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Educating Callie

Page 30

by Emma Jayne Mills

  “Ahhh, there she is. My lady is coming back to me. Yes, yes you should have waited. You ruined the pleasure for me Callie.” The sweet hadn’t returned, he was still angry. “When I bring my lady a gift, it gives me joy to see the look on her face. By opening it without me you ruined my surprise entirely Callie. You robbed me of my joy. I think perhaps I should destroy your gift, take it away from you as punishment. That would be fitting.”

  “No!” I snapped out quickly, “Please don’t hurt him. Please. I will do whatever you want. I’ll be who you need me to be. Just please don’t hurt him anymore.”

  “I only need you to be a better version of yourself my sweet girl. I approve that you wish him no harm, particularly when he treated you so poorly, this is how a lady behaves. She forgives the mistakes of others. Much better sweet Callie.” He dropped the knife from his gloved hand into the sheath he wore strapped around his waist and met my eyes in the mirror. “You will rest here in your room, take the time to reflect upon your lessons. Do not shower or tend to your wounds, they are not deep enough to require bandaging. Dress for dinner. I will come for you then.”


  Chapter Eighteen

  “Have a seat sweet Callie.” Malcolm returned to collect me for dinner, for which I’d dressed as instructed, another full length dress, picked out by him in the perfect size. This time it was jade green and flared from the waist to the floor. Lace covered my shoulders and upper back and formed cap sleeves across my arms. I sat through the meal he prepared, but I could not recall now what it was he had cooked. I don’t know that I even really ate anything. During dinner he made small talk, telling me about his day, of which I remembered little other than making the required responses when he expected them, then Malcolm led me to the living room at the back of the house. “I think it is time you heard my story, what do you think my sweet lady?”

  “I’d like that.” My response was automatic, robotic even, but my mind was working at warp speed. I was desperately trying to come up with a way of getting Jase out of there, if not both of us. Only one of us needed to get out and get word to the police about the other. I knew Jase would have told me to run for it if I got the chance and send the police back for him. I would rather he got out because I thought there was less chance of Malcolm killing me if Jase got free, if I left Jase there alone I feared he wouldn’t live long after my departure. Still, if by some miracle, the opportunity arose I knew I would take it, what other choice did I have? So I kept searching and scheming whilst playing Malcolm’s twisted game.

  I took the seat he indicated, a large floral armchair that I knew had been his wife’s, with a mahogany side table next to it. He placed a glass of brandy on the table and took his own seat on the other side of the unlit fireplace, whiskey in a crystal tumbler clasped in his hand. The curtains were drawn, but I expected the windows had probably been painted over, and two small table lamps provided the only light in the room. The room was set for a cosy night in, what the outside world couldn’t see was the torturer and his victim behind the facade.

  “Relax and listen then my sweet. I will answer your questions at the end, you will not interrupt, I do not wish to return to your lessons this evening. I have an appearance to make in that God forsaken pub.”

  “I understand.” I agreed timidly, in the manner I hoped he wanted to see. His smile, which I did not return, told me I had pleased him.

  Malcolm took a sip of his whiskey and settled himself in his chair, his demeanour cool and calm, as though about to tell a perfectly normal story, not one of how he became a serial killer.

  “My mother was a formidable woman, beautiful, elegant and graceful. A strict disciplinarian, she was a force to be reckoned with. We lived in a grand house, deep in the woods, you have been there sweet Callie. It was where I first took you. Sadly, thanks to your antics I may no longer return there. Perhaps one day, in a few years it may be possible, after you have chosen me.” He paused to collect his thoughts.

  Mummy issues, I thought to myself, are you fucking kidding me? All this suffering, all those women dead because his Mother was a bitch? I adjusted myself in my seat and did everything I could to contain the anger raging within me. Just listen to him Callie, I told myself. Listen as he wants and keep Jase safe. That’s all you have to do.

