnie about the visit from Jase and about Adam’s reaction to my tattoo. In true Vinnie style he had listened attentively, built both scenarios up to be more than they were and turned the whole thing into some twisted love triangle with Jase and Adam doing battle to win my heart. He’d even talked about medieval dresses and jousting tournaments. All before dramatically announcing that I simply needed to get laid.

  “I’m cracking up because of you Vincent!” I screeched and threw a cushion at his back as he left, cackling to himself.

  “Angel...” Adam ventured, eyeing me curiously as he closed the door behind Vinnie.

  “Did you bring beer? Tell me you brought beer Adam.” I sighed, turning to look at him for the first time since he arrived; his arms were laden with goodies.

  “Beer, pizza and the Die Hard box set.” He grinned triumphantly.

  “I love you Adam.” I grinned back, grabbing the enormous pizza box from him and flopping back down on the sofa with it on my knee. How could I stay mad at a man who brought me pizza?


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