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What We're Meant to Be

Page 11

by P Nelson

  “You did very good, little sub,” Linkin praised as he pulled his leathers back up, but didn’t bother to do them up again. Delaney whimpered as he reached down and picked her up in his arms.

  Linkin shushed her. “I know you’re hurting, little sub, but you can take the pain for me and Master Martin, right? You want to fight for us?” Martin finished cleaning up and pulled his own leathers up. He had never heard Linkin speak to a sub in such a tender way before. It made his heart clench to know Delaney was affecting the man he loved on such a fundamental level. There was no jealousy, only wonder. After all, Martin knew a long time ago he couldn’t be everything to his lover.

  Cradling Delaney in his arms, Linkin felt a fierce sense of protectiveness go through him. As a Dom, he knew in the past most of his other friends in the BDSM world had felt this emotion, including Martin on occasion for previous subs. However, other than with Martin, Linkin had never felt this way about a sub. It was different from the strong emotions and ties that bonded him to his boyfriend. This was an altogether new experience, and Linkin held Delaney’s curves closer to his chest, her head snuggling into his T-shirt, her wet pussy rubbing against his arm. Her weight felt right.

  With Martin’s cock in his ass, Linkin felt like his orgasm was an epiphany as he jetted his come into Delaney’s mouth. How would it feel if he had come in her ass or pussy while Martin fucked him? He groaned at the thought as Martin disabled the secondary security system around the house. They had a housekeeper who lived on the rear grounds, but she wouldn’t disturb them this late at night, especially because she knew where they had been.

  “Water.” Linkin announced as they entered the kitchen. It was modern and bright, and there was a word for it Martin used that Linkin made himself forget every time he said it. There was a fridge, a counter, and a stove. As far as Linkin was concerned, that’s all a kitchen needed. He could stand and eat. Martin walked to the refrigerator with the easy grace of a man who had let off a bit of sexual tension, knowing there was plenty more to come. He grabbed a couple of bottles of water.

  “Here you go, little sub.” Martin held the open bottle to Delaney’s lips and Linkin clenched as he watched her delicately take water from his lover’s hand. Trust. It was so fragile right now, anything could break it, but the primitive man inside him wanted her to eat from their hands alone, sleep under their roof, and be fucked into submission by their cocks. Martin finished off the rest of the bottle before opening the next one and holding it out to Linkin. They shifted Delaney into Martin’s arms, and Linkin drank the bottle of water down.

  He wanted to reach out for her, but knew it was important for Martin to have some time with her before the main event. Linkin placed the empty bottle on the counter.

  “It’s time to whip your ass, Delaney.” He watched her start with satisfaction, no doubt hoping she would finally get some release. He walked forward and placed a kiss on her lips, before breaking away and kissing Martin. Staring into his lover’s eyes, Linkin hoped he conveyed all the things he wished to say but never could. Martin lifted one corner of his mouth in a small smile, and Linkin’s heart lightened.

  He walked ahead of his two lovers as they exited the kitchen and didn’t bother to turn any of the other household lights on. The grand staircase leading to the upper floors was in the front of the house, and they silently walked up the steps to the first floor, turned and went up to the second floor. The hallway went in either direction, but Linkin turned to the left. His heart started beating double time at the thought of having Delaney in their home dungeon.

  They had played with various subs in their personal lair over the years, but inviting Delaney to scene here with them felt different. He opened the door at the end of the hall and revealed another set of stairs.

  “Uhm, guys. This is actually kind of creepy,” Delaney remarked from behind him, and Linkin chuckled, the sound so foreign. He paused after flicking the lights on for the space upstairs.

  “What’s your safe word, sub?” He climbed the steep stairs.

  “Deciduous, Master.” Delaney’s small voice carried over his shoulder as he reached his favourite place in the world.

