Murder on the Links hp-2
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'Or outside it,' said Giraud, with a peculiar smile.
'But someone must have admitted them. We cannot allow that, by an unparalleled piece of good fortune, they found the door ajar for them to walk in?'
'The door was opened for them; but it could just as easily be opened from outside-by someone who possessed a key.'
'But who would possess a key?'
Giraud shrugged his shoulders. 'As for that, no one who possesses one is going to admit the fact if he can help it. But several people might have had one. Monsieur Jack Renauld, the son, for instance. It is true that he is on his way to South America, but he might have lost the key or had it stolen from him. Then there is the gardener-he has been here many years. One of the younger servants may have a lover. It is easy to take an impression of a key and have one cut. There are many possibilities. Then there is another person who, I should judge, is exceedingly likely to have such a thing.'
'Who is that?'
'Madame Daubreuil,' said the detective.
'Eh, eh!' said the magistrate. 'So you have heard about that, have you?'
'I hear everything,' said Giraud imperturbably.
'There is one thing I could swear you have not heard,' said Hautet, delighted to be able to show superior knowledge, and without more ado he retailed the story of the mysterious visitor the night before. He also touched on the cheque made out to 'Duveen', and finally handed Giraud the letter signed 'Bella'.
'All very interesting. But my theory remains unaffected.'
'And your theory is?'
'For the moment I prefer not to say. Remember, I am only just beginning my investigations.'
'Tell me one thing, Monsieur Giraud' said Poirot suddenly. 'Your theory allows for the door being opened. It does not explain why it wasn't open. When they departed, would it not have been natural for them to close it behind them. If a sergent had chanced to come up to the house as is sometimes done to see that all is well, they might have been discovered and overtaken almost at once.'
'Bah! They forgot it. A mistake, I grant you.'
Then to my surprise Poirot uttered almost the same words a he had uttered to Bex the previous evening: 'I do not agree with you. The door being left open was the result of either design or necessity, and any theory that does not admit that fact is bound to prove vain.'
We all regarded the little man with a good deal of astonishment. The confession of ignorance drawn from him over the match end had, I thought, been bound to humiliate him, but here he was self-satisfied as ever, lying down the how to Giraud without a tremor.
The detective twisted his moustache, eyeing my friend in a somewhat bantering fashion. 'You don't agree with me, eh? Well, what strikes you particularly about the case? Let's hear your views.'
'One thing presents itself to me as being significant. Tell me, Monsieur Giraud, does nothing strike you as familiar about this case? Is there nothing it reminds you of?'
'Familiar? Reminds me of? I can't say off-hand. I don't think so, though.'
'You are wrong,' said Poirot quietly. 'A crime almost precisely similar has been committed before.'
'When? And where?'
'Ah, that, unfortunately,. I cannot for the moment remember, but I shall do so. I had hoped you might be able to assist me.'
Giraud snorted incredulously. 'There have been many affairs of masked men. I cannot remember the details of them all. The crimes all resemble each other more or less.'
'There is such a thing as the individual touch.' Poirot suddenly assumed his lecturing manner, and addressed us collectively. 'I am speaking to you now of the psychology of crime. Monsieur Giraud knows quite well that each criminal has his particular method, and that the police, when called in to investigate, say, a case of burglary, can often make a shrewd guess at the offender, simply by the peculiar methods he has employed. (Japp would tell you the same, Hastings.) Man is an unoriginal animal. Unoriginal within the law in his daily respectable life, equally unoriginal outside the law. If a man commits a crime, any other crime he commits will resemble it closely. The English murderer who disposed of his wives in succession by drowning them in their baths was a case in point. Had he varied his methods, he might have escaped detection to this day. But he obeyed the common dictates of human nature, arguing that what had once succeeded would succeed again, and he paid the penalty of his lack of originality.'
'And the point of all this?' sneered Giraud.
'That, when you have two crimes precisely similar in design and execution, you find the same brain behind them both. I am looking for that brain, Monsieur Giraud, and I shall find it. Here we have a true clue-a psychological clue. You may know all about cigarettes and match ends, Monsieur Giraud, but I, Hercule Poirot, know the mind of man.'
