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Inheritance Goals: A Sports Romance

Page 15

by McKenna James

  Julie led me back into the house, and we sat on the couch, sharing the bottle of wine. I pulled myself together and took a deep breath. “I really screwed up,” I said. “And not just for me. A lot of people were counting on me.” I started crying again, and Julie wrapped her arms around me. For a moment, I pretended the arms belonged to Bryce. I missed him and wanted him with me.

  “Madison,” Julie said. “Madison.”

  I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat. “Okay,” I said. “I need to figure out what to do next.”

  “You keep being the owner until they tell you otherwise,” Julie said. “You don’t know what they’re going to say. And don’t you have dirt on them anyway?”

  I remembered the video of RJ and Clarissa screwing on her desk. I had Jessica ready to send Tony Martin to jail. But I had nothing on Gus and knew he wanted his old job back. I felt terrible for May but hated Clarissa more. It wasn’t in me to throw out dirt on other people. My father never did it, and I realized I couldn’t do it either.

  “I’m going to resign,” I said. “It’s the best thing to do.”

  “You can’t,” Julie insisted. “So what, you were screwing Bryce. The team is in the playoffs, and the season isn’t even over with. The community will have a fit if you step down and let those tight assholes run the team.”

  “The embarrassment it will bring the team will be worse,” I said. “I can’t let that happen.”

  “You need to talk to Bryce,” Julie said. “He’ll tell you not to do it.”

  “I’m not sure he’ll ever talk to me again,” I said. “I made him stay on that stage and take those questions. He didn’t deserve that.”

  “Maybe not, but he knew the consequences of screwing around with you. He knew you could lose your job, but he did it anyway.” Julie grabbed the bottle when I reached for it.

  My phone buzzed, and we glanced at each other when Clarissa’s face appeared on the screen. “What the hell does she want?” I said. I accepted the call and then put it on speaker. “Clarissa.”

  “Just thought I would call and give my condolences. I told you, you would screw things up, and you did. I also wanted to make sure you had your shit out of the suite by the end of the day tomorrow. Gus expects you to take the office in the training facility. The intern office next to the janitorial closet.” She ended the call, leaving me in a rage.

  “Fucking whore,” I said. I stood and paced the living room.

  “Don’t do anything stupid,” Julie said, seeing the anger grow.

  I wiped my eyes and my nose with tissues. “I’ve got this,” I said. “I’m going to do what’s right and let things play out however they may.”

  The phone buzzed again, and May’s image appeared on the screen. I accepted the call and placed her on speaker. “Hey, May.”

  “You doing okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “I received a call from Tony Martin,” she said. “He’s called a meeting tomorrow afternoon. He’s also scheduled a press conference afterward. He’s requested your presence at the meeting, but not at the press conference. He told me to tell you that you could have your own press conference.” May paused, and I knew she’d begun crying.

  “May,” I began, my voice soft in an attempt to soothe her. “Everything’s going to be okay. I promise.”

  “They’re going to terminate your contract,” she said.

  “May, can you be there at the meeting tomorrow?”

  “Of course.”

  “See ya then. And, May, I promise everything will be okay. I will take care of you.” I ended the call and laid my head on the arm of the couch. I looked at Julie. “Can you be there?”

  “You know I will.”


  I woke to find I'd missed four calls and a dozen text messages from Bryce. I couldn’t face him. My fate had been sealed by my actions. I held myself accountable for my mistakes.

  Julie left shortly before midnight and promised she would be at the meeting. I needed the strength of everyone close to me; the people I called a friend and could trust. I wouldn’t call for my own press conference. I would put a statement out through the team, stating I had stepped down as owner. I did know, despite not being owner, I would still be paid by the Hurricanes for the rest of my life. I would always be attached to the team. In another fifteen or twenty years, William would be in charge. I was okay with the way things were going to play out.

