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Dreamspinner Press Year Eight Greatest Hits

Page 90

by Brandon Witt

  “That you’re arrogant, hot-headed, and constantly breaking the rules.”

  “Pretty much sums me up,” Alex agreed. “But usually he adds foul-mouthed to the list.”

  “Yeah, he mentioned that too.” Ron pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and swiped it across his brow as he leaned against the side of his truck. “You’ve also managed to make some very powerful enemies.”

  Alex tensed. “We all manage to make a few in our lives,” he demurred.

  “Not quite like this,” Ron said with complete seriousness. “I spent my entire career trying to take them down and you do it by just taking a piss. Don’t seem quite right, does it?”

  “You’re a Fed?”


  Alex ran a hand over his jaw. “Now I see why Mick picked this place. He figured I needed a babysitter, did he?”

  “The piss-poor pension I get isn’t worth getting my ass shot at for a hot head,” Ron snorted. “But I want nothing more than to see that piece of shit Gutierrez rotting behind bars, so you can bet your sweet ass I’ll be keeping an eye on you. On the back of that map you’ll find some random numbers. Read them counterclockwise from bottom center around. It’s coordinates that have nothing to do with crab trap placement. You even suspect you’ve been compromised, you and Ridley get your asses there double time. Understand?”

  The screen door banging shut caused them both to look toward the house to see Ridley coming down the stairs with three beers. “Got it. I feel like James Bond with all this secret codes shit. Do I get some really cool spy gadgets? Should I eat the map once I memorize the coordinates?”

  Ron reached in the back of his truck and pulled out a long wooden handle with a large metal hook on the end. “Here ya go, but I wouldn’t suggest eating that map unless you want to find yourself floating around the gulf, lost.”

  Alex studied the tool in his hand. “Bond had way cooler gadgets,” he grumped. “I’m gonna file a complaint with the higher-ups.”

  Ron met Alex’s gaze, his expression serious. “You just make sure you keep yourself alive long enough to do exactly that, you hear me?”

  Ron didn’t have to worry. Come hell or high water, Alex was going to live plenty long enough to file that complaint. He had Ridley to protect. Failure was not an option. Alex gave a curt nod just as Ridley stepped up and handed them their beers.

  “SO WHAT were you and Ron talking about earlier?”

  Alex grabbed Ridley’s hand and pulled him down on the lounge chair. He shifted to make enough room so Ridley was lying on his side next to Alex. “He was telling me how he thought I would make a perfect captain and you my trusty first mate.”

  “Yeah I’m sure that’s what it was,” Ridley sniffed. He propped his head up on his hand and looked down at Alex. “Seriously. You don’t have to tell me exactly what he said. Just tell me should I be worried or need to sleep with a gun under my pillow and one eye open?”

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Ridley. You are in danger and I don’t want you to take that lightly for a moment. But the arrival of Ron neither increased nor diminished those risks, okay?”

  “Okay,” Ridley said with a nod. He shifted again until they were both able to look out over the lake.

  The sun would be setting soon and lying out on the lounger to watch it drop below the horizon had quickly become their evening ritual. It was fast becoming one of Alex’s favorite parts of the day now that he was comfortable enough to get Ridley to snuggle with him. The only thing that might give it a run for its money at the top was waking up each morning wrapped in Ridley’s arms.

  He was definitely beginning to see the appeal of relationships versus hookups. Not that that was what he and Ridley had—he pressed a kiss to Ridley’s temple. Yup, definitely appealing.

  “What was that for?” Ridley asked, giving Alex a quizzical look.

  “’Cause I can.”

  “Well, I kind of liked it,” Ridley chuckled. He took Alex’s hand in his and entwined their fingers.

  Alex looked down at their hands. The warmth spreading through him stunned him for a moment until he realized he’d never held hands with a lover before. Hell, the only other men he’d held hands with were his daddy and grandpa when he was a boy. Oh dear God, he was turning in to a total sap, love songs playing in his head and butterflies fluttering around in his belly simply from Ridley’s hand in his.

  Alex pulled his hand free and shifted out of the chair. “I’m going to grab a beer before the show. You want one?”

  “Sure,” Ridley responded, seemingly unaware of the discomfort he’d just caused Alex. He stretched his arms up over his head and crossed his ankles, looking totally at ease as he stared out toward the water.

