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Bound and Bitten (The Year of Suns Book 2)

Page 11

by Marie Medina

  Smiling to himself, Vane thought of all the things Arion had said when they first arrived at the cabin. Years ago, he’d fantasized about fucking Arion, never thinking of it being the other way around. But now that Arion had put the thought, not the mention the image, in his head, Vane welcomed the idea of Arion being the one to take him. The lycan’s larger body would engulf him in bed, and Vane would indeed be at his mercy, as Arion had said.

  “You seem so different now.”

  Vane blinked as Arion’s words broke through his thoughts. “Different?”

  “Yes. You’re stronger than when I arrived, but it’s not just that.”

  “I was quite a mess, I know.”

  “You were.”

  Vane looked over at Arion to reply, but the man stopped him with a kiss. The shock wore off fast enough with Arion greedily exploring his mouth and pulling him close. Vane had expected their first kiss to be more tentative, but he’d be damned if he was going to complain or pull away. Arion panted and pressed his body close when they parted.

  “That was a surprise,” Vane said.

  “Wanted it that way. Every time I think of kissing you, you look like you’re expecting it. I wanted you relaxed.”

  Vane felt the ache in his groin and tried not to rub himself against Arion. “I’m not entirely relaxed now. Sorry.”

  “My fault. Think nothing of it.” Arion loosened his grip and let his arms relax around Vane’s waist, his hands linked just above Vane’s ass. “I was testing the waters.”

  Arion didn’t move away, and Vane slid his arms around the other man’s shoulders, trying not to make any assumptions but loving it when Arion didn’t shrug his touch away. “And?”

  “And what?” Arion said.

  “How did your test go?”

  One of Arion’s hands slid under Vane’s tunic and brushed his skin. “Need more information.”

  “Information, huh?” Vane found the skin-to-skin touch very distracting.

  “Yes.” He nodded to the water. “How deep is this?”

  “The pond?” Vane looked over at the surface. “Children could swim in it. But it’s not that deep. Maybe mid-chest for us.”

  Arion let go and pulled his own tunic off. “Then let’s go for a dip.” He yanked his boots off next and tossed them aside.

  “Skinny dipping?”

  “Yes. You turning me down?”

  “No, but…” Vane wanted to be sure he knew what they were doing, but he didn’t know how to ask. They’d grown more comfortable together, but they were still strangers in many ways.

  Arion loosened the laces of his pants but then stopped. He came close to Vane and touched his shoulder. “If we fuck, it’s going to be in a bed. Quit worrying. Just have fun with me. Relax. Let me touch you.”

  As Arion let his pants slide down, Vane wanted to kick himself for questioning this. It wasn’t sex, and it sure as blazes wasn’t a declaration of any kind. He’d be taking a risk with his heart, though. Yet how could he stand there second guessing the situation when his naked mate wanted to touch him?

  Fucking disease must’ve fried part of my brain. Vane fumbled out of his clothes as he briefly questioned his own sanity and told himself to relax.

  Arion wasn’t aroused, but his cock still drew Vane’s eyes. It was as thick and long and perfect as Vane remembered, and the sight of it only made his own shaft grow harder. He tore his gaze away, and Arion laughed.

  “I think we’re too damned old for shyness. Ogle me all you like,” Arion said. He walked into the water and shivered. “Bit cold, but it is getting late in the year.”

  Vane followed Arion, though he felt more self-conscious when the lycan turned to watch him. Arion stared freely at Vane’s hard cock, but his face revealed nothing.

  “Was it just my kiss that did that, or are you pent up after being so weak?” Arion asked.

  “Could be both,” Vane said as he quickened his pace to cover himself with the water. “But it is mostly you. A vampire really is at its mate’s mercy. Every touch affects me.”

  Arion came closer. “Must’ve been maddening for you. When we met.”

  “A bit.”

  “A bit, you say.” Arion gave him a smile that looked wistful. “You did control yourself well. I overreacted that night.”

