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The Lunar Child: The Elemental Wolves

Page 8

by M. D. Butler

  “Good. Means we get more time with you.”

  “I don’t want to quit my job.” Her face is starting to get hard. I love her fire.

  It speaks to me.

  “You don’t have to. We’d never make you do anything you don’t want to do, pixie. Unless something isn’t safe.”

  “I can take care of myself, Denny.” Her face hasn’t relaxed, and I know I have to pick my next words carefully.

  “I know you can, Jahla. You’ve shown us that by surviving on your own, and again with what went down with that bitch earlier. We aren’t doubting you. It’s just instinctual for us to want to keep you safe. You’re precious to us. We’ll do everything in our power to make you happy, but your safety is number one. Delores agrees.”

  Had to throw that in there so she knows it’s not just us.

  It works, and her face softens a little as she looks towards the swinging doors that Delores disappeared through a while ago.

  “Okay, I get it. I can keep working here until it’s no longer safe. Care to tell me what would make it unsafe? I’m going to have to wait until we get to your house, aren’t I?

  “Yeah, we have a lot to talk about.”

  “Fine, I’ll be done in a minute.”

  She goes back to stocking, and I head back to the table with the guys. I know they were listening in on the exchange by the looks on their faces.

  She’s eager to know everything, but I don’t think she’s prepared to hear it.

  Chapter 10


  We leave the diner and pile back into the truck around nine-thirty. The diner closes at nine, and I have to help clean and stock for the next day. This time, I’m sitting between Krix and Mavrin in the back. Cash was forced to sit up front with Den, who refuses to let anyone else behind the wheel.

  Boys can be touchy about their babies.

  The ride is silent, but not uncomfortable. I’m constantly receiving little touches from the mates sitting beside me, and I find myself looking forward to each thrum of pleasure that courses through me at their caresses.

  Denny turns into an upscale neighborhood that I never knew existed on the other side of town. The driveway he pulls into is attached to beautiful two-story colonial-style house with a big porch stretching across the front.

  “You’re renting this place?” I don’t even want to ask how much it costs.

  “The owners wanted to sell it, but we won’t be staying here that long.” Krix pauses to look over at me before saying, “Unless you want to stay in Lunar Mills.”

  There’s doubt in his voice, so I don’t hesitate with my answer.

  “No. I want to graduate before we go somewhere else, though. There’s nothing holding me to this town. I’m going to miss Delores when I go. She’s the only person I regret leaving behind.

  I don’t even hesitate about the idea of going with them. My wolf and I are in agreement that we’re sticking to their side like white on rice.


  The mention of rice reminds me that I forgot to eat during my shift. All the excitement of the day has made me burn through the lunch I devoured at school.

  My stomach makes its demands known with a loud rumble just as Denny shuts off the engine. His entire body twists around in the seat at the sound.

  “When was the last time you ate?”

  “I ate lunch, but I was busy at work. I forgot to grab something.” I almost tell him that I’m used to it, but the look on his face makes me swallow those words.

  He turns around and throws the door open. It slams behind him as he stalks into the house, leaving the front door open.

  “Don’t worry about him. He’s probably beating himself up because he wasn’t paying attention enough to notice that you didn’t eat. He’ll be in the kitchen cooking up a feast.”

  “It’s not a big deal. I can grab a snack or something.” I feel bad now for upsetting him. I look at Mavrin as he opens his door and speaks again.

  “it’s our instincts, sweetheart. We can’t help ourselves. Our job is to take care of you, and our wolves are raging inside at the thought of you being hungry.” He helps me out of the truck, but keeps a hold of my hand. Krix grabs my bag before he gets out on his side.

  “It’s all good, babe. We all feel the urge to feed you, but the beast is a little more volatile when it comes to your health and wellness. Just bear with us as we all adjust.”

  I return Cash’s smile as we walk through the front door of the house. Everything looks warm and welcoming, but it doesn’t feel like them. I can’t put my finger on why, but this doesn’t give off the vibe that it’s their style.

  “The place came fully furnished. We were lucky this time around because we usually just sleep on air mattresses until we give looking in that area and move on to the next. Since we’re staying here until graduation, it’s a good thing that we have actually furniture and beds.”

  “Krix, call the cable company tomorrow. We can have tv and internet now! I’m getting a PlayStation this weekend when we take Jahla shopping!”

  Cash’s excitement is catching, and the other guys start making plans on the things they want to do over the next few months. They haven’t had a chance to settle into a place since they shifted and started looking for me. I don’t begrudge them their eagerness, even if I’m not comfortable with the idea of shopping.

  I slip off towards the sounds in what I find out is the kitchen to see a counter full of food, and a disgruntled Denahi making a pile of sandwiches.

  “You can’t skip meals, Jahla.”

  “It’s not like I did it on purpose, Denny. I just lost track of time.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m just mad at myself for not paying close enough attention. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry if you thought I was mad at you.”

  “It’s okay. Can we just talk about it next time before you storm off?”

  He grimaces as I mention his dramatic exit. “That didn’t look good, huh? Sorry about that. Sometimes I have to walk away to calm down. I’m kind of hotheaded.”