Giraud remained singularly unimpressed.
'For your guidance,' continued Poirot, 'I will also advise you of one fact which might fail to be brought to your notice. The wristwatch of Madame Renauld, on the day following the tragedy, had gained two hours.'
Giraud stared.
'Perhaps it was in the habit of gaining?'
'As a matter of fact, I am told it did.'
'Very well, then.'
'All the same, two hours is a good deal,' said Poirot softly. 'Then there is the matter of the footprints in the flowerbed.'
He nodded his head towards the open window. Giraud took two eager strides, and looked out.
'But I see no footprints?'
'No,' said Poirot, straightening a little pile of books on a table. 'There are none.'
For a moment an almost murderous rage obscured Giraud's face. He took two strides towards his tormentor, but at that moment the salon door was opened, and Marchaud announced:
'Monsieur Stonor, the secretary, has just arrived from England. May he enter?'
Chapter 10. Gabriel Stonor
The man who now entered the room was a striking figure. Very tall, with a well-knit, athletic frame and a deeply bronzed face and neck, he dominated the assembly. Even Giraud seemed anaemic beside him. When I knew him better I realized that Gabriel Stonor was quite an unusual personality.
English by birth, he had knocked about all over the world. He had shot big game in Africa, travelled in Korea, ranched in California, and traded in the South Sea islands.
His unerring eye picked out M. Hautet. 'The examining magistrate in charge of the case? Pleased to meet you, sir. This is a terrible business. How's Mrs. Renauld? Is she bearing up fairly well? It must have been an awful shock to her.'
'Terrible, terrible' said M. Hautet. 'Permit me to introduce Monsieur Bex, our commissary of police, Monsieur Giraud of the Sûreté. This gentleman is Monsieur Hercule Poirot. Mr. Renauld sent for him, but he arrived too late to do anything to avert the tragedy. A friend of Monsieur Poirot's, Captain Hastings.'
Stonor looked at Poirot with some interest. 'Sent for you did he?'
'You did not know, then, that Monsieur Renauld contemplated calling in a detective?' interposed M. Bex.
'No, I didn't. But it doesn't surprise me a bit.'
'Because the old man was rattled. I don't know what it was all about. He didn't confide in me. We weren't on those terms. But rattled he was-and badly.'
'Hm!' said M. Hautet. 'But you have no notion of the cause?'
'That's what I said, sir.'
'You will pardon me, Monsieur Stonor, but we must begin with a few formalities. Your name?'
'Gabriel Stonor.'
'How long ago was it that you became secretary to Monsieur Renauld?'
'About two years ago, when he first arrived from South America. I met him through a mutual friend, and he offered me the post. A thundering good boss he was too.'
'Did he talk to you much about his life in South America?'
'Yes, a good bit.'
'Do you know if he was ever in Santiago?'
'Several times, I believe.'
'He never mentioned any special incident that occurred there-anything that might
have provoked some vendetta against him?'
'Did he speak of any secret he had acquired while sojourning there?'
'Not that I can remember. Bug for all that, there was a mystery about him. I've never heard him speak of his boyhood, for instance, or of any incident prior to his arrival in South America. He was a French-Canadian by birth, I believe, but I've never heard him speak of his life in Canada. He could shut up like a clam if he wished.'
'So, as far as you know, he had secrets, and you can give us no clue as to any secret because of which he might have been murdered?'
'That's so.'
'Monsieur Stonor, have you ever heard the name of Duveen in connexion with Monsieur Renauld?'
'Duveen. Duveen.' He tried the name over thoughtfully. 'I don't think I have. And yet it seems familiar.'
'Do you know a lady, a friend of Monsieur Renauld's whose Christian name is Bella?'
Again Mr. Stonor shook his head. 'Bella Duveen? Is that the full name? It's curious. I'm sure I know it. But for the moment I can't remember in what connexion.'
