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What We're Meant to Be

Page 4

by P Nelson


  Martin had left Linkin to deal with Master Rex, and he used the title Master very loosely. What the hell had Delaney been thinking getting involved with that idiot? One look between him and his lover confirmed Linkin wanted Martin to make sure Delaney got home safely. As far as the other man was concerned, Delaney was their sub now by default. Martin decided he should at least ask Delaney what she wanted before they sent a contract to her house along with their updated medical records.

  Listening to Janey’s half of the conversation while he waited impatiently for Delaney to come out of her hiding place was a lesson in frustration. If he read her correctly, Delaney had felt anger and humiliation over Master Rex’s behaviour rather than any deep-seated hurt. As far as Martin was concerned, his little sub could never truly trust a man like Master Rex, and therefore, her feeling for him was surface only. Not the no-holds-barred, get under her skin and into her mind to see how she ticked kind of submission Linkin and he would demand, at any rate.

  She finally appeared in the doorway, her jacket wrapped around her, heels gone, and an expression of surprise on her face. Martin decided she looked utterly edible as a crumpled sub and wanted to bite his way down her neck, lick at her collarbones before finally squeezing her breasts together and rubbing his face between the globes. He was hard for her all over again.

  “No need to drive me home, Master Martin,” she responded. “I have a car, and I’m not great company tonight.”

  “Which is why it’s important for me to make sure you get home in one piece.” Martin knew how to handle subs. He had been doing most of the wrangling since Linkin and he started this journey. “You have experienced a shock, and as your friend and fellow kinkster, it’s my duty to make sure you get home safely.” He stepped right up to her, the bag she held in front of her chest brushed against his lower abdomen.

  “Or maybe you’re being a caveman,” Delaney whispered as she stared up at him. Her green eyes were wary, and Martin wanted nothing more than to lean down and kiss the tip of her nose. Martin loved his boyfriend, but Linkin did not welcome the kind of open affection he loved to lavish on his subs. It was part of the reason the Dom/sub relationship worked for them. Linkin needed an outlet for his dominance, and Martin needed to shower his lovers with extra attention.

  “Allow me to be your caveman.” Martin watched her eyes widen and was satisfied she understood where he wanted to eventually take her. “Tonight, however, we’ll stick with driving you home.”

  “What about Master Linkin?” Her tone was quiet, her gaze searching.

  “He’ll be around to pick me up.” Martin reached out and took her bag. He slung it over his shoulder when Delaney didn’t protest and indicated the front doors. “After you, little sub.”

  “Good night, Janey.” Delaney seemed to jerk her head around to call out to the receptionist. Martin had to pretend not to see Janey giving Delaney two thumbs up as they left The Feather Flogger. At least, they had some support for their pursuit.

  “Where are you parked?” Martin asked as he breathed in the cooler night air of the city. It had been a hot, sultry day in Vancouver, leading to a pleasant evening. The smell of the ocean in the air and the feeling of summer promises surrounded them as they walked to a car park frequented by clientele of The Feather Flogger. For some reason, walking Delaney to her car made him feel younger, more alive.

  “Over here.” She waved at the lot, and they walked over to her sedate four-door car. It looked as if it needed a bit of work, new tires at the very least. Delaney reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a set of keys. Master Martin held out his hand. It was never too early to start topping a sub.

  “Hand them over.” Delaney held onto the keys for a second before dropping them into his hand. Martin felt a rush of endorphins go through him at her acquiescence. She hadn’t obeyed immediately, but they had time to work on her response times.

  “Suit yourself,” she shrugged and walked around the car to the passenger side. He followed behind her and opened the door.

  “Don’t worry, I will,” he responded before shutting her inside the car and going to the driver’s side. He had to adjust the seat to his height before he started the car and glanced over at her. “Where to, little sub?” She rattled off the address and a few general directions, and they were away. Silence filled the car.

  “Do you want to top me?” Delaney finally asked. Maybe she was more Linkin’s style than he had previously thought with the blunt question.