  I ate a healthy breakfast—toast, oatmeal, a banana and a glass of juice. I then showered, thinking of Bryce continuing his life without me. I’d have to let him go the second time around.

  Gus could have the team back since that was what he was trying so hard to do, making Clarissa his evil minion. The man had been a family friend. But in the end, he showed his true colors even after everything my father had done for him.

  I put on the blue dress I’d worn the day I accepted my MBA, one of the proudest moments of my life. I slipped into a pair of white stilettos and then looked at my reflection in the mirror. Regardless of what happened, I’d still accomplished so much in my life. Losing the team had been a huge disappointment, but I needed to show people, especially young women, how to overcome setbacks in life no matter how big they were.

  In the hallway downstairs, I kissed the picture of my father and me and headed out the door.

  Cocoa Beach was empty for the most part, except for the approaching RJ.

  “Madison,” he said as I stood on the beach, arms crossed, looking toward the water.

  “Hey, RJ.”

  “I know it won’t mean much, but I’m sorry for the way I acted. And I’m sorry for the things Clarissa said and did.” He waited for a reply. I gave him none, just kept staring at the water. “Anyway, I hope you remain the owner.” He turned and continued down the beach.

  After spending an hour on the beach contemplating my next move, I returned to my car. On the drive back to Orlando, I felt a great peace wash over me. Life had a way of correcting itself. You just had to know how to zig when you weren’t supposed to zag.

  A dozen cars sat in the parking lot when I arrived. Gus was waiting inside his car.

  “Madison,” he said when he got out.

  “Hey, Gus,” I said and passed him.

  “Madison, wait.” He hurried to catch up with me. He grabbed my arm. “I told Bryce to stay away from you. I knew this would happen.”

  “Yeah, Clarissa said as much.”

  Gus frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Don’t play dumb, Gus. She told me you were trying to get rid of me. She’s probably already moving you back into the owner suite.” I looked at the hand holding me. “We’re going to be late.”

  Gus opened the door, and we stepped inside and waited at the elevator. “What’s Clarissa got to do with this?”

  “Are you serious?” We stepped onto the elevator together. “She said you wanted your job back and that you would do anything to get it. She said you and the trustees were setting me up for failure. That you knew I couldn’t stay away from Bryce.”

  The elevator started toward the executive offices.

  “None of that is true,” Gus said. “I didn’t know she was saying those things. I wouldn’t disrespect your father like that.”

  “Did you know she and RJ were screwing on your desk?” I removed my phone from my purse and showed Gus the video. “I have all these people on my ass about stuff, and yet everyone else gets a pass.”

  Gus shook his head and rubbed his chin. “I had no idea, Madison. I’m sorry.”

  I looked at Gus and studied his eyes. He was genuinely hurt. He’d been fooled as much as I.

  “Let me talk to the board. With Bryce gone, there should be no issue with you continuing as owner.” Gus’ eyes grew wide, realizing his mistake.

  “What do you mean with Bryce gone?!”

  Gus shrugged. “We traded him this morning.”

  “To who?!” I practically yelled.

  “He wanted
to go to the Apollos, but we couldn’t make the deal. Wisconsin stepped in and swooped him up. A two-year deal.”

  “Damnit, why wasn’t I told? Where is he now?”

  “On his way to Wisconsin to sign the deal.”

  “Why wasn’t I told?”

  Gus shrugged again. “He asked for the trade. We thought you were too close to the situation to make an informed decision. So we did it.”

  I felt like someone had hit me in the head with a brick. He’d asked for the trade. I almost laughed. He hated the cold weather and wound up in Wisconsin. “Are the trustees here?”

  We stepped off the elevator and headed to the conference room. The trustees sat in their expensive suits, wearing their expensive ties. I despised each of them.

  “Madison,” Tony Martin said and offered his hand. I took a seat, ignoring the handshake.

  “Let’s finish this,” I said. “I have things to do.

  The trustees glanced at each other, and then Tony started.

