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Vanished Beneath: DS Lasser six (The Lasser series Book 6)

Page 24

by Robin Roughley

  'You did the right thing Med.'

  'You think?'

  Suzanne shrugged. 'What choice did you have? Emma told you what would happen if you tried to contact the police, the important thing is that you had the sense to ring Lasser as soon as you saw what was happening.'

  Medea took a huge shuddering breath and nodded. 'I still can't come to terms with how quickly things happened. I saw Lasser go over the wall and then Alan was running from the car. When I realised what was happening I just froze.'

  'I'd have been the same.'

  'When I got through the trees Lasser was standing on the boot of the car,' she shook her head. 'I could hear Emma screaming.'

  'She seems nice,' Suzanne said in an effort to break the morbid spell.

  Medea looked up and smiled. 'She is.'

  'Right coffee two sugars?'

  'Thanks Suzi.'

  Suzanne patted her hand and then went to make the brews.


  The Mellor brothers sat in the hard plastic chairs, identical looks of confusion on their slab like faces.

  Norvil scratched as his bristled chin. 'Never heard of her,' he said with a shrug before turning to his brother. 'What about you Boz?'

  Boris Mellor twitched his head. 'Nope.'

  Bannister sighed and folded his arms; Lasser took a sip from the plastic cup filled with hot chocolate.

  'So do you have any idea why she was dumped outside the gates to your yard?' Lasser asked.

  'I can only think it's because it's dark and no bugger ever goes down there.' Norvil answered easily.

  'So it's coincidence, that's what you're saying?'

  'I'm saying I don't have a clue,' Norvil smirked.

  Bannister leaned forward in his seat. 'OK listen you two, we know you deal drugs. You might think you've been clever but I'm onto you now and I can promise you from now on the honeymoon period is over.'

  'So you're saying we're married?' Norvil asked in mock shock. 'I don't remember getting married to this bloke, what about you Boz?'

  'Well I know you've been with some dogs in your time Norv, but I didn't have you down as a bum boy.'

  Norvil grinned. 'Unless I was pissed and we went through some dodgy ceremony.'

  'Enough!' Bannister bellowed and jabbed out a finger. 'You make quite the double act don't you; maybe they might even give you a double cell in Strangeways when I bang you up!'

  Lasser saw a flicker of anger in Boris' eyes.

  Norvil remained impassive. 'Look we have a business to run and we've already told you we have no idea who this person is that you found at the gates. Now you come out with this fantasy that we're high flying drug dealers,' he hooked a thumb at his brother. 'I mean, if that were the case do you think he'd walk around dressed like that?'

  Boris glanced at his brother and frowned.

  Lasser almost smiled. 'You see the thing is Norvil, we're not saying you are high flyers, we know you're both small time toss pots, but people like you are all the same, you'd give anything to shimmy your way up the shit pole and with Connor Green off the streets you've been trying to fill his patent leather brogues.'

  Boris flicked a glance at his brother, he could see the anger burning deep in his eyes, and then Norvil blinked as if taking a mental Polaroid of Lasser's face.

  'We run a scrap yard end of story,' he said through gritted teeth.

  Lasser sat back in the chair as if bored. 'Did you know Donald Elliot had been murdered?'

  For a fraction of a second Norvil's eyes narrowed, beneath the desk Boris shuffled his feet.

  'Donald who?'

  Lasser smiled. 'You knew him didn't you?'

  'No comment.'

  'He was one of your little runners wasn't he Norv?'

  'I said no comment.'

  'I bet you're glad someone put him out of his misery before he could tell us all about you?'

  'I don't know what you're talking about?'

  Lasser raised an eyebrow. 'You see we know Elliot was dealing, but you're right, he wasn't getting his gear off you, but he used to didn’t he Boz?' Lasser turned his head and glared at Boris.

  Boris looked like a rabbit trapped in the headlights glare. 'Never heard of him,' he mumbled.

  'It must be a worry for you knowing that someone is out there trying to muscle in on your patch?'

  'What patch is that then?' Norvil asked as if he were genuinely interested.

