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Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Gibbs, S. R.

  “How would you know that?”

  “Well, my mo- I mean the Queen gave me a crash course on the history of the Sapphire Kingdom and their customs.”

  Placing my hand in hers. “You know it is okay to accept them as your family.”

  “I made a promise after coming here that I will never put my sisters last again.” Ashley retorted vigorously shaking her head.

  “You are not putting us last. You have a family, and that is really great. I am happy for you, no matter what may happen in the future we will always be sisters.”

  “Really? I thought you and Angie hated the fact that I have my birth family.” Ashley stated through tear-free eyes. “Why was both of you so distant, when we were being escorted to our rooms?”

  “I know I was upset because you introduced us to your birth family as the Dragon Warriors.” I admitted, positioning myself so that I may lay my head back against the wall. “It hurt me, a lot to hear you demote us to just Dragon Warrior status; after hearing you defend us as your sisters throughout the entirety of our stay in the Inner Kingdom.”

  “I am sorry, I saw the way my mother was looking at you and Angie, and I thought it would make them respect you more, if they saw that I had accepted the both of you as Dragon Warriors.”

  “Come back here Ashley I am going to light your hair on fire, to match your pants because you are such a liar.” Angie muttered moving off Ashley’s shoulders to lie on the floor.

  “I think we need to get her in the bed.” Ashley smiled standing up to open the door to our room.

  I could tell she was not happy by the sight of our accommodations from the way she stood in the doorway gripping the door knob.

  “Come help me get Angie in the room.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this was how my family was treating you?” Ashley turned around angrily.

  “How could we tell you anything when we have been stuck in this room almost the entire time we have been here?” I retorted nonchalantly.

  Without saying another word Ashley helped me maneuver Angie into the small twin size bed we shared in the small bathroom sized room.

  “I will talk to my father about this, I know he doesn’t know about this.” Ashley finally said after we left Angie in the room in a deep sleep. “He is much more understanding about things than my mother.”

  “It’s not like we are going to be here forever, as soon as we find out where your dragon is we can leave, and become one step closer to finding our adopted parents.” I reminded her.

  “You are right, I almost forgot the reason why we decided to do all of this. Nanina and Machen has a lot to explain to us.”

  Speaking of things to explain, I wonder if the vision I saw when we were confronted by Queen Jewel was just an illusion, or something else that has been locked away in my own mind.

  “Ashley do you remember the day Angie fell from the tree in our backyard?” I asked without thinking.

  Ashley became very still since she was the one who had found her. “Yes, what would make you bring that up now?”

  “It’s just that right before Queen Jewel touched my head I saw something, like a memory but it was different from what I remember.” I confessed closing my eyes remembering the scents and the scene I witnessed before. “In the vision I saw you go inside and I stayed outside with Angie.”

  “Just forget about it, Jewel must be trying to make us question everything about ourselves since that is impossible. I remember you were right behind me when I went in the house. Angie was alone when she climbed that tree.”

  I wanted to explain to her the feeling I got from the vision. I also wondered what Queen Jewel meant when she said “Nanina and Machen thinks themselves to be very clever.”

  “Do you remember the reason we left Angie outside in the first place?” Ashley asked grinning, continuing once I nodded my head. “It seem silly now that everything started over a competition.”

  “You mean the pine cone throwing contest?” I asked remembering the memory I remembered from long ago. “You were so mad that Angie kept winning that you called her cheater and ran inside to tell mom.”

  “Yeah, I was such a sore loser.” Ashley laughed.

  “Is this not the most sugary sweet moment I have ever seen?” Nerissa sarcastically remarked walking soundlessly toward us in her long tight fitting dark blue dress.

  “What are you doing here?” Ashley bristled as Nerissa came closer.

  “That should be my line, almost every royal in Sapphire Kingdom are here tonight just for you, and you whether be here in the servants’ quarters.” Nerissa looked around with disgust.

  “Servants’ quarters! Is that why their room is so small?” Ashley yelled.

  “Sisters? I see water can become thicker than blood.” Nerissa sneered ignoring Ashley’s questions.

  “Stop playing your games. What do you want?”

  “I am here to bring you back to the party, the guests are beginning to talk about the princess who fleas from her own party with the two Outer Kingdom guests.”

  The word ‘guests’ came from her curled lips like the most disgusting word she had ever said.

  “I have the right to be with who I want. I am not going back to that stuffy party, and I am no longer going to dance to your tune.” Ashley exclaimed stepping in front of me.

  Nerissa just began to laugh as her eyes held mine in a deathly glare. “You choose these outsiders over your family? They are not your real sisters, how long do you think your make-believe family will be together? I can promise you it will not last forever.”


  Location: Servants’ Quarters

  ◑ Ashley (Cordelia) ◐

  There was nothing but hatred coming from Nerissa as she completely removed all traces of the girl who introduced herself in the throne room.

  “What do you mean?” April asked speaking for the first time since Nerissa appeared.

