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Page 7

by Yu Hua

  When Song Fanping emptied his last pocket and there was still nothing, the boys both burst into tears. Slapping his forehead, Song Fanping exclaimed, "Now I remember!"

  Song Fanping turned and tiptoed into the inner room, as carefully as if he were about to go catch a flea, making Li Lan giggle. When his bruised and swollen face reemerged, Baldy Li and Song Gang saw that he was carrying a bag of milk candy in his hand.

  The boys cried out in surprise. This was the first time they had tasted soft candy—chewy, cream-flavored candy. The wrapper had a picture of a big white bunny, and the name was White Rabbit. Song Fanping explained that his sister in Shanghai had sent these as their wedding present. He let Li Lan have one and took another for himself. Then he gave Baldy Li and Song Gang five each.

  The two kids placed the milk candy in their mouths, slowly licking, chewing, and swallowing their saliva, which was now sweetened with candy and tasted like cream. Baldy Li put some rice into his mouth and chewed it along with the candy, and Song Gang did the same. The rice was now as sweet and creamy as candy. Now the grains of rice in their mouths also became White Rabbits. As he savored every bite, Song Gang cried out affectionately, "Baldy Li, Baldy Li."

  Baldy Li also cried out, "Song Gang, Song Gang…"

  Song Fanping and Li Lan smiled contentedly. Looking over at Baldy Li's shiny pate, Song Fanping commented to Li Lan, "We really should call him by his name, not his nickname." Song Fanping scratched his head. "I only know him as Baldy Li, I don't even know his real name."

  He asked Li Lan, "What is Baldy Li's name?"

  Li Lan couldn't help but smile. "You just said not to call him by his nickname, but you just did."

  Song Fanping raised both hands in surrender. "So from this day forward, what should we call him if we don't want to use his nickname?"

  Li Lan burst out, "Baldy Li's name is—"

  She covered her mouth before she finished, realizing that she had used his nickname. She couldn't help giggling. "His name is Li Guang."

  "Li Guang." Song Fanping nodded. "Now I know."

  Then Song Fanping turned to the two boys and said, "Song Gang, Baldy Li, I have something to say to you—"

  Song Fanping saw that Li Lan was suppressing a giggle and asked carefully, "Did I call him by his nickname again?"

  Still smiling, Li Lan nodded. Song Fanping scratched his head and said, "Well, okay, let's use the nickname then. It's impossible not to call him Baldy Li."

  He burst out laughing and turned to the two boys again. Once his laughter had subsided, he said, "From this day forward, you will be brothers. You must treat each other like your own blood, look out for each other, and stick together in sickness and in health, in happiness and in misfortune. You must study hard and strive to improve…"

  Song Fanping and Li Lan became husband and wife, and Song Gang and Baldy Li became brothers. Two families became one. Baldy Li and Song Gang slept in the outer room, and Li Lan and Song Fanping slept in the inner room. That night, the children lay in bed cradling their White Rabbit wrappers, sniffing the remaining traces of creamy sweetness and thinking about how they would encounter more White Rabbits in their dreams. Before he fell asleep, Baldy Li kept hearing the creaking of the bed inside and heard his mother sigh and moan, sometimes even bursting into a wail. But Baldy Li felt that this night his mothers cries sounded different from before, as though she weren't really crying. In the creek outside the window, a small boat floated by, and the rhythmic stirring of the oars echoed Baldy Li's mother's voice from the inner room.


  SONG FANPING was a happy man. Although his face was covered in bruises and it hurt to smile, he would still laugh heartily. On the second day of his marriage he made a big show of washing Li Lan s hair outside the house. His face was swollen like one of those pigs’ heads hanging in the window of a butcher shop, but he paid no heed to the snickers of his neighbors. He poured well water into a face pail and helped Li Lan wet her hair. Then he applied soap and started to massage her scalp like a professional barber, until her entire head was covered in soapsuds. Finally, he brought another pail of well water to rinse her hair out, then used a towel to dry it and a wooden comb to comb it through, refusing to let her do anything herself. When Li Lan looked up, she saw that there was a crowd of a dozen or more adults and children gathered around her. She flushed bright red but also beamed with happiness.

