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Prison Planet Barbarian

Page 5

by Ruby Dixon

  “Silence, female, or I’m going to have your cunt sewn shut. Understand me?” He turns and gives Irita a deadly look.

  Her eyes go wide, and she takes a step backward, then raises her hands in the air. “Of course. Walking away now.” She turns her back to him and leaves, even as he yanks my hair again.

  I watch her go with helpless distress. I don’t blame her, but at the same time, I wish she’d have stayed. I grab at my aching scalp. “I’ll go with you, Noku. Please, just stop.”

  He releases me, and I collapse to the floor. “Follow me, prisoner.” He whips out his shock-stick, a silent threat.

  Even though I want nothing more than to retreat and nurse my bruised scalp, I force myself to get to my feet and follow him. This is a bad idea, I tell myself as we head down a hall alone. The last thing I want to be is alone with Noku.

  But what choice do I have right now?

  My unease grows as he takes me onto one of the elevator lifts. All of the prisoners are on the ground floor of the prison—guard quarters and equipment are kept on the upper floors…and I doubt we’re going to get some equipment. I want to ask where we’re going, but there’s a dangerous look in his eyes, and the stink of him is making my eyes water.

  I glance around the elevator, surprised to see that he didn’t bother to stick my hands on the immobilizing bar this time. I’m grateful but confused. It just emphasizes that there’s something very different—and wrong—about today.

  The door opens on an unfamiliar floor, and Noku gestures that I should get out. Except…this doesn’t look like the parts of the prison I’m familiar with. It looks like private quarters. “Where are we going?” I ask, hesitating.

  “Always so many questions with you,” he snaps, ignoring the waiting doors to turn on me. He grabs me by the throat, his claws pinching, and I gasp, clutching at them. “You want to suck my cock here, then? In front of the security cameras? Then do so. On your knees!”

  He flings me away from him and begins to unbuckle his uniform. I stare at him in horror, but I don’t get down on my knees. I’m not doing that.

  When he realizes I’m not obeying, his entire body seems to hunch with rage. Six arms each make a fist. “Did you not hear me?” He grabs the shock-stick, lifting it.

  “I heard you,” I whisper, moving backward until my back is pressing against the side of the elevator. My hands touch the bar, and I automatically move them away from it. The last thing I want is to be re-frozen there.

  “What’s the matter? Don’t you want to get on my good side, little human?”

  I shake my head, terrified.

  “I won’t rape you, but I won’t like it if you refuse me, little fool. You think if you were on your own that you’d be so safe? You think if I didn’t throw you out to the wolves that you wouldn’t be raped in a matter of seconds?” The snake-ant’s words are hard and hissing, his expression vicious. “You can take my cock willingly or you can take dozens unwillingly. It’s your choice.”

  I cross my arms over my chest, pressing against the elevator wall. “That’s not a choice,” I tell him.

  “It’s the only one you have,” he snarls, and lifts his shock-stick. “If I have to persuade you the hard way, I will.”

  I stare at him, frightened but resolute. I’m not changing my mind.

  Not even when he hits me the first time. Or the second.


  “Guard incoming,” someone murmurs. “Noku.”

  Even though I don’t get to my feet, my entire body stiffens at the hated name. That’s the one that touches my female. That’s the one that threatens her.

  That’s the one that’s going to die.

  I force myself to remain casual, seated against the wall near the glass. I turn my head leisurely, as if barely interested in Noku’s reappearance. It does no good to show too much interest in something or else it’ll be used against you.

  Even so, it takes everything I have not to jump to my feet when the ssethri guard appears, a small unconscious form slung over his shoulder. I realize he’s heading toward my location when my shock-collar lights up and pins me to the ground, along with everyone else in the cell.

  Noku steps inside and flings Kloo-ee’s small form to the ground. “You wanted to rape her? She’s all yours. Teach her a lesson,” he snarls. “Use her hard and use her well.”

  And with that, he turns and leaves.

  The glass slides back into place between one breath and the next, and there’s a breathless pause between all of us in the cell. Cthorn is the first to get to his feet, and he takes a step toward Kloo-ee’s unmoving body.

  “Don’t,” I warn him in a low tone.

