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Dreamspinner Press Year Eight Greatest Hits

Page 83

by Brandon Witt

  “Ah…. Ah, damn, that feels good,” Ridley moaned. His legs trembled as his muscles coiled, tensing in anticipation. “So damn good.” And so damn close. He humped harder, chasing his orgasm as his heart hammered in his chest.

  The fingers in his ass suddenly disappeared, leaving Ridley feeling empty, but he only had a split second to register the disappointment before his nuts were grabbed in a painful grip and Ridley cried out as fire shot up his spine.

  “You didn’t win that right,” Alex snapped. “You’re not to come.”

  “Motherfucker,” he howled, instinctively releasing his ass and reaching for the vise on his sac.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” Alex tsked, refusing to release him. Curiously, Ridley didn’t turn around and punch the son of a bitch. Instead he froze when Alex added, “What’s the matter, tough guy?”

  It wasn’t just what Alex said that had Ridley not reacting but the way he rubbed his lips gently across the cheeks of Ridley’s ass. It was in stark contrast to the tone of his voice and the strength of his grip.

  “That’s better,” Alex praised and eased his hold.

  The pain flared briefly as sparks of fire fluttered along Ridley’s flesh, but then it quickly dulled into warmth. It still shocked Ridley how well Alex could read his body, knowing exactly how far he could push Ridley and exactly when to back off. Even more astonishing was Ridley’s reaction to Alex’s aggressive and cocky attitude. Why it still shocked him, he wasn’t sure. He understood that when he submitted to Alex his orgasm would be tenfold, but Ridley had always been one to want to know the why of things, to understand. Alex turned Ridley’s world upside down and left him struggling to keep up. And yet he kept chasing him, wanting him.

  “You ready for more?” Alex asked, going to his feet and making his intentions clear when he pressed his hard cock against Ridley’s ass.

  The need to know why flew out the window. Who cared? “Hell yeah,” he responded.

  Alex slid his hands beneath Ridley, pulling him back and then wrapping his arms around him. Chest pressed firmly against Ridley’s back, cock against his ass, Alex began to sway as his hands roamed along Ridley’s chest.

  “You drive me out of my goddamn mind,” Alex murmured against Ridley’s ear. “Make me want to do all kinds of things to you. Naughty things.” He nipped Ridley’s ear. “Things I know only you can handle.”

  The praise went straight to Ridley’s dick, causing it to throb, and in that second he would have let Alex do anything and everything he wanted. It may have been bullshit, but Alex’s comment that Ridley was the only one who could handle it made Ridley want to prove he could. “I’m tough enough,” Ridley challenged.

  “Your body is,” Alex agreed. “But is your mind?”

  “I don’t understand,” Ridley countered.

  “You will.”

  Alex released his hold on Ridley, then grabbed his hand and pulled him along. The instant they were in Alex’s bedroom, he shoved Ridley toward the bed and then pushed him down on the soft mattress, falling after him and covering Ridley’s body with his own.

  Alex took Ridley’s mouth in a blistering kiss before they even stopped bouncing. Alex rubbed his body against Ridley’s like a big cat, a deep rumbling purr emitting from him, and Ridley took the seductive sound into himself and answered it with a hungry moan of his own.

  Ridley went still, opened his mouth wide, and let Alex completely control the kiss and the action. A nudge of a knee here, a press of a hand there, and Alex worked Ridley into position until he was spread wide in the center of the bed. Alex held Ridley’s arms over his head by his wrists. Only then did Alex end the kiss. Breathing harshly, Alex looked down at Ridley with lust-filled eyes that caused Ridley to shiver.

  “I’m going to fuck you till you can’t see straight,” Alex announced with a sly grin.

  Ridley held Alex’s gaze for a long-drawn-out moment and then licked his dry lips. “Bring it,” Ridley challenged, giving Alex a sly grin of his own.

  Alex’s eyes narrowed. “On second thought, I’m going to fuck that smug grin right off your face.”

  “Wasn’t that the challenge last time? I thought you would have aimed higher this time,” Ridley prodded.

  Alex slid his hands down Ridley’s arms and planted his hands on Ridley’s chest, his expression hardening. “Guess I’m going to have to step up my game, then.”

  “Guess so,” Ridley smirked.

  Alex tapped his fingers against Ridley’s chest as he rolled his hips, pressing his hardness against Ridley’s equally hard shaft. “What to do, where to begin,” Alex murmured.

