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Dreamspinner Press Year Eight Greatest Hits

Page 93

by Brandon Witt

  Hearing Alex say he loved him caused Ridley’s belly to flip-flop and his body to thrum. A lump formed in this throat with the well of emotions, stealing his ability to speak. He chased Alex’s lips, licking and tasting the flavor he’d missed so much and steered them back until he could catch the door to the study with his foot. The second it clicked shut, he spun Alex and pinned him against the wall.

  “Maybe,” he moaned and deepened the kiss.

  Ridley explored every inch of Alex’s mouth while he stroked, touched, and kneaded every inch of Alex’s body he could reach. The taut muscles of his back and ass, lean hips, flat belly, firm chest, all got attention while he feasted upon Alex’s mouth. Warmth rushed through him, his cock beginning to swell, but this wasn’t about sex, although the idea was more than a little appealing. This was about something more than physical. The kiss and touch was all about welcoming Alex back, saying I’ve missed you and don’t ever fucking leave me again.

  He had memorized this body. Calling up the vivid images of Alex, the dreams of him here with Ridley, were what had gotten him through the last month of being without Alex. He knew every bump and ridge and scar, but he needed to reacquaint himself with this cocky, smug, crude-mouthed, stubborn bastard he’d fallen utterly and irrevocably in love with.

  Ridley was breathless when he ended the kiss, and he buried his face in the warm flesh of Alex’s neck, inhaling deeply, taking in Alex’s intoxicating scent.

  Alex slid his hand through Ridley’s hair and held him close. “I really am sorry I couldn’t call. I’ve been going nuts without you. I’ve missed you so fucking much.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  They both seemed content to hold each other, touching and breathing each other in. No words were needed at the moment. A loud bang from the area of the kitchen brought them back from where they were and they both jumped.

  “C’mon, we better get in there and see if we can help before she comes looking for us. We can talk later, yeah?” Ridley asked.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Especially with pot roast in the oven.”

  Ridley leaned in and gave Alex one last quick kiss and then started to open the door. Alex stopped him by taking his hand. “How much do they know about us? I don’t want to do anything that makes your mom uncomfortable.”

  “I haven’t told her everything, but she knows we had a relationship while on the run. She’s cool with it.”

  “And your dad?”

  “Just be yourself and he’ll either love you or want to slap you upside the head. Like father, like son,” he said wryly.

  “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  Ridley led Alex to the kitchen without releasing his hand. Just before they entered, Alex leaned in and whispered, “At least until we’re alone.”

  Ridley shivered.

  “Hey, Mom, anything we can do to help?”

  His mom glanced down at their entwined hands and smiled broadly. “You can set the table. Alex, you’re our guest, have a seat,” she ordered and pulled out a chair. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No thank you, ma’am, and I don’t mind helping out.”

  “Please call me Sarah and I insist,” she said, holding the back of the chair.

  “I wouldn’t argue with her,” Ridley advised as he pulled a stack of plates from the cupboard. “Remember what I said about pissing her off.”

  “Don’t listen to a word he says. Now sit,” she told him in that mom tone that could still instill fear in Ridley’s inner child.

  Alex, being the smart man he was, sat.

  As Ridley set the table, he took every opportunity to brush up against Alex. They were both smiling like fools as Ridley’s mom went on and on about whatever it was she was talking about. Ridley tried to pay attention as she gave Alex the third degree, asking him about his parents, job, what it was like growing up in California, blah, blah blah. Ridley was too busy struggling to keep from grabbing the sexy man and rushing him off to his room and locking the door, or better yet, out the door and to a hotel room where they wouldn’t have to be quiet.

  No, no, no, he silently chastised himself. Unless he wanted to totally embarrass himself in front of his parents, no naughty thoughts.

  “Sarah, I’m home,” Ridley’s dad called out from the foyer.

  “Perfect timing,” Mom murmured as she pulled the roast from the oven. “You boys wash your hands.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” they said in unison and bumped shoulders as they fought to wash their hands at the same time.