  “Yes.” Martin didn’t hesitate. “You know Linkin and I have been interested in doing a scene with you for a long time now. Unfortunately, in all our cases, the timing hasn’t really worked out.”

  “But now, I’m free,” Delaney stared out the passenger side window.

  “And so are we,” Martin added, and she looked at him. “As it happens, Robert broke the rules of his contract with us, and we had to set him loose. Someone caught him cheating. That’s something neither Master Linkin nor I will ever tolerate from a sub.” His voice was stern, and he felt Delaney’s eyes on him. The car was silent for a few more minutes, and Martin decided they needed to get a few things into the open between them. “Why did you play with Master Rex?” He had a pretty good idea, but he wanted to know whether she did. Her answer would greatly influence the direction of their relationship in the future.

  “I don’t know,” Delaney sighed as she said the words.

  “Not good enough, little sub. Twenty smacks for lying.” Martin made his tone hard, and he caught her shocked reflection in the sideview mirror.

  “I’m not lying.” She huffed out. “I just. It’s hard to explain.”

  “Better.” Martin was not going to allow Delaney to keep anything from him. Even if she couldn’t get her feelings out into words, he wanted to know those feelings were inside her. “Explain why it’s hard.” She was silent for so long Martin was about to issue more spankings when she finally spoke. Her voice halting and hesitant as she tried to explain.

  “Douchebag Rex was new to the scene, and I was attracted to how much I could teach him. I guess the idea of creating my own Dom from scratch was appealing.” She winced obviously aware of how her explanation sounded.

  “First, twenty smacks for calling a fellow Dom a douchebag, even if he is one.” Martin smiled as he looked over at her. “Second, you know that’s topping from the bottom, right? You little bratty sub. It’s a good thing Master Rex isn’t a very good Dom, or you wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week.” Martin pulled into a quiet residential street and checked the numbers on the houses for the one Delaney had given him.

  “It sounds a lot worse out loud,” Delaney replied stubbornly. “The one on the end.” She pointed to a little one-story house at the end of the street. It was much more modest than the rest of the surrounding houses, but the yard was neatly kept with lavish gardens out front. Martin slowed down as he drove the car up into the front driveway and stopped.

  “The fact you were trying to make your perfect Dom through manipulating him sounds as bad as it is,” Martin concluded as he shut the engine off. “You’re not going to get away with any bratty behaviour when Linkin and I top you.”

  “Who said I agreed to letting you two top me?” she asked as she threw the passenger door open. Martin shook his head and got out of the car. Whether her brain had realised the decision her actions had been making all evening pointed to her submission to him; she was still going to sign a contract with him. Delaney stomped up the front steps of her house as Martin checked to make sure Linkin had received the text he sent earlier with her address. His lover was only a few minutes behind them.

  Delaney had her hand out and Martin passed her the keys. She opened the door and was inside of the house seconds later. Martin continued to stand on the doorstep. “You going to invite the big, bad wolf inside, little sub?” Delaney threw her bag onto a chair in the small living room just as the lights of Linkin’s SUV shone through the front windows.

p; “Of course,” Delaney said as she started to walk to the rear of the house. “Would you like a coffee or something?”

  “A coffee would be fine.” Martin called out as he waited for Linkin to park and walk up the steps.

  “Lover,” Martin greeted as Linkin walked inside of the house. Linkin closed the door, and pulled Martin into a firm embrace. Making damn sure to rub his hardened cock against him. The thought of being alone with Delaney and Martin was making him horny enough to forget the fact Delaney clearly needed proper security in her house. He had spotted several places where intruders could capitalise and get inside. Grabbing the back of his lover’s head, he pressed his mouth over Martin’s. Their tongues collided and danced together, each of them trying to assert their dominance over the other.

  “Holy shit. That is so damn hot.” Delaney’s voice choked out from the back of the house. Linkin pulled away from Martin to see she had tossed her jacket aside, and was still wearing her corset and leather boy shorts.

