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Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Gibbs, S. R.

  It was hard trying to keep back my tears, as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Since, I could not change what has already happened, it is time for me to accept my fate.

  “You are a brave one,” Drystan exclaimed causing me to open my eyes to see him standing in the center of the pool. “There is something within you I like, I will give you only one more chance.”

  The water in this pool must not be that deep. He has been moving all around in there never sinking or coming higher than his chest out of the water.

  “You want me to try to guess your true name again?”

  “No, I have grown bored of that riddle. I have something more interesting in mind,” Drystan announced creating a giant swirling bubble, in which he lifted out the water. “I am offering you a chance to switch your fate with another.”

  In the center of the swirling orb appeared Nerissa, terror written all over her face, which turned into anger when her eyes met mine. I couldn’t hear her, but I could clearly see the hatred in her eyes.

  “Now isn’t this more interesting,” He chuckled lifting his hands up toward Nerissa. “I will give you the Sapphire Dragon in exchange for the one who betrayed you.”

  What kind of sick joke was this? Even though I could not hear her, I knew she understood that I controlled whether or not she was going to ever leave this place.

  “Why are you hesitating young one? I am practically giving you the Sapphire Dragon. Why hesitate? She sent you here hoping that you would die, isn’t this the most glorious case of irony you have ever seen? Not only will you obtain your dragon, but her soul will take your place.”

  “How did you know she was the reason I am here now?” I asked wondering how he knew most of the things he did.

  “I can sense your emotions and feelings, once you have touched the waters in which I reside there is no hiding your deepest emotions from me.”

  He must means when the tentacle of water wrapped around my ankle. He must have already knew I would not correctly guess the riddle, and had already planned for things to end like this.

  “I can’t sacrifice her like that, no matter what, she is my sister and my burden is mine to bear only.” I voiced shakily remembering the times where my selfishness caused April and Angie so much pain. I will not do that again, even to someone who hates me.

  “Are you sure? Is this one conniving girl, who shares the same blood as you, worth the lives of everyone on this planet? I have felt it, the presence of true evil. Queen Jewel has awakened, without the Sapphire Dragon and Warrior this world will surely be doomed.”

  I know what he is saying is right, but he is asking me to sacrifice someone, and not just anyone, but my twin sister to save myself and also the entire world of Eupai. My head swirled as I actually thought about giving Nerissa’s soul to Drystan.

  She has done nothing but belittled and bullied me since the first day I arrived to Sapphire Kingdom. She is mean, nasty, and selfish. There is no good qualities evident in anything she does. Why would it be wrong to give her up her life if it would save a million more?

  The movement in the bubble drew my attention, as I saw Nerissa’s long hair framing her tear stained face as she removed her hands from the front of the orb, it was as if she had already accepted the fact that I was going to be the one to trade her soul away.

  “I have made my decision.” I confidently projected looking Drystan straight in his grey eyes that showed his eagerness to hear my response.

  Looking back up at Nerissa I just had to ask her one thing. “Why did it have to come to this for you to show any remorse for what you have done to me?”

  I knew she heard me when I saw her head drop and her shoulders tremble, as she cried tears only she could hear.

  “I am patiently awaiting your answer,” Drystan exclaimed, sounding anything but patient.

  “I understand that a sacrifice needs to be made in order to save many. That’s why if I have to sacrifice someone I will choose myself.”

  “Is this your true answer?” He stated with his face void of any emotions.

  “Yes, I will never again sacrifice anyone because of me, my burdens are mine alone.”

  I don’t know if it was me or the fear, but his eyes appeared to be glowing silver, as I suddenly found myself inside of the swirling orb of water, looking down at Nerissa safely on the ground.

  “Your fate has been sealed little one.” Drystan stated in a monotone voice as he turned toward me.

  I quickly begun to sink underneath the water as Nerissa called my name from above and cried.

  As the orb sunk deeper and deeper, it begun to fill up with water until it disappeared altogether. I held my breath and closed my eyes, as I waited for the inevitable to happen. I wondered how long I was going to be able to hold my breath, before I sank to the bottom.

  The darkness behind my eyelids began to become lighter, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold my breath forever, as I released the air I was holding in, I was more than surprised when my lungs remained devoid of water. I gradually pried my eyes open to be met with the most beautiful sight.

  All around me were tiny white orbs floating upwards out of the water. I don’t understand has my soul left my body? As I lifted my hands up I could see that that was not the case. What is going on here?

  “You have set free all of the captured souls that has been taken throughout the years. I have been waiting for the truest one to appear, but all that have come were the greedy, wretched, and selfish.” Drystan spoke without moving his lips.

  I realized now why I was fooled to believe that the water was not that deep, flowing from Drystan’s torso was a long thick scaly tail that seemed to never end.

  “Drystan I thought I failed again,” I concentrated my energy in sending him my thoughts.

  “I never said that,” Drystan assured me with a smile. “For the first time in many decades I remember who I am. You have been deemed worthy of Drystan the Sapphire Dragon, you now have my trust and loyalty.”