  Ridley thrust up, causing them to both hiss. “Need a few suggestions?” he taunted.

  “Nah,” Alex drawled easily. “I’m just trying to decide what you can and can’t handle.”

  Ridley bucked up even harder. “Try me,” he challenged.

  Alex pressed the full weight of his lower body down on Ridley, making it virtually impossible for him to move, and pinched both Ridley’s nipples simultaneously. Ridley yelped.

  “You might want to hold on. It’s going to be a hell of a ride,” Alex suggested and squeezed hard, sending sparks of pain to race all the way from the hard nubs straight to his cock.

  Ridley bit down on his bottom lip to keep from crying out. He stretched his arms farther until they came in contact with the headboard and then wrapped his hands around the metal bars that ran between the wood. It was the only response he gave to Alex’s warning. He didn’t dare open his mouth to speak. He knew his voice would crack or squeak, and he wanted to do nothing that would give away his façade of tough disbelief.

  Alex continued to abuse Ridley’s nipples. He pinched, pulled, and rolled them until Ridley was in serious danger of crying out, no doubt the reaction Alex was seeking, but Ridley held fast. He took the pain into himself, rose above it, and found himself literally getting high on it. It was a rush Ridley had never experienced before, at least not to this degree or in this kind of circumstance, and he wanted more.

  After a few more seconds of titty torture and still Alex didn’t get the reaction he was obviously hoping for, he released Ridley’s nipples, shook his head, and chuckled huskily. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”

  The look in Alex’s eyes caused Ridley to swallow hard, but he still managed to speak—now that the pain in his chest was easing to a more bearable level. “Life’s too short not to enjoy oneself.”

  “Truer words were never spoken,” Alex commented with a nod.

  His heart thumping wildly, Ridley took a deep breath in through his nose and blew it out slowly as Alex reached over and pulled the bedside table drawer open. Ridley didn’t know what Alex had done with the lube he’d had in the kitchen, but the man was obviously prepared when he sat back on his calves between Ridley’s spread legs, condom and lube in hand.

  Ridley watched him intently as Alex opened the foil packet and took his dear sweet time rolling the condom onto his impressive cock. Ridley knew it would do little good to demand or beg Alex to hurry the fuck up. This was part of the game. Alex’s game. Ridley released the bars and stretched his fingers before gripping the headboard again. He was trying his damnedest to appear calm, but the rapid rise and fall of his chest was no doubt giving him away.

  Alex, the bastard, continued to move at a leisurely pace. He snapped the cap on the lube open and poured a small amount into the palm of his hand. Instead of running it down his straining cock, he dipped a single finger into the lube and ran the tip of that finger slowly around the head of his sheathed cock, an action he continued for the next few minutes until his shaft was liberally lubed up. Only then did he rub his hands together, slicking up his fingers, and then met Ridley’s gaze.

  “Now we begin,” he said wickedly.

  RIDLEY PLANTED his feet on the bed, spread his knees, and looked up at Alex, eyes smoldering. There was a blatant challenge on his handsome face.

  “You’re a brave, brave man,” Alex grinned. “Hope it will be worth not be
ing able to walk tomorrow.” Laughing, he wedged himself between Ridley’s spread thighs and bent low for a bruising kiss, licking and biting at the ring in Ridley’s bottom lip, causing him to grunt.

  Releasing his hold on the headboard, Ridley pulled his knees up close to his chest, lifted his hips off the bed, and returned the kiss. His hands traveled over Alex’s skin, groping, grasping, and digging into soft flesh anywhere they could. “It will be so worth it,” he panted.

  “I’ll ask you the same question tomorrow,” Alex said, his voice coming out low and husky. “Hands back on the bars.” He grasped his cock and guided it to Ridley’s opening.

  Ridley did as he was told, his eyes fluttering as Alex breached him. “Don’t care. You make me want you so bad, make me fucking nuts with want and need.” Ridley’s eyes closed and his brow furrowed. “So fucking needy.”

  Alex shook his head, sliding deeper into Ridley’s body. He smiled at the whimper of disappointment when he pulled all the way out.

  “God, Alex, would you just fuck me, please,” Ridley begged urgently, breathlessly. He rolled his hips higher in an attempt to take Alex deeper. “C’mon, fuck me.”