  “I wanted too much too fast. I was too young and impatient.” Looking into Arion’s eyes, he said, “I want to do as you said. Not dwell on the past.” Vane reached out to grasp Arion’s waist. “The present moment’s got some promise, I think.”

  Arion smiled again, his eyes darkening a bit this time. “Seems so.” He ran his hands up Vane’s arms and then rested them on Vane’s shoulders. Tilting his head, he said, “Bite me. I’ve been holding back a bit.”

  “Have you? In what way?” Vane inched closer but didn’t bite him yet.

  “Not moaning and yanking you close each time your fangs sank into me. I wanted more time.”

  “And now?”

  “Just drink.” Arion took Vane by the back of his head and pressed Vane’s lips to his neck. “Please.”

  Vane obeyed, Arion’s sweet blood hitting his tongue and making him moan. Arion sighed loudly, his breath hot on Vane’s neck. When he feared he would lose control, Vane stopped and healed the bite, licking the flesh and kissing it tenderly. They clung to each other, and Arion turned his head and kissed Vane’s neck.

  “Do you believe the gods will let us be happy this time?” Arion asked, his voice sounding far off even though he spoke right into Vane’s ear. “Just leave us the fuck alone and let it happen?”

  Vane pulled back and looked into Arion’s eyes, which held a touch of uncertainty for the first time since his return. “I dare them to try to part us again.” He locked their lips together, and Arion rewarded him with a deep moan this time.

  When they parted, Arion watched him closely and reached out to touch Vane more. As Arion’s hands roamed, Vane held still and let Arion touch him. He couldn’t help shuddering when Arion’s fingers wrapped around his cock.

  “I’ve never lacked confidence in everyday life, but it’s kind of exhilarating to see how I affect you,” Arion said.

  “Doesn’t frighten you anymore?”

  Arion licked his lips. “Trying to get me to admit how scared I was that I’d be a lousy lay?”

  “I was being serious. I want you to be, I don’t know … comfortable?”

  Arion laughed. “This is a first.” He stroked Vane a little faster. “But you seem pleased.”

  “Understatement. If you’re fine, then less talking, more touching. I’ll be reduced to babbling soon anyway.”

  Laughing again, Arion said, “One last thing.” He put his lips to Vane’s ear. “You can touch me if you want to.”

  Vane let his hands slide down over Arion’s ass, and he squeezed the firm globes as Arion pumped him and kept him on the edge of release. He explored every muscled inch of Arion’s body as the pleasure built. When Arion looked down into his eyes and brushed their lips together, Vane couldn’t hold on any longer. He came, and Arion pumped his seed into the water. Vane deepened the kiss and moaned as he shook. Arion held him up and sweetly returned the kiss as he slowed his hand and eventually let go. His fingers brushed against Vane’s abdomen, and Vane longed to crush Arion closer. But he didn’t, a feeling of vulnerability creeping back in again. Vane lowered his head, but Arion made him look up.

  “You looked so happy,” Arion said.

  Vane struggled to catch his breath. “I … am.”

  Concern showed in Arion’s eyes. “Was it too much exertion? I didn’t think this through.”

  “Too much? Oh no. Not at all.”

  “You’re breathless. Shaky on your feet.”

  “For good reasons, not bad. I’m fine.” He pressed closer. “And I’ve neglected your needs.”

  Arion glanced down, his cock pointing up at such an angle that his head peeked out of the water. “No one’s stopping you from helping me.”

wanted more, so much more. He drew Arion from the water and led him over to a patch of grass that was still rather lush despite autumn’s approach. “I want to taste you.”

  “I see,” Arion said as he reclined on the grass. He spread his legs casually, bending one at the knee. “If you’re strong enough.”

  “I feel like I could do anything right now.”


  Arion sighed as Vane knelt between his legs and licked the full length of his cock. What had just happened between them still had his head spinning. It had been such a rush to bring Vane to completion, and Arion didn’t yet know how to express the emotions raging inside of him. He wasn’t sure he even knew exactly what he was feeling. That kiss had been so much more than he’d expected, and the need for Vane to feed from him had overwhelmed him. It always gave him pleasure, but today had been the first time he’d really longed for it. Was he falling for the vampire? Or was it just physical? He couldn’t believe it was the latter—he’d always been able to keep his head when it came to his desires.