  “It is actually quite astounding how much all of you do not know.” Nerissa taunted leaning up against the hidden door that leads to the banquet room.

  “What would you know about anything involving us?” I demanded not backing away from her.

  “I know that the Dragon Warriors are just pawns used in a game, just moving around to meet the players’ needs.”

  “You don’t know what you are talking about?”

  “Don’t I? You forget there are things that you are unaware of, and no one can tell you, until certain preconditions have been met.” Nerissa smiled chillingly at April. “It is such a shame that your family is right under your nose and you are still left to wonder.”

  “I wonder what the Dragon Warriors will have to do in order to finally learn that they were born to…”

  Before Nerissa could utter another word the wall behind her began to ripple like water as a leg stepped through bringing with it the King…our father.

  “You would do best to hold your tongue daughter.” Father admonished Nerissa severely.

  Since meeting my father for the first time, I have not seen him as furious as he was now. Without even raising his voice he managed to put fear in Nerissa’s eyes.

  “Father it’s not like I can tell them anything anyways due to the conditions of their return.” Nerissa tried to explain to father, with no avail.

  “Go to your room we will talk in the morning.” Father dismissed her without sparing her a second glance.

  Once Nerissa disappeared down the hall, father turned his eyes toward April with a much kinder expression. “You must be the Dragon Warrior called April.”

  “Yes, sir.” April replied still standing slightly behind me.

  “I am ashamed to say that I did not know this was where you were placed. I will have you moved first thing tomorrow morning, but for the mean time do you mind giving me some time alone with my daughter.”

  April looked back and forth between the two of us, before she finally nodded and bowed slightly.

  “Good night. Keep an eye on Angie, and sh
e may wake up to a major headache in the morning.” I warned with a sympathetic smile.

  “That should be fun.” April replied with her own smile. “Goodnight”

  At the sound of the door closing behind April I turned back around to find my father looking sadly at me.

  “I am sorry that I left the party early, but Angie drunk a glass of stargazer by accident and my Dragon Warrior sisters needed me,” I rambled on not giving my father time to interrupt.

  “You do not have to be sorry. Walk with your father for a while, I believe we have much to discuss.”

  I gently bowed my head as I tried to keep up with his long strides.

  “Father what can you tell me about what Nerissa said back there?” I asked breaking the silence.

  His steps did not skip a beat as he answered. “I know Nerissa has been giving you trouble, and your mother and I are responsible for that.”

  “You knew?”

  “I do now,” He smiled sadly looking at me as we continued to move. “When your mother and I first discovered that you were one of the Dragon Warriors, and that for your safety we would have to place your care in the hands of someone else, made us very sad; we were so caught up in the fact that we were losing a child that we momentarily forgot that we still had one.”

  “That is why Nerissa hates me.” I whispered louder than I intended.

  “I don’t believe she hates you, she is just afraid of change. Once your mother and I realized what we were doing to Nerissa, it was too late.” He stopped at the end of the hall near the intersection to really look at me. “No matter how many times we tried to make up for the time we were not there completely for her, she wouldn’t let us in, she stayed distant and without an opinion. She would just mindlessly do what she thought we wanted.”

  “I think I understand, if she was keeping her emotions to herself no wonder she reacted the way she did, when I talked about my Dragon Warrior sisters,” I confided in him.

  “You really love the other Dragon Warriors like family?”

  I thought carefully on how to reply and in the end I responded with the answer that was in my heart. “Yes, I do. Are you angry with me?”

  “No, I am actually happy, it seems that Nanina and Machen raised you well. I have been trying to convince the Kingdom to open our doors to the other kingdoms again, but they are just as stubborn as Nerissa and your mother.”

  “I think it is for the same reasons as well, they are afraid of change and the unknown. I was like that in a way, back on Earth I was in a position that was not good, but I stayed in it because I was afraid of what may happen. I have decided not to be afraid anymore.”

  “I am so proud of you, you have grown into a strong young woman. I just wish I could thank Nanina and Machen in person. Where are they now that you have been returned?”

  I wish I could tell my father the truth about what was going on, but I do not believe he will tell me where my dragon was, if he knew I was not trained, or rather I cannot remember my training and did not know a lot of what I should know.

  “They went back to their homeland.” I replied honestly, knowing that Diamond Kingdom is the only place they could go. “Father can you tell me where the Sapphire Dragon is located, I do not wish to hinder my sisters from meeting their families any longer. Tomorrow I would like to find my dragon.”

  “I understand,” my father sighed patting me on top of the head. “If it is possible I would like you to be able to at least spend tomorrow with your sister, maybe it is just my wishful thinking, but I believe that you can actually help her.”

  “She doesn’t want to look at me, let alone spend an entire day with me.” I informed father looking down the empty hallway for some sort of clue. “Okay, I will spend tomorrow with Nerissa, but after that can you promise to tell me where my dragon is located?”

  “You have my word. Would you like me to walk you to your quarters?”

  “No, but thank you. I need some time to think alone.”

