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The Pleasure Hound: Part Three (The Pleasure Hound Series Book 3)

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by Ines Johnson

  Jian's hands moved lightly over Chanyn's body. His fingertips danced across the planes of her body, around the mounds of her breasts, over the peaks of her nipples, up to the hollow of her throat, down into the valley between her thighs.

  Khial felt a hand on his own. Chanyn gazed at him, kindness crinkled the corners of her eyes. Khial felt the cage around his heart fracture. Chanyn pulled his hand to her chest. He felt her strong heartbeat. The strength of it scared him. She moved his hand from her heart and brought it to her lips, kissing his fingers lightly. Trust mingled with desire in that smile. She left his hand on her breast and then closed her eyes once more.

  Khial's hands traveled the mound and peaks of Chanyn's breasts. Chanyn parted her lips and sighed.

  "Very good, Lord Khial. Watch for her responses. Her body will tell you what is pleasing, if you look for the signs."

  Khial saw the signs instantly. When he touched her lightly, she trembled, arching up into his hands. When he firmed his touch, her lower body ground into the mattress seeking traction. She was an instrument, her limbs the chords. Khial played her, learning the keys to her melodies.

  Jian sat back on his heels and watched Khial's ministrations, a smile of satisfaction on his face. That look of satisfaction made Khial prideful. He'd never been great at school, outside of music. Teachers usually looked at him with disdain. Khial couldn't muster the inclination to care. As a first born and royal, he would never need to do much with his brain. Watching the pride in the monk's eyes made Khial want to ace this examination.

  The monk's smile did spread. In mischief. "Excellent job with your hands, my lord. Now, we'll use our mouths."

  Both Khial and Chanyn's bodies shuddered. Jian leaned over Chanyn's body, closer to Khial. The monk's hand filled with one of Chanyn's breasts.

  "I want you to determine which she likes most." Jian curled his tongue and flicked it lightly over Chanyn's nipple. "A light touch?"

  Chanyn's body undulated.

  Jian's tongue flattened and traced another trail. "A firm touch?"

  Khial leaned into the side of the bed to give his dick some much needed friction.

  "Or a bite." Jian's teeth clamped lightly around Chanyn's nipple. Her eyelids strained to her brow. Jian ran a gentle hand down the side of her face. "And remember," he said to Khial, "our intention is to make her beg for mercy."

  A look of stubbornness settled over Chanyn's features. The look told them she accepted the challenge, and wouldn't be so easily won.

  A smirk lit Jian's face. "You will see, my lord, that the bedroom is the only place where a man has the opportunity to rule a woman."

  The monk moved to the base of the bed and settled between Chanyn's thighs. He spread Chanyn's legs wide, then stretched himself out and rested his head on the inside of one thigh as though he planned to stay for a long while.

  "Go on, then," Jian nodded to her breast.

  Chanyn's eyes narrowed on Khial in challenge. They were on opposite teams. He'd watched her play card games with Dain. Dain was notorious at card games. He loved to win. Khial had never been very competitive. Whenever Dain moved in to make the killer play, he got this look of challenge in his eyes. That was the look in Chanyn's eyes. And suddenly Khial wanted very much to win.

  Game on.

  Khial lowered his head and did as Jian instructed. Softly, he traced the underside of Chanyn's breasts. The crease of the skin at the base of the mound intrigued him. Chanyn gasped, showing her hand, then clamped her mouth shut. Khial chuckled and played his next move.

  With a firm flick of his tongue, he traced from that bottom crease to the peak of her breast. Chanyn rested a trembling hand on his shoulder, panting, but still she kept all words from her mouth, determined to stay in the game. Khial made a show of baring his teeth. Her breaths kicked up.

  She was going to lose.

  He bit down lightly. Chanyn's nails dug into his shoulder. Khial wrapped his entire mouth around the top of her breast and suckled. He moaned, himself, at the taste and feel of her. Her hands moved from his shoulder and into his hair. She cradled his neck as he continued to suckle. Khial became lost, but not for long. He remembered Jian's words.

  I need you to have a clear head.

  Khial released Chanyn's breast with a pop. Her eyes remained closed in absolute bliss. Pride shot through him at the sight. The restrictions around his heart relaxed. He caught Jian's nod of approval before the monk dipped his head between Chanyn's thighs. Khial watched, transfixed, as Jian ran his tongue lightly at the pink opening between Chanyn's thighs. Her deep moan brought Khial's attention back to her face. Her eyes screwed shut, her mouth wide, her chest panting.