  He freezes in place and then drops to a crouch, watching me.

  They’re all watching me.

  I glance at the guards, but they’re watching Noku leave. I move toward Kloo-ee and turn her over. Marks from the shock-stick cover her face and neck. Her face is swollen and purple from the beating he’s given her, and as she rolls flat onto her back, I can see additional dark bruises on her skin through the pale material of her jumper.

  He’s beaten her badly.

  Rage blisters through my brain. I’m going to make Noku pay for this. I’m going to rip the scaly skin from his body while he’s still living and stuff it down his keffing throat. To treat a female like this is unconscionable. To treat my female like this will result in a slow and painful death.

  I carefully gather her into my arms and pull her against my chest. As I do, I glance at the others over my shoulder. “She’s mine. No one gets a turn but me. I’ll keffing bite off any hand that tries to touch my property. Understand?”

  Silence. Someone whines in the back, “You won’t share?”

  “Mesakkah don’t share,” Dremmigan says with an amused snort. “Use your hand.” He gives me a curious look but says nothing.

  Let them think I’m simply greedy. Better that than for them to think I’ve got as big a soft spot as I do for this little female. Noku threw her down here so we could destroy her. He clearly hates her now, and I suspect the female refused him. If that’s the case, I’m going to have to make it look as if I’m using her and using her hard in order to satisfy his desire for revenge.

  But first my female needs to wake up so I can tend to her wounds and let her know that she’s safe with me.

  I retreat to a back corner of the cell with her, my back to the glass. I should undress her to see how bad her wounds are, but I know doing so will frighten her if she wakes up and finds herself naked with me. Then again, maybe her fright will make this more convincing.

  But I can’t bring myself to do it. I can’t harm my female. And I’m strong enough to protect her from the others in the cell, so it doesn’t matter. I’m not worried about them. I’m worried about the guards taking her away from me. If she’s in my arms, I can protect her.

  If she’s with Noku, I’m helpless to aid her.

  I touch her bruised, delicate face, the soft mouth, the long lashes. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, even now. Her hair is silky against my skin, and she’s curiously soft all over, without a single protective ridge on her body. Too soft, my female. It only makes me want to protect her more. I trace a finger along the curve of one small ear, hating the ugly, cut-rate translator that’s been carelessly stapled into the soft parts of her ear. Whoever put this in was too cheap to give her the language implant chip that all other space-faring races use regularly. Slavers did this, I’m guessing. The moment we’re free of this place, I’m going to fix that for her. She deserves better than a piece of tin gadgetry that hangs off her head.

  She deserves better than all of this.

  “What are you going to do with her, Jutari?” Ast asks, twitchy. His gaze is on my female, and as I watch, his hand steals to his crotch.

  “Whatever I want,” I growl at him. “And you’d better not be fucking touching your cock to my woman.”

  He freezes, then puts both of his hands up in the air. �

�Nope. Wouldn’t do that.”

  “Same goes for all of you,” I say, glaring at the faces watching her. “No one jerks off to her. If I see so much as one drop of cum touch my female and it’s not my cum, I’m going to rip your cock off and feed it down your throat.”

  Someone blanches. Another backs away. Good. They know I can back up my threats. I’ve killed at least three men since arriving here at Haven. I can easily kill a few more.

  All they need to do is look at my female wrong and they’re dead.



  Everything hurts.

  I groan slowly, coming to in a throb of pain. Flashes of memory creep in as the pain does—Noku whipping me with his shock-stick, over and over again. Kicking me as I collapse in the elevator. Screaming at me because I won’t willingly spread my legs for him.

  Then nothing.

  There’s a heavy, warm weight against my side, and breath against my neck. I freeze, afraid to open my eyes. Is this Irita? Noku? Worse? What happened to me while I was out? I mentally catalog my injuries—everything aches, but I don’t feel pain in my pussy, so I don’t think I was raped.

  I hope.

  “I can feel you waking up,” a low voice murmurs in my ear. “Don’t get up just yet or we’ll have to put on a show.”

  Put on a show? Maybe my brains are scrambled from the beating, but I don’t know who this is or what he’s talking about. I lick my lips, but that’s painful. One of them feels swollen and hot. “Um…who are you?”