  Suddenly Bannister stood up. 'Right, I think we're done here for the time being.'

  Norv and Boris exchanged looks of surprise.

  'Go on gentlemen off you go.' The DCI flapped a hand towards the door.

  'So that's it? Boris asked in confusion.

  Sliding his jacket from the back of the chair, Bannister shrugged. 'Look we know you're lying through your teeth, you deal drugs and you knew Elliot. Now I can't say for sure that you knew Sharon Cliff, but it looks to me as if you've rubbed someone up the wrong way boys.'

  'What's that supposed to mean?' Norvil asked.

  Bannister placed his hands on the desk. 'You know, Connor Green thought he was the big man, he ran everything around here, but then again you know that already, I would imagine you were a small cog in one of his big wheels.'

  'What's Green got to do with anything?' Boris asked.

  'We worked on that case didn't we Lasser?'

  Lasser nodded. 'Yeah.'

  'But you see the thing is we couldn't pin anything on Green.'

  'Yeah well Connor was always too smart for thick cunts like you!' Boris snarled and then Norvil placed a hand on his arm and Boris snapped his mouth closed.

  Bannister grinned. 'Spot on Boris, but you see in the end we didn't need to bother, because someone took care of him for us.'

  Norvil tugged at his ear lobe. 'I get the feeling you're trying to tell us something.'

  'It took one man to bring down the Green Empire, and do you know something we never caught the man responsible.'

  Lasser had a sudden image of the blond haired man who went by the name of Plymouth, he'd waged a one man war against Green, one in which Connor's brother had been killed along with others who had got in Plymouths way. Trouble was Lasser owed him his life, if Plymouth hadn't intervened then Lasser would have died in a filthy lock up on the other side of town.

  'Now just think on that gentlemen, someone has it in for you, someone with an axe to grind and a syringe filled with something that will turn your brains to mush. In your case Boris that probably won't make any difference.'


  'If I were you, I'd keep looking over my shoulders because we won't always be here to protect you.' Bannister said with a broad smile.

  Norvil Mellor pushed slowly to his feet. 'Come on Boris you heard the man we're free to go and I don't know about you but the stink in here is turning my stomach.'

  Boris grunted and followed his brother across the room.

  'Don't forget we'll be keeping an eye on you,' Bannister said.

  The Mellor brothers left without looking back.

  Bannister shrugged into his jacket. 'Right, well let's hope we've put the cat amongst the pigeons.'

  'You want to keep an eye on them?'

  'Get Black and Wright to tail them, tell them to make sure they know they're being watched.'

  Draining the cup Lasser slapped his lips. 'Will do.'

  Bannister checked his watch. 'Right Lasser we might as well call it a day, tomorrow you can get over to the Vic and question the locals about Sharon Cliff.'

  Dropping the plastic cup into the flip top bin, he followed Bannister across the small room, clicking off the light as he closed the door.


  Lasser popped the last of the chips into his mouth before slumping back on the sofa with a sigh of contentment. Medea by his side, her long legs curled beneath her, watching him closely as he pulled the tab back on the can of beer.

  'Full?' she asked.

  Lasser turned and grinned. 'You can't beat beer and chips.'

Cave man,' she smiled and then tilted her head resting it against her arm that trailed along the back of the sofa. 'How do you feel Lasser?'

  Taking a sip from the can, he shrugged. 'Glad to be home with you that's for sure.'

  'Doesn't it bother you what happened last night?'

  'Bother me?'

  Medea sighed and shook her head. 'Obviously not.'

  Placing the drink on the coffee table, he turned towards her. 'Look Med I know it was a bit hairy...'

  'A bit hairy?' she suddenly sat up her face registering disbelief. 'You could have died out there, don't you even realise that?'

  'I said I was a good swimmer...'

  'I'm being serious Lasser, what you did was crazy.'

  He frowned in confusion. 'So you'd sooner I'd just stood and watched?'

  All day Medea had been fighting with the inner turmoil that broiled inside, every time she closed her eyes she could see the car sinking into the dark depths, though her brain had filled in the gaps showing an image of Lasser trapped in the gap of the narrow rear window. Once as she'd fallen asleep she woke with a scream on her lips, as the nightmare played out in her shattered brain.

