Book Read Free


Page 9

by Ruby Rowe

  “The jet will be full this trip.”

  “I guess that’s more guests for the circus,” I chime. My mother rubs her forehead.

  “OK, I’ll go tomorrow, but right now, I need a nap.” She looks at my father. “Teddy, will you help me up?”

  “Of course, dear.” Standing to get out of their way, I kiss Mom’s cheek.

  “We’ll see ourselves out, and I’ll pick you up at 10:00 a.m.” Passing by my father, I clutch his shoulder and kiss his cheek, too.

  “Take good care of my daughter, Mr. Scott,” he says over his shoulder as he helps my mother up to her walker. I take one last look at her bony frame and hurry from the room.

  Tears flood my eyes, so I move faster to get ahead of my weaknesses. The sadness I feel over my mother is one, and Griffin has become the other, but neither one is going to leave me alone.

  The doorbell rings. “I’ve got it,” I yell out to my parents. I look through the peephole. Mickey… For once I’m glad to see him.

  “Ava, hi,” he says before he looks behind me and glowers at Griffin. “You’re the guard who didn’t do his fucking job.” He tries to shove past me, but I press on his chest.

  “Stop, it wasn’t his fault.”

  He points his finger. “That blood never should’ve touched her. What if something worse had happened?”

  “It didn’t,” Griffin snaps.

  I grab Mick’s face, and he finally looks down at me.

  “He’s not the enemy here, so stop it. Griffin, meet my impulsive ex Mickey DeLuca. Mickey, this is my new bodyguard, Griffin Scott.”

  “Are you OK from last night?” Mick asks, ignoring my introductions.

  “Like I told you when you called last night, and again this morning, I’m fine.” I lower my head, but he lifts my chin.

  “Something’s wrong.”

  As my tears start to spill, I bite my lip and try to swallow down my sadness.

  “It’s Mom. She’s bad today.” He pulls me into his arms, and although I know it’s sincere, I’m not naïve that he’s putting Griffin in his place.

  Since Mickey’s been in my life for so long, and remembers how vibrant my mother used to be, I hug him back to cling to the memories. “Every week, she’s worse.”

  “I don’t believe that. Ellen’s tough. Always has been.”

  “Not anymore, but I need to stay strong regardless.” Pulling away, I stand up straighter.

  “Sweetheart, this affects you, too. It’s all right to be upset.”

  “Unlike her, I can stand on my feet without help. I need to suck it up and remain positive for the both of us since she’s close to giving up.”

  “Mr. Scott, give us a minute alone.” Mick stares over my head, and I’m sure Griffin is staring back. He steps past us and turns so he can see my face.

  I nod, and it’s evident from his deep inhale and pursed lips that he’s not happy about it, but he walks away, and I watch as he approaches Kellen, who’s hanging out by the car.

  “Frank’s replacement should be fired after last night.”

  “He did what he was supposed to do and got me out of there.”

  “I don’t want to argue. I guess if you’re happy with him, I’ll leave it alone.”

  I scowl. “My bodyguards are none of your business, so don’t act like one of Daddy’s goons. Do you understand?”

  “As long as he keeps you safe.”

  “Like always, thanks for keeping it real and reminding me how exhausting you can be.” I step around him, but he grabs my arm, and I watch Griffin spring into action. “Let me go.”

  “I only worry, Ava.” Mick releases me, and I imagine it’s because my bodyguard is plowing toward us with a furious gaze.

  “Teddy’s putting Mom to bed, so give him a minute.” I take a step in Griffin’s direction so he’ll slow down. He stops at my side, but not without giving Mickey a deadly look.

  “Let’s go,” I say. He continues his stare down. “Now, Griffin.” I swear I’m beginning to feel like the bodyguard who protects the men in my life.

  Slipping an arm around my back, he leads me to the car, and as he begins to open the back door, something inside me snaps. “Stop hovering. I’m capable of opening the door.”

  “I’m standing here until I see that you’re safe in this car.” He steps back, so I get inside and slam the door. Once he’s sitting next to me, I shut the partition.