The magistrate coughed. 'You understand, Monsieur Stonor-the case is like this. There must be no reservations. You might, perhaps, through a feeling of consideration for Madame Renauld-for whom, I gather, you have a great esteem and affection-you might-in fact!' said M. Hautet, getting rather tied up in his sentence 'there must absolutely be no reservations.'
Stonor stared at him, a dawning light of comprehension in his eyes.
'I don't quite get you' he said gently. 'Where does Mrs. Renauld come in? I've an immense respect and affection for that lady; she's a very wonderful and unusual type, but I don't quite see how my reservations or otherwise, could affect her?'
'But if this Bella Duveen should prove to have been something more than a friend to her husband?'
'Ah!' said Stonor. 'I get you now. But I'll bet my bottom dollar that you're wrong. The old man never so much as looked at a petticoat. He just adored his own wife. They were the most devoted couple I know.'
M. Hautet shook his head gently. 'Monsieur Stonor, we hold absolute proof-a love-letter written by this Bella to Monsieur Renauld, accusing him of having tired of her. Moreover, we have further proof that, at the time of his death, he was carrying on an intrigue with a Frenchwoman, a Madame Daubreuil, who rents the adjoining villa.'
The secretary's eyes narrowed. 'Hold on sir. You're barking up the wrong tree. I knew Paul Renauld. What you've just been saying is plumb impossible. There's some other explanation.'
The magistrate shrugged his shoulders. 'What other explanation could there be?'
'What leads you to think it was a love affair?'
'Madame Daubreuil was in the habit of visiting him here in the evenings. Also, since Monsieur Renauld came to the Villa Geneviève, Madame Daubreuil has paid large sums of money into the bank in notes. In all, the amount totals four thousand pounds of your English money.'
'I guess that's right,' said Stonor quietly. 'I transmitted him those sums in notes at his request. But it wasn't a love affair'.
'What else could it be?'
'Blackmail,' said Stonor sharply, bringing down his hand with a slam on the table. 'That's what it was.'
'Ah!' cried the magistrate, shaken in spite of himself.
'Blackmail,' repeated Stonor. 'The old man was being bled-and at a good rate too. Four thousand in a couple of months. I told you just now there was a mystery about Renauld. Evidently this Madame Daubreuil knew enough of it to put the screw on.'
'It is possible,' the commissary cried exaltedly. 'Decidedly it is possible.'
'Possible?' roared Stonor. 'It's certain. Tell me, have you asked Mrs. Renauld about this love-affair stunt of yours?'
'No, monsieur. We did not wish to occasion her any distress if it could reasonably be avoided.'
'Distress? Why, she'd laugh in your face. I tell you, she and Renauld were a couple in a hundred.'
'Ah, that reminds me of another point,' said M. Hautet. 'Did Monsieur Renauld take you into his confidence at all as to the dispositions of his will?'
'I know all about it-took it to the lawyers for him after he'd drawn it out. I can give you the name of his solicitors if you want to see it. They've got it there. Quite simple. Half in trust to his wife for her lifetime, the other half to his son. A few legacies. I rather think he left me a thousand.'
'When was this will drawn up?'
'Oh, about a year and a half ago.'
'World it surprise you very much Monsieur Stonor, to hear that Monsieur Renauld had made another will, less than a fortnight ago?'
Stonor was obviously very much surprised. 'I'd no idea of it. What's it like?'
'The whole of his vast fortune is left unreservedly to his wife. There is no mention of his son.'
Mr. Stonor gave vent to a prolonged whistle. 'I call that rather rough on the lad. His mother adores him of course, but to the world at large it looks rather like a want of confidence on his father's part. It will be rather galling to his pride. Still, it all goes to prove what I told you, that Renauld and his wife were on first-rate terms.'
'Quite so, quite so' said M. Hautet. 'It is possible we shall have to revise our ideas on several points. We have, of course, cabled to Santiago, and are expecting a reply from there any minute. In all probability, everything will then be perfectly clear and straightforward. On the other hand, your suggestion of blackmail is true, Madame Daubreuil ought to be able to give us valuable information.'
Poirot interjected a remark: 'Monsieur Stonor, the English chauffeur, Masters, had he been long with Monsieur Renauld?'