  But Vane was different. So different. Arion realized what it was when Vane took his entire length into his mouth and then looked up into Arion’s eyes.

  He’s in love with me. All this time and all that pain, yet he loves me. No wonder he acted the way he did when I came back. He really was scared.

  Arion held his gaze a few seconds and then looked up at the clouds overhead, moaning and murmuring Vane’s name. That seemed to spur Vane on, and Arion couldn’t help but admire his determination. He hadn’t imagined anyone could deep throat him this way, but Vane didn’t let up for even a second. Arion reached down and stroked Vane’s hair, and the vampire pulled away. He kissed Arion’s wrist before biting him again, and Arion had to grab his balls with his other hand to keep from coming. Vane laughed, the sound of joy so genuine that Arion couldn’t help staring down at him. Vane healed his wrist and then licked the full length of his cock again. Pushing Arion’s hand aside, he sucked each of Arion’s balls into his mouth in turn, and Arion cried out much louder than he’d intended. Vane began to suck him again, and Arion didn’t have the strength to hold back. He grabbed hold of Vane’s head and held him in place as he pumped his hips up and came down the vampire’s throat. He loosened his grip and caressed Vane’s neck as he spilled a huge load. Vane tried to swallow all of it, but some dripped down the side of his mouth. He sat back on his heels and wiped at it with his thumb before sucking it off.

  Arion couldn’t focus on anything but the way Vane was looking at him. His body felt warm all over even as a shiver moved up his spine, and his heart pounded so loud it seemed to echo in his ears. The pleasure of release had never overtaken him this way, and he couldn’t think straight at all. The moment felt almost cozy. He wanted to pull Vane to him and hold him, but he also felt they both needed a moment to process this before anything else happened between them. He sat up and said, “I only intended to kiss you, you know.”

  “Did you?”

  Arion nodded. “Not sure what came over me.”

  Vane pressed his lips together. “It’s all right? What happened?”

  “Yeah.” Arion leaned in and cupped Vane’s chin. “Just so we’re clear that I’m the one who’s going to be doing the fucking.”

  Vane smiled, his whole countenance lighting up. “Anything you want. I’m yours to command.”

  Arion raised one eyebrow. “Oh really?”

  Vane nodded, his expression serious. “Yes.”

  Arion felt a strange kind of guilt wash over him. The way Vane had looked at him lingered in his mind. “You love me.”

  Vane shifted on the ground and pushed his hair off his forehead. “Yes. I didn’t think I’d be allowed to say it yet. I never said the words all those years ago because you were so skeptical. And it seemed pointless to try to convince you after what happened.” He traced his fingers up Arion’s thigh. “Is it so obvious when I touch you?”

  “Yeah. Real obvious.”

  “Good. I want you to feel loved. Respected.”

  “On the subject of respect.” He paused, wondering how to phrase his question. “I can see you’re fine with this, but I did kind of jump you here.”

  Vane laughed. “Yes, you did seem to be the aggressor.”

  “I seemed to be the aggressor?” Arion said, laughing as well.

  Vane crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. “Are you mocking the way I talk? You tend to repeat certain things I say as if I’m some kind of oddity.”

  “Mocking the way you talk? Some kind of oddity?” He laughed. “No, I don’t mean to make fun of you at all. It’s just hard to get used to. I’m all for politeness, but vampires are so formal.”

  “You object to others speaking correctly? How droll.”

  Arion burst out laughing. “Now you’re doing it on purpose.”

  “Maybe. It’s made you laugh, and I love the sound.” Vane leaned in and kissed him gently. “I’ll do anything to make you happy.”

  Arion’s mind went back to his unasked question. “There is one thing. Something serious.”

  “What is it?”