  'I just don't want you doing anything like that again,' she said in a low voice laced with distress.

  'Well it's hardly a daily occurrence Med. I mean, Emma's safe and they're still working on getting Forbes out of the water, so...'

  'But I know you - even if it hadn't been Emma in the car you would have still dived in there and tried to save them.'

  'Not necessarily.'

  Leaning forward she grasped his hand tightly and Lasser saw the panic flare in her eyes.

  'If you'd died then it would have been my fault, don't you see that?'

  'Don't be daft, I...'

  'You went in there because you made me a promise, you said so yourself.'

  Lasser ran a hand across his short hair. 'Christ Med, I can't remember what I said.'

  'And the man who jumped off the building.'

  Lasser placed a hand over hers. 'What about him?'

  'Well Alan said you ran forwards as he fell, I mean what were you trying to do, catch him?'

  Lasser could feel the heat of emotion flare on his cheeks, 'Of course not.'

  'I wonder sometimes if you have a death wish.'

  Lasser felt the first flicker of annoyance. 'I tried to talk him down but he wasn't interested and when he jumped I didn't think I...'

  'Just ran forward?'

  'Yes, but come on there was no way I could have reached him before he hit the bloody ground.'

  Medea looked into his eyes. 'But why does it always have to be you?'

  'What do you mean?'

  'A couple of months ago you and Bannister entered a house knowing there was a mad man inside, yet you still went in.'

  Lasser looked at her in surprise. 'How do you know about that?'

  'Suzanne told me and yesterday you threw yourself into that freezing water, I mean, God alone knows what else you get up to.'

  Lasser dished out a tired smile. 'Most of the time I sit on my arse typing out reports, the rest is spent drinking crap coffee from the machine, and occasionally I run around a bit and usually I fall over.'

  'Don't try and joke about it I'm being serious.'

  Reaching for the can, he took a long gulp before turning back to her. 'You need to learn to relax Med I know last night was bad, but like I said that's the exception not the rule.'

  'You say that but I don't believe you.' She looked at him closely and Lasser held her gaze for as long as he could before turning away.

  'Why do I get the impression that this is suddenly serious?' he mumbled.

  Tilting his head he looked up, suddenly he became aware of a tiny fissure in his brain, much like the small crack than ran across the ceiling plaster you knew it had been there for an age yet you chose to ignore it.


  Suddenly he couldn't move, couldn't turn to face her, the way she said his name, the weight it carried, the promise that she was going to drop a grenade into his soul filled his panicked brain. Bannister's words flashed a warning. 'One of these days she's going to see right through you Lasser.'

  He'd said it often enough, as a joke, though both men had known the truth behind the throwaway line.

  'Are you listening to me?'

  He suddenly realised that she'd been talking and he'd switched off, desperate to block out the inevitable pain.

  When he turned his head to face her he felt like a doomed man.

  'What did you say?' he mumbled on lips that felt cold with fear.

  She gave him a strange quizzical look 'I said I want to go to bed?'

  He blinked as if he had heard her wrong.


  She stood up and held out her hand. 'Are you coming?'

  She led him up the stairs like a bewildered child.

  An hour later they lay spooned together, his arms wrapped tight around her, one hand cradling her breast, his face buried in her glorious hair.

  'So how was Emma when you left the hospital?' he whispered.

  Medea wriggled back slightly and Lasser stifled a groan as her body pressed tight to his.

  'She seemed easier,' she said sleepily.

  'Does she know about her father's condition?'

  Medea snaked around until she was facing him. 'She said she wants to stay here for a few days while she gets her head sorted.'

  Lasser blinked in the darkness. 'Oh right.'

  'Would you mind?' he could feel her warm sweet breath on his face.

  'No of course not.'

  'I think she's just confused with everything that's happened and then she finds out her father's dying and...' her voice drifted to a halt.

  'I can understand that, it can't have been easy for her.'

  He felt her fingertips tracing along the line of his jaw and kissed her fingers.