  “There’s a difference between being protective and being territorial. I think you need to learn the difference,” I chide.

  “No, the other men in your life need to stop acting territorial so I can do my damn job, and you need to stop taking your anger out on the wrong person.”

  “They weren’t like this with Frank. It’s why I think you’re the problem.”

  “I’m sorry your mother’s sick, and if lashing out at me helps you cope with her declining health, then keep it up. I’ve taken far worse from a client.”

  Crossing my arms, I shift to face him.

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “What, for being nice?”

  “For making me want you.”

  His forehead creases before he crashes his lips to mine. He pushes his tongue inside, and on the first stroke, I’m putty, whimpering with need.

  His mouth is pressed so hard against mine, like he can’t get close enough, and my stomach clenches from how intense every touch is from him.

  Jerking away, he sucks in a breath and runs a hand over his short raven hair. “Once again, you didn’t listen to a goddamn word I said about being a distraction and interfering with my job.”

  “Then why don’t you punish me, Griffin?” I ask sarcastically. I witness a look of surprise in his eyes before a fervent expression of anger and desire washes over his face. He unbuckles his seatbelt and then mine.

  “Pull down your pants.”


  “You heard me. Unbutton. Unzip. And pull down your fucking pants, panties included.” An exhilarating feeling pummels me. My stomach flip-flops and heart beats like a drum solo. “You’re holding your breath, Ava. Breathe, and do as I command.”

  Undoing my slacks, I shimmy them down my legs, along with my ivory lace thong. Leaning over, Griffin shoves them down farther and opens my thighs wide.

  I close my eyes, feeling vulnerable and nervous and imagining that someone will see or hear us. The partition is shut, and windows tinted, but it doesn’t stop the paranoia.

  All concern is forgotten the second I feel his thumb press firmly against my clit. Inhaling sharply, I curl my fingers into my hands, scraping my nails along the inside of my palms.

  Keeping the same pressure, Griffin moves his thumb languidly in a circular motion. The bundle of nerves beneath his touch tightens and tingles, relaying to the rest of my body all that’s right with the sensations he’s delivering.


  “Is this what you want?”


  “I know you’re not wearing a bra under that tank top, so lift it up for me. Show me your tits.” Gasping for breath, I lift my black tank and feel the cool air in the car hit my breasts. While his thumb rubs me, he leans over and bites down on my nipple.

  The sting is intense, but when he growls from my moan, I only want him to do it again. Anything to get that reaction out of him. He bites my nipple harder, and this time, he hangs on to it as he pulls back and drags it through his teeth.

  “Yes,” I murmur.

  He pushes his fingers inside me.

  “Christ, your pussy’s drenched, which means you like the pain. Fuck, you like me hurting you.”

  My mind is foggy, and the lightheadedness combined with his erotic words and fingers deep in my pussy are a high like nothing I’ve experienced.

  “Beg for it.”

  “Please, make me come.” Gripping the back of my hair, Griffin yanks on it, and the sting causes me to yelp. He growls once more, and with his fingers moving in and out of me, he rubs my clit forcefull
y until I can’t hold on any longer and come on his hand. He doesn’t let up as I squirm against him.

  Easing the grip on my hair, he pulls his fingers out of me and straightens my top. He helps me pull up my pants, and how he has no problem staring into my eyes makes me uncomfortable.

  “You were supposed to be easy to work for.”

  “You said you were a thrill-seeker.”

  “In my personal life.”

  I sigh. “I’m sorry. I get caught up in the attraction between us, but I know if we continue doing this, it will lead to problems. After Romeo’s stunt last night, I can’t make light of the danger I’m in. He’s not going to stop unless he’s caught.”

  Sliding a hand to the nape of my neck, Griffin presses his lips to my forehead. It feels like a goodbye and adds to the sadness consuming me today.

  “No, he’s not going to stop, so as much as I’m dying to sink my cock inside you again, I need to focus and catch the lunatic.”