  "No mercy, my lord." Jian's lips glossed with Chanyn's juices.

  Khial's mouth watered. Whether at the desire to taste Chanyn's juices, or to taste Jian's lips, or both.

  Jian grinned, a kid at a berry stand, then he inclined his head towards Chanyn's other breast indicating for Khial to get back to work. He disappeared between Chanyn's thighs. His mouth devoured her, his tongue flicked over the pink bud at the apex of her thighs.

  Chanyn trembled—no—she shook. Her moans turned to cries of the purest ecstasy. They filled Khial's ears and settled somewhere deep inside his chest. Deep inside where his own core lay, and it warmed him through.

  Like a two-piece instrument, they played her. Jian's tongue stroked her firmly, Chanyn ground her hips. Khial nibbled at her breasts lightly, the upper half of her body arched toward him. The opposing touches drove her to madness.

  Khial had never been interested in power. He had no desire to rule Chanyn. But he did relish the command he had over her body. It was like the first time he picked up the violin. It had called to him, begged him to uncover its mysteries. To practice until he'd mastered it. That's how he felt now, with Chanyn in his hands.

  Her moans were guttural, animal. Her body jerked out of control. She was climaxing, Khial realized. He released her breasts and watched.

  Chanyn dug her heels into the bed, her fists tangled in the sheets. Her entire body moved in a wave, like the tide crashing into the shore, over and over again.

  When the waves receded, Jian moved alongside her. The monk wrapped his arms about Chanyn and held her tight, murmuring nonsensical words of love to her temple. He smiled over at Khial. Job well done, that look said.

  Disappointment washed through Khial. He was nowhere near finished playing.

  Jian chuckled. "Take off your pants, my lord."

  Khial blinked. The monk raised an eyebrow and waited patiently for Khial to follow his instruction. Khial stood on shaky legs. What would happen now? Chanyn looked done for the night. He assumed any minute she'd roll over and fall asleep. What then? Would Jian relieve him? Did Khial want that?

  Khial slowly unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the ground. Jian watched the motion, his hand stroking Chanyn's back, easing her quakes to light trembles. Jian reached over to the side table and grabbed a circular device. He handed it to Khial. Electricity tingled Khial's palm as Jian's fingers skittered over his. When Khial looked down, he recognized the device.

  "You want me to wear this?" he asked the monk.

  The monk placed a light kiss on Chanyn's temple, never taking his eyes off Khial. "Trust me."

  Again, something shifted in Khial's chest when he realized that he did. Not only did he trust the monk, he wanted to please the monk. He'd never cared to please anyone but Dain. Khial clamped the conception ring around the base of his dick, then looked to Jian for further instruction.

  Khial's dick throbbed as the monk sat up. But the monk brought Chanyn with him. Jian sat with his back against the headboard. He turned Chanyn so that she lay on his chest. Then he reached down her body and brought her knees to a kneeling position around his torso. In that position, Khial realized Jian meant for him to take Chanyn from behind.

  "Women can orgasm many times a night, with little to no break in between."

  Jian motioned for Khial to place hi
mself behind Chanyn. Khial's hands began to shake once more. He remembered being buried in that damp, tight space. The warmth of it, the tightness. He tried to breathe through his eagerness to return. After witnessing Chanyn in pleasure, he never wanted their coupling to cause her pain again. He wanted to give her the bliss she was in now.

  "Don't worry. She's ready for you. You will not hurt her."

  Chanyn's head rested against Jian's chest. Jian traced a lazy pattern on her spine as he watched Khial.

  Khial spread his thighs wide on the outside of both Jian's and Chanyn's legs. He lined himself against Chanyn's wet heat. Slowly, had been Jian's instruction to Dain. Gritting his teeth, Khial entered her slowly.

  In his mind's eye, he saw paradise. He felt peace. Seated fully in her, his balls ached for immediate release, but the device wouldn't allow it.

  Chanyn's moan brought him back to this plane of existence. Her eyes remained closed as she clung to Jian. Her lower body arched back into Khial. Slowly, Khial began to move. Chanyn met him thrust for thrust. His hands rested lightly against her hips. They tightened with each thrust.

