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The Alpha Billionaire Club Trilogy

Page 54

by Alexa Wilder

  Above me, Axel's breath was ragged, coming in short gasps. His hands buried themselves in my hair, his strong fingers cradling the back of my skull, not guiding me so much as holding me, feeling the play of muscles in my neck and my jaw as I worked him with my mouth, sucking and licking at him, reveling in the knowledge that I was bringing him the kind of pleasure he so often gave to me. His thumb stroked down my cheek just before he said, "I'm getting close, Emma. Do you want me to come in your mouth or your pussy?"

  Every cell in my body wanted him to fuck me. Sucking Axel's cock always made me hot. I wanted to be filled with him, needed it. But this was for Axel. I knew he'd take care of me. Not once had Axel ever left me hanging. Now, though, I wanted to feel him come in my mouth. I wanted to swallow everything he had to give, to drink him down as he shuddered under my mouth and my hands. In answer, I sucked harder, wrapping my tongue around the head of his cock in a slow, thorough lick.

  He groaned, the sound low and guttural, more animal than man, sending another rush of heat between my legs. I loved that I could do this to him, make him as mindless with passion as he made me. His fingers clenched tightly in my hair, his grip just on the edge of painful, as he thrust his hips up and pulled my face down, his control slipping as pleasure tore through his body. I swallowed quickly, trying to catch every drop.

  I kept my mouth on him until he grew too sensitive and nudged me back. I sat on my heels and looked up at him, loving the sated, lazy look in his dark eyes. He slid his calloused thumb along my lower lip, collecting a drop of his come and stroking it across my tongue. I sucked it off, my body flushing with another wave of desire. Leaning forward, Axel hooked his hands under my arms and pulled me up, drawing me on top of him and rolling us both to the center of the bed. Dropping his head beside mine, he whispered, “Your turn."

  Axel took his time, laying gentle, almost chaste kisses on my jaw, my collarbone, the slope of my breast, my ribs, and my hip bones, avoiding all of the obvious erogenous zones. He worshiped my body slowly and with great care, never missing a square inch of bare skin.

  I've never felt as good about my body as I did with Axel. Though I was mostly confident about my curvy shape, it was hard to really love my body in a world dominated by models and movie stars who were little more than skin and bones. With Axel, the thought that I could stand to lose a few pounds never crossed my mind. His obvious adoration of every curve was too clear for me to misunderstand. While I'd had plenty of occasions to wonder about his devotion to me, I never questioned how much he loved my body.

  His hands stroked and caressed, his mouth following their lead, until he got all the way to my toes, laying a kiss on each one before moving back up. By the time he used his palms to spread my legs wide and swiped his hot tongue over my pussy, I was shaking with the need for more. His mouth closed over my slick folds, his tongue stroking and swirling around my clit. At my moan, he lifted his head and said, “Shh. Not a sound, Emma. Unless you want those two agents downstairs to hear everything."

  He was teasing, but also reminding me we had an audience. I'd been so wrapped up in sucking his cock that I hadn't noticed how quiet he'd been. His hands in my hair and his low, almost silent moans had communicated his response clearly enough, but I realized he’d barely made a sound.

  I was not usually quiet in bed. When something felt good, I had a hard time lowering the volume on my response. If he'd reminded me that someone was listening earlier, I would have been too tense to relax. Now I was too far gone, needed him too much, to let our eavesdroppers dampen my desire.

  Instead, the knowledge that someone was listening only made me hotter. Biting my lip to lock in any sounds, I squirmed beneath Axel, suddenly desperate for more. He didn't make me wait. His mouth moved over me, licking and sucking my clit until I teetered on the edge of orgasm.

  Just when I thought I would tip over, he rose above me, pulled my knees up to his hips and thrust deep, filling me in one long stroke. A gasp escaped my lips before I clamped them shut again, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him down, as if his weight on my body would stifle my need to moan aloud.

