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Educating Callie

Page 18

by Emma Jayne Mills

“Did he speak to her?” Greg continued.

  “Not unless he saw her again outside.” I shook my head.

  “Thanks Callie. I don’t suppose you know where Jase is working at the minute?” Greg asked.

  “He’s at the new school site in Marbledon. His Dad made him site manager over there. That’s why he came to see me, he wanted to tell me his news. He was excited. It’s his first site manager job.” I explained, rambling.

  “That’s close to the old railway station isn’t it?” Adam asked Greg, I got the feeling he was tuning me out.

  “Sure is. Feel like a drive Sarge?” Greg replied, getting ready to leave.

  “Definitely.” Adam replied through gritted teeth.

  “You think this is connected to the others? To Amy?” I asked quietly. I knew it was, I didn’t really have to ask. It’s him. It’s him. It’s him. My mantra had changed and I couldn’t stop it.

  “It may not be, but we can’t rule it out yet Angel.” Adam reached over and squeezed my knee, suddenly mindful of me again.

  “I know this has all triggered some God awful memories for you sweetheart,” Greg said softly, “I’m so sorry about that.”

  “No, it’s fine. This isn’t about me. So Jase is under suspicion again?” It wasn’t really a question.

  “He’s possibly the last person to have seen Kat, we just need to speak to him. Don’t worry Cal.” Greg stood, held out his hand to me and pulled me up, reassuring me with a hug as I stood.

  As Greg released me Mick came up behind me and enfolded me in a Mick hug, I leaned back into him, grateful for his strength and I felt like I could breathe again.

  “You got a lift home sorted for later Angel?” Adam asked as they were getting ready to leave, his tone was matter of fact, not particularly friendly. He was clearly pissed off about me seeing Jase, but honestly what did it have to do with him? Even though I was only just beginning to realise it, I had spent years being controlled by Jase, I wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice. If Adam thought he could walk into my life and just pick up where Jase left off, he was sorely mistaken. And there were more important things going on than Adam’s bruised ego right now.

  “I’m staying here tonight. Cam is on a late shift and didn’t want me home alone.” I told him, matching his matter of fact voice.

  “Good idea.” Greg nodded once, backing my brother as usual.

  “Will you fellas be in for a drink later?” Mick asked them, tightening his arms around me and resting his chin on my head.

  “Probably.” Adam nodded and looked at me. I knew he was silently asking if I was okay so I nodded and mouthed the word he wanted to see. He smiled and nodded back. Damn man was giving me whiplash!


  Me: Hey guys, new number again. Love you all. Callie. Xx

  Liv: Got it sweets. Love ya back. Xx

  Vinnie: You okay witch? Heard about everything.

  Me: I’m fine Vinnie.

  Nate: What’s going on babe? You at work?

  Me: Here until lunch and again tonight Nate.

  Nate: I’ll be over in a few.

  Me: :)

  Dana: Greg told me honey. I can’t believe it. You make sure you are never alone do you hear me? Not even for a second. Let the boys protect you. I am not losing you again witch! Love you so much. Xx

  Nick: We’ve got her Dana, don’t worry. I’ll be in before lunch Moonbeam.

  Me: Love you too Dee. Nick, I made a lasagne for you guys, Ethan picked it up this morning, it’s in the fridge at the garage.

  Nick: Because you have nothing else on your mind than feeding me and my brothers?

  Me: Someone has to do it.

  Nick: Love you.

  Me: Love you more.

  Luke: Saw Cam this morning. You need anything let me know Cal. Xx

  Me: I will Luca, thank you. Xx


  I decide that this will be my last student before I finally take the time I have earned with my lady. This one was easy to take. She had no idea. Although she knows me she never has fully trusted me and thought to fight me, deluded woman. For that reason her lessons have been harsh. She has endured much pain and there will be more for her before the end. I enjoy hearing her scream as I drag the knife across her smooth, white skin and watch as the blood seeps out. I’m not finished with her just yet. I will take my time and enjoy my final teachings. I must make them memorable before my lady comes back to me.