  “Are you really fine with us having sex if my feelings aren’t the same? To me, that’s a matter of respect.”

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “But that’s not what I’m asking. I’m not in love with you. I like you. Being completely alone with you has helped me get to know you in a way I didn’t all those years ago. I want more than what we just shared. Is that all right? I don’t want you to feel used.”

  “Yes. It’s all right.”

  Arion nodded. “Good.”

  They dressed in silence. It wasn’t shame lingering between them—far from it. They both knew the significance of what had just passed between them, both knew that everything had changed now. They took their time walking back, and the stew Arion had started earlier in the day had filled the cabin with wonderful smells.

  Vane joined him in eating and complimented his cooking. Arion accepted the compliment and realized they were both being extra polite, almost shy. He’d been telling the truth before. He wasn’t in love with Vane, but he could feel it beginning. The past seemed so far away, as if they weren’t even the same people at all. Vane stared at him once both of their bowls were empty, and Arion laughed as he came back to reality.

  “Lost in thought. Sorry,” Arion said.

  “You were staring at me. I could hardly help staring back.”

  Had he been staring? “I hadn’t noticed. I was just thinking that … I don’t know. The two men who met twenty years ago seem like different people. Like it’s some tragic tale I read in a book.”


  “Mmmm hmmm. If it were some old story or poem, there’d be a lesson to learn. We were too young or something. Not ready to love each other. Fate decided to have some mischievous fun. The very people who led to us meeting tore us apart with their evil ways. I’ve thought of it so many times. It’s like, I don’t know, we only had one chance to meet, so it just had to happen. Then be dashed to pieces to be rebuilt later. I mean, we really might never have met if those bandits hadn’t attacked you. It’s rather scary to think about, in a way.”

  “Certainly sounds like a lycan story.”

  “We can be a bit twisted. The visions and all. I love Sigmund, but I want to shake him at times.”

  “Others share that feeling. Lord Kyo, for one. And Ladon.”

  Arion knew that name. “The vampire Kai is mated to?”

  “Yes. You knew Kai?”

  “Everyone knew him. Hard to say we were friends.” Arion tilted his head. “Yeah, I see. They had some things from the past to get over. Sigmund made a big speech and embarrassed Kai half to death, reprimanding us for something he’d never told us we were doing wrong. Hmmm.”

  “Our priests are no better at times. We all have to work our own problems out, I guess.”

  Arion nodded and stood up. He pulled Vane to his feet. “And I know just ho
w to do that.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yeah. Fuck the past. Let me make love to you. I might be new to it, but I don’t think that matters right now.”

  Vane let out a shaky breath. “No. Not at all.”

  Arion pulled Vane into the bigger bedroom and undressed him again. He wanted to say something, given how affected Vane seemed, but nothing felt right. Arion hurried out of his own clothes and took Vane into his arms. They kissed gently as Arion moved them to the bed. The need Arion felt now was so different than what he’d felt out by the pond. Vane lay back across the bed, and Arion climbed atop him, hovering over him a moment.

  “Don’t we need something for you?” Arion asked.

  Vane tore his gaze away from Arion’s body, his brows coming together in seeming confusion. “Something for me?”

  Arion nodded and reached down to his growing shaft. “To ease my entry.”

  Vane’s lips formed an O, but no sound came out. He looked around. “I didn’t bring anything.” He smiled. “Didn’t even get to pack my own bags, you know.”

  “I’ll do penance later. Olive oil work?”

  “It’ll do. But I am a vampire. You can be rougher with me.”

  Arion grinned. “I’m a lycan, don’t forget. I can be pretty damn rough.”

  Vane’s eyes turned black in an instant. “Then you better grab the oil.”

  Arion scrambled back out to the kitchen and found the bottle. When he came back into the room, he stopped in the doorway to admire Vane. “You really are handsome, Vane.”

  “I’m glad I have some appeal.”

  “You have plenty. Don’t worry.” Arion crawled back on top of Vane after setting the bottle down on the little table by the bed. “I should be asking you how you fought everyone off all these years.”


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