  “Whose black car is in the drive?” his dad asked as he entered the kitchen. Then he spotted Alex. “Oh, hi.”

  “This is Alex,” his mom said, rushing to her husband and giving him a peck on the cheek. “He’s the boy who kept our Ridley safe.”

  Alex stepped forward, hand extended. “Alex Castren. Nice to meet you, sir.”

  “Rich Corbin,” his dad replied huskily, the well of emotion evident in the expression on his face.

  Ridley wished he could have seen the look on Alex’s face—undoubtedly it was priceless—when instead of shaking the offered hand, his dad grabbed it and pulled Alex to him and gave him a hug.

  “Dad, let the poor man breathe,” Ridley laughed.

  “Sorry,” his dad said and patted Alex on the back a couple of times before releasing him. “It’s damn good to finally meet you, son. It means a lot to us what you did for our boy.”

  “Nice to meet you too, sir,” Alex said, looking a little uneasy as he glanced at Ridley.

  “Please, call me Rich.”

  Alex looked relieved when he once again took a seat. Ridley sat next to him and laid his hand on Alex’s thigh, giving it a little squeeze. His parents had always been huggers. They could be a little overwhelming at first, but they were good people and would have Alex totally comfortable around them in no time.

  And he was. Alex was patient, answering all the same questions Mom had asked him and smiling at Dad the entire time. It was Ridley who couldn’t get comfortable. It was seriously the most painful dinner he’d endured. The food was wonderful, his mom was a great cook and normally pot roast was his favorite, but he was going mad. Alex’s leg was pressed against his, he kept getting whiffs of Alex’s scent, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop looking at Alex and wishing they were somewhere else.

  Ridley sighed internally when his mom finally stood and picked up her plate. “Can I get anyone coffee with their dessert?” she offered.

  Ugh, not dessert. Ridley shot a pleading look at Alex, willing the man to decline dessert.

  “Actually, would you mind if we waited a bit on dessert?” Alex asked as he wiped his mouth and set his napkin on his empty plate. “I have something I’d like to show Ridley. It will only take an hour, tops.”

  He was so going to kiss Alex for that.

  “Oh, no. No problem at all,” his mom replied as she picked up the dishes. “I’m sure you and Ridley have plenty to catch up on. We can have dessert another time. You will come back again, won’t you?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Alex smiled.

  Ridley took a stack of dishes to the sink.

  “Just leave them on the counter,” Mom said. “I’ll get your father to help with the dishes. You two run along.”

  “You sure? I don’t mind helping.”

  “Go,” Mom ordered and pecked Ridley on the cheek. “Go have fun.”

  “Thanks.” Ridley kissed her back and whispered, “Love ya.”

  “Love ya too,” she responded and patted his cheek.

  “It was great to finally meet you, Alex. Come back anytime,” Dad said and hugged Alex again.

  Numerous hugs and promises to come again later, Ridley finally pried Alex from his parents’ grip and rushed him out the door.

  “Your parents are great.”

  “Uh-huh” was Ridley’s only response until he was sitting in the passenger seat of Alex’s rental car. “I’m warning you right now, whatever you plan on showi
ng me better be a bed,” Ridley growled.

  Alex didn’t answer, simply put the car in gear, but the smirk on his face was telling. Alex was as insatiable as Ridley, and after a month apart, Ridley was confident they were heading to a hotel. He only hoped Alex had picked one that was close by.

  Alex obviously had the same thought or could read Ridley’s mind, but still, Ridley was thrumming, his heart slamming in his chest, and his cock rock hard when they pulled into the Holiday Inn five minutes later.

  They were barely through the door before Alex was on him, but that was okay because Ridley was doing his best to move into Alex’s arms, needing the contact. The back of Ridley’s legs hit the mattress, and he pulled Alex down with him onto the bed with one hand tangled in Alex’s curls and the other on his hip.