  Pulling me into a tight hug, I got a feeling that my father wanted to tell me something but couldn’t. Maybe it had something to do with the conditions placed on the Dragon Warriors.

  “Good night, Cordelia.”

  “Good night, father.” I replied before walking away from him and toward the room I shared with Nerissa.

  Even though Nerissa hates me, for some reason I believe that some of what she said earlier was not all false. I wonder what is the truth, and what did she mean when she called us pawns?

  Meeting my birth family was supposed to be joyous, and a happy occasion, but mine has been anything but. My mother and sister are afraid of change in their own ways, and my father is the only one I can actually talk to. I miss the days when life was simple and my biggest worry was what I was going to wear to school the next day.

  I inhaled a deep breath as I stopped and prepared myself mentally for the conversation to come with Nerissa. I used the knowledge taught to me, and reached through the wall to unlock the room door.

  I found Nerissa sitting on her bed with a book, already changed from her banquet dress and into a long beautiful pearly white night gown.

  “Nerissa I would like to have an honest conversation with you,” I ended the silence standing in front of her as she continued to ignore me. “Father would like us to spend tomorrow together.”

  “I have a few things to say about that,” Nerissa finally sat aside her book in an annoyed way. “I have always been honest with you from the first day I met you up until a moment ago in the servants’ quarters.”

  “Nerissa, why do you hate me?” I asked sitting down on the side of my bed facing her.

  “I thought I made that clear to you already. Father might think that us talking will magically change everything including the way I feel, but it won’t so you can stop trying to play the loving sister role, and just do what you came here to do and leave.” She stated never taking her eyes away from mine.

  “How about this, let’s take turns asking each other questions, or you can just ask me any question you would like.”

  I wanted nothing more than to squeeze my way into April and Angie’s room, but if I was going to survive a full day with just Nerissa, I have to first let her know that I don’t want to fight with her.

  “Okay, I have a question for you,” Nerissa slid out of her bed to stand in front of me. “When are you going to take off your fake sister mask? I know you don’t feel anything for me, we are only connected by blood anyway.”

  “I am not pretending, I would like to know more about you, and I would love for us to get along.” I honestly exclaimed standing up putting me face to face with her.

  “Oh, you are good. You must have that mask glued on really well.”

  “How can you say that? You don’t know anything about me.”

  “You are right, I don’t know anything about you, and I have no plans on doing so. You may have mother and father fooled, but I have no plans on getting to know someone who will be leaving anyways once they have what they really came for.” Nerissa sneered turning her back to me, as she walked out on the balcony, leaving me inside to shed my silent tears alone.

  She was right about one thing, I only came here for the Sapphire Dragon. Once I have it I will be leaving once again. There is no reason to prolong it any longer, I will find out where my dragon is tomorrow and leave before I end up hurting Nerissa even more.


  Location: Servants’ Quarters

  ◑ April ◐

  No matter how hard I tried to go to sleep, I was unable to get what Nerissa had said about real family out of my mind.

  I patiently waited until I could no longer hear anyone outside of my door. It seemed as if after Ashley and her dad walked away, many of the servants began to return to their rooms.

  Before I knew it I was out of bed and in the empty hall barefooted in my night gown.

  I was afraid I might interrupt Angie if I tried to contact Nolin inside of the room, so the hallway seemed to
be the best place since everyone seemed to be asleep by now.

  The palms of my hands were damp as I held the communication celta stone in my hands. I focused my energy toward it and pictured Nolin face in my mind, I was not sure how to exactly work it, so I was surprised when the celta stone began to grow larger into the size of a large tablet, and the top began to picture a face that has become dear to me.

  “My dear April, what prompts you to call so late in the dead of night.” Nolin groggily answered, his white hair going in every direction.

  “I am sorry, did I wake you?” I questioned feeling embarrassed that I did not take into consideration the time.

  “It is quite alright, I have been up until just a few moments ago with the King. Is everything alright?”

  I don’t know why the sound of his voice makes me miss the Inner Kingdom, but it does badly. “Everything is so confusing. I am not sure what is true and what are lies.”

  “Has something happened?” Nolin asked with nothing but concern in his voice. “The treaty still stands if anything has happened to break, we will not hesitate-“

  “We are all fine, it’s just that I can’t seem to get over something I heard while I was hear from Ashley’s twin sister Nerissa.”

  “What would you like to know, I will answer anything I am allowed to. “

  There it goes again, the restriction placed on the people around us, why are they so secretive? Why does anything need to be kept hidden?

  I was beginning to remember what Mina said before when we were in the Inner Kingdom. We do believe there is a right time for everything. I am starting to understand the full meaning to what she said back then.

  “I already know that you cannot tell me anything even if it is true, there is no need for my question.”

  “Be patient my dear. Everything will be revealed exactly when it is time for it to be.” Nolin assured, looking at me with eyes that showed much wisdom he has gained throughout his years.

  I couldn’t help but laugh to his words. “I find it funny that I was just thinking of Mina, and how she said almost the exact same thing to me before.”


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