  Jian reached up and took one of Khial's hands. The monk pulled Khial's hand around and rested it on the bud between Chanyn's thighs. She moaned deeper, back caving in.

  "Circles. Slow, but firm," Jian instructed.

  Khial did as he was told. Chanyn used her hands to push away from Jian's chest. Jian let her go. Ecstasy written on his face as he watched.

  Chanyn's arms curled around Khial's neck. Her face against his cheek. "Khi," she whispered.

  Khial pulled her back flush against his chest. Though he wanted to go faster, harder, he kept his thrusts steady, the circles slow and firm. And soon she was quaking. Her body jerked and convulsed around his.

  "Khial," she shouted.

  Khial saw stars as that warm wet heat he craved caved in on him. His balls seized, but couldn't release. He couldn't hold on to reality. Chanyn fell out of his arms, and into Jian's waiting embrace. Jian held her with one arm and reached the other out to Khial. He cupped Khial's face, his fingers extending to the back of his neck. Khial closed his eyes and welcomed the strong, steady embrace.

  They stayed like that for Goddess knew how long. And then Khial felt warm fingers on his dick. He looked down to see Jian's fingers releasing the ring.

  His eyes bored into Khial's. There were so many emotions there: desire, trust, awe, peace.

  The convulsions of Chanyn's orgasm nearly shoved him out of her, but the tip of Khial's dick remained stubbornly inside her. Khial watched as Jian gathered the woman he loved into his arms and set his mouth to hers. Chanyn still trembled, but she relaxed into Jian's kisses. Khial watched them until he was distracted by the throbbing of his dick. He looked down at it. Chanyn writhed against it under Jian's ministrations. Khial caught Jian's eyes. Never breaking from Chanyn's lips, the monk nodded once at Khial.

  Khial pushed himself back inside. Chanyn's entire being shook. Jian held her firm. Khial closed his eyes and tried to go slow.

  "She can take it harder now," Jian said.

  Khial opened his eyes to make sure it hadn't been his own desire speaking. It hadn't. Jian nodded at him in confirmation. Khial thrust upward a little harder. Chanyn gasped, but it was a gasp he'd come to know. The gasp that said she was pleased and near her own release. And so he did it again. Chanyn's body, which had just been wracked by a second climax only moments ago, tensed around him. He thrust again, and then again.

  Jian continued kissing and petting her, whispering words of love. Words that Khial closed his eyes and allowed to penetrate his mind, his aching heart. Khial reached between them and put one hand on her breasts, the other on her hip and thrust even deeper. One of Chanyn's arms wrapped once more around his neck. A hand grasped his ass.

  He knew that hand wasn't Chanyn's. It urged him on faster, harder. Trust me, that hand said. You won't hurt her, it assured him.

  Khial trusted the hand and thrust harder and faster. He heard the sound of Jian's lips against her mouth as she gasped, moaned, and cried. He heard the sound of his body slapping against Chanyn's ass. The heat poured through every crevice of his body, loosening the spots that had gone cold and dark since Dain's passing. Khial opened.

  "Mercy," Chanyn cried out and convulsed around him.

  His balls could take no more and they burst forth, emptying into her. He thrust and thrust until everything in him released into her. He thrust one more time to make sure he'd left nothing behind. He was done. Undone. Remade.

  As if choreographed, Khial collapsed to one side of Chanyn, Jian to the other. They lay there in a cocoon of peace. Warmth flooded his body, his being. Peace in his mind.

  Like touching the Goddess.

  He swore he felt Dain at his back whispering for him to fall asleep. That he had him, always.

  Chanyn lay in the spoon of Jian's arms. Jian's head rested against Khial's forearm just above Chanyn's. Chanyn's head rested over Khial's heart.

  Khial kept his eyes open and on the scene for as long as he could. He felt the instinct to protect those in his care. But for the first time in days, he felt safe and warm. He scooted closer to Chanyn. Somehow, his free hand found Jian's hip. Enclosed in the circle, Khial allowed himself to be lulled to sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Jian leaned forward, closer to the two sleeping individuals beside him. His heart sighed at the sight of Chanyn's tranquil face. Over her shoulder, Lord Khial's body sank deeply into the mattress. Last night, the young man stressed over every touch with Chanyn, afraid he'd hurt her. Now his hand twined with hers, curled over her belly.