  “Sav Jutari Bakhtavis,” comes the soft voice. “But you can call me Jutari.”

  Jutari. The big blue guy. My eyes snap open, and I glance around. I can see a hint of blue skin and feel a heavy arm thrown over my chest.

  What…what am I doing here? With him? “I…I don’t understand,” I admit after a moment. “How did I get here?”

  “Noku threw you in with us. Said we should use you hard.”

  I begin to tremble at that, remembering Noku’s anger, his metallic stink, the painful strikes of the shock-stick. He…he’s thrown me in with the maximum security prisoners? Because I wouldn’t sleep with him?

  Use me hard?

  You can take my cock willingly or you can take dozens unwillingly.

  He wants them to kill me. Oh god. I’m so scared I feel faint.

  Jutari senses my fear. “I’m not going to hurt you, but I’m going to have to make it look like I’m claiming you in front of the others. Just go along with it, all right? And if you have to cry, cry. It’ll make it more believable.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  I’m a little shocked when he grabs the collar of my uniform and tears at it, dragging the material open and revealing my breasts. I gasp and reach up to stop him, but he bats my hands away. What the fuck? I’m starting to panic.

  He gives a loud groan and buries his face against my neck. “Sorry,” he murmurs in a near inaudible voice. “Have to make it look good to the others. Hate me later if you must.”

  This is all part of his plan? I—I hate this plan! I give another cry as he rips my jumper further, all the way down to the crotch. I can’t stop the sob that rises in my throat. When he said he had to make it good, I didn’t think he meant this.

  “Whatcha doing, Jutari?” comes a voice off to one side.

  The big blue male covering me with his body snarls, his horns looking like deadly weapons as he moves his head. “Back the kef off, Ast.”

  “Got it.” The other male moves away, and as he does, I can hear the murmur of others. Everyone’s watching us.

  God. This is a nightmare. I want to close my eyes, but I don’t dare. Instead, I just stare in horror at the big blue male on top of me.

  Jutari meets my eyes and undoes the front of his jumper. There’s a thump nearby, and he growls low again, revealing sharp fangs. He tilts his head, glancing over his shoulder. “Did I say anyone could watch?”

  There’s a subtle menace in his voice that makes me shiver. The others in the cell shuffle, and then it’s silent. Jutari gives a grunt, as if finally approving, and then settles his hips on top of me.

  I feel the hot press of flesh against mine and realize he’s naked. Oh my god. Also, there’s something hard pressing against my pussy that isn’t…human anatomy. I give a little squeal of shock and beat a fist against his shoulder again, but he smacks my hand away once more as if I’m nothing. “Fight if you like,” he tells me in a louder voice. “Just makes my cock harder.”

  “I hate you for doing this,” I tell him.

  He grunts and grabs my bare leg, hitching it around his hips. My jumper has practically fallen off my body at this point, and I’m naked under him. His body is angled strategically over mine, though, and when he settles his weight on top of me, I’m practically covered in a blanket of blue muscle.

  A split second later, he grunts, and his hips surge against mine.

  I suck in a breath, startled. I felt his cock push against my thighs, but he’s not inside me. Terrified, I wait for him to correct himself, to adjust things and sink deep and rape me. He does adjust himself, and the next time he pushes, I can feel the fabric of his jumper slide against my pussy.

  He’s…deliberately blocking his dick from entering me. Like he said, this is all a show for the benefit of the others in the cell.

  I choke out another sob again, though this one might be relief.

  “Cry all you want,” he says, and surges against me again. He keeps thrusting against me, hard enough to make my legs flail against his hips and my breasts jiggle. Our bodies are making a rather loud slapping noise, and it’s awfully quiet in the cell. I’m both mortified at the situation and horrified that it’s come to this.

  On top of me, Jutari gives a loud grunt and then one last, long surge against my pussy, pressing hard as if emptying himself into me. I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment as he collapses on top of me, holding on to my leg as if determined to keep me wrapped around him.

  “Sorry,” he whispers against my neck. “Have to stake my claim on you or they’re all going to try and get a piece.”