  Since that morning I had been escorted back home and watched like a hawk by an over attentive Nick until my evening shift at the pub, for which he dutifully drove me back to the pub and deposited me safely into Vinnie and Mick’s hands. I was beginning to feel like the baton in a relay race and it was only the first day, who knew how long this would go on for? I looked at my phone and opened the message from Jase. Nate had given me Jase’s new number when he came over to the pub to find out what was happening. I had texted Jase mine but didn’t get a reply until later on and then it wasn’t exactly pleasant.

  J: You wanna call your dog off?

  Me: WTF???

  J: Greg and his cousin

  Me: Adam? Did they speak to you about Kat?

  J: Yes. Then your bodyguard warned me off. What’s going on between you two Cee?

  Me: ???

  J: Told me to stay the hell away from you. Reckons you’re no longer available. Not that he can stop me. I haven’t given up on us Cee. He can’t give you what I can.

  Me: I’m at work. Can’t talk.

  I sent one final message hoping to cut him off and pocketed my phone. After our chat the other day I had hoped Jase and I could move on to find some way of existing together without all the drama, obviously not. But then, this was Adam’s doing, not Jase’s.

  I met Adam’s eyes across the bar and saw red, “What did you do?”

  “I’m going to need a clue here Angel?” he answered casually as he took a swig of his beer and levelled me with his gaze. Nothing, absolutely nothing seemed to faze this man. I was pissed off with him and he knew, he definitely knew, yet he was perfectly alright with it. He was even looking at me as though he found my anger at him cute, the way Greg looked at Dana when she went off at him. Well, I’m no cute little kitten!

  “Jase!” I snapped angrily. Yes, Jase had been refusing to leave me alone, but I’d asked Adam and Cam to let me deal with it. It was going to take longer than a couple of months for our relationship to go from what it used to be to anything that might remotely resemble normal in the future. Yet Adam had ignored me. He’d gone against my wishes and completely over ruled me. My brother doing that was something I expected, but Adam? I don’t know if it angered me or hurt me more, both equally probably.

  “Was that him?” Adam’s eyes darkened when he glanced at my jeans pocket where the top of my phone poked out.

  “Did you honestly think he wouldn’t tell me?” I hissed. We were attracting attention.

  “When did you give him your new number?” He demanded angrily. Really? Did he think because he bought the damn thing he had a right to tell me who I could give the number to? If that was the case he would most definitely be getting the money back.

  “This morning when I gave it to everyone else. And I’m asking the questions here Adam!” I moved away from him and stopped to pass the time with Malcolm and a friend of his for a few minutes while I served them. Then I told Mick I was taking a quick break and motioned for Adam to follow me into the hallway that led upstairs to Mick’s living quarters.

  “Why the hell are you warning Jase off me Adam?” I whirled on him, stopping him in his tracks.

  “I don’t want him around you.” He stated simply, as if it should be obvious.

  “And since when is that your decision to make?” I snapped. Why the hell was he suddenly treating me like his property?

  “Since you landed on my doorstep, broken and alone in the middle of a snowstorm.” He replied, his calmness irritating me.

  “Adam...” I

  “No. Listen to me Angel.” He moved towards me and I once again found myself between him and a wall, only millimetres of air between our bodies. I put my hands against his chest in an attempt to gain back some space between us but it just made him push closer as his arms caged me in. “I’m going to be honest with you here, I’ve held back long enough. It’s time you know where I stand. I want you Angel. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life. I want you with everything that I am, in every way you can possibly imagine and then some.”

  He brought his hands down and gently cupped my cheeks in them, his voice becoming deep and husky. “But the fact that you keep running from me tells me you’re not ready yet and I won’t be your rebound. I want more than that, much more. So I’ll wait. I’ll wait as long as you need me to. But in the mean time, I won’t have your ex hanging around trying to talk you back into bed. I protect what’s mine Angel.”

