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Page 4

by Ruby Rowe

  She was an open book, immature and trashy. She wasn’t intriguing or classy like Ms. Lane. Ava’s a mystery I want to solve. I catch her gazing at me as if she’s waiting for me to teach her something she doesn’t already know.

  Maybe I’m imagining it, wishing she’d let me teach her a few things. She had no clue that I knew exactly where we were last night, and if she shows up there on my days off, we’re going to have problems.

  I wasn’t concerned that someone would hurt her once she was inside. I was frustrated that I couldn’t enter the club with her.

  I had this urge to ease her nerves since her fear was palpable between us. I wanted to fix it for her, to make her comfortable with the experience.

  Little does she know, but I went inside after her and watched from a distance, only slipping out right before her. I was going to do my job whether she liked it or not.

  Needing my own escape, I drive to Dungeon Six and make my way to the door. Chuck lets me in, and I head to the bar where I order a water and take a seat on a stool. I swivel around to face the scene rooms and those mingling at tables.

  Right now, there is only one active scene to watch. Master Steve has his male submissive shackled to a St. Andrew’s cross. The man’s backside is facing us as his master strikes him with a bullwhip.

  His ass is a glowing red, but it does little for me. I respect their scene and relationship, but I’m not attracted to men; I prefer to be with submissive women.

  I tease them in the beginning, gradually increasing their pain each time we’re together, and the anticipation I see in their eyes from what’s to come is euphoric in itself.

  It’s why many of the bottoms who are more timid and fearful of intense pain come to me. Most of them want to be my submissive after we scene, especially if we’re in a private room where I can fuck them, too.

  Unfortunately, I’ve found having sex with them only increases their desire to be my sub, so I usually do without intercourse. It’s unsatisfying, but with my erratic work schedule, I can’t commit to anyone.


  We’ll be spending so much time together. Hell, I’m living on her property and will be accompanying the gorgeous being everywhere. The image of her on her knees as my sub invades my mind, and I realize the trouble I’m in.

  I’ve never been involved with a principal. I’m always professional, yet I was coming unglued last night, letting my personal feelings play a role in my behavior with her.

  I shake my head at the absurdity of what I’m mulling over. The fact she’s my client is insignificant when you consider the monumental reason I can’t touch her; the one that would cost me my life.

  The only question after my death would be which crime family got their hands on Griffin first, the Leoni or the Golino?

  Who we are is why I can’t touch her, and if I lose my life, it’s going to be from protecting a principal, not because I gave in to a woman’s pussy or submission. I made a promise to Mr. Leoni to keep his daughter safe, and that’s all I intend to do.


  I’m in my bedroom, staring out over my sprawling backyard and pool. I haven’t spotted Griffin since he left on his bike Saturday, and I’m curious about what he was doing on his days off.

  Since his motorcycle is parked in the driveway now, it’s safe to assume he’s back in his apartment. I slept in, so he was probably exercising outside while I was being lazy. Lord, I need to stop thinking about the man, but for the life of me, I can’t.

  Maybe I should invite him over for dinner to settle what happened between us the other night. We’re overdue to have a security meeting, anyway.

  Holly could handle arranging it, but for some reason, I don’t like the idea of Holly talking to Griffin more than needed, so I go to my nightstand and grab my phone.

  “Griffin, hi, it’s Ava.”

  “Ms. Lane, what can I do for you?”

  “I wish you’d call me Ava, and I want to know if you’ll join me here for dinner this evening to discuss my security.”

  “What time?”

  “Six o’clock.”

  “I’ll see you then.”


  At five o’clock, I pad to my walk-in closet, which is the size of one of my spare bedrooms. I stroll along it as I unbutton my top, looking for the perfect outfit to put on.

  It’s ridiculous that I’m worried about impressing Griffin. He’s probably not attracted to me, and so what if he is? He’s my employee.

  I know of celebrities who crossed that line, and in no time, they were left with the task of finding new bodyguards.

  Settling on a light pink maxi dress, I pull it over my head. It’s a halter style and clings to my curves. I slip my shorts off from underneath it and put on some strappy sandals.

  My heart is palpitating, the drumming hard in my chest. This is crazy. I feel like a teenager going on a first date. I style my hair and apply some makeup. Once I’m ready, I stroll downstairs to wait for him.

  I’m at the dining room table when my housekeeper, Janelle, shows him in.

  “Griffin, hi.”

  “Good evening, Ms. Lane.”

  I frown from his choice of greeting and do my best not to ogle him. He’s in a grey suit, which he doesn’t need to wear in my home.

  “Unless Holly informs you to dress formally, casual attire is always fine.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Have a seat.” I’m at the head of the table as I point to the chair next to me. “I wanted to tell you that you’re free to discuss your plans with Frank. He might have some insight for you in how he ran things.”

  “I take that to mean you’re not pleased with how I’m running things.”

  “That’s not what I was implying. I meant that you don’t need to show discretion when speaking to Frank.”

  Only nodding, he picks up his glass of water for a drink.

  “Would you like something stronger?”

  “I’m working today.”