  “We’ll use the stoplight system this evening, Delaney.” He reminded her, even though they had gone through this before they even left The Feather Flogger this evening. He walked over to the St. Andrew’s cross they had pulled into place in the centre of the attic room. They had set up a workbench near the cross. It held all the implements they’d need this evening. A large black iron bed with matching sheets, pillows, and comforter stood on one side, while an assortment of equipment and furniture they had collected from all over the world filled the rest of the room.

  “Wow, Masters.” Delaney’s sounded as if she was really impressed. Martin set her on the floor, and she stared at all the equipment they had painstakingly brought together.

  “Do you want to have a poke around before we begin, little sub?” Martin asked Delaney, and Linkin watched a rush of different emotions march across her face. Curiosity. Need. Apprehension. Finally, eagerness.

  His cock kicked up in his leathers even though Linkin had just come very hard, caught between the force of Martin and the delicate sucking of Delaney. The thought was almost enough to bring him to his knees.

  “No, Master.” Delaney got down onto the floor, she had discarded her shoes in the SUV, tits still spilling out the top of her corset and thighs spread wide to reveal her shaved pussy.

  “Good little sub.” Linkin watched as Martin walked over to where Delaney lay in her slave pose and put a hand on her head. He looked over at Linkin who nodded once. “Stand up, take your corset off and walk over to the St. Andrew’s cross, little sub.” Martin stepped away from Delaney. She stood up and immediately shifted the corset around halfway to reach the eyelets. Undoing most of them in one go, she let the stiffened garment fall to the ground. The Dom inside Linkin slathered at the sight of her delectable naked form. She was going to be so much prettier with his stripes on her back.

  Delaney held her nerves in check as she padded over to the St. Andrew’s cross. A movement from Linkin directed her to press her front up against the wood. They had adjusted the height for her, making sure that her head was just above the apex of the wood.

  “I’m going to fasten you to the cross now, little sub.” Martin explained as he pressed his body against hers from behind. She could feel his stiffening erection through his leathers. He must have taken off his shirt, because hot skin burned into her back, and she gasped in delight.

  “Yes, Master.” Delaney swallowed and tried to concentrate on her Master’s words. The warmth disappeared, and she felt Martin at one of her ankles, spreading her legs wider.

  “Do you know what this is, Delaney?” Linkin appeared before her, his naked chest on display, making her drool. They had both had very satisfying orgasms from what she could tell, and her clit continued to throb with need. He unwound a long leather rope.

  “It’s a whip, Master,” she replied.

  “Have you ever had a whip used on you before, little sub?” Master Linkin continued as he used an end to caress the side of her face, down her exposed neck.

  “No, Master, I’ve never had the whip used on me.” She felt Master Martin finish with the second ankle restraint. The cool air on her pussy did nothing to quell the fire burning inside of her. He knew very well she had never had a whip used on her. None of the Doms she had played with previously had been competent enough to wield one. But her contract stated Delaney very much wanted to try. Master Linkin dipped down onto his haunches in front of her and caressed the skin of her inner thighs with the braided leather.

  “We have bought new whips just for you, little sub. You may thank us.” Master Linkin glided the end of the whip higher until he was tickling her pussy. Delaney clenched and realised Master Martin had rendered her completely immobile as he finished with her wrists above her head.

  “Where are you, sub?” Master Martin asked from behind her.
  “I’m green, Master,” Delaney replied as Master Linkin inserted the end of the whip into her lower lips. The action made her clench and buck against the St. Andrew’s cross. She wanted him to fuck her with it.

  “Good little sub because this is going to be a full immersion into our kind of kink, do you understand?” Master Martin pressed his body against her again. His warmth mixed with Master Linkin’s actions at her pussy was driving her to the brink of insanity.

  “Yes, Master. I understand,” Delaney replied, starting to take deep breaths to control her body. Her head was getting fuzzy with pleasure.

  “Any time you want to stop, use your safe word or red.” Master Martin’s voice was hard, and when she didn’t answer, he wrapped a hand around the front of the cross and pinched her nipple. Crying out, Delaney shook off her mental miasma.

