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The Lunar Child: The Elemental Wolves

Page 15

by M. D. Butler

  Candace has always been the most vocal of the bunch, but also the most persistent. She’s the one that’s always encouraging the others to keep up their pursuit. She’s also dumb as fuck if she’s ignoring the dominance I can feel building inside of Jahla. Even the other students that were standing around have taken a step back. Her little minions are looking a bit skeptical about the situation, too.

  “Who am I? I’m their fucking mate! It would be wise for you to stay away from them for now on. I don’t share.”

  Jahla is standing tall and proud, and it’s a beautiful change from the timid little girl that we met a few days ago. Shit, was that just this past Monday? Time flies, doesn’t it?

  “Their mate? So, you’re that prophecy bitch that they’ve been looking for? I’ve got to say, boys. I thought you’d do better. We’ll be here when you reject her ass. You’ll get tired of having to share a whore before long.”

  As if we were puppets on a string, the guys and I all slowly turn to look at Jahla. Her hair is blow in the wind, skin is steaming, and the ground has a slight vibration to it. A ball of water is forming in her right hand, but it’s her left that’s snagged my attention. Purple bolts of electricity are sparking between her fingers, and the air around her has a staticky feel to it.

  Instead of just pulling the individual strings of power like she usually does, I think she’s squeezing the entire ball in a tight angry fist!


  She doesn’t answer me, just stares at Candace with glowing lavender eyes. The idiot has the sense to lower her gaze, and take a step back from the challenge. Unfortunately, she doesn’t keep her mouth closed when she standing in the face of danger.

  “Like I said, you’re a fucking freak!”

  This girl has a death wish.

  “Jahla, no!” I yell as she lifts both of her hands. I jump in front of her, and snatch her up in my arms before she can unleash hell on the dumb she-wolf. The others follow suit, each wrapping their arms around her to keep her from charging. Luckily, her magic immediately subsides.

  “Let me go! I’m sick of bitches always thinking they can come for me!”

  “No, sweetheart. You’re better than this.”

  “She’d nothing compared to you angel.”

  “Don’t let her get you out of character, babe!”

  “You can’t kill other students on school grounds, pixie.”

  At his words, she stops struggling, and calms down. I look at her face to see her staring calculatingly at Candace and her crew who have all tried to blend in with a crowd intent on avoiding them. It’s actually kind of funny to see them look for back up, and not get any.

  I can tell that Jahla is planning something, though. Damn it, Den! He just gave her the idea that she has permission to kill them if she sees them out in town, or something.

  I don’t want her to be the cause of anyone’s death, but Candace is begging for it. The others have always just followed her lead, never initiating things unless she was there to get the ball rolling.

  Something tells me that today was the final straw, though. Not only did Jahla’s burst of dominance have them all submitting, but her display of power has them all looking at her with a mixture of fear and respect. Yeah, you don’t want to get on my girl’s bad side.

  Once, we feel that Jahla has calmed down enough for us to let her go, we do. Mavrin keeps a hold of her hand, though. guess he doesn’t trust that she’s calm enough to have free reign. I think she’s fine, but it wouldn’t hurt to hold onto her to be sure.

  “This is your only warning. They’re mine so back the fuck off.” Her voice has a slight growl to it as though her wolf was speaking with her.

  Scary shit.

  We turn to walk into the school just as the bell rings, and I feel like so much relief at the sound. I really wish that we can have just one day without bullshit, but I think I’m asking for too much. I mean, it hasn’t even been a week!

  See what I meant about life with her being exciting?


  Stupid, dumbass bitches!

  I’m glad that the guys stopped me from going nuclear on their asses, though. I kind of lost myself there for a minute. My wolf was seeing red, and I wasn’t any better off. All I could thing about was latching my teeth onto her jugular, or hitting her with every element in my arsenal. Don’t get me started on that electric thing that was happening. I don’t know what that shit was about.

  How dare they try to lay claim to my me?!

  I was able to watch the guys for a second before they noticed me, so I could tell that they were ignoring the girls. They only spoke to the other students, but the fucking cunts didn’t care. They stood over them like they owned them, or something.

  Better be glad they didn’t touch them, or that limb would’ve been mutilated.

  I can feel that you’re still mad. We’ve never had any desire to be with them, I swear!

  It’s not that, Mavrin. It’s the fact that females don’t seem to care when someone says no. from what I’ve seen so far, you guys always say no.

  We do, babe! We’ve always been yours. We even tell them that.

  Yeah, angel. Those girls no that we’re off looking for you every time we leave school.

  I heard that part, I say as we make it to our lockers. They managed to snag me one next to Krix. It’s the fact that they don’t fucking care! That bitch said she’d wait until you got tired of me. That you run straight to her. Why the hell do you guys have to be you?

  Okay, that makes me sound like a whiney bitch, but I don’t care. It feels like I’m always going to have to defend my bond with the guys. First Blythe, and now this? Makes me not want to go to school at all if this is going to happen every time.

  Did it only start Monday?! This has been a long fucking week.

  They just want us because of our powers, and what we represent, pixie.