  He started slowly, moving inside me in a deliberate, drawn out rhythm that pushed me to the edge of orgasm before easing me back again, building me higher and higher until the need to cry out was too much, and I sank my teeth into his shoulder. Axel got the message. His lazy thrusts sped up and he fucked me hard, stretching me open as he pounded inside me, shoving me over the edge so abruptly that the explosion of bliss caught me off guard.

  Silent sobs of passion caught in my throat as the wave of pleasure waned, and I loosened my bite on Axel’s shoulder and dropped my head back to the mattress. Axel was braced on his elbows above me, a smug smile on his handsome face. He didn't say a word—he just kissed me, a lazy, indulgent kiss filled with affection and sated passion.

  Maneuvering us beneath the covers, he wrapped his body around mine, nuzzling his lips to the back of my neck. He whispered, “Go to sleep, sweet Emma. Everything will seem better in the morning.”

  I wasn’t sure about that, but with his strong arm around my chest and his leg twined over mine, as if he could protect me with his body even in sleep, I knew that whatever faced us the following day, we would handle it together.



  I woke the next morning to faint light leaking in through the drawn curtains. Awareness hit me all at once. It was earlier than I usually woke, and I lay there staring at the ceiling for a moment when Axel's phone buzzed, and I realized an incoming text had pulled me from sleep. I shifted under the covers, and Axel's arm tightened around my waist. He squeezed me close before releasing me to roll over and grab his phone off the nightstand. Settling back beside me, he held up the phone and checked the screen. Curious, I sneaked a quick glance. My breath froze in my lungs when I saw the message.

  Been calling your office. They say you're on a case, but we need to talk. I have a job for you.

  It was from William Harper. I didn't have to guess what the job would be. Me. Harper hadn't had any luck finding me on his own because Axel was protecting me. The irony of him trying to hire Axel to find me would have been amusing if the whole situation didn't scare the shit out of me.

  "What are you going to say?" I whispered, my words so quiet that I barely heard them myself. Axel raised his eyebrows, then he said in a louder tone than my own, “Take the meeting."

  "What?" I asked, no longer worried about whispering. If Axel needed me to be quiet again, I was sure he'd let me know. "What do you mean, take the meeting?"

  I didn't want to doubt Axel. I’d spent enough time doubting him, and he’d more than proven that I could trust him. Hadn't he? But this meeting with William Harper—I didn't like it. I knew what Harper wanted, and until he was in jail, I'd never feel truly safe.

  Axel's sharp eyes studied my face before he answered me. "It's the best way to find out what he wants," he said. "As soon as we're up and dressed, I'll call Tierney and see what he thinks. I'm sure he's going to want me to take the meeting. Maybe this time, we can get a taped confession we can use."

  "And if he tries to hire you to find me and bring me in?"

  "Then I'll take the job," Axel said, sounding surprised that I would ask.

  "What?" I screeched, the part of my brain capable of higher reasoning drowned out by my instinctive denial of Axel's words. I sat up and started to get out of the bed. Axel grabbed me and pulled me back down, rolling until he was on top of me, holding me still with his weight.

  "Relax, Emma. This will be the first time in the history of my career that I'll take a job I have no intention of doing. I'm trying to keep you safe. Harper is still after you, and he thinks I'm on his side, or at least willing to work for him. If I can find out where he stands and what's really going on, it's worth taking the meeting."

  "What if it's a trap?" I asked, fear for Axel’s safety overcoming fear for myself. "What if he knows we’re together, and he's calling you to flush you

  “It’s a possibility,” he said. “We don't know who the mole is or who they're reporting to. My gut tells me it's not William Harper. I don't see him having the brains to infiltrate the FBI."

  “Or your office," I said, reminding him of the other possibility. As I expected he would, he gave a sharp shake of his head.

  "The leak is not in my office."

  “We don't know that," I reminded him. "Until we find the mole, we won't know for sure if it's on your side or Agent Tierney's."

  Axel didn't respond. He knew his team better than I did, but everything was too uncertain for me to trust a bunch of people I didn't know. Until we figured out who the mole was, I was willing to suspect everyone.

  "If it is a trap, how are you going to protect yourself?” I asked.