  The weight on top of Ridley was familiar and welcomed. The slide of lips became a fierce, possessive kiss, a clash of lips and tongues and teeth. Hands frantically pulled at shirts and pants, each pawing the other as well as trying to shimmy and shift to help facilitate the removal and trying to kick off shoes.

  Alex pulled back from the kiss long enough to pull his T-shirt over his head. “Damn, I missed you,” he said as he tossed his shirt aside and dove back in.

  “Missed you too,” Ridley moaned into Alex’s mouth. God, how he had missed him. The worry and sadness and doubt drained from Ridley’s heart as it swelled with so much love and happiness he felt as if it would burst right out of his chest.

  He wasn’t sure how they were able to do it with fumbling and frantic hands, but they ended up naked in the center of the bed, Alex straddling Ridley’s hips. They moved together, breathing each other in as hands continued to explore and touch. Ridley soaked in the heat of Alex’s body, the need and want rising as quickly as the fire blazing between them.

  Ridley put his hands on Alex’s hips, fingers curling as he encouraged Alex to move. Low moans came from both of them as they began to rock.

  Ridley slid his mouth along Alex’s jaw, breathing harshly. He licked at the soft spot below Alex’s ear. “Need you so much,” he whispered.

  Alex shuddered above him and slid his hands under Ridley’s arms to grip his shoulders. Alex groaned, nuzzling the side of Ridley’s neck as they continued to move against each other.

  Their movements became more frantic, rocking and thrusting. Hands clutched so hard they bruised flesh, and cocks slid, painting long-denied need and passion along the other. Ridley wanted to crawl inside Alex, never let him go.

  Alex cried out Ridley’s name as his body tensed and jerked. When he bit down on Ridley’s shoulder and muttered “love you,” Ridley’s control was shredded. One last shuddering breath and Ridley came, shouting out Alex’s name, “love you,” “missed you,” and words of nonsense. He held Alex until the tension released its grip and he melted into the mattress, spent.

  They lay there wrapped in each other’s arms as they came down from their high. For the first time in a month, Ridley felt complete.

  Alex rolled them until they were lying on their sides facing each other.

  “I was beginning to think I’d never see you again,” Ridley admitted quietly. He reached up and brushed a wayward curl from Alex’s cheek. “So glad you came.”

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to, honest. It was the longest month of my life. You have to know you were never far from my thoughts. Jesus, Ridley. I couldn’t eat or sleep or fucking breathe without thinking about you. Wanted nothing more than to get back to you.”

  “You don’t know how ridiculously happy that makes me.” Ridley pressed a soft kiss to Alex’s lips, smiling against his mouth.

  Alex pushed up and leaned on his elbow. “I don’t want to be without you again. Ever. I’ve asked for a transfer. I put in for two different locations and all I need is for you to tell me which one to take.”

  Ridley stared at him in disbelief. “Really?” he asked past the lump in his throat.

  Alex nodded. “Yeah, really. One is close to Slater, about an hour away, but I could commute while you finished your degree.”

  “You’d hate being a Yooper,” Ridley chuckled.

  “I’d do it for you. I know I didn’t say it—didn’t even realize it until we were apart—but I want to start and end every day with you in my arms.”

  “I feel the same way,” Ridley murmured huskily as he blinked back tears of relief and joy. “Where’s the other job?”

  “Well, it would require me to travel for assignments from time to time, but when I was home we could even work together. And the weather is a whole lot better than in Slater,” Alex said vaguely.


  “And I have a house all picked out. I talked to the owner and he’s more than happy to sell it to us at a really reasonable rate.”

  “Dammit, Alex, would you just tell me?” Ridley huffed.

  “It’s got this most amazing deck with these really wide loungers where we could watch the sun set every night.”

  Ridley’s breath caught. “You….” He cleared his throat, the excitement bubbling up causing his voice to crack. “You want to move to Hackberry?”