  “I can tell you’re still angry, and I’m sorry about the other night. I’m not used to discussing my personal business to that degree.”

  “For me to keep you safe, you have to be open to that level of trust. Not knowing what was inside, would Frank have allowed you to enter alone?”

  “I decide what I’m allowed to do, but yes, he would’ve done what I asked and waited outside.”

  “I have great respect for Frank, but I don’t believe that’s wise. You didn’t know all the people inside that place, so you should’ve had security check it out first.”

  “How do you know there were a lot of people inside? What if there was only one person?”

  “The guy at the door said you were on the list, so I assumed it was a nightclub or something. Anyway, I should’ve checked out the place first.”

  Janelle brings in our dinner plates and admires Griffin as she sets his food down in front of him.

  “Mr. Scott, could I get you anything else?” she asks in a flirty tone.

  “No, thank you.”

  I give her a look of warning and wait quietly until she’s out of the room. Picking up my fork, I stare at my plate.

  “I know I should’ve let you escort me in, but it was not something I was comfortable with. If I return there, you’re going to have to wait outside like before; however, I do promise in the future to inform you of any unusual situations so we can discuss them beforehand.”

  “I accept that as long as this behavior isn’t a trend. I need the ability to do my job.”

  “Understood.” I smile, hoping he will, too, but he doesn’t.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to hire two extra men to patrol the property at night. Kellen showed me some of the letters and packages from your stalker.

  “This man is sick, and I don’t want to take any chances of him sneaking onto the premises. If I’m going to be out with you during the day, then I have to sleep at night, so I can’t be the watchman.”

  “I’m fine with that.”
r />   Griffin takes a bite of his chicken, and after he swallows, he says, “I appreciate dinner, but it wasn’t necessary.”

  “I figured we should get to know each other better since we’ll be spending so much time together. Are you OK with the guest quarters? If it’s missing anything, let me know, and I’ll have Holly get it for you.”

  “The apartment is great. If I may ask, do you always stay in this much?”

  “No, it’s only because I’m between films. Well, that’s partially true. I guess I am a homebody by nature. Is that a problem?”

  “No, I was only curious.”

  I glance at my plate and grimace as I stare at the dish of penne pasta and chicken.

  “Is there something wrong with your food?” he asks.

  “I’ve been eating too many carbs lately. I believe Janelle is trying to fatten me up.”

  And I believe that now more than ever after watching her check out my sexy bodyguard.

  “That would take a lot of carbs. You shouldn’t worry about your weight.”

  “I think you’re bossy. Has a woman ever told you that?”

  His fork stops mid-air, and his jaw shifts.

  “Some women like that quality in a man.”

  “I suppose, but I’m not one of them.” His intense stare stirs the butterflies in my stomach, so I take a drink of my wine and think about how to change the subject. “So, what are your hobbies?”

  “I like to ride.” He takes a bite of his pasta.

  “Your motorcycle… I’ve never ridden on one before. Is it exciting?”

  “Yes, it’s an adrenaline rush. I could give you a ride sometime.”

  Shaking my head, I let out a clipped laugh.

  “I’d probably cause us to wreck. I’m clumsy.”

  Setting down his fork, Griffin leans in toward the table. His eyes are fixed on mine as his tongue barely slips out to wet his bottom lip.

  “I’d be in control. All you’d have to do is hold on and enjoy the ride.”

  Averting my gaze to my wine goblet, I take a long swallow before I meet Griffin’s eyes again.

  “It sounds thrilling.”

  “It’s that and more if you don’t let fear own you.”

  Why do I get the feeling he’s not talking about a motorcycle ride?

  “Well, maybe sometime I’ll take you up on that offer.”

  He gazes at me for a few more seconds before his forehead wrinkles and he looks down at his plate.

  I can’t figure him out, and I want to more than anything. I need out of this house soon to get my mind on something other than my hot bodyguard.



  Why did I offer to give her a ride on my bike? I’ve never done that with a client. I’ve also never fantasized about sticking my cock in my employer’s mouth before, yet here I am, wishing Ava could suck me dry. I’m crossing lines I shouldn’t, yet the pull to do so is overwhelmingly strong.

  I’m picking up on her curious and adventurous nature. She’s looking for excitement. It explains her trip to the club and her probing questions this evening. I need to get the focus off me.

  “What are your hobbies?”

  “Reading … traveling. I don’t do much else besides work.”

  “What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t?” I ask, wishing she’d open a door I know should remain shut. Hell, it needs a padlock with its key at the bottom of the ocean.

  Pushing her plate out of the way, she leans over on her arms, getting within a foot of me. The swell of her tits is right beneath me, and fuck, do I want to look, touch and taste, but I keep my eyes on her emerald irises instead.

  “Things that are exciting. That’s what I want to do, but I wish to do them without an audience. Do you have any suggestions other than a ride from you?”

  Feeling my throat constrict and the crotch of my pants tighten, I swallow.

  “I’m sensing you want to play with fire as much as I do.” Tossing my napkin on the table, I stand, and my stiff cock is now aligned with her face. “The problem is, we’d both get burned. Thank you for dinner, Ava. Have a good rest of your night.”