  His aqua eyes shone while he held my gaze intensely, as if he could get his message across by embedding it into my brain through my eyes. For a moment I just stared at him, stunned, letting his words sink in. And then I snapped out of it as that last sentence echoed in my head. I protect what’s mine?

  “Oh no!” I shook my head, fuming. “No Adam! No! You did not just piss in a fucking circle around me!”

  He laughed. Actually laughed. Full on, head thrown back laughter.

  “Woman, you drive me fucking insane.” He hissed through gritted teeth and then he leant forward and kissed me tenderly on the forehead, his actions in complete contrast to his words. He paused, his eyes closed, his forehead against mine for a few seconds, breathing deeply, before letting go of me and walking back out to the bar as though nothing had happened. I drove him insane? I wasn’t the one marking my frigging territory.


  Twin 2: What did you do to Adam? He’s in a foul mood!

  Me: Why would it be me?

  Twin 2: Because you’re the only one who can get under his skin. You okay?

  Me: He’ll get over it. I’m fine, Mick got the brandy out.

  Twin 2: I’ll pick you up for breakfast in the morning.

  Me: Ok, be safe.

  Twin 2: Love you girl version.

  Me: Back at ya boy version.


  “So you and Adam are on the outs I see?” Mick questioned as he sat down next to me on the sofa in his living room and handed me the one of the glasses of brandy he’d poured for us.

  “You don’t miss a thing do you Mick?” I smiled at him as I tucked my legs up underneath me and adjusted the “I was Irish before it was cool” t shirt I always stole from Mick to sleep in, when I stayed at the pub. Not that you could call it stealing after the first few times, when he started washing it and leaving it folded on the end of the spare bed for me.

  “Not when it comes to you love.” He put his arm around me, “But in this case, I think the entire town heard you giving him what for.”

  “He warned Jase off, told him to stay away from me.” I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder, allowing his familiar scent to comfort me. Mick always smelled good, clean and fresh, with an underlying hint of citrus, despite all the heavy lifting he did in the cellar and running around the bar.

  “Nothing I haven’t done myself. Or Cameron and Nick for that matter. Pretty sure I even saw one of Nick’s brothers having a go a couple of days ago. Why is it a problem for Adam to do it?” Mick played devil’s advocate.

  “Because Adam told Jase I was no longer available and made it perfectly clear that he was marking his territory.” I told him, taking a big gulp of my brandy. I closed my eyes and relished the sweet burn as it slid down my throat.

  “Ah, I wondered when he’d get around to that.” Mick chuckled, drinking from his own glass.

  “Are you kidding me? You think it’s funny?” I glared up at him. Mick set his glass down on the coffee table and sat back before answering.

  “Adam and I are very similar love. We know what we want and we aren’t afraid to go after it. And you...” he touched a finger to my nose, “...are what Adam wants. He’s just letting you and everyone else know.”

  “He’s pulling some alpha male bullshit and I don’t need it!” I snapped, sulkily.

  “But you like it.” Mick teased.

  “What?” I whisper shouted. Shit! This man knew me too well.

  “First, let’s get one thing straight. I’m the alpha around here.” He growled playfully and I snorted into my glass, classy Callie that’s me. “Don’t tell me you don’t find it a little bit exciting, when he tells you he wants you and only you and he’s not about to let another man get in the way of that.”

  “Maybe a little.” I admitted reluctantly, I couldn’t deny the thrill I’d felt when Adam had gone caveman on me. I wasn’t the type of woman who needed to feel owned, but I was definitely turned on by a dominant man in certain situations. “But it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t even know how I feel about him, let alone if I want a relationship with him, or anyone for that matter. Yet he’s strutting around like I belong to him and it’s a done deal!”

  “It will be him Callie love, there won’t be anyone else. You know how you feel about him, you’re just afraid to admit it to yourself. And he belongs to you as much as you do to him. He’s been yours since the moment you met.” Mick told me.

  “What are you, psychic or something now?” I laughed.

  “Adam and I may have had a little chat.” He admitted with a sly smirk.

  “What?” I felt betrayed.