  “Please do not fidget sweet Callie, it is not ladylike at all.” He glanced at me before continuing. “Now, as I said, Mother was a strict disciplinarian and demanded suitable behaviour at all times. Bad behaviour was punishable by a number of methods. She required me to be a gentleman, without exception, and her lessons in the subject were impeccable. My own pale in comparison, of that I am certain. She raised me with the knowledge that one day, if I became the gentleman she was teaching me to be, I could find myself a lady just like her. A future I, naturally, aspired to.” He took a sip of his drink and gestured for me to do the same, before continuing. I picked up my glass and drank, the burn of the amber liquid bringing my senses back to life.

  “Of course, I misbehaved as any young boy does. However, my mistakes were few and far between since I had been instructed from such a young age, but when I made them I was punished- usually through lack of food and water, only physically if my behaviour was extreme- and afterwards I was given a period of reflection. During this time I was chained in the cellar of our home, much like you and the others, as your Jason is now. My reward being my return to the house and all the comforts Mother provided for us. My childhood was a happy, contented one, but sadly when I came into my teen years, Mother became ill. It was increasingly becoming my responsibility to not only care for her but to work to keep us in the lifestyle to which we had become accustomed. She continued her lessons from her sickbed and taught me in the ways of finding myself a lady to care for me after she had gone.” He paused to smile wistfully.

  “One day whilst shopping for our evening meal I came upon the most beautiful young woman I had ever met. She was fifteen years old at the time, I was eighteen. I wanted her instantly. I began to go out of my way to catch a glimpse of her, until one day I found her with a boy, behind the school bike sheds of all places. The things she was allowing him to do to her were not becoming of a lady and I knew I must teach her the error of her ways. So, I befriended her and waited for the perfect time. I told Mother I had found my lady and she reminded me that I must ensure I taught the girl well so that she would respect me and choose to stay with me. Eventually the opportunity to take her arose and I did so. It took some time to fully immerse her in the ways of being a lady. It was a turbulent time, what with Mother’s illness. During those years both of my ladies had good days and bad. I believe the turning point was Mother’s death. When my lady saw how heartbroken I was over this she began to respond more quickly to her lessons. Her wounds were treated quicker and she spent less time in the cellar, earning more and more freedom each day. By the time she turned eighteen she had chosen me. We were married at the earliest opportunity and spent many happy years together. You know her as Irene, my beloved wife.” He paused again, to let his words sink in.

  I desperately tried to control my reactions, knowing an outburst would not be the right way to respond. He had taken Irene when she was just 15 years old and subjected her to this her entire adult life. It was unfathomable. She had seemed so happy and in love with him, they were the couple we all looked up to as kids, absolutely devoted to one another. Irene had never shown any signs of distress or unhappiness, she had loved Malcolm. I breathed deeply to calm myself, although my stomach rolled and I wanted nothing more than to fling myself at him and claw out his eyes.

  “Isn’t it a wonderfully romantic story sweet Callie? If only we had been blessed with children to pass it on to.” He drank from his glass. I wanted to down mine, but again with the unbecoming of a lady. Just keep Jase safe, I kept telling myself. Stay numb, play the game.

  “Now, let me continue. Over the years, despite my loving marriage, I began to realise something was missing from my life. Eventually I r
ealised, of course, it was my calling to teaching that I was craving. By this time Irene and I had moved here, to our forever home and I was able to use my old family home as my school house. Alas, the girls I taught never learned well and became more insolent and disrespectful over the years, they had to die. The first was a mistake, a slip of the knife, a little too much pressure on the cut when she refused to respond. It was unfortunate and yet the ultimate punishment, perfection really. I gave my ladies the ideal reflection period, eternity to think about their behaviour.