'Over a year.'
'Have you any idea whether he has ever been in South America?'
'I'm quite sure he hasn't. Before coming to M. Renauld he had been for many years with some people in Gloucestershire whom I know well.'
'In fact, you can answer for him as being above suspicion?'
Poirot seemed somewhat crestfallen.
Meanwhile the magistrate had summoned Marchaud.
'My compliments to Madame Renauld, and I should be glad to speak to her for a few minutes. Beg her not to disturb herself. I will wait upon her upstairs.'
Marchaud saluted and disappeared.
We waited some minutes, and then, to our surprise, the door opened, and Mrs. Renauld, deathly pale in her heavy mourning, entered the room.
M. Hautet brought forward a chair, uttering vigorous protestations, and she thanked him with a smile. Stonor was holding one hand of hers in his with an eloquent sympathy.
Words evidently failed him. Mrs. Renauld turned to M. Hautet.
'You wish to ask me something?'
'With your permission, madame. I understand your husband was a French-Canadian by birth. Can you tell me anything of his youth or upbringing?'
She shook her head. 'My husband was always very reticent about himself, monsieur. He came from the North-West, I know, but I fancy that he had an unhappy childhood, for he never cared to speak of that time. Our life was lived entirely in the present and the future.'
'Was there any mystery in his past life?'
Mrs. Renauld smiled a little and shook her head. 'Nothing so romantic I am sure, monsieur.' M. Hautet also smiled.
'True, we must not permit ourselves to get melodramatic. There is one thing more-' He hesitated.
Stonor broke in impetuously: 'They've got an extraordinary idea into their heads, Mrs. Renauld. They actually fancy that Mr. Renauld was carrying on an intrigue with a Madame Daubreuil who it seems, lives next door.'
The scarlet colour flamed into Mrs. Renauld's cheeks. She flung her head up, then bit her lip, her face quivering. Stonor stood looking at her in astonishment but M. Bex leaned forward and said gently: 'We regret to cause you pain, madame, but have you any reason to believe that Madame Daubreuil was your husband's mistress?'
With a sob of anguish, Mrs. Renauld buried her face in her hands. Her shoulders heaved convulsively. At last sh
e lifted her head and said brokenly: 'She may have been.'
Never, in all my life, have I seen anything to equal the blank amazement on Stonor's face. He was thoroughly taken aback.
Chapter 11. Jack Renauld
WHAT the next development of the conversation would have been I cannot say, for at that moment the door was thrown open violently and a tall young man strode into the room.
Just for a moment I had the uncanny sensation that the dead man had come to life again. Then I realized that this dark head was untouched with grey, and that, in point of fact, it was a mere boy who now burst in among us with so little ceremony. He went straight to Mrs. Renauld with an impetuosity that took no heed of the presence of others.
'Jack!' With a cry she folded him in her arms. 'My dearest! But what brings you here? You were to sail on the Aurora from Cherbourg two days ago?' Then, suddenly recalling to herself the presence of others, she turned with a certain dignity: 'My son messieurs.'
'Aha!' said M. Hautet, acknowledging the young man's bow. 'So you did not sail on the Aurora?'
'No, monsieur. As I was about to explain, the Aurora was detained twenty-four hours through engine trouble. I should have sailed last night instead of the night before, but, happening to buy an evening papers I saw in it an account of the-the awful tragedy that had befallen us-' His voice broke and the tears came into his eyes. 'My poor father-my poor, poor father.'
Staring at him like one in a dream, Mrs. Renauld repeated: 'So you did not sail?' And then, with a gesture of infinite weariness, she murmured as though to herself: 'After all, it does not matter-now.'
'Sit down Monsieur Renauld I beg of you,' said M. Hautet indicating a chair. 'My sympathy for you is profound. It must have been a terrible shock to you to learn the news as you did. However, it is most fortunate that you were prevented from sailing. I am in hopes that you may be able to give us just the information we need to clear up this mystery.'
'I am at your disposal, monsieur. Ask me any questions you please.'
'To begin with, I understand that this journey was being undertaken at your father's request?'