  Alex chuckled, then moaned deeply as he pushed in once again. Even with all the ass play, Ridley was tight, squeezing and caressing his cock all the way down the shaft as he plunged deeper. “Oh fuck. Fuck, Ridley,” Alex groaned.

  “God, Alex, you’re so…. Fuck, you’re thick,” Ridley groaned. “Burns. Hurts so good.” He moved gently to the same slow rhythm as Alex’s hips, no longer trying to press Alex to move faster now that Alex was buried deep. Ridley leaned up and nipped at Alex’s chin and then lazily teased each of Alex’s dimples with the tip of his tongue.

  With a deep groan Alex moved slowly, the effort it took not to thrust hard and fast causing him to tremble. He kissed Ridley when and where he could as Ridley continued to lavish his cheeks, jaw, and neck with attention. Every nip made his dick throb, working to shred his control.

  “You really like that, don’t you?” Ridley asked with a grin, though it was more of a statement than a question. “Every time I do this….” He nipped at the skin beneath Alex’s chin just hard enough to cause a slight sting. “See? Your cock goes crazy.”

  Alex’s best attempt at a response was a grunt. His cock was twitching wildly and he couldn’t seem to get close enough, deep enough. The more he got, the more he wanted. Forcing himself to pull out of Ridley’s tight heat, he poised the head of his cock at Ridley’s opening. “I like it,” he admitted hoarsely. “And you like this.” He thrust in again, aiming for Ridley’s sweet spot.

  Ridley cried out, babbling incoherently. Alex couldn’t make out the unintelligible words, but it hardly mattered—he’d obviously hit his target.

  He watched as Ridley slid one hand away from the headboard, finding his own shaft and tugging it roughly. “Oh God,” he panted. “Do that again.”

  Alex grinned. “I will if you put your hand back where it belongs,” he said, going completely still. Ridley opened his eyes and met Alex’s gaze. He huffed out a frustrated breath, gave his cock one last good pull, and then grasped the bar.

  As soon as Ridley’s hand was back where it belonged, Alex stabbed into Ridley’s ass again, ramming himself against Ridley’s prostate.

  Ridley’s breath was warm on his throat as he shouted, and the tickling sensation caused Alex to shiver and moan when Ridley’s mouth closed around Alex’s Adam’s apple. He sucked it hard as he thrust and squirmed, begging for more with his body.

  Alex slammed into Ridley’s ass again and again. Jesus, the man was like an addictive drug; the more Alex got, the more he wanted. Without warning, his balls drew up and he was teetering on the edge. With a gasp he reared back, muscles straining, cock twitching and pulsing rapidly deep within Ridley. “Ridley,” he said huskily. “Don’t you dare fucking move.”

  Ridley went completely still beneath him as he panted harshly for a few heartbeats. Just when Alex thought he might be able to get himself back under control, Ridley wrapped his legs around Alex’s waist, pressed his heels hard against Alex’s ass, and thrust up.

  “Fuck, fuck. I…. Goddammit, Ridley.” He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth, refusing to let go, to take the last step over the cliff.

  Alex thought he would shatter. Ridley was everywhere, surrounding him, and with each breath, each heartbeat, he drew closer to coming. He curled over Ridley and kissed him hard. “Can’t…. I have to,” he panted against Ridley’s lips. “Oh fuck!” He stared into Ridley’s eyes while thrusting and rocking, sliding in and out of Ridley’s body with no finesse as his orgasm washed over him. He let go, let it sweep him away in pleasure.

  Ridley arched hard, rubbing his cock against Alex’s flesh. Ridley met each thrust as he held Alex’s gaze with heavy lids but he lost the fight to keep them open as he gave in to his own need for release. The tension in his body increased briefly, until his orgasm ripped through him and he cried out Alex’s name.

  With the last of his strength zapped, Alex collapsed onto Ridley’s heaving chest.

  He listened to Ridley’s heart race; his own was pounding just as fast. They lay there, neither one speaking or moving until their panting breaths slowed. Not wanting to move, but knowing he had to so as not to hurt Ridley, Alex forced himself to shift, groaning with the effort it took. He lay on his side and pulled Ridley to him in a warm embrace. He didn’t even care that they were covered in sweat and come, too happy to care as he basked for a bit in his pleasurable high.

  Ridley tugged weakly at Alex’s hair. “I thought you said I wouldn’t be able to come tonight? Such a big ol’ softy,” Ridley chuckled.