  And then my wife and I met your parents sweet Callie. Your Aunt was visiting them for a weekend, she appealed greatly to my nurturing personality. Too free spirited and vulgar to ever be a lady. She was my first steps on the path to my reward. I took her like I did the others, only she was easier because she knew me, I was her brother’s trusted friend. I won’t bore you with the details of her death, except to say it was beautiful. Sadly, your father began to look too closely at her death. He was convinced she had been one of mine and refused to let it go despite the investigation stating that her death was not connected. But he was good, he really ought to have become a detective. He got too close in his investigations sweet Callie. I am not certain as to whether or not he had made the final connection, but I could not allow him to continue and I am afraid I had to deal with him. Your parents were rarely parted, so very much in love, they shared everything and so it transpired that your Mother knew about your Father’s activities and I realised I would have to take them both. It was quick and painless my sweet lady, you have my word they did not suffer. Until that time I had valued their friendship and it was a shame things had to happen that way. But their deaths were not in vain, you see before them my path was nothing more than a way to pass on my Mother’s teachings, no real purpose other than that. Your family gave my path the focus it was missing. With you I have the ability to come full circle and end my journey. To receive the reward my work has earned.

  You and your brother spent many a happy hour playing in the garden here. I watched you grow, while I took a break from teaching. Irene always told me you were a good girl, that you would be a lady one day. So, naturally, when I lost her I looked to you to take her place. It made perfect sense that it end with you, after everything your parents had done in their attempt to unmask me. So you see sweet Callie, you will be rewarded with the happy life that Irene had, just as soon as you begin to learn your lessons. You will have the freedom you once had. We will have to leave this place of course, you can never see your brother or friends again. I fear they would not make it easy for us to be together. A new beginning is best for us both, as I am certain you do not wish to live alongside the ghost of my first wife.” He leaned forward in his chair and made certain he had eye contact with me.

  “I promise you this sweet Callie, you will have my love and respect as she did. I will honour you in every way when you choose me. For you and you alone I will retire from teaching. We will have a wonderful life together.” He paused and began to stand.

  “Now, I must make my nightly appearance. You will remain downstairs, you may tend to your Jason as reward for listening well. I believe it will serve as a suitable reflection period for your earlier misbehaviours. Come.” He held out his hand for me to take and helped me stand.

  “Malcolm, thank you for telling me your story.” I ventured, playing along with him, my head was heavy with the weight of his revelations, but I needed to find a way to help Jase. He smiled in approval at my gratitude. “May I take some food for Jason? Would it not be considered rude to allow our guest to go unfed?”

  “Ah, but of course you are right my sweet lady. You may prepare him a plate from the fridge while I change. I won’t be long sweet Callie, be ready to go downstairs as soon as I return.”

  I nodded and moved to the kitchen, quickly finding a plate and throwing cold meat and bread rolls and fruit on it. Then, taking care not to make a too much noise, I opened the drawers around the kitchen hoping to find something to use as a weapon. There were no knives sharper than a butter knife or anything else I might use; I laid one of the blunt knives on the plate anyway, hoping to make it look natural. I’d known finding anything more useful was a long shot but I had to try.

  Then I noticed Malcolm’s coat hanging on the back of a chair at the kitchen table. I paused to listen and make sure he wasn’t coming back then checked the pockets, finding a large ring of keys. Trying to stop them from rattling in my shaking hands I scanned them for what I thought might be the key to the chains that held Jase. There was one, smaller than the others, almost like a padlock key. I quickly removed it and yanked up my dress securing it in the waistband of my underwear. I put the others back in the same pocket and stood to wait for Malcolm to come back and lead me downstairs.


  I am pleased with my lady’s behaviour this evening. We enjoyed a delicious meal together and she listened patiently to my story, giving it the reverence it deserved. Her reflection period will leave her with questions, no doubt, but that is a conversation we can have when she has had time to reflect.

  Now I sit at my spot in this pub, second drink in and listen to the goings on around me. They are all in and out as usual; this seems to have become some kind of command centre for her search. Police in uniform and detectives roam around the town but I know from previous experience they will scale down the search soon enough. The mutt and his pups I expect will continue forever more if they can get away with it, but the others will have to return to their normal duties.

  “Nick, have you heard from Jase since last night?” The mutt asks the biker without pause as he strides through the door purposefully.

