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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 77

by Annabel Joseph

  Gunning the engine, he drove toward the setting sun.

  Joy fidgeted in her seat, plucking the shirt and bra away from her skin as unobtrusively as she could. She was in pain and pretty sure she was bleeding in several spots from diving into the car as she had. But what could she do? He had a gun.

  The drive took less than twenty minutes and he pulled into a long and winding driveway that climbed quite steeply. At the end was a house that sat on a bluff overlooking the ocean. It was beautiful, but she only got a short glimpse before he pressed a button and a garage door opened allowing him to drive right into the side of a stone wall. Swiftly the door closed behind them leaving them in darkness.

  “Come on,” he said, getting out and coming around to her side. He took her arm; much as he had the day he removed her from her apartment, pulling her along with him until he reached a set of stairs.

  Joy balked, pulling away until he crushed her to him and she cried out in agony.

  “So you can scream,” he said darkly, half carrying her up the stairs and into the house. He hit the light and she squinted as her eyes adjusted. When they focused, J.R. was staring at her in shock.

  “You’re hurt,” he barked, looking at her chest where her sweatshirt was red with blood. “I never fired the gun,” he said, his voice trailing away.

  “It wasn’t the gun,” she groaned pitifully.

  Taking her hand, he pulled her through the house to the bathroom and lifted her onto the counter. In seconds he’d removed her sweatshirt and stared at her blood soaked bra before swearing harshly.

  “What the fuck,” he hissed, unclasping the front and slowly peeling if from her. Spotting the brooches, he looked at her accusingly. “I never figured you for a thief. Not that you didn’t deserve to get some of your own back from that bastard, but still, it complicates matters.”

  “These are my things,” Joy sniffed, brushing at the tears running down her cheeks, “left to me by my grandmother, mother and aunt. I wasn’t leaving them.”

  Jay nodded and stripped the bra off her, setting it aside with her shirt. Going to the cabinet he took out a washcloth and hand towel while Joy removed the jewelry from her neck and wrists.

  “I can do it,” she insisted, reaching for the cloth.

  “Sit still,” he ordered, running the hot water. Carefully he tended to her cuts, his heart in his throat. Her breasts were beautiful, full and firm and now they would likely be scarred. It was a crying shame. Once he got the blood off they didn’t look so bad, but two particularly deep cuts were still seeping. Taking a first aid kit from the cabinet he got out two butterfly steri-strips and waited for her skin to dry as much as possible. Without thinking he gently blew on her and watched her nipples harden. They weren’t the only thing that suddenly grew hard.

  “Hey,” she cried, bringing up a hand to cover herself.

  He grabbed it and placed it on the counter.

  “No, I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure they stick. I wasn’t thinking,” he apologized. When he was satisfied he’d done all that he could, he lifted her down. “I’ll go and find you a shirt. Get your jewelry out of the bra and we’ll try soaking the stains from it. I’m afraid it’s all you’ll have to wear for a while.”

  When he returned, she was already gently washing off her brooches. Between the condition of her breasts and the bruises on her neck he felt sick to his stomach. He handed her a soft, over-sized tee-shirt and she slipped it over her head.

  “Come on,” he said softly. “I’ll find you some pain pills and we’ll dig up something to eat.”

  “I’m not hungry,” she replied, filling the sink with cold water and submerging her bra.


  “I already ate,” she stated.

  Jay rolled his eyes and pulled her along to the kitchen. “Are you forgetting who you’re talking to? I know exactly what you eat and when and you’re lying. Don’t do it again. I don’t like it,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  “Oh, and what you like is of the utmost importance to me,” she snorted irritably.

  “It should be,” he replied. “I’m it, baby. The one thing between you and that bastard who tried to choke you out, more than once it seems. Besides that, I know you, Joy Bradley. I know what makes you tick, what you want and most likely what you need and I’m more than happy to see that you get it.”

  “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about,” she insisted, taking a seat at the small kitchen table.

  “Think about it,” he drawled. “If you recall I’m the one who packed your things.”

  “So what?” she hedged, looking down.

  “So I know you. Do you think I didn’t look at your computer, check out your browsing history? I know full well you have a spanking fetish.”

  “I do not have a spanking fetish,” she insisted. “I simply like to read about it, that’s all!”

  “Have you ever been spanked?” he asked.

  “That’s none of your business,” she cried, her face looking like it was about to burst into flames.

  “Have you?” he demanded, leaning over her as he placed one hand on her shoulder when she started to jump up.


  Jay laughed.

  Joy shoved his hand away.

  “So it’s simply a matter of curiosity, so far at least,” he drawled.

  “Yes and that’s all it will ever be,” she hissed.

  “If you behave yourself.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked breathlessly as she watched him move around the kitchen getting out bowls and spoons.

  “I mean that you’re going to cooperate and do as I tell you or I’m going to spank your sweet little ass until you do. I suppose that once you experience the real thing, spanking will lose some of its appeal, but you never know. In any case, I’m going to nail John Barrows’ ass to the wall and you’re going to help me,” he informed her, pouring soup into the bowls.