  “Wow, really? I haven’t even noticed,” I say with a laugh, which he joins in on. Sarcasm for the win.

  “Here. Please, eat something before my wolf explodes out, and hunts you down a few dozen rabbits. I don’t think you’d enjoy raw meat since you haven’t shifted yet. We’ll save that for later.”

  I laugh again as he places a plate piled high with sandwiches in front of me on the island. Who knew the scowling beast could be funny?

  I sit on a stool and pick up the one on top. Not even caring about the contents as I take a huge bite.

  “Damn, this good!” A smile full of pride blooms across his handsome face.

  “Glad you like it. You have to get full before we talk. We won’t be able to focus unless we know your hunger has been satisfied.

  I comply and dig in to attack the pile of food with renewed enthusiasm.

  I need those fucking answers.


  I’m sitting in a recliner preparing my thoughts on how to explain to Jahla her significance. It’s been decided that I’ll be the one to enlighten her on the prophecy, and all that goes with it.

  Go figure.

  I look at the Krix and Cash as they lounge around on the sectional. They both have matching dopey smiles on their faces as they listen to Den and Jahla talk and laugh in the kitchen. The contentment coming through the link from them matches my own.

  Wolves are very stingy and protective of their mates. They don’t share. Chiefly because there aren’t as many females as there are males. They have been known to attack when they feel as though another male is moving in on their mate.

  Not us.

  We’ve always known that there would be only one for the four of us. I don’t feel the urge to go off and find a female of my own, and I know they don’t either. It’s ingrained in our very DNA that she’s it for us. The fact that I’m happy about my pack brother is the one making her smile only solidifies this fact.

  She’s ours, not just mine.


  That word is playing on a loop in my mind when she walks out of the kitchen a few minutes later with a satisfied smile, Denahi on her heels. He looks calmer, and I know it’s because she’s been fed because I feel the same way.

  “Okay, who do I shoot my questions at?” she asks as Den places her in the middle of the sectional between Cash and Krix before sitting on the floor at her feet.


  “I knew it,” she giggles. “Are you ready?”

  “Hit me with it, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes twinkle with excitement as she leans forward to undo Den’s braid.

  Huh. He never lets anyone do his hair. It’s a cultural thing, but I guess since she’s his mate…

  “Am I out of my pack yet?” That wasn’t what I was expecting to be her first question.

  “Not yet. That’s why our alpha is coming here tomorrow. We have a meeting with your alpha. He wants you to say that you’ve found your mate and wish to leave his pack to his face.” Krix is better with the business discussions.

  “He doesn’t believe anyone would want to claim a shifter who can’t shift as their mate for life.”

  She starts to duck her head, but Cash jumps in to rectify her thoughts.

  “Don’t believe that shit, babe. He’s a conceited asshole. The whole pack is from what I’ve seen.”

  “You’re right. They are pretty full of themselves.” She gives a long exhale like she expelling the negative thoughts as she continues to play in Den’s hair. Man has had his eyes closed in bliss since the moment she touched the first strand.

  “How does the mate bond work?”

  Yeah, I’m leaving this one to one of the guys, too. I mean, I can explain it. No doubt about it. I’d love to talk to her about the love between a wolf and its fated mate, but my mind can’t switch lanes like that. I’ve set it on the course of the prophecy, so that’s what subject I’m sticking to.

  “It begins with the scent and solidifies with the bite. Once a wolf scents their mate, they’re have a one-track mind: mate. That’s all the wolf focuses on while the human focuses on the emotion behind the bond. You know for sure when you make eye contact whether your wolf has scented the one fated for you, or not. With the eye contact comes the soul recognition. That’s the zap that you feel. It’s your soul recognizing its other half. The final step is the bite, but there’s more to it than just biting. You can bite your mate, but it will only be temporary. The mark will fade after a couple of weeks or so, though you can hear your mate’s thoughts and feel their emotions through the bond until it does. You would have to keep making each other until you come together as one. You mate in all sense of the word, and when you are both at the zenith of pleasure, you mark each other to fully seal the bond”

  What the fuck?

  We’re all staring down at Den as he leans back against Jahla’s legs. Not once has he opened his eyes as her hands continue to play in his hair, her nails gently scraping his scalp periodically.

  “So… we have to have sex to cement the bond? I knew there was something I was missing.”

  “The pack didn’t teach you this?” I shoot Krix a look, warning him to watch his words lest he offend her for her lack of education from her pack.

  “I learned a little before I was kicked out of the room. They didn’t think I was worthy of a mate, remember? Jokes on them.” She has such a devilish smile when she’s feeling petty. “I don’t want to have sex just yet, though. I’m still getting adjusted to the four of you. I don’t even know how we’re going to make this work. Shit, I’m just one girl!”

  “Calm down, babe. We’re in this together. We’ll all figure it out as we go, but you don’t have to worry about us getting jealous. We’ve known that we would all be with you since we were old enough to understand words.”