  Alex’s hands were shaking as he pulled two bottles from the fridge. He leaned back against the counter, chuckling at himself. Jesus, if Mick saw him, he’d never live this shit down. He could hear it now, a badass motherfucker brought to his knees from holding hands. Insanity.

  He was totally comfortable with the role of protective cop, and he was obviously way comfortable with the role of fuck buddy and really good at it. He was also quickly discovering that he and Ridley had a lot in common, made each other laugh, and even if they hadn’t been forced together by circumstance, they would have become good friends. But this? Whatever this was he was feeling was totally new and left him a little off balance. He hated being off balance.

  “All right, Castren, get it together. It was a little hand-holding, not a marriage proposal,” he mumbled under his breath. “You got this shit.”

  Feeling a little better after his pep talk, Alex pushed away from the counter and rejoined Ridley.

  “Here ya go,” he said, handing Ridley one of the beers and nudging him over as he took a seat next to him. “To another beautiful sunset.” He held up his beer.

  “Cheers,” Ridley said, clinked his bottle against Alex’s, and took a long pull.

  They sat silently watching the sun as it began its decent below the horizon, putting on a mesmerizing show as rays of red, yellow, and orange sparkled along the rolling waves.

  The magical sights, the cooler breeze blowing, and the sounds of gulls crying stripped away the last of the unease Alex felt. He slid his free hand into Ridley’s, entwining their fingers again, and tipped his beer up, gulping down half. No love songs started playing in his head, although the butterflies were still a little flighty. It was nice.

  They sat there hand in hand, neither saying a word, long after the sun went down and they’d finished their beers. It was Ridley who first broke the tranquility. He pulled his hand from Alex’s and went to his feet, arched his back as he stretched, and then scratched his belly. The way Ridley moved, seeing all the smooth, tanned skin, was as captivating as the sunset had been. Mmm. A tune was back in Alex’s head, but this time instead of a sappy love song, it was more in line with a little Barry White and “Let’s Get It On.” That feeling he totally understood.

  Ridley caught Alex staring at him, and he raised his brows and smiled. He pressed out his chest and sauntered toward the patio door, putting a little extra sway in his walk.

  “How about you come on back here and sway on me,” Alex suggested.

  Ridley opened the sliding glass door and stopped with his hand on the handle and met Alex’s gaze. “Maybe later. I was going to go make a milkshake.”

  “You little shit!” Alex hooted, being reminded of the shenanigans Ridley pulled at the restaurant. Alex bolted out of the lounger and chased after a laughing Ridley. “Let the ass beatings commence.”

  IT DIDN’T take long for Ridley to realize blue crabbing was nothing like fishing with a rod and reel. It was a lesson he’d learned on the very first day. Alex had learned it the next day. After not even a week, his and Alex’s morning conversation over coffee was completely consumed by arguing over who was going to be captain that day.

  This morning Ridley had lost the fight. Damn Alex and his dimples and long lashes anyway. He’d better
learn to step up his game and figure out how to become immune to Alex’s cuteness or he was going to end up being the one on the wrong end of these goddamn buoys on a daily basis. Problem was, Alex had been working the fuck out of cute since he’d first met him, and the bastard knew how to play Ridley like a puppet.

  Ridley blew out a heavy sigh as he hooked the bright yellow buoy. It was definitely going to be a long crabbing season.

  He pulled the rope, bringing the blue crab trap to the surface, grumbling and cursing under his breath. The stinky salt water stung the open wounds on his hands and arms. This was why he’d done well in high school, kept his grades up, and worked his ass off to get a scholarship to Slater University. Being a common laborer, even with a half-naked coworker to ogle all day, was so not worth it.

  Gripping the wire trap, Ridley shook the crabs into the crate and fastened it back up before turning it over and popping open the bait well. He wrinkled his nose in disgust as he grabbed a handful of half-rotten fish and shoved them into the trap. Careful not to allow the buoy to get tangled up, he threw it back into the water.

  “How the hell did I get stuck pulling traps again today?” Ridley grumbled and wiped his slimy hands on his apron.

  “Because I have a boo-boo,” Alex reminded him, holding up his bandaged finger.