  All day, Jian watched the man hide his growing feelings for Chanyn behind his sense of duty, insisting his every move was for her benefit and not the growing feelings he had for her. Lord Khial was intensely loyal and determined. Jian could not have asked for a better man to be paired with the woman he loved.

  Jian slid his fingertips down Chanyn's cheek. She would be okay without him. And that time was approaching. Jian rose from the bed. His motions caused Chanyn to sigh and roll forward, but she continued to slumber peacefully.

  Lord Khial opened his eyes. "Are you leaving?"

  Jian paused, his gaze raking over Lord Khial's bare chest. "I wouldn't leave her without saying goodbye. I'm just going for a walk."

  Lord Khial sat up slowly, also trying to avoid waking Chanyn. "Would you join me for first meal?"

  Jian nodded.

  The two men dressed quietly. Once or twice Jian caught the lord sneaking a look at his chest as he buttoned up the cloth shirt. Jian's eyes dipped once or twice, as Lord Khial fumbled at his pants. Lord Khial opened the door for Jian. They made their way down the stairs side by side. Occasionally a knuckle brushed a hand. At the bottom of the stairs, Jian motioned for Lord Khial to precede him. Jian couldn't help but notice the strong stride of the man in front of him.

  In the dining room, Rianald set a feast before them. Jian reached for the berries, then pulled back. The sweets were an indulgence. But he remembered he was no longer a monk. So he heaped them onto his plate.

  "How long can you stay with us?" Lord Khial asked.

  Jian wanted to stay with Chanyn forever. But that wasn't possible, regardless of his new station. Chanyn was a bonded woman. "I'll stay as long as you need me, my lord."

  Lord Khial brightened at this answer. "The temple can spare you for a while?"

  Jian hesitated. They would find out, sooner or later. "I've been thro—" He choked on the word. He cleared his throat and shoved the truth into the light of day. "I've been thrown out of the temple."

  "Thrown out?"

  "Well, not thrown, but I am unable to return."

  "Since when?"

  "Since the night I came for you."

  "Because of me?"

  Jian wobbled his head yes and no. "Because of my feelings for Lady Chanyn."

  "Because you love her?"

  Jian gave a firm nod, then popped another cherry into his mou

  "So, you're a free man?"

  Jian hadn't thought of it that way. He'd thought only in the negative. He wasn't a monk. "Yes. It would appear that I am."

  A free man. A third son. Discarded three times now.

  "What will you do?"

  Jian frowned, his brows furrowed. He would have to find some employment. The best situation would likely be as a manservant. Ideally, he would've loved to work for this house and keep an eye on Chanyn. But he would eventually wind up putting more than an eye on her. He respected Lord Khial too much to betray him in such away.

  "I'd like you to stay," Lord Khial said.

  "I can't. I can't be this close to her and not keep my hands off her."

  "Then don't keep your hands off her."

  Jian's mouth fell open.

  "You could bond with us."

  Jian chomped down on the berry in his mouth. The fruit, sweeter than he expected, caused him to wince. Lord Khial's words didn't make sense, so Jian spouted what he knew to be true.

  "You can't mean that. It’s the orgasms talking. You should never make decisions so close after sex."

  "Fine," Lord Khial said.

  Jian's heart stalled at the quick withdrawal.

  "Stay a few days, and then I'll ask you again."

  Jian blinked. "You can't possibly want me."

  Lord Khial didn't meet Jian's eyes. "Lady Chanyn wants you. And Dain wanted me to keep her happy."

  It was the same logic Lord Khial'd given Jian about not hurting Chanyn. Lord Dain, and not himself, would be upset if Chanyn were hurt. Jian saw right through it, but he still couldn't quite make himself believe it.

  "I'm a third. A discard. All the scandal—"

  Lord Khial laughed. This time he did meet Jian's eyes. "This house is full of scandal." Lord Khial looked around, as though it were his first time in the room. "It’s also the happiest home in the city. I think you'd do well as a part of it."

  Lord Khial held Jian's glance. The glance was unmistakable. Jian had had love affairs with men before. He knew the look of a man who desired him. The other night, as Lord Khial thrust into Chanyn, Jian imagined the man driving into him. With Chanyn in his arms and Lord Khial moving above him, Jian had nearly climaxed.


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