  I knock on the door at my uncle Dominic’s home. I’ve been dreading this visit. I detest the bullshit I’ll have to hear: the unspoken rules, unreasonable requests, and one-sided loyalty. How convenient that he can change the rules whenever he feels like it, and you better be ready to die if you break them.

  Instead of his maid, one of his guys opens the door.

  “I’m here to see Mr. Golino. I’m Griffin.” Giving a sharp nod, like he’s some tough guy, he steps aside for me to enter. He leans his head out the door and glances around before he shuts it.

  “I’m Ronnie. Mr. Golino said I have to pat you down.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Dom doesn’t kid about shit like that.”

  Already disgusted, I blow out a breath and set my helmet on the table in the foyer. I strip off my riding jacket, too, and hold my arms out for this douchebag to frisk me.

  He’s shorter than me, not as muscular, either, and I can’t help but wonder if I’d suffer consequences for dragging him to my uncle’s office by his scruff.

  If I was active in the family, I could get away with it, but since I gave up that right, I’ll play by the rules and tolerate this pat down bullshit.

  “Watch it,” I say when his hand gets a little too close to my junk.

  “Do you want my fist in your face?” he asks. I grab his throat and bring him close to me.

  “Listen good, Asswipe. Gabriel Golino was my father, and Dominic is my uncle. If you don’t want to leave here in a garbage bag, with your dick down your throat, I advise you to treat his nephew with more respect. I may not be his favorite person, but I’m still family. Do you think he’s going to want to see me walk in with a bloody face?”

  Ronnie’s eyes widen as he shakes his head.

  “No, sir. I had no idea.”

  “Hey, hey, now. What’s this?” Daniel asks as he strolls into the foyer. I release Asswipe, and he coughs.

  “Ronnie and I were just getting to know each other.”

  “I saw that, but Pop’s waiting, and we know how cranky he gets when he waits.” Leaving my jacket and helmet behind, I follow my cousin down the hallway and into Dominic’s office.

  For his protection, there are no windows except for a skylight. There’s a guarded outside entrance, as well, and Dom’s not aware that I know, but my father told me there’s a secret door in the floor of this office that leads to a basement and panic room.

  My uncle has his back to me at his desk, and for dramatic effect, he’s staring at a large portrait of him, my father and my grandfather that was taken at the Santa Monica Pier back in the seventies. The bastard’s trying to guilt me before a word is spoken.

  “Uncle,” I say. Slowly swiveling his chair around, he smiles.

  “Nephew, it’s been a while.” I walk around his desk, and he stands to examine me and pat my cheek. “You look good. Have a seat.” I walk back and sit down in front of his desk. “Daniel, please make us drinks.”

  “I can’t stay long.”

  “You’ll stay long enough for a drink.”

  I cross my leg and rest my ankle on my knee.

  “Security is tight around here. I wasn’t expecting it.”

  “And I wasn’t expecting to find you fraternizing with the enemy. Suddenly, the added security seemed necessary.”

  Daniel hands me a glass, and I take a sip of the smooth bourbon, needing it for this interrogation. “Actually, you were more than fraternizing,” my uncle adds. “You were saving the enemy. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “Let’s stop dancing around the reason you brought me here. My client has a name. She’s Ava Lane and not your enemy.”

  “Maybe the actress Ms. Lane is not, but Ava Leoni, the daughter of boss Teddy Titus Leoni, is another story.”

  “I’m sure Daniel told you I’m only guarding her, and you know I take my job seriously.”

  “Does she know who you are?”

  “No, and I see no reason to tell her. I’m not working for our family, and Titus isn’t working, either, so it seems irrelevant.”

  “I disagree. Teddy’s consigliere, Mickey DeLuca, is active in some of our gaming deals. He’s showing his face on our turf too often, and it’s not sitting well with me. He’s up to something. Maybe working for the Feds?”

  “He’s a producer with a gambling problem. Period.”

  He eyes me speculatively. “How do you know this?”

  “Look, you agreed to let me part ways with the business if my father agreed that you’d be his successor. That happened when he died, so I’m asking you to look the other way on this. She’s harmless.”