  And because we’re hot as hell.

  Not helping, Cash.

  I slam my locker, and grab Mav’s hand so we can go to our mate bonds class. Some insight on this whole mate bond thing might help me control my emotions, and keep from killing anything with a played-out pussy.

  “Wait, Jahla. Don’t be mad. We don’t want them.”

  I pause my steps and turn back to the other three who are still standing at their lockers.

  “I know, Denny, but they want you. They’ll always want you, and I’ll always have to fight them off. I feel like I’m going to have to make a scene to prove to everyone that you’re mine. I’m not mad, guys. Just frustrated. I’m going to have to fuck somebody up without committing murder so that girls know you’re all off limits.”

  “I can help you figure out a way.”

  “Stop encouraging her, Den. Come on, sweetheart. We need to get to class.”

  “See you next period, babe!”

  “See you later, mates.”

  I make sure to say that loud enough for the entire hall to hear me as we make our way through the throng of students. I’ve had a huge confidence boost over the last couple of days. My wolf is no longer bound, I have four hot as hell mates, and I have elemental powers that could do some serious damage once I learn to control them. After a life of being beaten down, and always feeling less than, I’m embracing the fuck out of this shit.

  Bring it on, little girls. The real bitch has arrived.

  Call me the HBIC.

  Chapter 21


  I knew when the Femme Fatale walked up that it was going to end badly. Jahla has shown that she’s not going to put up with that shit, so I warned Krix and Den not to make any sudden moves when we smelled her coming.

  We had to treat the situation as though we were watching a tiger get ready to pounce on its prey. Any distraction from her target could turn her ire towards us.

  Luckily, she knew where we stood with the girls. They’re an annoyance that we try to avoid when we’re at this school. We’ve even extended our time away on a few occasions to keep f
rom having to put up with them.

  The other three aren’t so bad. They still give us coy glances, and try to touch us when we walk by in the halls, but they’re not as bad as Candace. That female lives up to the name we gave the group.

  Anyone who could reject their mate so callously is the fucking devil.

  Do we really have to go to school at all?

  I thought you said you wanted to graduate.

  It doesn’t seem so important anymore.

  Okay, someone is still in a bad mood. Technically, we don’t have to go to school. It’s not like we need the education to get good jobs, and this school is mainly geared towards life as a shifter.

  So, you want to drop out?

  I was thinking more of a homeschool type of thing. We would have more time for training, and could still get our diplomas. I feel like this shit is going to be too much of a distraction, and we don’t have time for me to be summoned before the council over killing a bitch.

  Well, when she puts it like that…

  I don’t mind it. This is all kind redundant, anyway. We can talk to the guys about it at lunch, and let our parents know.

  Good. Now, what does the teacher mean about a mate being able to heal you?


  I had to pass Jahla off to Krix for second period, but I’m okay with it now. As long as I can feel her, I’m fine. It’s not too much of a distance to where our wolves get anxious.

  The downside to my pack mentality class is that two of the Femme Fatale are in it. It used to annoy me to have any of them in one of my classes, but at least it’s not Candace. That girl is fucking vicious, and her attention is borderline sexual harassment.

  Claire and Avalon aren’t that bad, as long as they’re not around their dictator. The worse they do is brush against you in the halls on purpose. Now, though? they’re acting like I don’t exist. Guess that scene with Jahla and Candace put the fear of the Goddess in their hearts.

  Thank fuck.

  “Hey, Mavrin? Is it true?”

  I look to my left at the dude asking me the question in the loudest stage whisper I’ve ever heard. “Is what true?”

  “Did you find her? The girl from the prophecy?”

  “Yeah, Jahla is our mate.”

  “So, it’s the war is really going to happen?”

  This comes from the guy in front of me as he turns around in his seat. I look to the front of the room to see if the teacher is going to do something about the talking, only to find that he and the rest of the class are all looking at me, too.

  Guess they want to know as well. Damn it.

  “We don’t know what’s going on. We just found her, but yes. She’s the one from the prophecy.”

  “I saw what she did this morning. She can use all of your elements! She is on the good side, right? Candace didn’t push her the other way?”

  “Jahla isn’t like that. We’re her mates so of course she wanted to defend her bond- “

  “Sorry about that, by the way.” I turn to look at Claire when her quiet voice hits my ears. “We didn’t know that you had found her. We’re not even really interested in you. It’s just fun to chase.”

  I don’t say anything to that. I know that wolves love to chase, but chasing after someone who doesn’t want anything to do with you is on fun for the person doing the chasing.

  “Who cares about that. I want to know what it’s like to share a mate. Do you all take turns, or go at her all at once?”

  “Grant! To the office. Now!”

  Too late, Mr. Stevens. By the time Grants words are done registering in my brain, I already have him thrown against the bored at the front of the class.

  “What the fuck did you just say?”

  He struggles to get any type of sound out because I making the air compress around his throat as though I was strangling him.

  “Please, put him down Mavrin. This is not how we conduct ourselves at this academy.”

