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Wait on Me (Knights of Retribution MC Book 2)

Page 4

by Elizabeth Knox

  I act like I’m asleep, just taking it, knowing when he’s done, he’ll leave. Duke pulls out of me and the clinking of his belt tells me he’s about to leave. I continue to stay on the bed, breathing in and out slowly until the door is slammed shut from behind.

  I grab onto the comforter and pull myself up, sit on the bed and put my back against the wall. My naked body looks . . . disgusting. I can see my ribs, my bones are clearly visible in my arms, and my decent rack is now part of the itty-bitty-titty committee.

  Buzzing comes from the left and I glance over, seeing Rosa’s name pop up on the screen. Immediately, I answer. “Rosa,” I say her name in a breathless whisper.

  “Marisole, God, I haven’t heard from you in days. We’re on our way. I just need to know where you are.”

  She’s on what? “What did you say?” I question, needing further reiteration.

  “Axel and I, we’re on our way to Delaware right now. You really freaked me out and I’ll be there tonight. Okay? We’re almost there, so just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  “Rosa . . . what . . .” I don’t know how the hell I’m supposed to tell her not to come here. She doesn’t need to come in and be my knight in shining whatever. “You can’t come here. If you do, things will only get worse.”

  Rosa scoffs, “Yeah, well, they sound pretty bad to begin with. I know you don’t know me. Hell, we barely know each other, but we’re sisters. It’s our job to keep each other safe. So, I’m coming whether you like it or not.”

  “Rosa, please, I’m begging you. Don’t come here. If you do . . . if you do, I’m afraid what . . .” I don’t even know what to say other than I’m afraid. I don’t think Scar will kill me, but then again, I don’t know why he’s kept me around for this long either.

  “The mere fact you’re afraid is why you need to leave. It’s not safe, Marisole. You know it and so do I. If you don’t leave, you’re going to die there.”

  “I can’t just leave.”

  “Sure you can. The man doesn’t own you. I get you’re married. I get our father arranged this for you, but I’m sure even he wouldn’t want you in a marriage like this. You’re a Ramirez, Marisole. In Mexico, that name means something. Women like us don’t become victims and if you stay, you’re allowing this to happen. So, I’m giving you an out. I’m giving you this one shot to leave his ass. You won’t have to do it alone. I’ll be there by your side. Axel and his club, they’ll back us up.”

  Inhaling deeply, I know in my heart this is the right choice. This is the opportunity I’ve waited a lifetime for, so I rattle off the address and end the call.

  I’m going to get out of this mess. I never thought it would be possible, but now I’m closer than ever.

  Chapter Eight


  The modern clock ticks on the wall and I watch the hand move as the seconds go by. Konstantin was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago. My blood boils under my skin at the thought we’re being stood up. Does he know this is an elaborate scheme to get him here? Could he know what the plan is? So many questions storm through my head.

  Glib, one of Ion’s henchmen, runs and operates the condominium complex. He personally assured me he’d bring Konstantin back to us once he arrived. I figured he was telling the truth given the way he looked angered when discussing the man, but now I’m not sure.

  “Where the fuck is this fool at?” Needles impatiently asks, pacing the room.

  I look back at him and shrug. “No idea, man, but gettin’ all riled up won’t help shit. You know it.”

  Needles is ex-special ops. He knows how this goes. You wait it out and pray things go to plan. But him bein’ nervous as can be, isn’t helpin’ me at all. Inhaling deeply through my nose, I walk across the room and look out through the window into the private garden. It’s too classy for me, but what the hell? We’ll make it work for the time being.

  In Kiev it’s raining and the sky is becoming darker by the moment. Fitting for what I hope is still about to unfold today. Needles and I are only here for the night, so we need to work fast. The latch on the door clicks, signaling someone is here. Footsteps come closer to us, growing heavier with every step. “Vera, I was so glad you called. Now, what is it we can discuss?” Konstantin starts off, though he realizes soon enough Vera isn’t here.

  “I gotta ask you a question, man. You always been this fucked up, or is it somethin’ that you turned into?” Needles asks him, malice laced through his voice.