  "Emma, you have to trust me. I know what I'm doing. William Harper is not going to put one over on me, I promise you." It rankled that I didn't have a choice but to trust him. I wanted to believe in him. I did, mostly. I believed Axel wouldn't do anything he knew would put me in danger.

  I still didn't like the idea of him leaving me here with the two FBI agents while he went off to meet with William Harper to talk about finding me so that William Harper could sell me into slavery. Or maybe he and Tsepov were done with that plan and they just wanted to find me so they could kill me. As Axel had pointed out, killing me was the most efficient way to deal with me.

  In a lower tone than he'd used before, Axel said, "I also need to see if I can get my hands on your laptop."

  I thought it was weird that everyone was so focused on my laptop. We didn't need it since Summer had all the evidence I'd stored on the hard drive, plus what I’d gathered earlier in the investigation.

  “Get up, sweetheart. I'm going to call Tierney and Evers while you get ready."

  “Why Evers?" I asked.

  "You think I'm going to leave you here with only the FBI for protection?" Axel asked, shaking his head. "There is a very short list of people I trust with your life, Emma Wright. My brother is one of them. I wouldn't meet with Harper if I didn't think it was the right move, but I'm not leaving you open while I do it."

  “Agent Tierney isn't going to like that," I said.

  "I don't give a fuck what Agent Tierney likes," Axel said. "Go ahead and take the bathroom first while I get things rolling."

  I did as he said, wondering if he really wanted me to get dressed first, or if he just wanted me out of the room while he made his phone calls. Trying not to be so suspicious, I went to the small, ugly bathroom to do what I could to get ready to face the day, wishing we’d been able to bring all the lovely things Lola had chosen for me. Instead, I'd be getting ready—again—in the clothes I'd worn the day before, with no makeup, not even a hairbrush.

  When I got out of the bathroom, Axel was sitting on the edge of the bed, his phone to his ear, murmuring into it in a low voice. I couldn't catch what he was saying, just that he seemed to be agreeing with whoever was on the other end. He looked up and smiled when he saw me.

  “Tierney will be here any minute," he said. Standing up, he crossed the room to me and pulled me into his arms, kissing me slowly, his hands reaching down to squeeze my ass. The contrast between the sweet kiss and the grope made me giggle, shaking me out of my worry for just a second.

  “Wait for me before you go downstairs," he said and disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the water turn on, then off again, in what had to be the fastest shower in creation. Axel emerged from the bathroom a minute later, his short dark hair still dripping, a towel tied around his waist. For just a second, I imagined forgetting everything we had to deal with and tearing off the towel. There wasn't time. Even if we could be quick enough, getting my hands all over that lean, muscled body would have to wait.

  When this was over, we needed to go on a vacation, just the two of us, somewhere we could be mostly naked all the time. I stared, completely unashamed, as Axel dropped the towel and pulled on his clothes. His suit from dinner the night before was a little rumpled, but it still looked great. My black shirt-dress? Not so much. Again, I wished for my new wardrobe, which was hanging in Axel's closet at his penthouse. Taking my hand, Axel led me to the door of the bedroom and down the stairs, where the scent of stale coffee lingered in the air.

  Two agents greeted us—not the same as those I'd met the night before. There must have been a shift change while we'd been asleep. Axel stopped in front of them, held out his hand, and said, “I.D.”

  I got the impression that they knew whom they were dealing with, because they didn't argue. They just produced their FBI identification and gave it to Axel, who opened his phone and dialed. He double checked their information and, when he was satisfied the agents were who they claimed to be, he returned their identification and said, “We’re going to be having a visitor shortly—my brother, Evers Sinclair."

  Identical expressions of alarm bloomed on the agents’ faces. Like the agents from the night before, these two looked fresh out of the Academy and uncomfortable with their assignment. The older of the two protested, “You can't invite people to a safe house, Mr. Sinclair. Agent Tierney—"

  "I spoke with Agent Tierney already," Axel said, unruffled by the agent’s protest. “He’s on his way. He’ll be here in the next ten minutes, probably before Evers. You can speak to him about it then, or feel free to call him now."