  Song Fanping announced that he wanted to take a stroll. Li Lan s hair was still dripping, and she looked hesitantly at Song Fanpings swollen face. He knew what she was thinking and assured her that his face was just fine. He turned to lock up the house, then took Baldy Li and Song Gang by the hand and walked ahead, leaving Li Lan with no choice but to follow.

  The four of them walked down the street hand in hand. Passersby watched them and tittered, knowing that this was a second marriage for both of them, and that the groom had gotten into a fight with six people the day of his wedding. They simply couldn't believe that this bruised and swollen groom was now sauntering down the street, beaming with contentment. Whenever he saw someone he knew, he would greet them and happily introduce Li Lan: "This is my wife." Then he would point at the children: "And these are my sons."

  Everyone looked very pleased, but their pleasure came from different sources. Song Fanpings was that of a groom, while the crowd's pleasure derived from the freak show they felt they were witnessing. Li Lan knew what their snickers meant and what they were saying as they pointed at her family, and therefore she lowered her head. Song Fanping also knew what the snickers meant but nevertheless told Li Lan, "Lift your head."

  The family strolled down two main streets. When they walked past the soda shop, the children looked longingly inside, but their parents dragged them along until they arrived at the photography studio. Song Fanping stopped and announced that he wanted to take a family portrait, having completely forgotten about his swollen face. Li Lan suggested that they could come back later, but Song Fanping had already walked inside. He turned back and saw Li Lan standing with the boys outside the door, so he enthusiastically waved them inside. But Li Lan held on to the boys and refused to go in.

  When Song Fanping explained to the photographer that he wanted to take a family portrait, the man looked at him with astonishment. It was then that Song Fanping realized that today might not be a good day to have his picture taken. Cocking his head, he saw his face reflected in the studio s mirror and said to the photographer, "Well, perhaps not today, then. My wife says we can come back later."

  Song Fanping walked happily out of the studio, still chuckling to himself. His happiness infected Li Lan, and both of them chuckled as they continued their stroll, until soon Baldy Li and Song Gang were giggling too, though they had no idea why.

  The newly remarried Li Lan was aglow with happiness. For the past seven years, ever since her first husband drowned in the public latrine, she had endured a life worse than death. Her hair had become tangled like a bird s nest, but now she resumed the girlish braids of her youth and even tied two red bows at the ends. Her complexion was suddenly blooming as if she had eaten ginseng, her migraines disappeared, and she started humming again. Her newly remarried husbands gestures became expansive with pleasure. When he walked about the house, his steps would ring, and when he pissed against the wall outside, the urine would splatter like a thunderstorm.

  This newly remarried couple stuck together like honey throughout their honeymoon. Whenever they had a free moment, they retreated to the inner room and shut the door tight. Baldy Li and Song Gang could only imagine what was going on inside. They heard loud smacking sounds and were firmly convinced that their parents were hiding inside to eat from that bag of White Rabbits. The sounds could be heard not only throughout the day but late into the night. Before it was even dark, the two of them would force Baldy Li and Song Gang to go to bed and then would lock themselves in their room, their lips smacking away. Neighborhood children were still running around outside, but Baldy Li and Song Gan
g were forced to go to bed. Listening to the smacking sounds, they would fall asleep with tears in their eyes and drool on their lips. The next morning they would wake up and find that their tears had dried up but their saliva was still flowing.

  Baldy Li and Song Gang became insanely gluttonous. One day after finishing lunch, when their parents started smacking lips again in the inner room, Baldy Li stood by the door and peeked inside, with Song Gang right behind him, eager for an update. Baldy Li saw through the crack in the door that there were two pairs of legs on the bed, with Song Fanpings on top gripping Li Lans below, and he whispered to Song Gang, "They're eating on the bed."

  Baldy Li shifted to the other crack in the door. He saw that Song Fanpings body was on top of Li Lans, his hands encircling her waist. He whispered, "They're eating while hugging."

  From the third crack in the door Baldy Li saw that that Song Fan-ping and Li Lan were kissing passionately. Baldy Li initially giggled, thinking they looked funny, but then he quickly became mesmerized by what he saw. Song Gang, standing behind him, nudged him several times, but Baldy Li didn't notice. Song Gang whispered to him again and again, "Hey, hey, what are they eating?"