  “Another twenty for swearing, little sub.” He let go of Martin and prowled down the hall to her. “I think that’s forty, including the twenty from earlier.”

  “She earned herself a hundred smacks on the ride home with me.” Martin tutted from behind Linkin, and he felt his balls tighten at the thought of both of them disciplining Delaney. He wanted to spank her ass red and eat his fill of her pussy while she sucked Martin’s cock down her throat. He growled low in his throat at the erotic tableau in his head. “Easy, big guy.” He felt Martin’s hand on his shoulder. “We need to set up some ground rules.”

  Delaney’s eyes had widened a fraction at Linkin’s growl and Martin’s warning. She half turned to indicate the coffee pot. “Would you like a coffee, Master Linkin?”

  “Water will be fine, little sub.” He watched as Delaney turned around and opened a cupboard. Her ass cheeks hanging out of the bottom of her shorts were tempting as hell. “Sign a contract with us,” he demanded and folded his arms across his chest.

  “Tonight?” She squeaked as she turned around with a glass in her hand.

  “Give us permission to discipline that sweet ass of yours tonight, at least.” Martin walked around Linkin and went to stand in front of Delaney. Her cheeks had grown warm at the intimacy. Martin reached out and plucked the glass out of her hands. “We need new medical checks now that we know Robert was playing around, and you will too after Master Rex’s bullshit.” Delaney nodded as she looked up at Martin.

  “No.” Delaney looked as if she were gathering her courage for a confrontation. Martin immediately stepped back, giving her some space. “Yes.” She held up her hands before Linkin pounced on her. “But you’re right. I want to get a check-up from the doctor, and we need to have a contract in place before we start to play.” She put her hands on her hips. “I’m not some newbie sub who you can cut corners with.” Her voice held a note of admonishment.

  “As long as you know we aren’t some newbie Doms you can control,” Martin fired back. Linkin frowned at his partner’s back.

  “When you sign your name to the bottom of our contract, little sub, you’ll be ours. To have and to discipline.” Linkin walked up to stand next to Martin. “We will demand your full obedience within the scope of our contract.” He thought back to the dressing down he gave Master Rex about how to treat subs. It had been very clear who the dominant partner was in their power exchange. “When I tell you to get on your knees, undo my pants, and worship my cock, I expect to be obeyed.” The thought of her lips of his hardened flesh was torture.

  “Yes, Master.” She smiled up at him and licked her lips. She was going to be a very bratty sub in need of his hand on her backside. Linkin liked the idea a lot.

  “Kiss me.” Linkin said and moved to stand in front of her. “Give me a taste of the passion I’ve imagined between all of us.” Martin took this as his cue to stand behind Delaney. Her eyes half closed in pleasure as the two of them pressed their bodies into her smaller form. His cock jerking forward at the feel of her softness pressing through his leathers, Linkin was sure he was about to come from just this small touch alone. Gaging his lover’s response and the way Delaney was rubbing herself between them, Martin was just as close to the edge.

  “One taste,” Delaney whispered and lifted her face up to his. Her mouth parted in offering. Linkin didn’t blink or hesitate. He lowered his lips until they captured Delaney’s mouth, his tongue surging inside to possess her. Delaney’s whole body shuddered, and Linkin felt her hands come up his side and reach around his neck as she tried to hang on to him. He slanted his mouth down on hers several times, giving her no chance to breathe or to think. Only to feel how fucking much he wanted to be inside her any way she would let him tonight.

  He felt her hand pulling him down, demanding he deepen the kiss. He used one hand to reach down and cup her breasts. Her shocked gasp tore from her throat and once her mouth was free, Martin pulled her face to indulge his own passion. Linkin used his free hand to knead his lover’s ass as he took Delaney’s mouth in a severely domineering dance of his own. Looking down, he wanted to free Delaney’s breasts. They were pushing so hard against the fabric of her corset it seemed like a crime not to give them what they wanted.