  “Who are you?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

  “J.R. Everly, my friends call me Jay. I’m what’s referred to as a Special Agent, but I won’t bore you with the details and it’s better if you don’t know anyway. Let’s just say that I’m nearing the end of my usefulness to the government and, to tell you the truth, I’m about sick of cloak and dagger shit. I’ve been doing this nearly all of my adult life and I’m ready for a change, so this is my last mission and I’m going out with a bang,” he said with a smile. “John Barrows is not small potatoes.”

  “What makes you think I know anything and why would I tell you if I did?”

  “I don’t think, I know you have information that can help hang his ass, and you’re going to give it to me.”

  “I thought you were going to find me some pain pills?” she snapped.

  Jay got up and took a bottle down from the cupboard and handed them to her.

  “Keep them, you’ll need them if you give me a hard time,” he promised with a grin.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she asked as she shook two into her hand.

  “Not yet, but I hope to,” he said with a smile as he swallowed a spoonful of his soup. “You see, Miss Bradley, I’ve been looking forward to spanking you ever since I found those books.”

  Chapter 5

  Jay didn’t let her watch T.V. Instead he put in a movie. Knowing Barrows, Joy’s disappearance would be all over the news and he wouldn’t be saying she ran away. No, that would be too big of a pill to swallow for the great John Barrows. Jay fully expected to be accused of kidnapping Joy and Barrows would tearfully be offering a massive reward for information leading to the safe return of his fiancée.

  “Where’s your cell phone?” he asked her as they sat on the couch.

  “I left it,” Joy replied on a yawn.

  “What happened to all the documents you saved?”

  “I transferred them to a pre-paid cell. He can’t trace that.”

  “You’re a pretty smart little cookie, aren’t you?” he asked, str
oking her hair absently as she leaned closer and closer. She was tired and falling asleep. Soon her head would be on his shoulder. “Come on, get up,” he said, rising before that could happen. He was getting entirely too attached as it was.


  “It’s bedtime.”

  Joy yawned and stretched before slowly getting to her feet.

  “Where’s my room?” she asked, scrubbing one eye with her fist.

  “Same place as mine,” he replied, taking her hand and leading her down the hallway.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re sleeping with me. I don’t trust you and, until I do, we’ll be sharing a bed,” Jay informed her, steering her into the bedroom and locking the door behind them. He pocketed the key. “There’s a bathroom through there,” he said pointing at a doorway.

  Nodding, Joy made her way across the room as she watched Jay turn down the bed.

  “I forgot my pain pills,” she said with a grimace.

  “I’ll get them,” he replied. Going to the door, he pulled the key from his pocket and unlocked it.

  She gave him three seconds before she raced to the door and ran down the hall in the opposite direction. There had to be another way out of here besides that garage door off the kitchen and she intended to find it. Rounding a corner, she ran smack into him, crying out as her breasts hit the wall of his muscled chest.

  “Apparently you think I’m stupid,” he said, frowning down at her.

  “No, no I don’t,” she insisted, backing away. “I was just looking for you.”

  Jay snorted and took hold of her upper arm. Once in the bedroom he led her to the bed, placed the pills on the nightstand and went to lock the door.

  “Lift up your shirt,” he ordered when he turned back around.

  “No. Why?”

  “I want to check your wounds before I blister your ass,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at her.

  Joy gulped so loud he could hear it. Slowly she inched backward across the bed in a useless attempt to get away from him. Reaching out, he grabbed one of her feet and pulled her back to him. Her hand swatted at him, but he captured it and pulled her to her feet. Taking a seat on the bed he turned her toward him.

  “Lift up your shirt, naughty girl,” he said sternly.

  She did, covering her entire head so she didn’t have to look at him. He nearly laughed out loud. Carefully, he inspected her breasts. The steri-strips seemed to have held but he knew there was no way he could spank her tonight and probably not tomorrow either. Not if he wanted to do a good job. He could see some slight bruising near her wounds and ever so softly he stroked the skin, watching to see if she flinched. Unable to help himself, he lifted the silken globes in his hands and used his thumbs to stroke her nipples. Joy gasped, startled but did not pull away.

  “You’re a very lucky little girl,” Jay groaned, moving his mouth closer and tasting each nub. “If you weren’t injured you’d be over my knee right now,” he murmured before drawing one tip between his lips and sucking softly. Joy moaned and he smiled against her breast.

  “Yup, you’d be across my thighs and I’d be pulling your panties down just like this,” he said, slipping his hand behind her and sliding her panties to her knees. “Of course I’d have to spend a little time rubbing your bottom,” he continued. “That’s one of the best parts for me. And then I’d have to give you a very soft spanking to warm you up,” he whispered against her other nipple. “I wouldn’t want to bruise you and a warm up is a good way to avoid that. Of course when you’re really naughty, I’ll skip that part and show you what happens when little girls don’t mind their men.”