  Baldy Li, in the midst of watching, turned around and said mysteriously, "They're not eating candy. They're eating lips."

  Song Gang was confused. "Who's eating whose lips?"

  Baldy Li answered mysteriously, "Your father is eating my mother's, and my mother is eating your father's."

  Song Gang was startled, imagining Song Fanping and Li Lan gnawing away at each other like two wild beasts. The door to the inner room suddenly opened, and Song Fanping and Li Lan stood in the doorway staring at the boys in astonishment. When Song Gang saw that their lips were still attached to their faces, he was immensely relieved. He pointed at Baldy Li and said, "He tricked me. He said that you were eating each other's lips."

  Song Fanping and Li Lan grinned, blushing, and then left to return to work without another word. After they left, Baldy Li, in order to prove that he was no liar, had Song Gang sit on the bed, as upright as if he were sitting in a movie theater seat. Baldy Li then placed a bench in front of Song Gang, and, lying prone on the bench, he raised his head and pointed down at the bench and explained, "Now, this is my mother."

  Then he pointed at himself and said, "And I'm your dad."

  After transforming the bench into Li Lan and himself into Song Fanping, he started demonstrating what lip eating was. Baldy Li pressed down tightly against the bench and hugged it to himself. He started slobbering all over the bench and wiggling against it. As he kissed and wiggled, he explained to Song Gang, "Just like this. They were just like this."

  Song Gang didn't get why Baldy Li had to wiggle his body and asked, "Why do you have to move around so much?"

  "That's what your dad was doing."

  Song Gang giggled. "You look funny."

  Baldy Li replied, "Well, your dad looked funny."

  Baldy Li wiggled faster and faster on the bench. His face started turning red and his breath quickened. Song Gang became alarmed and jumped off the bed. He pushed at Baldy Li and asked, "Hey, hey, are you okay?"

  Baldy Li's wiggling body slowed down. When he got up, he pointed to his crotch with a look of delight. "When you wiggle like this, your weenie gets hard and it feels good."

  With great camaraderie, Baldy Li wanted Song Gang to get on the bench and try it out. Looking skeptical, Song Gang lay on the bench but saw that it was all shiny with Baldy Li's drool and snot. He sat up and shook his head. "Look, it's all your snivel."

  Ashamed, Baldy Li hurriedly wiped down the bench with his sleeve and had Song Gang climb back on. Song Gang lay down but immediately got back up again, complaining, "It smells like your snot."

  Baldy Li was deeply apologetic. He wanted Song Gang to share in his newfound pleasure, so he eagerly helped him lie down facing the other end of the bench. Baldy Li directed him like a coach, telling him how to wiggle and correcting his movements. When he finally felt that Song Gang's wiggling was beginning to resemble Song Fanping's, he sat down on the bed and wiped his brow, asking smugly, "Feel good? Is your weenie hard?"

  Song Gang's response was a huge disappointment. He declared it to be no fun at all and added, "The bench is so hard. It just rubbed my weenie and hurt."

  Baldy Li looked at Song Gang, mystified. "How could it feel bad?"

  Then he helpfully placed two pillows on the bench. Still worried that it wouldn't be soft enough, he went and fetched Song Fanping and Li Lan's pillows from the inner room and also placed them on top. Smiling encouragingly, he offered Song Gang the bench. "Now it'll definitely feel good."

  Song Gang didn't want to disappoint him, so he lay on the pillows and started wiggling again under Baldy Li's coaching. After a few wiggles he got up again, complaining that it still felt uncomfortable. It felt like there were little pebbles in the pillow, rubbing his weenie until it hurt.

  Then, a miracle: The children discovered the remainder of the bag of White Rabbit candy, which their parents had hidden inside the pillowcase. They had turned over every cabinet in the house looking for it but could not find a single trace. They had crawled under the bed and ended up covered in dust and had burrowed under the bedspread until they were short of breath, but still hadn't managed to find the White Rabbits. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. But just as they felt they had looked everywhere and were on the verge of giving up, the White Rabbits suddenly appeared in the pillowcase, as if by magic.