  Drystan’s hand touched my arm, as I watched him shrink and wrap himself around my upper right arm covering my tattoo and solidifying into a beautiful spiral sapphire arm bracelet.

  The water around me began to purify as the dark dissipated. Kicking as hard as I could, I swam to the top of the water; breaking through the surface in just the right time to see Nerissa leaving the pool, with her shoulders heaving as she cried.

  I tried to swim quietly toward the edge, but I did not account for the extra weight on my right arm, which made my stealthy strokes sound like giant plops.

  Making sure that Nerissa did not hear me once I made it to land, I lifted my head up only to come face to face with her.

  “Is this some sort of trick?” She hesitantly asked not moving any closer, as I pulled myself completely out of the water.

  “No, this is no trick. Are you disappointed?” I asked wanting to see if she had reverted back to her nasty self.

  Nerissa hesitated no longer as she ran toward me almost knocking me back into the water, as she hugged me as if she was afraid I was going to disappear. “How did you make it out of there?”

  “I passed the test, I made the right decision.” I answered her returning her hug.

  “Why? Why didn’t you chose to sacrifice me instead?”

  “I told you that you didn’t know anything about me.” I joked looking down at the now crystal clear water.

  “I have never been so happy to be so wrong.” Nerissa smiled for the first time showing me her sincerity. “I am so sorry for everything I did to you.”

  “It is okay I forgive you, I am more concerned at the moment on how we are going to return home.”

  As soon as the words escaped my mouth I found myself standing in front of Angie and April.

  “Ashley!” They cried in unison as they took turns squeezing the air out of me.

  “Princesses?” Someone yelled, causing me to turn around to see that we were surrounded by heavily armored men with pointy tritons stretch
ed out toward us.

  “Angie what have you done?”

  “How do you know I am the one to blame?” Angie whispered hiding back a smile.

  “Princesses are you okay? We saw Princess Nerissa disappear and believed the Ruby Dragon Warrior to be responsible.

  I knew she had something to do with this.

  “My apologies for your troubles, as you can see we are perfectly fine you may be dismissed now.” Nerissa informed, trying to smooth out her wet dress from when she hugged me.

  The guards looked unsure and confused by what to do, as they took in me and Nerissa’s appearance.

  “Guards, you may be dismissed.” The King voiced causing everyone to stand at attention.

  Father did not raise his voice, but he did not have to as his presence spoke volumes as he and mother came toward us.

  “Nerissa! Cordelia! Explain yourself!” Mother commanded looking down at them with disgust. “Why are you both so filthy?”

  I could tell that Nerissa was afraid as she avoided looking our parents in the eyes.

  “I talked Nerissa into telling me the location of my dragon.” I blurted out before she could take the blame, I was leaving shortly there was no use getting her in trouble if it could be avoided.

  “You told your sister that her dragon was in Drystan’s Pool?” Father’s voice was like a quiet storm that even Angie didn’t dare interrupt.

  “Yes,” Nerissa admitted before mother’s hand came down hard on the side of her face.

  “You insolent brat, what were you thinking? Are you trying to take our baby away from us again? For Eighteen years you have had us all to yourself, and you couldn’t stand to share us for at least four days?”

  The queen raised her hand again, only to be blocked by Nerissa. “Liar! I have never had you to myself, I always came second to the memory of the precious child you had to give up.”

  The Queen started to speak only to be silenced by the King. “Let her speak.”

  “You are the reason I hated her so much. I never had anything for myself, my entire life I had to sleep alone in a giant room with an extra empty bed made up just for her your precious Cordelia.” Nerissa continued her face red and blotchy from the tears. “I couldn’t even get a good night kiss from you without having to see you look over at the empty bed with the saddest expression on your face. Why am I not ever enough for you?”

  Nerissa did not care who was looking as she broke down in the corridor in front of everyone; she was no longer the arrogant rude princess, she was just a lonely girl wanting to be accepted for who she was by her parents.

  “I am sorry, Nerissa.” Mother began looking unsure of what she should do. “You never said anything…I should have known…I never realized that you were hurting so much.”

  I couldn’t help but cry when I saw mother hug Nerissa as she cried.

  “I can honestly say that I no longer hold any animosity for my sister.” Nerissa smiled leaving mother to grab my hand. “She saved my life. Drystan gave her a choice between giving him her soul or mine, and she chose herself.”

  “It’s a good thing I did, it was all a test I finally have obtained the Sapphire Dragon.” I beamed showing them the spiral wrap around bracelet on my upper arm.

  “I am so proud of both of my daughters, from now on I wish nothing but for you two to smile like you are now.” Father spoke his voice a lot warmer now.

  “There is one more thing I have to do, before you leave.” Nerissa smiled walking toward Prince Leev. “I must extend you my deepest apologies, for I cannot wed you.”

  For some reason this made me happier than it should, as my eyes made contact with Prince Leev’s.

  “With all due respect sire, now that Ashley has obtained the Sapphire Dragon, we shall be taking our leave soon.” Rṓgaire kneeled down in front of the King.