  “We understand that you and Bryce have been seeing each other since the day you arrived. As you know, it’s a violation of your contract and therefore, suitable for termination. That’s what we’re here to do.” He looked toward the door and scowled.

  “What the hell are you all doing here,” Martin said to the women and one man entering the office. “This is an official meeting, and you’re not welcome.”

  I looked down at my phone when it buzzed.

  “Signed with Wisconsin. Sorry for all the trouble I caused.”

  “You people need to leave,” Martin repeated.

  “I don’t think so,” Gus said. Clarissa walked in on cue. “You’re fired,” Gus told her.

  “You can’t do that,” Martin said.

  “You’re right,” Gus said. “Madison already fired her.”

  “I don’t think so,” Martin said. “She’s about to be terminated herself.

  “Not happening,” Gus said. He turned to the small group: May, Julie, Jessica, and Frank the doorman.

  I knew why the women were here, but Frank … I hadn’t seen him in recent weeks since not spending any time with Bryce. He had taken my advice and scheduled an appointment with the team physician, he and his wife both getting a full physical and the medications they needed. It was a simple act of kindness toward a man whom was caring and friendly toward one of our most valuable players. We needed more people like Frank in this world.

  Gus nodded at May.

  May dimmed the lights and turned on the large screen at one end of the room. She grabbed the remote off the table and hit a few buttons. The screen came to life, and she navigated to a file folder. She clicked the folder and then the .mov file.

  The screen flickered, and then a clear image of Clarissa and Martin appeared on the screen, the two having sex on Gus’ desk.

  “I had a personal security camera installed at the beginning of the season,” Gus said.

  May stopped the video and turned up the lights.

  “I’ve filed a police report for sexual assault against you, Mister Martin. My attorney will be in touch,” Jessica spoke up, finally finding her voice in speaking out against her predator. Martin’s face distorted into anger, but Gus carried on.

  “Frank.” Gus motioned toward the older man.

  Frank stepped forward. “If Madison loses her job, I’ll be in charge of the community effort to have her reinstated. I’ve also filed a lawsuit to have the three of you terminated for poor judgment and a menace to the community. Ms. Charles has been synonymous with assisting others selflessly, my wife and I included. She’s a cherished member of the Orlando community, and losing her position for living her life—within her privacy, is demeaning and unethical.” At this, I was stunned. Proof that we were a sue-happy nation, but I was

  Martin stumbled with his words and then stood. “I’m sure we can come to an amicable agreement.”

  “Such as?” Gus said.

  “Reinstate Madison as the owner,” he said.

  “She was never officially terminated,” Gus said. “I’m afraid your deal isn’t going to work out.”

  The trustees glanced at each other.

  “What is it you want?”

  Gus stood and pointed at the three men. “You will take the interim off Madison’s title and make her full owner like it was meant to be.”

  “We...” Martin began.

  “I’m not done,” Gus said. “You three will resign, and the board will be abolished. Madison will create a new board.”

  Martin started to protest but then looked at Jessica. He shrugged at Clarissa.

  Gus opened a folder and slid a document across the table. “Three signatures.”

  Though they hesitated, each signed the document.

  “You can leave now,” I said.

  I waited until they left and then told Clarissa to follow them. “I don’t know what to say,” I said. “I’m in shock.”

  “I’m sorry about, Bryce,” Gus said

  “We’ll figure it out,” I replied. “Thank you all.” I stood and moved toward the door. “We’ll all meet back here in the morning, including you, Frank. If you want a job with the Hurricanes?” He nodded, his face aligh with happiness. “Good.”

  I left the room alone and went to my office. Clarissa had already begun packing my stuff into boxes. I pulled a picture of me, William and dad from one of the boxes. Persevere, Dad always said.

  I moved to the window and looked down at the training facility. Most everything had been fixed. The stars were aligning. My phone buzzed, and Bryce’s face appeared on the screen.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “Hey, sweetheart, how’s life treating you now?”