  The two boys started howling like starved dogs and poured the entire bag onto the bed. Baldy Li stuffed three candies into his mouth at once, and Song Gong got in two at least. Laughing as they ate, they no longer licked or sucked but, rather, chewed with abandon, since there was plenty more. The wanted to stuff their mouths full of this exquisite sweetness and creaminess, which slid into their stomachs and spilled out through their nostrils.

  The children swept through the bag like a tornado. Out of the original thirty-seven candies, there were now only four left. Song Gang suddenly got scared and burst into tears. Wiping his face, he asked what they were going to do when their parents came home and saw that they had eaten it all? Song Gang's question gave Baldy Li a start—then he proceeded to stuff the remaining four candies in his mouth without a second thought. Song Gang watched as Baldy Li ate the candy and wailed, "Why aren't you scared?"

  After polishing off the candies, Baldy Li wiped his lips and said, "Now I'm scared!"

  The two boys sat in a stupor. They looked at the thirty-seven candy wrappers scattered like fall leaves all over the bed. Song Gang could not stop crying, worried that he and Baldy Li would be severely punished when Song Fanping and Li Lan discovered this. Song Fanping would beat them until they were black and blue, until they looked like he had on his wedding day. Song Gangs weeping scared Baldy Li, too. He shuddered repeatedly, then came up with an idea. He suggested that they find pebbles about the size of the candies and wrap them up with the candy wrappers. Song Gang stopped crying and smiled, then followed Baldy Li off the bed and out of the house. They looked under the tree, by the well, in the street, even in the corner where Song Fanping usually peed until they had amassed a pile of little pebbles. Cupping them in their hands, they brought them back to the bed and wrapped each in a candy wrapper, then put them back in the bag. Then they put this bag of thirty-seven oddly shaped fake milk candies back inside the pillowcase and placed the pillow back on the bed.

  Once they had accomplished all this, Song Gang began to worry again. He resumed sobbing and sniffed, "They'll still find out."

  Baldy Li didn't cry. He grinned, shook his head at Song Gang, and said to comfort him, "They don't know yet."

  Even at this tender age Baldy Li was already a live-life-while-you-can kind of guy. Once he had finished all the White Rabbit candies, his interest in the bench returned. Amid the din of Song Gang's sobbing, he climbed up on the bench again and started wiggling. This time he knew exactly what he was doing. He put his
weight on his weenie, wiggling directly there. He wiggled until he was once again breathing heavily and red in the face.

  From this point on Baldy Li and Song Gang were inseparable. Baldy Li liked having this older brother, because only after acquiring a brother was he able to start living his life of free roaming. Before, when Li Lan left for work at the silk factory, she would lock him in the house and make him spend day after day there. Song Fanping, however, would tie a key around Song Gang's neck, allowing the boys to wind freely through the streets and alleys of Liu. Song Fanping and Li Lan had worried that the boys would end up fighting each other every day, never expecting that the two would end up becoming so close. They would always be covered in scrapes and bruises from accidents but never showed any trace of having been in a fight. Only once did they come back with swollen lips and bloody noses, but those were a result of fighting with some other family's kids.

  After discovering the marvels of his body on the bench, Baldy Li started rubbing his weenie like an addict. He and Song Gang would be strolling down the street, and he would suddenly stop in his tracks and announce, "I need to take a few rubs."

  Then he would hump a big wooden electrical pole. Listening to the buzz of the electricity, he would rub his body up and down until he was beet red and panting heavily. After he finished, he would sigh with contentment and tell Song Gang, "That feels so good."

  Song Gang was in awe of Baldy Li's expression but was also mystified. He often asked Baldy Li, "Why can't I feel good?"

  Baldy Li was mystified too and would shake his head in confusion. "Yeah, why doesn't it feel good?"

  A few times as the boys were crossing the bridge, Baldy Li would suddenly be struck with his cravings. He would lie right down on the bridge and start rubbing as if he were on the bench at home. Beneath him was the town creek, and tugboats would pass underneath, whistles blowing. When the whistles blew, Baldy Li would become even more excited. One time he felt so good he started squealing with delight.


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