  His huge hand began to slap her bottom lightly, mindful that he did not want to have much impact and get her breasts swaying, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t use a few short, sharp swats to make his point, and he did.

  “Oh, oh, oh,” she cried, letting her shirt go and gripping his shoulders for support.

  “Do you like that, Joy?” he whispered.

  “No,” she sighed, her legs shaking.

  “Liar,” he breathed before tugging on her other nipple and giving her a few more swats. “All right, that’s enough for tonight,” he said firmly. “Get into bed and take your pills. I won’t be able to spank you properly yet, but I wanted to give you a small taste of what you have coming. Of course, you won’t enjoy the real thing nearly as much,” he said sadly, shaking his head.

  “I won’t?” she whispered.

  “No, baby, you won’t. You’ll be too busy kicking and crying, trying to get away. I won’t let you, of course. When I decide you need a spanking, that’s exactly what you’ll get and no amount of begging and promising to be a good girl will change my mind,” he said as he leaned down and tucked her in after she’d swallowed the pills.

  Joy’s lower lip stuck out in a pout and he could not resist kissing her. She was so damn cute it made his chest ache. He knew what she wanted, a sweet sexy spanking with all the right words. He had a feeling she’d come like a rocket, but she couldn’t have that until after he punished her for trying to run away. She had to understand he was the kind of man who meant business, and while they could have a little fun, she had to obey him when he was serious, especially until he finished this mission and John Barrows was behind bars. She’d never be safe until then.

  “I’m getting in the shower,” he said, peeling off his tee-shirt. “You cannot get out of this room,” he said, pulling off his shoes, “and don’t try. If I come back and you’ve injured your beautiful breasts, there won’t be any reason for me to control myself and I will show you what it’s all about when a man has had enough from his woman. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she softly replied.

  “Good. I’ll only be a few minutes.”

  Joy lay on the bed literally throbbing with need. Holy crap, it was better than the books, better than anything she’d ever read. He was so firm, so clear in describing what he was going to do, her panties were soaked from just his lips against her breasts and that was before he lowered them and slapped her bottom.

  Damn she wanted to try to escape just so he’d come back and do what he promised. It was embarrassing as hell, but she’d never be able to spend more than a few days in this house without purposely turning into the world’s biggest brat and she’d read that men didn’t like that.

  Tomorrow she’d show him everything she had on John and tell him all she knew. The faster he could close this case, apparently his mission, the faster she could get away from him before she made a complete and utter fool of herself. Good heavens, she thought, shoving off the covers and turning on her side. She’d never be able to sleep in the same bed with him and not beg him to touch her. Shit!

  She woke snuggled against his side with her head on his chest. One of his strong arms was around her, cupping the cheek of her ass. It was a hell of a way to start the morning, and why did he have to smell so damn good?

  He’d annoyed the hell out of her for weeks with his constant surveillance and near emotionless expression. Her fingers twirled the hair on his chest as she remembered thinking that if John were to slap her, this man would stand by and let it happen. Now she wasn’t so sure she’d been right about him.

  Yes, he’d seen silent, stationary for the most part, but he’d watched her and filed away every tiny nuance of her personality, but why? His deep steady breathing told her he was still asleep. She stilled her roaming hand but could not quiet her mind. Why had he paid such close attention to her? She was a nobody, a silly pawn in John’s game. Jay had no way of knowing she was anything more than another gold-digger in an endless parade of women attracted to the handsome billionaire.

  As the situation deteriorated she’d become antagonistic toward everyone, a real bitch. She recalled flipping him off and actually telling him in no uncertain terms what she thought of him. Most men would have left her to her own devises. He didn’t have to come to her rescue and her actions had blown his cover.r />
  There were no cameras in her bedroom. That was something she’d insisted upon. John agreed and Joy figured he was trying to please her. She had no way of knowing it was to prevent others from seeing what he did to her and she knew in her heart he planned far worse things in the future. How easy it would have been for him to crush her windpipe. She shivered and curled closer to Jay.

  But again, Jay didn’t know these things, couldn’t have known them. Yes, he was present when she’d been insulted and embarrassed. Clearly he’d seen and heard the way John spoke to her, demeaned her, but the physical abuse was well-concealed and the expensive gifts were always given in front of staff, making John appear to be a generous and benevolent lover.

  Even if Jay suspected she was being abused in some way, he’d seen her books, reviewed her cyber history and knew she was interested in domestic discipline. He had to know she saw herself as somewhat submissive even if she’d never actually submitted to a man. Anyone else would assume she was getting exactly what she wanted from the relationship, yet Jay knew it was a farce. How was that possible?

  Sighing Joy closed her eyes. The only way to get answers was to ask questions and that’s what she was going to do, as soon as he woke up. For now, she was going to enjoy being with him while it lasted. For all she knew he had a wife and children somewhere and once his ‘mission’ was over she’d be history.

  She wondered how old he was. The tiny lines around his eyes indicated he was probably in his late thirties, but his body was in better shape than most of the much younger men she’d dated. Certainly he had incredible physical strength and a mind like a steel trap.


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