  Axel ignored the agents after that, making us fresh coffee and toast for breakfast with the meager supplies in the kitchen. The two young agents huddled near the front door, murmuring to each other, giving up on the pretense of patrolling the house. They watched us, clearly put off by Axel's command of the situation, while we pretended they weren't there.

  Axel seemed unconcerned, but I couldn't get comfortable while two strangers were watching me eat toast and whispering about me. I was relieved when the door opened less than ten minutes later and Agent Tierney entered.

  The older of the two FBI agents he’d left on duty immediately started forward. Like a child eager to tattle, he burst into speech. "Mr. Sinclair said that he invited a visitor, Sir, but I assure you—”

  Tierney waved his hand and interrupted, “It's fine, Agent Read." He sent a glare at Axel, one Axel ignored, and went on, “Evers Sinclair is cleared to visit. Against my better judgment, but—”

  Axel cut him off. "If you want me to be your inside man with Harper, you'll let Evers watch over Emma. No Evers, no meeting with Harper."

  Agent Tierney rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen, helping himself to a cup of the coffee we'd made. "We already had this conversation, Sinclair. I think you’re being overly cautious. My agents and I are perfectly capable of protecting Emma. But if the only way I can get you to assist on the case is to let your brother in, I'll do it."

  Axel shrugged as if saying he already knew this and he didn't need to be reminded. Tierney sent him another glare, one that faded from his eyes the second it looked like Axel might notice. I found it interesting that while Agent Tierney liked to be in charge, he didn't seem comfortable bucking Axel’s natural authority. Despite his threats of arresting Axel the night before, Agent Tierney didn't seem inclined to push Axel very far.

  Before the two agents guarding us could relax, a quick triple rap sounded on the front door. Agent Tierney snapped to attention, and I sat straighter in my own seat, hoping it was Evers at the door and afraid that it wasn't. But who else would knock? Axel answered the door himself, waving the agents back. He checked the door from a window in the dining room and then flipped back the deadbolt.

  Evers entered, muttering something about Axel taking his time. He shouldered the door open, his hands filled with bags. I spotted several grocery bags, as well as two duffel bags. Looking at me, Evers held up the hand with the duffel bags and said, "I brought some of your things from Axel's place. Figured you might want to change out of your clothes from last night."

  Oh, did I. I took the duffel from Evers's hand and headed for the stairs. Then something occur
red to me and I turned around. Looking at Axel, I said, “Don't leave until I get back."

  He reached out and hugged me to him, laying a quick kiss on the tip of my nose. "I haven't even set the meeting with Harper yet. I was waiting for Evers to get here. I won't go anywhere until you come back down, okay?"

  "Thank you," I said and left the men downstairs while I went to change.

  It didn't take me very long to trade my cocktail dress for a pair of fine wale, navy blue cords and another lightweight sweater, this one in dark green with a pretty shawl collar and embroidered sleeves. Being a guy, Evers hadn't done a spectacular job of packing my makeup and hair stuff, but he'd gotten enough of it that I was able to get myself together.

  I wasn't gone that long, but when I came back downstairs, Axel was on his feet and looked ready to leave. He came toward me as soon as I hit the bottom step.

  "I'm heading out," he said. "Evers will be here until I get back. He tells you to do something, do it, understand?”

  I nodded. Axel was careful to be neutral toward the three FBI agents, but I knew him well enough to see clearly that the only person in the room whom he trusted was his brother. “Be careful," I said, smoothing his tie. Evers must have brought him a change of clothes as well, because he’d traded the steel gray suit for one in a dark charcoal with almost imperceptible pin-stripes.

  "I will,” he said. “I promise."

  I stepped back, prepared to let him go, knowing I had to trust him. He had one meeting and then he'd be back. I could hang on until then.



  I could think of a long list of things I'd rather be doing than having another meeting with William Harper. I've never had a problem playing a part. I’d had to do it often enough for different cases, and I'd always found it easy at worst and entertaining at best.


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