  I pull my hunting knife from my pocket and open it. Fuck, I love the way it glimmers. I just bought it from a pawn shop in Seaford. They got some intense shit in there for firearms and knives. I’m gonna have to take the brothers there when I get back. I promised Butcher I’d show him around the joint.

  Konstantin immediately tenses while his eyes search for an answer. “C’mon, you don’t know us? You don’t recognize our faces, or these?” I ask, pulling on my cut as I cut the distance between us. He turns and pulls the gun from his holster, but I’m too quick for him. I smack it from his hands.

  Needles has his gun pulled and he’s pointing it right at Konstantin. “Don’t you get trigger happy. He’s got too much to pay for.”

  “Where is Vera?” Konstantin asks, looking between Needles and me.

  “Come on, you can’t honestly tell me you don’t know what’s going on here. Don’t you recognize me?” I pull on my cut and Konstantin looks over me. He probably won’t recognize shit. When he came after us, it was when we were part of the Royal Bastards MC.

  Konstantin doesn’t say a fuckin’ word. I don’t hold back my grimace. I grab him by his suit jacket and shove him against the floor. Lifting my leg, I waste no time kicking him in the face and a loud pop comes the second my boot collides with his face.

  Blood pours from his nose onto the white tiles below us and he desperately tries to wipe it away. “What the fuck!? Who are you!?”

  Kneeling down, I grab him by the throat and drag my knife against the side of his face, slicing him slowly. I want to make sure he feels every bit of this. He tries to shove at me and get away, but he won’t. What he did is unspeakable. He broke every code we have. You never go after family and you especially never hurt children.

  “You shot her in the head and she almost died because of you,” I sneer, digging the blade deeper into his flesh. He turns his head to the left and the right, further cutting himself. I can’t help but smile at the misery he’s causing himself.

  “No, you have the wrong man!” he claims, but Needles and I know it isn’t true.

  “You were trying to hurt the Royal Bastards and you shot a baby. What kind of sick, twisted fuck does that?” Needles growls, coming closer to Konstantin. I pull my blade back and shove him to the ground again, kicking him another time in the face for good measure. He screams in agony as my boot makes contact with his nose, and I take a couple steps back so Needles can get a round in with him.

  Konstantin scoffs and smirks in a devilish manner as blood floods over his teeth and lips. “Rancid’s kid? Who gives a fuck? Better off dead if you ask me.”

  Needles doesn’t hold back, not in the least bit. He grabs his knife, pulls it out, and goes to town on Konstantin. He’s punching holes into his body like he’s a balloon that needs to be popped. There’s no regard or respect for life here. Not after what Konstantin did, and we’ll never accept him.

  “Don’t kill him, yet. I want to make sure he suffers,” I warn Needles, and he stands up, backs away a few steps and nods. He doesn’t want to stop, but he’ll respect the order I just gave him.

  I grab Konstantin by the neck and tighten my grip around his throat. “You will never hurt anyone else again, and we’re here to make sure you regret ever pulling that trigger.”

  His eyes widen in fear and I know he sees how serious I am. I’d love to be in this room and torture him for hours, days, and even weeks on end . . . but we have a flight leaving in the morning. Our time is limited, so we’d better make it worth it.

  By the time we’re boarding the plane back to the States, I know I’ll be able to sleep a bit easier, knowing this man isn’t breathing the same air as we are.

  Chapter Nine


  “Bring her out here right now!” a woman’s voice screeches from the top of her lungs, loud enough to cause me to wake from my hazy state.

  Deep, throaty laughter rings down the hallway through my open door.

  Blinking, I force my eyes open and glance down to find a needle in my arm. I don’t even remember injecting myself, but it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten high and didn’t remember. Fuck, it’s not like Scar or his boys haven’t done it to me before. One time I developed an abscess under the skin because Pistol wanted to have his way with me. That guy is just . . . he’s too rough, so whenever he comes around, I do tend to put up a fight. I don’t with the others, though. I guess it’s ‘cause I know what my life is like here. I’ve accepted it, but most of the guys don’t treat me the way Pistol does.

  I take the syringe from my arm and toss it in the trash can, put my alternate hand over where the needle was and push hard. While I do this, I scoot off the side of the bed and my bare feet hit the ground with a thud.