  Alex laughed and lifted his head to meet Ridley’s teasing gaze. “Softy, huh?” Alex asked and arched a brow. “You just couldn’t keep your mouth shut and be happy.” He shook his head.

  “Oh, I’m ridiculously happy,” Ridley said assuredly. “And my ass I’m sure will thank you in the morning—”

  Alex placed a finger over Ridley’s smiling mouth, silencing him. “I wouldn’t take it that far,” Alex smirked. “That was just a warm-up.” He leaned over, took Ridley’s left nipple into his mouth, and bit down on it hard, pulling a yelp from the smug little shit. Satisfied, Alex rolled from the bed and headed to the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” Ridley protested. “I was enjoying that little after-fuck cuddle.”

  After disposing of the used condom and wiping off, Alex pulled open the cabinet and grabbed a box of condoms and two more bottles of lube. He walked back out into the bedroom with a straight face and dropped the items on Ridley’s chest. “Now it’s dinner time.” He laughed heartily at the look of fear that crossed Ridley’s face.

  TRUE TO his word, Alex fucked him through the mattress, over the side of the mattress, on the floor, against the wall, and once Alex fucked the sense completely out of him and left him a limp noodle on the bed, he fucked him again. Ridley was pretty sure he passed out the last time when he came, because he remembered Alex slamming into him like a man possessed and the next thing he was aware of was waking up alone in Alex’s bed.

  Gingerly, Ridley placed his feet on the floor, took a deep breath, and winced as pain shot out from his ass as he stood. Alex had kept his promise: Ridley was definitely questioning the soundness of his taunts as he padded silently across the floor on bare feet.

  He didn’t bother turning on the light in the bathroom, the moon shining in from the small window enough to make out the porcelain bowl, and quite honestly, Ridley wasn’t really sure he was ready to see the damage done to his body. It felt bad enough, his chest, balls, and ass pure fucking fire, the muscles of his limbs sore and knotting up painfully due to some of the positions Alex had put him in. Alex had bent and twisted Ridley like a motherfucking pretzel, and his dumb ass kept begging for more, harder, faster. Ridley shook his head. Yeah, he was a total dumbass, but it had been worth it. At least it had been at the time. Now? Not so much.

  He t
ook a piss, then washed his hands and face. Feeling around on the countertop, he found a towel and dried off before tossing it to the floor and going in search of Alex. Ridley may have been sore and walking funny, but he’d put a few impressive marks on Alex. The thought made him grin widely.

  Being as quiet as possible in case Alex had gone to sleep on the couch, Ridley made his way into the living room. The couch was empty, as was the lone chair and the floor. The kitchen, too, was empty. He turned in a full circle, searching. The house wasn’t that big. There was nowhere Alex could be hiding, no second bedroom.

  Movement out the front window caught Ridley’s attention, and he cautiously made his way over to it, keeping out of the line of vision of anyone possibly looking in.

  In the drive he spotted what appeared to be a dark sedan with its parking lights on. Ridley couldn’t make out who was behind the wheel enough to see if it were man or woman, but he recognized the blond head of hair on the man standing outside the car, his arms waving frantically as he spoke.

  Ridley couldn’t hear what Alex was saying, couldn’t even hear a low mumbling sound from this distance, even with the window open slightly. The car engine was also hampering his ability to hear what was being said. However, Ridley could tell by Alex’s posture and the way he was pointing and flailing his arms that whatever they were talking about had Alex downright pissed.

  Ridley was suddenly on high alert. It could have been nothing more than a heated argument with a shunned lover or an argument with a friend, but given the events of the past week, Ridley was scared for Alex. He debated slipping on some pants and rushing to Alex’s side, but hesitated for some unknown reason.

  Suddenly Ridley was awash in bright light as the car’s headlights came on and the engine roared. Ridley shielded his eyes and watched as the car was thrown into reverse at a fast pace and then the brakes hit, causing the car to spin sideways. The engine roared again and the car lurched forward, sending up gravel as it peeled out of the driveway.

  Apparently whatever Alex said had pissed the stranger off as well. Ridley spotted Alex stomping toward the house, and he jerked back from the window. As quickly and as quietly as he could, he rushed to the bedroom, his heart pounding and his breathing more of a pant as adrenaline surged through him. Ridley made a beeline for the bathroom, knowing he wouldn’t be able to fake sleep if Alex came in.


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