  “Yes, Master.” She sounded as if she might be on the brink of tears. Master Linkin rose to his feet taking his wonderful, yet completely evil stimulation away from her pussy.

  “Kiss.” He held out the end of the whip that had been inside of her. Delaney licked her lips and kissed the slightly damp leather.

  “You really are a very good little sub.” Master Linkin placed a chaste kiss on her forehead before walking behind her. Delaney’s senses reached out to get any sensory information about what was coming next. Hands on her back started massaging her flesh, squeezing her ass, thighs and lightly slapping her back. They were getting her skin and flesh ready for the torment to come. The process felt really nice, and Delaney found herself sinking into a relaxed posture as they readied her body.

  “You’ve been a very naughty sub today, and even though we gave you a good spanking yesterday, it appears your ass is fine today. Is that true, little sub?” Martin’s voice sounded near one of her ears even though she couldn’t see him.

  “Yes, Master. My ass was a bit sore this morning, but I soaked in a nice hot bath like you ordered.” She added the last part to remind them what a good girl she could be.

  “Impertinent.” Master Linkin bit her earlobe lightly, and she sighed. Both sets of hands left her abruptly and a wave of abandonment went through her before Master Linkin’s voice rang out again.

  “You’ll receive an even hundred lashes for your behaviour today. Do you agree this is sufficient punishment?” A whip cracked through the air but didn’t hit her. The sound made her blood race, and she couldn’t prevent her body from trying to escape the bonds.

  “Yes, Master, I agree.” Delaney’s heart felt like it was beating too fast and sweat started to form under her arms.

  “We will begin. No need to count, we want you to embrace the pain, little sub.” Master Linkin announced, and she heard the crack of the whip again. This time she felt the soft end lick one of her ass cheeks. It definitely didn’t hold the stinging, screaming agony her mind had built up. Her body relaxed as the next stroke came down on her opposite ass cheek. Again, a caress with a light sting made her skin light up, but it wasn’t agony.

  The lashes picked up pace, and Delaney’s skin warmed on her thighs, ass, and back. The strokes rhythmic as they fell, becoming heavier, a bit more sting each time, but it still wasn’t unpleasant. Delaney felt her breaths syncing with each strike, her heart rate lowering leaving her mind to wander far away from the dungeon in Master Linkin and Master Martin’s house. Her head rolled to the side, her cheek resting against the wood as peace stole over her. Delaney had only glimpsed this sensation last night. The problems of the last week, the hell of the last few years began to drift away, and she closed her eyes wanting to hang onto the revelation of what she had finally achieved.

  Chapter Ten

  Linkin watched as Delaney’s head fell to the side, resting on the wood of the St Andrew’s cross. There were only a few more strokes of her punishment left. With a practiced hand, Linkin lightened the strikes, just as Martin was doing to ease her out of the whipping. Martin let his last stroke fall, and they both wound up their whips and walked over to Delaney. She hadn’t moved at all, the only sound in their attic dungeon was her even breathing and his heartbeat in his ears.

  “She has submitted,” Linkin stated the obvious. Normally, he wouldn’t say anything, but he was in awe of their beautiful little sub. Reaching out a finger, Linkin caressed the path a tear had taken down her cheek where it dripped from her chin.

  “Subspace,” Martin confirmed as he checked over their work on her back. “She’s never achieved such a state before.” He watched his lover trace a hand down Delaney’s back, and she shuddered in response. Her eyes didn’t open, however. Linkin came around to her other side, her beautiful body now adorned with their marks, and felt a fierce possession and overriding lust. Resting his own hand over Martin’s on the whip marks on Delaney’s back, Linkin stepped forward at the same as his boyfriend.

  Their mouths met in a tangle of lips, teeth, and tongue as they fought for their pleasure, their dominance. Linkin groaned and felt Delaney stir under his hands as Martin pressed his hips into Linkin’s. The hard shafts of their cocks grinding together in decadent torture. It felt so fucking good; the only problem was that something was missing. He wanted, no, he needed, to be inside Delaney with Martin. The three of them connected in this primal way once and for always.