  I hesitate for a few seconds, reluctant to let go until I see his lips start to turn blue. Feeling satisfied that I’ve made my point, I let him drop to the ground with a heavy thud. Fucking asshole should’ve known better. I give the class one final look before I gather my things, and walk out of the door.

  The last thing I heard before the door closes behind me is Mr. Stevens telling the class, “And that’s why we don’t insult someone’s mate.”


  The bell rings after second block, and I hurry to grab our things as I grab Jahla’s hand. We have first lunch since we have shifting this afternoon, and I’m eager to get to the cafeteria. The intense anger that we felt from Mavrin has us anxious to find out what’s going on. It’s even worse after the response we received when we questioned him on it through the link.


  What type shit is that? You can’t have a flare up like that, and then expect us to just wait to hear what the fuck is going on. It’s like a chick getting her first kiss, and then giving a teaser about it to her best friends only to make them wait until the next day to hear about it.

  Okay, Cash’s little sisters are affecting me.

  I see him sitting at the lunch table that we usually commandeer when we’re on campus. He already has two trays, but I lead Jahla to the lunch line to get more. We’re going to need more food. Cash and Den join us, and we all walk to the table together.

  “So, what’s going on? You never get that mad.” It’s better to get right to the point.

  “We should consider home school.”

  “What?! Why?” I understand Cash’s confusion. This just came out of nowhere.

  “I asked him about it after that shit that went down this morning. I figured it would be better if we had more time to train, and less distractions.”

  “I’m down for more training.”

  “Of course, you are, Den.”

  “Stop stalling, Mav. What made you so angry? I’m fine with home schooling, but that’s not what we’re talking about right now.”

  “I pinned Grant to a wall. I just think that this should be our last day. I’m sure with everything that we have going on, the administration will understand.”

  “Whoa, wait. Back up. You’re not going to speed past that like you didn’t even say it! You pinned Grant to a wall? Why?!”

  I just sit there, staring at Mavrin with unchewed food hanging out of my mouth. Sweet, gentle Mavrin pinned someone to a wall? What the fuck is going on?!

  “He said some things.”

  “Do we need to be worried?”

  “No, sweetheart. Just know that you’re not the only one who has to deal with assholes disrespecting our bond.”

  “So, we need to fuck him up,” Den states. It’s not a question. He really wants to hurt the guy.

  “Okay, fine. We’ll home school. I’ll go to the office now to let them know what’s going on, but we have to finish out the rest of the day. Without killing anyone, Denahi.”

  “I never start fights, just finish them.”

  “I said what I said. I’ll see you in shifting, angel.” I give her a quick peck on the cheek before I leave.

  I’m walking down the hall, phone in hand while I text James about our plans, when Candace steps out from an alcove. Does this girl have a death wish?

  I walk around her as I continue on my way, careful not to touch her so her scent isn’t on me. With Jahla’s wolf fully unbound, her senses are keener. We don’t need anymore near murder experiences on our hands. One is enough. Two if you count Mavrin. If he attacks someone, it’s usually with the intent to do serious harm.

  It takes a lot to get him there, but once he is…

  “Why her?”

  It’s better to ignore the ignorant. There’s no way she’s questioning me on why I chose my true mate over her.

  “Hello? Krix? I asked you a question! Why did you choose her over me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” I genuinely curious to know the answer, but I don’t stop walking. She’s following me, anyway.

p; “Because my dad’s has alpha blood for one. He might be just the head of security, but our family name is powerful. We have strong ties to a lot of packs. Mating me could give you alliances for your so-called war if it’s real.”

  “No, thanks.”

  “Do you actually believe this prophecy shit?”

  “I do.”

  Why the hell is the office so far away?

  “You could mate with anyone you want! No one cares about true mates anymore, Krix. The Mother has lost her touch. She doesn’t know what She’s doing with mates. Can you believe that She tried to put me with an unranked member of a little pack? That right there should tell you that She should just float away, or whatever goddesses do.”

  Now, I stop walking. The words of the prophecy are playing on repeat in my head as I contemplate what she just said.

  “Finally. My feet were starting to hurt with trying to keep up with you! Now, will you actually talk to me?”

  I just stare at her, keeping my face neutral. I keep my anger locked down tight so it doesn’t leak through the bond, and alert the others. Especially Jahla.

  “Look, I get that she’s your fated mate. Whatever! She just got here, though. We don’t know what she’s really like. I’ve been by your side for years, Krix. Now that you’ve found her, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. You can reject her, and we can finally be together! It’s not even that bad. Just a little pinch, and it’s over. Trust me, I know.”

  I can’t believe how delusional she is. I’ve never met a female who could convince herself of such bullshit, but it’s what she said before that has me staring at her, weighing my words carefully.

  She’s turned her back on the Mother.

  The prophecy said that we will be the Mother’s warriors against all of those who oppose her. Candace is on that opposing side. I knew the girl was fucked up, but I didn’t know she was this bad.

  “Goodbye, Candace,” I say as I turn and walk away.

  “What?! You can’t be serious right now! For her?!...”

  She’s still screeching as I turn the last corner on the way to the office. She just confirmed it for us. We’re definitely home schooling.


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