  “What’re you fucking laughing at, you twisted piece of shit,” the woman’s voice grows more venomous with every word, and as she continues to speak, I realize I’ve heard this voice before.

  “Oh, nothin’. It’s just entertainin’ how you think you can waltz into my club and demand shit, especially my wife. She belongs to me. I don’t give a fuck if she’s your sister or not.”

  Wait . . . could this be who I think it is?

  “Let me make this crystal clear for you, man, we’re not leavin’ without her sister. My ol’ lady will put lead in every one of your boys here until she gets what she wants, and I’ll fuckin’ back her up,” a man’s voice declares. His tone is deep and authoritative, but bits of attitude shoot through his words.

  I make my way down the narrow hallway and round the corner, holding onto the corner as dizziness starts to consume me. At the sight of her deep, sea-green hair, I’m blown away. It’s Rosa. My sister is here.

  With widened eyes, I’m unable to stop looking at her. It’s the first time I’ve seen her, but we look so much alike. We have the same nose and dark eyes, even the same cheekbones . . . there’s not a doubt in my mind we’re related. Before, I did have doubts. My father lied to me so much, and I don’t trust Xavier at all. This could’ve been another one of his elaborate lies or schemes.

  The man standing next to her is ripped as can be. Tattoos cover his arms, and he’s wearing a cut like Scar does, but instead of being part of a shitty club like this, he’s part of a decent one. He has to be Axel, her ol’ man. She’s told me great things about him, but now I see what she means. He’s her number one supporter and it shows.

  Pistol stands beside my husband and glares at Axel. “Prez, we really gonna let these two fuckheads keep talkin’ or end ‘em right where they stand?”

  Scar looks at Pistol and he’s debating what to do, but the moment the door to the club comes flying open and one of Scar’s boys hits the ground like a sack of potatoes, he jumps up from his seat. “What the fuck?!” my husband roars, glaring at the man in the doorway.

  “Shit, Scar . . . I thought you were fuckin’ dead. Hadn’t heard you were still stirrin’ up shit, but I should’ve known a snake-like you would still be slitherin’ in the grass.” The man putting my husband in his place demands attention. It’s not only the way he speaks but his demeanor and the way he carries himself. Not an ounce of fear shows. He struts up, stepping over the man he tossed in here and four more men come funneling in behind him.

  Scar’s eyes shift to mine. “I didn’t know you were this much trouble, Marisole.”

  “Give the girl over to her sister before we have to start throwin’ lead around. You’re a vile piece of shit, but you aren’t stupid,” the man states, keeping his eyes trained on my husband.

  Scar glares at him, and I’m at a point where I don’t know what he’s going to do.

  “Zane, back down. This isn’t your fight. Unless you want to make an enemy of me?” Scar raises his eyebrows and walks closer to Zane. Meanwhile, Rosa crosses the room and comes up to me.

  “What, you think you’re scary? Think again, motherfucker,” Zane sneers, and all of his guys take a couple steps in.

  “Are you alright?” Rosa asks me quietly, her eyes filled with worry.

  My hands shake as she wraps an arm around my back and holds onto my hip. “I told you not to come.” Tears threaten to spill, but I’m trying so hard to keep my shit together. Her being here not only puts me in danger but her and her friends too. Scar is unpredictable. You can think things are fine and then a second later, he’s got a knife to your neck or a bullet in you. Hell, I would know. I have firsthand experience.

  “A man who threatens me has never stepped foot in my club and lived to tell the tale,” Scar growls.

  Zane, though, this man cackles in his face. “Good thing I’m fuckin’ royalty, now, tell your bitches to let them pass, or I’ll light this fuckin’ joint up.” Zane pulls out his gun and presses it between Scar’s eyes.

  Lord almighty. Is this really happening?

  “They can leave on one condition,” Scar says as he takes his gun and puts it down on the table. His nostrils flare and Zane puts his gun back in his holster.

  Rosa slowly begins to walk me across the room and before I know it, Scar’s headed straight for us. I watch as Axel and the guys tense up, all of them having a hand on their guns. He scrunches his nose in disgust as he speaks. “Is an addict really worth this much trouble?”