  Ridley grabbed the edge of the boat as Alex put it in gear and took off to the next trap. “You have a little cut,” he yelled over the roar of the outboard engine.

  Alex threw the throttle in neutral next to the next buoy, pitching Ridley forward, and his feet slipped on the wet deck. He flailed momentarily but caught himself at the last minute. Alex ignored the sneer Ridley threw his way, a broad smile on his face. “Besides, I’m captain of this ship and you, my trusty first mate, will do as I say.”

  “Is that so?” Ridley asked challengingly and snagged the buoy, repeating the process—open, shake, stuff, toss it back—when it hit him and he narrowed his eyes. “Captain, huh?”

  “Yup, and as captain I have control of my ship. Now back to work, matey,” Alex demanded with a really bad impression of a pirate and hit the throttle.

  After the initial thrust forward leveled off, Ridley threw his gloves to the deck and pulled off his apron, tossing it aside as he stalked toward Alex. By the time Alex pulled up to the next buoy, Ridley was standing behind Alex’s chair, staring down at him.

  “Hey,” Alex squeaked when he turned to find Ridley unexpectedly standing so close.

  “Control of your ship huh?” Ridley asked dubiously, raising one brow as he spoke.

  “Total control,” Alex responded with a sly grin.

  I’ll show you control, Ridley mused silently. He was so going to wipe that cocky look off Alex’s face. Clutching the back of Alex’s chair, he spun him around and placed his hands on the armrests. Ridley leaned in close until their noses were practically touching. “Care to put a little wager on your abilities to captain your vessel?” Ridley drawled.

  Alex stared at him suspiciously for a few heartbeats, his expression thoughtful. “Sure,” he finally responded.

  “If you can stay in complete control of your vessel,” Ridley offered, hiding his trickery behind a neutral expression and the laughter in his eyes behind his dark shades, “I’ll deem you captain and won’t bitch about pulling the rest of the traps.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You pull the rest and I’ll captain without gloating. Deal?”

  Alex didn’t answer right away, simply blinked, no doubt weighing his odds.

  Having learned how highly competitive his lover was, Ridley added with a shrug, “Well, if you don’t think you can beat me.”

  “You’re on.”

  Ridley had to press his lips against Alex’s to hide his smile, sealing the deal with a kiss.

  The man had been wise to be hesitant. One should never make a bet without knowing all the facts. Alex had good instincts and usually always went with his gut, but Ridley was more than slightly pleased that he hadn’t this time. In fact he was downright gleeful, not to mention a whole lot smug as he dropped to his knees.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Alex stammered as Ridley tugged at the tie on Alex’s shorts and pulled the waistband down, exposing his cock.

  “Why, checking out your vessel, my captain.” Ridley smirked.

  “Hey,” Alex started to protest, but it turned into a gasp when Ridley slid his fingers beneath Alex’s balls and tugged gently. The gasp turned into a moan when Ridley bent farther and swiped his tongue across the flared head of Alex’s cock.

  “What was that?” Ridley asked as he looked up at Alex from beneath his lashes and then licked his lips.

  Alex’s gaze settled on the movement of Ridley’s mouth, and Ridley licked his lips again, running his tongue around them and then scraping his teeth across the bottom one. Ridley grinned silently to himself as Alex swallowed hard.

  “You’re cheating,” Alex groaned.

  “Mmm, look, your vessel is beginning to rev its engines,” Ridley said wryly and slid his finger along Alex’s hardening shaft. He quickly followed it with his tongue.

  “I’m the captain,” Alex muttered as if he were trying to convince himself rather than Ridley.

  Alex shifted in his seat, the muscles in his legs tightening, resisting. Ridley’s grin grew along with his confidence, and he lapped gently from tip to base, dipping in to flick the delicate sac.

  Ridley took his time, exploring every bump and ridge. He swirled the tip of his tongue around the sensitive head, dipping into the small slit, until Alex was fully erect and Ridley could feel the pulse throbbing along the thickness. Ridley mouthed Alex’s cock, gently scraping his teeth against the delicate flesh, and felt a shudder roll through Alex’s body. A droplet of precum oozed from the slit and Ridley lapped at it, the bitter flavor intoxicating.