  Alex nodded and Ridley shoved him onto his back, crawling on top of him and peppering his face with kisses. “Oh my fucking God!”

  “I take it you like option two,” Alex chuckled.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes! I can transfer universities, adjust my schedule to work around fishing.” His heart was hammering. Jesus he’d missed their time together in Hackberry. He’d spent hours dreaming of being back there, spending his life there living, loving, and working alongside Alex. “When do we leave?”

  “As soon as you’re ready,” Alex got out between snorts of laughter as Ridley continued to cover his face with kisses.

  “Just give me enough time to tell Mom and Dad and pack a bag.”

  Alex rolled them again, landing on top and looked down at Ridley, his smile fading. “Okay, but one more thing.”

  “What is it?” Ridley asked uneasily at the seriousness in Alex’s tone.

  “I’m the captain. Got it, matey?”

  Ridley grabbed a handful of curls and smashed their mouths together in a bruising kiss without answering. He had no issues with letting Alex be the captain. Alex may be a badass motherfucker, but Ridley was a badass first mate, and he knew exactly how to commandeer the captain’s vessel.

  SJD PETERSON, better known as Jo, hails from Michigan. Not the best place to live for someone who hates the cold and snow. When not reading or writing, Jo can be found close to the heater checking out NHL stats and watching the Red Wings kick a little butt. Can’t cook, misses the clothes hamper nine out of ten tries, but is handy with power tools.



  Twitter: @SJDPeterson





  Beyond Duty


  Masters & Boyd

  A Night Never Forgotten

  Plan B

  Rival Within


  Tuck & Cover

  Guards of Folsom



  Tag Team




  Whispering Pines Ranch

  Lorcan’s Desire

  Quinn’s Need

  Ty’s Obsession

  Conner’s Courage

  Jess’s Journey


  Photo by David Schmidt

  To Dunkyn and Dolan

  thank you for sharing your lives with me

  and making mine so much better

  Part One


  Chapter One

  “HE’S JUST a dog, Bennett! Get a hold of yourself.”

  At the deep sound of his master’s voice, the dog lifted his head from where it rested against the door handle and craned his neck to look across the cab of the truck.

  “Just a goddamned dog,” Travis Bennett muttered to himself, attempting to ignore the burn of his constricting throat. He wiped his callused hand roughly across both cheeks, the scratch of his stubble loud in his ears. He spared a glance from the road as he pulled his hand away. Dry. No tears. Their absence wasn’t a surprise, but it almost disappointed him nonetheless. “Just a dog.”

  With a spray of gravel and a harsh lurch, the truck hit a pothole in the middle of the road. Instinctively Travis’s right hand shot out and steadied the dog, keeping him from tumbling to the floor of the cab. The dog let out a long groan but remained firmly in the divotted spot he’d occupied for years.

  The sight of the dog made Travis flinch. With a cursory glance at the rearview mirror, he pulled the truck over to the side of the road, keeping his foot on the brake. “Ah, Dunk. Buddy, I’m so sorry.” He reached out and stroked the swollen left side of his dog’s face. Even in the half hour since Travis had woken up, the dog’s face had nearly doubled in size. His left eye was completely swollen shut. He was unrecognizable. If it weren’t for the reddish auburn fur and white muzzle, Travis wouldn’t believe it was his dog. Even so, the dog pushed his face against Travis’s hand, burrowing closer.

  “Sorry, Dunk. I didn’t mean it. You’re not just a dog. You’re gonna be fine. Just fine.” Without looking over his shoulder, Travis let off the brake and pulled back out onto the dirt road. His eyes burned. He swiped at them again.

  Still dry.

  He didn’t look back at the dog again for the remainder of the ten-minute drive, only muttered words of comfort to his old friend.

  “We’re almost there, buddy. Soon. You’ll be good as new by tomorrow.”

  Words uttered out of fear.

  “It won’t be anything serious. You’re in good health. Shit, you were chasin’ buffalo yesterday; can’t be serious.”


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