  Without hesitation, my sister replies, “Damn straight, now get the fuck out of my way.”

  Scar takes a step back and my sister walks with me until we’re through the door of the clubhouse. She walks me up to a massive diesel truck and gets me in on the passenger side. A bald man with a beard is behind the wheel. “Fuck, you look like you could use a donut. They got a Duck’s around here? I mean, they gotta, right?”

  “Marisole, this is Bull. Bull, this is Marisole, and yeah, I’m sure we can stop by one.” Rosa rolls her eyes and looks to me. “Last time we were out here, he ordered two dozen sand donuts and ate them all himself.”

  “Whoa, don’t you fuckin’ fat shame me.” Bull seems appalled by Rosa’s words.

  “And don’t you be a dramatic bitch. Jesus, I wasn’t fuckin’ fat shamin’ you.” I scoot closer to Bull as my sister climbs in. Axel comes up behind her and speaks.

  “I’ll meet you at their club in a bit. Just get goin’ and make sure no one is on your tail. Got it?”

  “Sure do. Love you and be safe,” Rosa says as Axel backs away, and she slams the door to the truck shut. Bull puts the truck in reverse and speeds out of here and as I let out the pent-up breath I’ve been holding, the reality hits me like a semi-truck . . . I’m out.

  I got out.

  Chapter Ten


  “God, I can’t wait to get home and sink my—” Needles speaks up.

  “Don’t finish that fuckin’ sentence, dude. I don’t need to hear about what you do with Flora.” I tell him, giving him a look that tells him a warning.

  “Oh, come on. You know what she does for a livin’. Hell, you think I’m not the one makin’ that pussy nice and wet before a scene with one of the girls?” A shit-eating smirk crosses Needles’ face and I can’t help but break out into laughter. He has no shame in his game, that’s for fuckin’ certain. “Hell, when’s the last time you got laid?”

  “That’s none of your concern,” I tell him, throwing my duffle bag over my shoulder as we walk out to the parking garage area. Ion’s plane touched down in Philadelphia and it’s about two in the morning right now. We’re gonna crash at Riva’s, Mammoth’s ol’ lady, place in the city. Her sisters, Astrid and Johanna, live there now, but they don’t mind us crashing in the living room.r />
  “That’s what pent-up bastards say,” Needles snickers while we cross the street. We called an Uber to meet us here, and sure enough, a Jeep Wrangler comes rolling up.

  “You Tony?” I question the guy, and he nods.

  “Yeah, where you boys headed?” he asks.

  I give him the information while Needles and I hop in the back of his Wrangler. Hell, I should’ve grabbed the passenger seat. This shit is cramped in here. Not enough leg room at all. It’s only about a ten-minute ride, so I bite my tongue and don’t say shit. I finally turn my phone back on to see a message from Gamble. I tap on her name.

  From: Gamble

  Zane and a few of his boys from the Reapers Rejects are here. Just giving you a heads up. I’m having Butcher drive the truck to get you boys tomorrow at noon, so be ready to leave.

  Shit. I wonder what went down while we were away.

  To: Gamble

  Alright. No problem. See you tomorrow.

  I slide my cell back into my pants and the next few minutes fly by. Tony pulls up outside the apartment complex and we get out of his Jeep. We both have our duffle bags in tow and walk up to the door. We have to press on the apartment number and be buzzed up.

  “Hello?” a woman with a thick Swedish accent answers.

  “Hey, it’s Ravage. Riva told you we were coming tonight.”

  “Oh yes, come on up,” she quickly replies.

  The door buzzes and we head on in, going upstairs to the number Riva gave us. “Shit, if any of ‘em are hot, you should test one out. I can’t for obvious reasons, but fuck dude, you’re not tied down for shit.”

  I roll my eyes at Needles’ suggestion, but the moment the apartment door opens and I see not just a brunette, but a blonde too . . . shit. It doesn’t hurt. They both look like they could be models. The brunette is a bit curvier, while the blonde is thin. The blonde doesn’t have tits, but she’s got a nice lookin’ ass from the way she’s standing. The brunette one has a nice rack, though, and a nice ass.


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