  “I think your vessel just sprang a leak,” Ridley teased and took the head into his mouth, sucking hard, working it with tongue and teeth.

  “No. No. No.” Alex shook his head and sat back, trying to force Ridley to release him.

  Ridley followed his movements, taking Alex down farther, humming.

  “This is mutiny,” Alex groaned. “I won’t stand for it.” Alex’s words had little meaning as his hand landed on the back of Ridley’s head and, instead of trying to force him away, pushed him down farther on his cock.

  Ridley gagged a little as Alex’s cock hit the back of this throat, but he recovered quickly, changing the angle and bobbing his head in a quick rhythm. As he worked Alex’s dick with his mouth, Ridley ran a hand from Alex’s abdomen to his chest, the slight sheen of sweat slicking the way.

  Alex hissed and moaned when Ridley found one of Alex’s erect nipples and pinched it between his finger and thumb, rolling it.

  “A short, pleasurable cruise, just a…. Oh fuck, that feels good,” Alex gasped when Ridley slid a finger back beneath Alex’s balls and pressed against his hole.

  The waistband of Alex’s shorts constricted Ridley’s movements and he sat back, letting Alex’s cock slip from his lips, red and bobbing, as he grabbed Alex’s shorts and shoved them down his legs and off. “That’s better,” he purred and tossed the shorts behind him.

  Alex clutched the arms of his chair and spread his legs, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he panted.

  Ridley’s own hard cock began to pulse as he took in Alex’s flushed skin and the way the sun glistened off the sweat-dampened ridges of his tanned belly. The way Alex’s straining cock curved upward made Ridley’s mouth water. Damn, he was one sexy son of a bitch, and Ridley couldn’t wait to devour him.

  Ridley leaned back in, but Alex stopped his movement by placing his palm against Ridley’s forehead. “Wait a minute.”

  “What’s the matter, captain?” he inquired, his voice dripping honey as he tilted his head slightly to look up at Alex. “You ready to turn over the wheel?”

  Alex growled lowly and slid his hand to the back of Ridley’s he
ad and shoved it down. “Why don’t you use your smart mouth for something useful?”

  Ridley snorted—his lover was so easy to rile up—and gobbled down Alex’s cock. As he sucked and licked and bobbed, Ridley reached up and pushed a finger past Alex’s lips. Alex moaned and sucked on the digit, imitating Ridley’s movements on his cock. Once Ridley’s fingers were wet and sloppy, he pulled them from Alex’s mouth, causing him to whimper in protest.

  Alex’s didn’t complain long, rather he was grunting and bearing down as Ridley pushed the tip of his wet finger against Alex’s opening. The tight ring of muscle resisted the invasion, but a little more pressure and Ridley breached him.

  “Ah yeah, deeper,” Alex demanded as he thrust his dick up into Ridley’s mouth and then pressed down hard, groaning loudly as the movement took Ridley’s finger in to the hilt.

  That’s it, Captain, take control, Ridley silently encouraged. Alex never bottomed but he loved a little ass play with his blow jobs. The combination never failed to get him off quickly.

  Holding Ridley’s head in both of his hands, Alex rocked back and forth between the two pleasures. The porno sounds Alex was making caused Ridley’s cock to twitch hard.

  “Oh…. Oh fuck…. No!” Ridley felt Alex stiffen just as he pushed deep into Ridley’s throat, realizing his mistake. “I can’t…. Oh fucking hell, don’t you dare move,” he growled.

  Got ya, Captain. Ridley swallowed, his throat constricting around the head of Alex’s cock.

  “Motherfucker!” Alex howled as his back arched and he erupted into Ridley’s throat.

  Ridley quickly shoved his free hand down the waistband of his shorts and stroked his throbbing cock as he greedily swallowed down every drop Alex pumped down his throat.

  Alex slumped back in his chair, babbling what sounded like curses between panting breaths.

  Ridley surged to his feet, Alex hissing as Ridley’s finger was pulled from his ass. Continuing to stroke himself hard, Ridley shoved down his shorts with his other hand. “This is how a captain drives his vessel,” he jeered. One, two more pulls, his toes curled and he shot his load across Alex’s softening cock and heaving chest. Once he was spent, Ridley fell forward, landing heavily on Alex, smearing come and sweat between them.


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