  “I noticed how he was with you and wanted to be clear of his intentions. I won’t have my girl getting hurt again.” Mick grinned as I shook my head in disbelief. “He’s crazy about you. He’s a decent fella and he’ll do right by you.”

  “Now you sound like Nick!” I sighed.

  “Callie love, Adam understands that you’re not ready and he’s prepared to wait for you. Do you know how hard it is for a man like him to not act on his feelings, especially after he’s admitted them? He’s laid all his cards on the table, agreed to be nothing more than friends and now he has to be around you constantly. He’ll wait for you. But he won’t watch you run back to Jase in the meantime.” He pulled me back to him, “None of us will for that matter.”

  “I’m not running back to Jase. I admit I’m confused about how I feel about him now, I do know I will never go back to him though. But I can’t have Adam growling like a rabid dog at every man who speaks to me. I’ve done the territorial, jealous relationship, I can’t do that again.” I said.

  “There’s a difference between jealous and territorial, love. Jealousy is wanting what you haven’t got. Territorial is protecting what’s already yours. And he won’t growl at all of them, just the ones who flirt with you.” Mick joked.

  “Gah!” I groaned, feeling frustrated, “You’re no help Mick. You’re just backing him up.”

  “It’s time you stopped worrying about everyone else and put yourself first for a change. I know you love, that head of yours is crammed full of doubts because you’re afraid of what everyone else will think if you move on from Jase so quickly. Well, there is no rule book and it’s none of their bloody business. Answer me something?” He asked and I nodded. “Does Adam make you happy?”

  “Yes. Very much.” I couldn’t deny it.

  “Then stop fighting it. You can be wary and guarded, but don’t deny your feelings, love. Take your time if you need to and when you’re ready, Adam will be there for you.” He reassured me.

  “And if it’s not him I want?” I asked, wondering if I really did want to go down this road with him. What if we didn’t work out and we ruined a perfectly good friendship?

  “Then be very sure. Be one hundred percent certain. Because you don’t walk away from a man like Adam unless you mean it.” Mick kissed the top of my head.


  These men continue to make her forget herself. They were on her like flies the second she was
single. A lady needs time. She must not be rushed, forced into a situation where she could forget how to behave. They are making my job harder. She will require more teaching than I anticipated. I must remember to let her know she suffers because of their actions.


  Chapter Ten

  “Dessert?” Cam asked, wiggling his eyebrows, making me smile.

  “Breakfast doesn’t have dessert Cam.” I told him, we were at the cafe opposite my college campus. Eating together was another of Mum’s rules that we hadn’t dropped. When we were young she insisted on a meal a day, but as we grew up and had lives of our own she changed it to the family eating together at least once a week.

  “It does, we invented it.” He grinned and I wondered how on Earth my brother was single with a smile like that. Women noticed him all the time, that was for sure, but he never showed any interest in anything more than one night stands. He and Nick were so alike in that respect. Nick, I understood had a lot on his plate with his brothers and running his own business, he didn’t think he had the time to put into a relationship. But Cam? What excuse did he have? I’d noticed secret little looks between him and Liv at one time, shortly after our parents died, and I thought they might have made a go of it, but it hadn’t come to anything, now they barely spoke.

  “You say that every time.” I told him.

  “And every time I put that lemon drizzle muffin in front of you, you eat it.” He teased, getting up to go and order dessert at the counter.

  “Well, I can’t let it go to waste, can I?” I laughed.

  “Talk to me sis.” He said, suddenly serious, as he returned and put the lemon muffin down in front of me and a blueberry one in front of himself.

  “I’m fine.” I waved him off.

  “No. You’re sinking.” He told me. I had no argument. My so called love life hassles paled into insignificance next to the thought that terrified me most in the world. I wanted to be the calm, in control woman Cam and my friends needed to see, but I just couldn’t pull it off.

  “He vanished Cam. No trace. Not a single clue. Nobody knew who he was or where he went. He could come back at any time. Maybe he was here all along.” I blurted, unable to keep my fears from him any longer.


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