  Linkin grabbed onto his control with a mental tug, took a deep breath and stepped away from Delaney. She had given them permission for a kiss. As much as he wanted to start her road to submission with them tonight, there were very good reasons for the rules he played by. He watched as Martin sucked in Delaney’s lower lip, biting down on the flesh, before releasing her. His lover made sure Delaney wouldn’t fall over before he also stepped away from her.

  “That was one hell of a kiss.” Delaney’s face flushed, and her eyes were bright with desire.

  “Twenty more smacks for swearing.” Linkin automatically replied. “You’re going to have to control that potty mouth if you want to save your ass.”

  “Who says I want to?” she grinned back at him, and his control almost snapped. He could already feel her weight over his lap as he lit her sweet ass up.

  “This is going to be one hell of an adventure.” Martin laughed back at Linkin and Delaney.

  “I’m going to do a walk around and make sure your place is secure.” Linkin nodded at Delaney and Martin.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ve never had any problems before.” Her face turned into a worried frown.

  “It’s all a part of our Dom experience.” Martin sighed and went over to the coffeemaker. “How about that coffee?” Linkin left them in the kitchen and went around the small house and checked all the windows. There were a couple that needed new latches and locks. He made a mental note to have someone come out and fit her with a proper alarm system. It gave him time to cool down and get his mind focused on something other than Delaney’s near naked body in the kitchen.

  Normally, he had all kinds of patience for subs, but Delaney had always been different. He remembered the first time he saw her at The Feather Flogger. She had been with a group of subs, out for the night looking to watch a few scenes. They were all pretty girls, but there was something special about Delaney, and now she would be under his protection and mercy.

  “You all done?” Martin asked as he joined him in the front living room.

  “Yes.” Linkin looked over and saw Delaney leaning against the door of the kitchen. “No arguments, I’m having a couple of guys come down here tomorrow to fit you with a proper alarm system.” She opened her mouth to speak, but Linkin held up his hand. “First lesson, sub. Get yourself checked out by the doc and sign our contract. I don’t like to have to wait.”

  Chapter Four

  Stupid. Arbitrary man. Delaney grabbed a roll of green florist tape and wrapped it around the stems of the pink dahlias she was using for the centre of a table setting she was creating. Arranging the flowers in the middle of the glass vase, Delaney grabbed a couple of flowers and sprigs of the greenery to finish off the piece.

  Last night, she had gone to bed
in a state of unreality. Douchebag Rex had left several messages for her demanding she call him back. Delaney had decided to ignore him. She had made her position perfectly clear at The Feather Flogger. There were very few things Delaney wouldn’t forgive, but cheating on her and not even being very subtle about it topped her list.

  It didn’t really matter whether she could forgive his cheating because after the steamy kiss she had shared with Linkin and Martin, any sexual relationship was going to pale in comparison. Just thinking about how each of them had possessed her mind and body through a kiss made her thighs clench together.

  This morning she had woken up to the sound of her doorbell ringing. Two of the scariest looking guys she had ever seen, aside from Linkin, were waiting for her to open the door. They were from Linkin’s private security firm and had arrived to install her new security system. She had called Linkin when the guys had started setting up a bunch of complicated computer systems and pulling out wires all over the place.

  In not so many words, he explained the upgrades were necessary for her safety. She argued and finally gave up. The florist shop where she worked had an important client today, and she had to get all the flower arrangements to the wedding reception venue this morning, so no time to argue with over-protective Doms who were trying to take over her life even though she hadn’t signed a contract with them yet.

  Said contract was sitting on her workbench in a manila folder. One of the guys who was installing her fancy new security system gave it to her. She skimmed through it briefly and knew she was going to have a very long discussion with Linkin and Martin over their expectations. Delaney enjoyed the lifestyle, but she was clearly not as hardcore as they, which was why she probably hadn’t sought them out in the past for a scene. Thinking of the kiss last night as she finished the last table setting had her wanting to at least try something short-term with them.


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