  “That’s another thing. How did you know that you’d have to share a mate? Why are there four of you? You made the floor rumble when you got upset in chemistry, Cash. How? How did you know that I wasn’t supposed to shift until I met you? What does all of this mean?!

  Her rapid-fire questions cease as she pauses to breathe, and I take the opening for a chance to dive in.

  “This is where I come in, sweetheart.”

  “Okay. Let’s go. Tell me what’s going on before I freak the fuck out.”

  “Well, it all begins over two hundred years ago when the last oracle came for with her final prophecy from the Mother herself.”

  Chapter 11


  You have got to be fucking kidding me.

  It only took Mav about five minutes to give me the rundown on the prophecy and all that it entailed, but I feel like I’ve been sitting there for hours. I sat still and listened as he told me about being bound, and how they all have affinities of nature. How I’d have all of them along with something else that wasn’t disclosed. The fact that my wolf will come out once I’ve linked myself to them in a bond, and all of my shit will be unlocked.

  Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me.

  They’ve been staring at me for the past five minutes as I sit there frozen on the couch. Even Denahi has turned around in his position on the floor. I just sit there as I try to make it all make sense in my head.

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “It’s not, Jahla. Ask your questions, and I’ll answer them.” Mav is being so genuine, but this is all so crazy.

  “How do I know you guys can really control the elements? Denny being hotheaded isn’t any proof-sorry, Denny. Show me.”

  They all look at me, Denahi with a smirk like the slight insult didn’t bother him. My hair keeps blowing in my face as I look to each of them and wait. I finally swipe it out of the way with a frustrated huff which makes the laugh.

  “What the hell is so funny?”

  “That was me, sweetheart.”

  “What do you mean, Mavrin? I didn’t see you do anything.”

  “This,” he says, and I notice the fingers on his left hand gently twitch as my hair once again blows in my face.

  Like it’s caught in a breeze. “Wait, so you control the air?”

  “Yes. My affinity is air.” I should’ve guessed that with his gentle personality. He reminds me on a warm breeze in a meadow.

  “Can you guess mine?” I turn to look at Cash’s teasing expression.

  “I have no clue. Your personality is playful, but that could mean anything. Hold up! You did something in chemistry that felt like a mini earthquake. Is it earth?”

  He grins as he looks over to the corner of the room and lifts his hand slowly. I follow his gaze to see a plant floating above its pot without a single speck of dirt.

  “It is earth!”

  “Yeah, but I don’t just play with dirt. I can make plants grow and control them.” He proceeds to make the leaves dance, and a single flower starts to grow from its center. “Mine is cooler than theirs.” He says with a smirk.

  “Shut up, Cash,” the others say in unison. They must have to put up with his shit a lot to be so in sync with the reprimand. He just laughs as he returns the flower to its place.

  “At least we can conjure ours from nothing. Mine is fire.”

  “You’re supposed to let her guess! And I can conjure plants without seeds!”

  “It’s getting late, and she needs her rest, Cash. We can play your games tomorrow.”

  “I kind of knew that, Denny. They keep saying you’re a hothead, so it’s a no brainer,” I say, trying to diffuse the argument before it starts. “Can I see?”

  He smiles at me as he lifts his hands in front of him, palms touching as though in prayer. They come outwards at the knuckle before his fingers spread, still connected at the tips. In the center of his palms is a small ball of fire! It grows bigger as he brings his hands apart, the fireball alive and dancing. He takes one hand away while moving the other to sit under the ball of flames, giving it a little bounce.

  “Does it burn you?
  “No. our affinities don’t hurt any of us. We were all destined to be together, so our bodies are designed to withstand them. I could set Cash on fire, and only his clothes would burn.”

  “Don’t fucking try it! Unless Jahla would like a sneak peek at the goods.” I laugh as he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  Denahi extinguishes his fire by closing his fist, and I notice his eyes dim. “Do your eyes glow when you use your affinities?”

  “Yeah, it’s like when our wolf is coming forward. They glow with power, I guess you can say.”

  “So that makes yours water,” I say to Krix as he finishes explaining.

  “Bingo!” He does the same move as Denahi, but flicks his fingers once his water ball is in his palm. It separates into tiny droplets, but instead of splattering everywhere, they stay suspended in the air. He manipulates them until they're surrounding me like frozen raindrops, and I hope my breath to keep from moving. I watch as, one by one, they slowly dissolve until they’re all gone.

  “Wow,” is all I can say. Now, that was beautiful.

  “You didn’t have to show off, Krix.”

  “I know you’re not talking. You grew her a damn flower!”

  “So? You’re the one who only wanted to play with her hair!”

  “I was trying to ease her into it!”

  “Both of you need to chill. You’re supposed to be the peacekeeper, Mav.” I step in to stop the back and forth with a laugh, knowing that they’re not seriously upset with each other. I’ve learned in my short time with them that they enjoy a good bantering session.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I couldn’t help it. He was pouting like a baby!”

  “Was not!”

  “Alright, that’s enough. You’re taking this pretty well, angel.” Krix says that last part in a gentle voice as he grabs my hand, like he’s still afraid that I’m going to freak out.


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