  “No. Is something wrong?” The biker responds.

  “His father called into the station earlier, he says they haven’t heard from him since last night and his phone is dead.”

  The mechanic is here and he joins them, “You think it’s significant?”

  The mutt sighs heavily, “I’m not sure what to think anymore. He was a suspect for a while, the detectives never ruled him out. But I can’t imagine he would disappear if this was all down to him. He’d want to be seen, keep up appearances.”

  The mechanic tells him, “There was a time I would have said if he had her he wouldn’t hurt her, but after what he did to her arm I don’t know.”

  The biker stands abruptly and his stool scrapes across the floor, “I’m going to check his place. Feel like joining me?”

  The mutt stands too, “I can’t do it officially.”

  The biker holds aloft a key ring, “I’ve got his spare key. I’m just checking up on a friend, worried about him, asked you to go with me.”

  The mechanic stands now too, “Let’s go.”

  After a brief word between the police mutt and the Irish thug the three of them leave the pub. They are clueless, I congratulate myself. Not only did I bring my lady a wonderful gift, I have her would be rescuers running in circles.


  “Jay.” I knelt beside him and pressed a hand to his cheek, “Jay it’s me. I need you to wake up.” He murmured as I hurriedly reached under my dress to find the key. “Jay, I brought you some food, you need to eat and drink some water. The chloroform will have you feeling pretty shitty, but I need you to fight it for me.”

  “Cee?” He blinked several times and tried to focus on my face, bringing his hand up but unable to reach me because of the chains.

  “Hang on. I think I may have the key to those.” I held his hand still as I tried the key in the lock. It was a little stiff and it took a few tries because my hands were shaking and with the movement the dry blood that caked my arms crumbled and fell to the floor, leaving my skin sore and inflamed. I ignored the pain and the wounds that were opening back up and eventually the key turned, the lock clicked and the chains fell to the ground. “Yes!”

  Jase’s arms came around me fast and he pulled me to him. “You’re amazing, how did you get that?”

  “Pure luck! I need you to
eat and drink something and then we have to try and get out of here. He went out, so we probably only have about an hour and a half until he’s back.” I explained quickly.

  “Alright,” Jase croaked and took the bottle of water I offered him, He drank deeply, but only managed a few bites of the food. “I can’t Cee, I’ll throw up.”

  “Okay, look, you just rest there for a while. I’m going to try making some noise again, he’s got neighbours, someone has to hear me.” I stood underneath the small window and began hammering on it for all I was worth. My fight was back and I was determined at least one of us was getting out of there. After a few minutes Jase was behind me, standing on shaky legs, but standing all the same.

  “The pictures Cee.” He looked around the walls at the photographs.

  “I know.” I told him, unable to follow his gaze.

  “I’m going to see if I can do anything about that door. You keep banging okay babe?” I nodded and he leant down to kiss my cheek, “I’ll get you out of here Cee.”

  Minutes passed as we both tried everything we could. Jase’s battered body didn’t have the strength to kick the door in; he could barely stand straight let alone put enough force behind himself to get the door open. He had rib damage without a doubt, leaving his movements painful and limited. We both searched to no avail for some kind of tool to pick the lock or break the window since the blunt butter knife I had brought downstairs was too big. Malcolm had, ironically, learned his own lessons and left nothing that could be used to help us escape. Eventually, exhausted and hoarse from shouting, we collapsed onto the tiny bed and huddled together in defeated silence.

  Lying there in Jase’s arms only made me think of Adam. Something I had been desperately trying to avoid. I loved him; I had loved him for some time I realised. I couldn’t pin point when it had happened, but it had. I thought back to the conversation we had about his brother James, when I was gone would Adam remember? Would he remember all the ways I had told him I loved him without saying the words? I hoped so. I hoped he would realise too, that I had never really thought he could have hurt Jase. I now knew it to be Malcolm, but I hadn’t really needed that confirmation.


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