  “O-okay,” I whisper back. I give a mock-push at his shoulder, trying to make it look good, I guess.

  He slaps my thigh. “Behave or you’ll get a second round even sooner.”

  I squeak with alarm at that, and someone in the distance laughs, which makes me even more horrified. There’s no privacy here. I’ve been thrown in with a bunch of killers—murderers and rapists of the worst kind—and they’re all going to expect a turn unless Jutari can save me. I start feeling panic rise all over again.

  He grabs a handful of my hair and tilts my head back, startling me. “Calm down.” His voice is calm, but not too quiet, and I wonder if this is the real Jutari or the pretend-rapist-Jutari. I guess it doesn’t matter. Having a panic attack in this cell wouldn’t do me any good. I swallow hard and nod.

  “You belong to me,” he says in that same tone, still holding my hair in that way that forces me to make eye contact with him. “You look at another male in this cell and I’m going to rip his cock off. If another touches you, you tell me and he’ll be murdered within the hour. You belong to Jutari, and Jutari alone. Your cunt is my property. Understand?”

  How utterly barbaric. I give a little nod.

  “Say it,” he demands.

  “I-I belong to Jutari and Jutari alone.”


  “And m-my cunt is your property.” My eyes are wide as I gaze up at him.

  “Good.” He yawns and palms one of my breasts, and I’m startled to feel the nipple harden at his touch. Oh my god, is that throbbing in my pulse because I’m turned on despite myself? That is so sick in the head…

  And yet…I can’t deny that it’s there. It must be adrenaline making me respond. It’s certainly not because a dozen horny potential rapists are staring, waiting for their chance. Ugh.

  Things in the cell quiet down. Jutari doesn’t seem like he’s in any hurry to get off of me, and after a few min
utes, his hand begins to stroke my bare thigh up and down once more. He’s watching me with a leisurely, possessive sort of gaze that makes my stomach do somersaults, and occasionally glances up to growl at the others just in case they’re watching. He’s making it clear that he’s not allowing anyone to get pleasure from me being here.

  It’s kind of sweet…but I just hope he can back up that sort of thing. If they all rebel against him and take him down? I’ll be gang-raped.

  Someone else must be thinking along the same lines, because a hand jerks at Jutari’s massive shoulder. “Share that piece of ass, friend. We’d hate to take her from you.”

  The growl in Jutari’s throat is menacing. “Didn’t I say she was mine? Haven’t I made that clear since she arrived here?”

  He has? I’m surprised to hear that, but it reminds me that Irita said he was asking about me. That the information had made it back to Noku and that was partially why he was so upset at me. Like I’ve encouraged any of this? I shouldn’t be happy to hear that at all, but I feel a strange sense of pleasure that Jutari’s claimed me as his since the moment he saw me.

  All this Stockholm syndrome must be getting to me.

  “Just thinking you should share, is all,” the green-skinned alien says. His voice is deep and frightening, and his skin is knobby and wart-covered. The eyes that watch me are avid and frightening, and he licks his lips with a fat black tongue. “We’d all like a taste.”

  Jutari lifts himself off of me and throws his jumper down over me. “Cover yourself. That pussy’s only for my eyes. Got it?”

  I nod wordlessly, sitting up and hugging the clothing to me.

  He stretches to his full height and tilts his head back and forth, as if working out the kinks in his body. Slowly he moves forward.

  The green alien takes a few steps backward, uncertain. He glances at the other aliens in the cell, but no one will meet his eyes. “Now, Jutari,” he begins. “All we’re askin’ for is a taste—”

  The fist that plows into the green alien’s face is a blur. I swallow back the little scream that threatens to erupt from my throat. Jutari’s large body slams the green alien against one of the stone walls and his fist slams into the alien’s face again. And again. The green pushes against him, and one big hand slams into Jutari’s chest. There’s a loud crack, and the green alien howls with pain, holding his hand. That doesn’t stop Jutari, though. The big blue demon pins him against the wall and slams his fist into the creature’s face once more. Then again. Over and over, he pummels the alien’s face in a savage display of brutality. I’m utterly shocked at the display. How can he be so kind to me and so completely ruthless otherwise?


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