  “I understand, I just wanted to prolong it as much as I could. When will you be leaving?”

  “At the first hint of dawn, your majesty.”

  “You may go prepare the things that were left behind on the shore, and I will have my guard prepare your way to Ruby Kingdom.”

  “Thank you, your majesty.”

  “Tonight, all of the Dragon Warriors are welcomed to our room, I would like to know as much about you as I can before you go.” Nerissa announced looking toward Angie, as if she suspected she was not going to accept her invitation.

  “That is okay with me,” Angie smiled.

  “You will hear no complaints out of me,” April joked coming closer to where we were.

  “Let me look at you,” Mother softly uttered holding me tightly by the shoulders. “I always want to remember you smiling just like now.”

  “Don’t worry, after all of this Dragon Warrior business is behind me, I will come back and we can all live together.” I decided that very moment that I would like to know more about where I come from and the people I call family.

  My mother just hugged me closely to her chest, but not before I saw the sadness that overtook her face. Maybe, I am reading too much in it, but I believe that there is something she is not telling me, and judging by the expressions on my father’s face as well. I don’t believe that I am ready to hear it just yet.


  Location: Transport Room

  ◑ April ◐

  I hated seeing the sad faces of Ashley’s family as we said good bye to them, but the sound of Angie and Ashley bickering was like music to my ears, and made me feel like everything was back to normal, or about as normal as we’re going to get.

  “You were giving me the evil eye for smiling at Prince Leev, but you hug and even tried to kiss Leo, and you expect me to drop the subject.” Ashley teased.

  “For the hundredth time, I did not try to kiss Leo. I admit I did hug him, but that was because I totally messed up from that stargazer drink that in my defense looks very similar to water.” Angie argued wearing her backpack that was fetched out of the carriage on the beach.

  “Okay, I am going to look the other way for now.” Ashley smiled, as we all headed toward the transport room where we had arranged to meet the others.

  The sight of an arm coming out of the wall in front of us stopped all of us in our tracks.

  “Don’t worry, it is just me,” Nerissa assured us as she stepped completely out of the wall.

  “Was there no other way for you to get here?” Angie remarked, surprisingly without anger.

  “There is, but this way is so much better,” Nerissa smiled coming closer to us. “I wanted to personally escort you to the transport room.”

  “Sure, but we are travelling the normal way.” Ashley stated looking at Angie.

  “I would also like to extend my apologies to the Dragon Warriors of fire and nature,” Nerissa bowed her head toward us. “I was wrong about so much I want to really get things right this time. I have so many plans for this Kingdom. First, I will have to convince everyone that people from other Kingdoms are not to be feared.”

  “That is an opinion that may prove very difficult to convince others to believe,” Angie smirked setting her hand on fire causing us all to laugh.

  “Have you not learned anything about playing with fire, “Leo exclaimed walking toward us with his arms wrapped in bandages up to his elbow. “Why is that you can never do what you are told?”

  Even though Ashley sped up the healing process on his arms. The royal doctor said that it will take at least two more days before it is completely back to normal.

  “Look at you, if it wasn’t for the excited way you swing your bandages, I would think you were upset.” Angie taunted.

  Ignoring Angie he walked toward Nerissa and bowed, “My apologies princess, it is time for the dragon warriors to take their leave.”

  “No apologies needed. I did not come to hinder them, I actually wanted to walk with them to the transport room.”

  “Very well, everyone are awaiting us,” Leo stated turning back around with another word.

  “What is wrong
with him?” Angie asked looking confused.

  “Are you serious? You gave him third degree burns on his arms!” Ashley declared turning toward Angie.

  “I didn’t tell him to pull me out,” Angie began looking at the wall nonchalantly.

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t apologized to him for his burns, or even thanked him for keeping you from the dungeons.”

  “Well, when you put it that way, I sound like a villain.”

  “Just stop it, you know how stubborn Angie is, I believe she will do the right thing when she is ready,” I whispered in Ashley’s ear knowing that we will never make it to the transport room, if their argument continued.

  “I see why my sister thinks highly of the two of you,” Nerissa grinned looking at us. “I am glad she has people to call family through everything.”

  I could tell that Nerissa was hiding her own sadness of not being able to get to know her own sister better. Ever since they came back together from Drystan’s Pool she seemed to be a different person.

  “There is something that has been weighing on my mind,” I turned toward Nerissa. “How did you know the Sapphire Dragon would be in Drystan’s Pool?”

  After I asked Ashley and Angie turned toward Nerissa anticipating her answer. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable it is just that it was weird how even her parents were surprised that she knew the location.

  “It all seems so strange now that I think about it, a very handsome gentleman appeared in my room and gave me the map.”

  “Did you know him? Why would he give you the map?” I asked as soon as the questions came to my mind.

  “I would remember seeing someone like him in the Kingdom, if only it was just a glance,” Nerissa explained looking as if she was getting lost in the memory.

  “Did he tell you his name?” Ashley asked.

  “Yes, he did say that he was called, or rather once known as Zane, and that he serves his lady. That was the reason he gave me the map, he said that it would benefit her.


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