  “Look the other way.” My uncle exhales a deep belly laugh. “Did you hear that, Daniel? Your cousin wants me to look the other way.”

  “Yeah, I heard, but if I can say, Pop, Griffin wants no part of the business, and he’s never given you a reason not to trust him.”

  Eyeing me deadpan, Dominic says, “No.” His deep pools of darkness emphasis that I’m not to challenge him. Shit, this is bad. I need to think fast.

  “What if I do something for you in return?”

  Displaying a sardonic smile, he picks up his glass from his pristine cherry desk.

  “I can’t wait to hear this. Tell me, Nephew, what you would like to do for me.”

  “I saw Mickey DeLuca earlier this week while Ms. Lane was visiting her parents. She was in a relationship with him for years, and they’re still in touch. What if I use this opportunity to spy on him? I can casually question Ms. Lane, as well, about his involvements.”

  “Interesting. That’s very business-like, don’t you think? So, I’m curious as to why you’re bending now, seeing how your father went to his grave thinking you were ashamed of his line of work.”

  There’s the low blow I’ve been waiting for.

  “My principals are the means to my legal livelihood. I need them, so I’m willing to do this to prove there’s nothing sketchy going on.”

  “You could find another client who pays well. Hell, your famous mother should have plenty of money to give you. Why is guarding Ms. Leoni so important?”

  Tapping my foot, I tilt my head to each side and pop my neck, hoping he won’t pick up on my interest in Ava. I’m trying like hell to keep my cool, but I’m close to losing it over his arrogance and paranoia. Standing, I set my drink on his desk.

  “Uncle Dominic, let me prove my loyalty.”

  After draining his glass, he wipes his lips with the pad of his thumb.

  “I’ll agree to a trial run. Give Daniel a report on Mr. DeLuca in a week. If it’s valuable information, I’ll let you continue this charade.”

  He wags his finger at me. “Every time you’re on the news, or in the paper, you’re risking someone discovering your identity, including the glamorous Ava Lane. Have you ever thought of that?”

  “It didn’t matter until now.”

  “When your client discovers you’ve been lying to her, I imagine it w
ill matter. Seeing how she’s a Leoni, I bet she could put a vise grip on your balls, as well, unless she’s squeezing them already.”

  My jaw tightens, and I make a fist. Time to get the hell out of here before I fuck something up. “I’ll let myself out.”

  “I better not see unwanted attention on this family, Griffin.”

  “Noted, Uncle,” I say through gritted teeth. Have a good day.” I tear from the room and feel Daniel following behind.


  “Don’t. I shouldn’t have to answer to anyone in this family, and I’m only tolerating the bullshit because Gabriel expected me to show Dominic respect.”

  I turn around to face him. “Since I’m still expected to behave like the son of a Golino boss, that cocksucker who answered the door better never give me shit again. Next time, I’ll rip his throat out.”

  “Damn, Griff, OK.” He’s stunned by my anger, but he hasn’t seen the worst of it. I’ve never crossed that threshold, but I know I could go there if pushed hard enough, and reminders of where I came from shove me that direction the fastest.

  “We’ll talk next week.”


  After Drake leaves, I dive into my pool for a swim. We had been working on the screenplay, and I purposely invited him over on Griffin’s day off. I wasn’t in the mood to watch my bodyguard give mixed signals again, which I believe would’ve happened had he saw me with my male costar.

  The negative feelings the screenplay stirred up over Romeo left me sadder and more agitated than I’ve been all week, so I thought a swim would take my mind off both my stalker and Griffin. What is he doing on his day off? Is he visiting his uncle who called and seemed adamant to see him right away?

  Finishing my laps, I climb the ladder and lean over to grab a towel off a chair. I hear a whistle, so I whip around and find Mickey grinning as he stands on the opposite side of the pool.

  “I need to inform Janelle that you’re no longer welcome to wander around my property,” I yell before smiling. As I walk toward him, and alongside the glistening water, I wrap the towel around me and run my fingers through my hair.


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