  'Tell her she can stay as long as she likes.'

  'Thanks Lasser.'

  ‘Hey it's no...'

  She suddenly rolled over on top of him, her lips finding his in the darkness everything was swept away on a wave of want.


  'Did you see them; I mean, did you fucking see them?' Boris stood in the portable office his face cracked with rage.

  'Calm down Boz,' Norvil said as he lounged in the mustard coloured swivel chair.

  Boris jabbed a finger at the grimy window. 'Parked outside the fucking gates as bold as brass.'

  'Forget em.'

  'But what about finding the gear, I mean, we can't go looking for it now, not with the vultures hanging around?'

  Norvil sparked up a cigarette. 'I've just been on the phone to Dave Pitt, he's going to go and knock on a few doors and report back to us.'

  Boris nodded slowly, 'Yeah, yeah good idea Norv.'

  'I've told him to get his skates on so let's see what he comes up with.'

  Boris smiled. 'Yeah besides, that lot can't stay out there forever.'

  'I'll get in touch with our friend on the force, find out more about this Bannister see if he's full of piss and wind.'

  'They're all full of piss and wind Norv,' Boris quipped.

  Norv jabbed out a finger. 'There you go again Boz this is serious not some fucking joke.'

  Boris looked crestfallen. 'But I was only saying...'

  'Yeah, well don't. I mean, eventually the lads from Liverpool will want their payment. Now we can probably bullshit them for a couple of weeks, but if we don't find that gear then we'll be the ones floating at the bottom of the canal and I don't know about you but I prefer to keep my feet on terra firma.'

  'Terra what?'

  Norvil sighed. 'Why don't you shut your mouth and put the kettle on.'

  Boris stomped his way across the floor and slammed the door on his way out.

  'Idiot,' Norv mumbled before reaching for the phone.


  At the door, Lasser kissed Medea on the lips. 'I'll catch up with you later.'

She prodded a finger at his chest. 'Remember what I said, no more heroics.'

  'I promise and tell Emma I hope she's feeling easier.'

  Medea bleeped her car open and climbed inside. 'Don't worry I will and hopefully they'll let her out today so we should be back home in a couple of hours.'

  Lasser smiled in at her through the side window. 'Do you want me to grab a take away on the way home?'

  'That would be nice; I don't really feel up to shaking the pots and pans.'

  'You concentrate on Emma, leave the food to me.'

  She blew him a kiss as she reversed down the drive, by the time he'd climbed into the car Medea had disappeared around the corner.

  Clicking on the seatbelt, Lasser started the car and headed to the station.

  Twenty minutes later after battling through the early morning traffic Lasser pushed his way through the station doors. When he saw Spenner sitting behind the front desk he stopped in surprise.

  'What are you doing here?' he asked as he walked across the room.

  Spenner grinned up at him, 'Morning sir.'

  'I thought you were taking a few days off?'

  'Well that was the idea, but DCI Bannister rang me last night, apparently Sergeant Meadows has gone off sick with the flu and the boss wanted to know if I'd cover for him.'

  'And you're OK with that?'

  Spenner lifted a mug of tea and took a sip. 'I tell you this is a cushy job, I've been here since six and all I've done is answer two phone calls and made a brew.'

  'You're sorted then?'

  'Too right.'

  'Is Bannister in yet?'

  'He arrived ten minutes ago, but he didn't look happy.'

  'Nothing new there then,' Lasser said as he turned on his heels.

  'He's in with the Super now.'

  Lasser turned and frowned. 'Any idea what Mills wants him for?'

  'Not a clue sir, but a woman arrived at the same time and they went into the Super's office together.'

  'Any idea who she is?'

  Spenner took a sip from the steaming mug. 'Not a clue but she seemed very sharp.'

  Lasser fiddled with the cigarettes in his pocket. 'Sharp?'

  Spenner folded his arms, the end of his nose was peeling and still glowing red but his eyes seemed brighter as if he was over the worst of the cold. 'Dressed sharp, I mean, you know power dressed.'

  'Like a solicitor?'

  'Or a high class hooker,' Spenner whispered.


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