  Martin pulled his mouth back as they both heard Delaney moan low in her throat. “Our little sub awakes.” He grinned before kissing Linkin hard on the mouth. Martin used both of his hands to stroke up and down Delaney’s back and her body. Linkin went around to the front of the cross and released each of her wrists from the bindings, making sure there was no damage to her delicate skin.

  Her eyes fluttered open as Martin held her in place. Linkin could tell she still hadn’t fully joined them back in the dungeon yet. Warmth spread through his chest. He and Martin had brought her this peace, his cock jumping in the front of his leathers scratching against the material. His placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, and she moaned again.

  He made quick work of the bindings on her ankles and watched with a tiny prick of jealousy as Martin lifted her effortlessly into his strong arms. Tamping down the alpha instinct demanding he grab Delaney and take her to bed in his own arms, Linkin once again felt surprised. Never had he felt the urge to assert his dominance over a sub more than Martin. They had always worked in tandem.

  Linkin followed his two lovers to the bed as he undid the front of his leathers. At the side of the bed, he leaned down and pulled his boots off and shucked off his pants. Martin turned and waited with his precious burden still in his arms. Linkin moved forward and watched, as Martin placed kisses down one side of Delaney’s face. His previous feelings of jealousy forgotten under wave after wave of desire, Linkin’s cock strained towards the goal of release with these two magnetic people.

  Undoing the front of Martin’s leathers while he continued to observe Martin lavishing kisses on their sub, Linkin was about to push the other man’s pants down when Martin halted. The smile spreading across his lover’s face was one of contentment, pleasure, and self-satisfaction. Linkin nodded back. They had done this, and it was something to be fucking proud of. Their lips met in a short kiss and Linkin went back to work, squatting down to help his partner get his boots off before grabbing the waist of his leathers and pulling them down roughly, releasing each leg from its casing.

  Linkin couldn’t resist lavishing a little bit of attention on Martin’s cock. He knew Martin would be in as much pain as he, and Delaney hadn’t come back to full awareness, yet. Using a hand, he grabbed the stalk, felt Martin jerk above him. Linkin knew the other man was powerless to stop what was to come, as he wouldn’t dare put Delaney down for a moment. Sticking out his tongue, Linkin licked all the way from the base of Martin’s cock to the head. He saw with satisfaction Martin had to lock his leg muscles not to move. Taking the torture a step farther, Linkin opened his mouth and devoured Martin’s cock in one. Martin bucked, but did not give up Delaney to stop Linkin sucking hard on his swollen flesh.

>   “Fuck, Linkin, what the hell has gotten into you?” Martin’s voice was hoarse. Linkin pressed the full length of Martin’s cock into the back of his throat and started humming. He knew it drove his lover wild, and the action didn’t disappoint now. Martin hissed and tried to pull his cock from Linkin’s mouth. “You dick.” Linkin knew Martin’s limits and, with a final hum, released his cock. Placing a delicate kiss on the slit, he stood back up again. Martin was staring at him. “Again, what the hell has gotten into you?”

  “You. Her. Me?” Linkin knew he sounded confused, but he felt like something was changing with all three of them. Even more than last night and earlier. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he watched Delaney finally stare from Martin to him with clear eyes. She smiled hesitantly.

  “Wow.” Delaney managed to get the word out from between frozen lips. She had an idea about what just happened, her sub friends spoke about subspace often and generally with excited voices only reserved for members of boy bands. Holy hell. This is what she’d been missing all these years.

  “How do you feel, little sub?” Martin cuddled her closer, the look in his eyes hungry. She glanced over at Linkin again and found his scorching gaze searching her face.

  “Green, Masters.” Delaney forced her mind back into the present. She wanted to luxuriate in the feeling of floating away from her problems for a little while longer, but other needs were making themselves known. Specifically, the need to come, preferably while she was riding these two men’s cocks. Her back only felt warm and sensitive, not stripped and painful. The feeling added to the pleasure they had built on the way to the house.


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