  “About eighty degrees,” I said. “How’s Wisconsin?”

  “Come on, Mads. It isn’t so bad. You should come up here. I could use the warmth.”



  “Well,” I said.

  “You have a house on a frozen lake, Bryce. And it’s minus ten degrees outside,” Madison said.

  The sun was just setting below the tree line. The ice on the lake glowed red, yellow, and orange. From the window, we could see a herd of moose on the other side of the lake.

  “Only part of the house is on the lake,” I said. “It’s for ice fishing.”

  I moved from the comfort of the couch and covers and put another log on the fire. Madison stared at my naked body when I returned. She pulled back the covers and spread her legs.

  “I need you inside me again,” she requested.

  I moved between her legs and pulled the covers down on us as I slipped inside her slowly, the feel of her spreading intoxicating. We made love slowly, smiling, happiness finally in our lives.

  “So, what’s next?” I asked.

  “Kids,” she said.

  Still moving inside her, I couldn’t help but show my excitement. “When are we going to start?” I asked.

  “Well, up to this point, we haven’t done much right.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. “Why don’t we start now?” I stopped making love to her. “Where’re you going?”

  I crossed the room and went up the steps, returning a few minutes later with a small box. “I need to make you an almost honest woman before I knock you up.” I opened the box and, still naked, moved to one knee. “Will you marry me?”

  Madison’s face lit up, and tears filled her eyes. She held out her hand, and I slid the ring on her finger. “Of course.”

  “Good,” I said and moved the covers. I started to climb over her, but I was surprised when she darted out of the way. Naked, she ran up the steps and stopped.

  “Looks like you can’t handle the cold weather,” she said.

  I opened the drawer next to the couch and removed the two pairs of handcuffs. I started slowly toward the stairs. I knew the perfect place to warm it up. I chased her up the stairs and caught her as she tried to crawl across the bed. Like a good little submissive, she held her hands toward the headb
oard. I cuffed her wrists to the spokes, and we shared a smile.

  I raised her legs and moved between her legs, me sitting on the bed, my legs stretched out along her sides, her legs on my shoulders. I scooted forward and entered her, the smile sweeping across her face priceless.

  “Our first child is going to be conceived while you’re cuffed to a bed,” I said.

  “We don’t have to tell him,” she said.

  “Or her,” I replied and began moving in and out.

  “Thought you wanted a boy?”

  I moved faster, my fingers stroking her wet clit. “If you’re okay with it, I’d like to keep trying until we have one of each.”

  Madison moaned, and her eyes fluttered. She moved her hips slowly at first but picked up the pace when I moved harder. “I’ll be the only pregnant owner in the league.” She reached down between us and grabbed the shaft of my cock, pumping me.

  Madison came quickly and then relaxed. The smile returned. “Now give me a baby.”

  I came much faster than I should have, but the thought of our first child had me in a hurry. When I finished, I removed the cuffs, and we stayed in bed next to each other.

  “What changed your mind?” I asked.

  “I just realized we could have all the things we dreamed about. We’ve always wanted the same thing; we just didn’t know how to get there. We’ve finally figured it out.”

  “Think we can do this long-distance thing for a while?” I asked. “I signed a two-year deal hoping I could eventually get back to Florida.”

  “Yeah, I’m just glad you got the cold.” She stared at me for a moment. “You’d really come back and help with the kids?”

  “I’ve lived the first part of my dreams,” I said. “When my two years are up, I’ll be able to live the rest of my dreams, spending all my time with you and our kids.”

  We shared a long kiss and finally belonged to each other.



  It is said if you can dream it, it can and will come true. And that was precisely what happened to Bryce and me. Bryce Junior was born nine months after that first night in Wisconsin. He was a whopping ten pounds and twenty inches long. He was now fifteen-years-old and six-feet tall, playing quarterback for his high school team. Bryce says Junior has a better arm than he did at that age.


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