  “Hello,” my sister, Angel, says through the phone.

  “Sis, you answered,” I reply, surprised since she avoids me as much as possible.

  “Yep. I was going to call you soon, anyway. I have some news.” Having been in Los Angeles for so long, her Brooklyn accent stands out to me more than ever.

  “What’s that?”

  “Victor and I are finally getting married, and I want you to be in the bridal party.”

  I cover my chest with my hand. “Really? Congratulations, and I’m touched that you want me in your wedding.”

  “Well, Jill is going to be my maid of honor, but you can stand up with me, too.”

  I roll my eyes. Of course. I bet Daddy forced her to include me.

  “I’m still excited, sis, and happy for you and Victor.”

  “I was about to smother the asshole in his sleep for leaving me engaged this long.” It’s known but unspoken that Victor is only marrying her to officially be in the Leoni family. My father has no sons, and he trusts Victor and Mickey more than his own nephews.

  “If you smother him, you could become the first female boss. I like it.”

  I’m shocked when she giggles. “Angel Leoni, the mafia queen,” she says in a rough Italian accent.

  “When’s the big day?”

  “In a month, July 22nd. I hate to marry on the same day as the Fattores’ yearly family reunion, but we figure it’s the safest, most strategic move since Daddy and Mickey will be coming back to town. The Fattore family will be busy partying it up, all of them too distracted to bother our family.”

  “Why is returning to New York a threat to our father and Mickey?”

  “It’s just a wise precaution, Ava. We’re not the only mob family in town. You should know how this works. Then again, maybe you’ve forgotten, seeing how you’re living it up in LA with all that money and fame.”

  “I grew up the same as you and could never forget where I came from. I’ll bring extra security. We’ll use my jet and fly in at night. Whatever help you need, just let me know.”

  I hear Victor’s loud voice in the background.

  “Can you not see I’m on the phone?” she yells to him with her grating voice. He shouts something about being hungry back to her.

  “Where’s my pillow?” she asks me. “Angel Leoni, the mafia queen, is sounding better by the second. I have to run. I’ll be in touch soon.”

  I begin to speak, but she ends the call. Figures. I sigh, knowing it was foolish to even think we could have a heart-to-heart talk.

  Needing to tell someone about Griffin, I give Sydney a call.

  “Hello,” she says on the fourth ring.

  “Hi, girl. I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “No, I’m soaking in the hot tub after spending the evening with my flavor of the day.”

  “You know it should be at least the flavor of the month, right?”

  “And you know I bore easily.”

  “My evening was interesting, too, but I imagine not as exciting as yours.”

  “What happened?”

  “It’s about Griffin. We had a moment.”

  “Oh, my word. Tell me all the details.”

  I proceed to explain the spat we had when I was at Dungeon Six, and then I divulge what transpired at dinner this evening.

  “Wow. It appears he’s interested in you.”

  “I got that vibe, but as much as I’d like to have a fling with my much younger bodyguard, I can’t. I need him for his skills.”

  “Damn straight, and I bet he has mad skills.”

  “Sydney, you know what I mean. His skills at protecting me.”

  “Oh, bodyguards are a dime a dozen. Have some fun.”

  “Can you ever take things seriously?”

  “Not where attractive men are concerned, and h
e is one fine-looking man.”

  “That he is…”

  “You’re fantasizing about him right now. Go to him. Let him do more to your body than guard it.”

  “You’re a mess, and how many of your bodyguards have you slept with?”

  “I hire young meatheads. They do nothing for me.”


  “OK, OK. I’ve given in a time or two.”

  “That’s what I figured, but I can’t do that. I got carried away tonight, talking to Griffin about finding excitement, but nothing can come of it. I need his protection more than I need his cock.”

  “You say that now, but I bet you’ll change your mind once he shows you his cock.”

  “Have I said you’re a mess yet? I’m gonna go. I need sleep.”

  “I do, too. My flavor wore me out.”

  “I hope your flavor doesn’t talk to the tabloids.”

  “He knows I’ll cut him off if he does, and his junk, too.”

  I laugh. “Bye, sweet pea.”

  After hanging up with her, I stand in front of my bedroom mirror and untie the halter straps of my maxi dress. As I let the fabric slide down my body, I imagine Griffin’s hands brushing over my skin at the same time.

  I eye my breasts and think about him massaging them … or sealing his wet mouth over them. My nipples bead from the thought.

  Sighing over my unfulfilled needs, I put on a white chemise from my closet and get in bed. I click off the light on my nightstand, and it’s as if I’m not alone in the black space as my heart thumps loudly from the thought of Griffin’s seductive words.

  I’m sensing you want to play with fire as much as I do.

  If he only knew the amount of truth in his statement.

  Pulling my panties down my legs, I kick them off under the covers and don’t hesitate to touch myself. My other fingers draw circles along the raised bumps around my nipple through the thin fabric of my nighty.

  The pleasure I’m creating grows, and my pussy throbs as I play with it, the need for a release mounting.


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