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Punishment (Light My Fire Series Book #2)

Page 7

by Alexa Phoenix

  “That’s not how I meant it Nix. I just meant, that you gave me fulfillment. You made me want to live again. You gave me a reason to celebrate.”

  “Celebrate? By hitting on my best friend? I mean talk about coincidence, right?”

  “Look, that wasn’t intended. I only asked because she seemed like Curtis’ type. I wasn’t going to brush her off and make her feel bad about herself. All I wanted was to seem interested for her to come over and talk with him.”

  He looked truthful in his mannerisms, but I wasn’t buying it just yet.

  “Oh, and what about her friend that was gonna come? Were you just gonna talk them to death?”

  “Actually, if you really wanna know, I was gonna make it that you called me so I could leave.” He stared me dead in the eye.

  “You were?” I eased my tension for a moment.

  “Yeah, why would I wanna fuck up what we just started? Nix, I’ve wanted something with you for so long. I’m not gonna let that pass me bye over what, a little pussy?”

  “You’re not lying are you?”

  “Nope. I mean look at you. You are a fine piece of ass. I actually was thinking about all the things I would do to you if you were here with me tonight, and then there you were, as if fate brought us together.” He smiled as he pulled the hair from face behind my ear. “Tell me you don’t think it’s crazy that we found each other here tonight? Of all the clubs, of allthe woman to run into? I mean if that’s not fate, Nix, I don’t know what is.”

  He had a point. It was pretty crazy that he did run into us. I mean, really of all the clubs to go to tonight, they both came here.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I see your point.”

  “Here, let me make it up to you. Let me do what I’ve been fantasizing,” he whispered in my ear. “Come.” He got up and held his arms out for me to take hold of. “Let me show you on the dance floor.

  I gave in.

  Once more I gave in to the Captain; to his words, his gestures and his self.

  Chapter Nineteen

  -Captain Michaels-

  Seeing her within that club was nothing more than fate. That’s the only explanation. Nothing more could reason with our connection together tonight. That was it. It was meant to be.

  All I wanted now was to prove to her, to show her, what I’ve been fantasizing about all night long. What I envisioned myself doing to her only moments earlier had I known she was there with me.

  I pulled her body to the dance floor and reeled her in close to me. Fuck the music going on in the background. I wanted her body up against mine. I wanted to smell every inch of her skin. I wanted her to smell mine. I wanted to indulge in the touch of her soft lips upon mine.

  “Come. Come close to me.” I could see she was still a bit resistant. She still was unsure of my truth. “Let me show you how much I want you.” I pulled her body into mine. We were connected. We were intertwined. We moved to the rhythm of the music. She was warm against me. I could smell her sweat and it drove me wild. I wanted to lick every inch of her starting with her warm pussy.

  My fingers slid between her legs as she swayed with me. Goosebumps made their way to cover her skin. She moaned lightly in my ear as I moved closer up. I pulled her panties aside and pushed my finger within her pussy. It was already wet. She was already ready for me. She was already yearning me. I had to give her what she wanted. I pushed my finger deeper and deeper within. She welcomed me with each bit of penetration. She licked her lips, which almost salivated at my touch.

  “You like that my little firecracker?” I whispered lightly in her ear. I nibbled her lobe just enough to make her tingle. She squeezed her pussy lips which locked me in. “I’ll take that as a yes,” I smiled wide. I knew her little secret. I knew how much it intrigued her to be fingered with hundreds of people around her, yet only one knowing what was going on. “Phoenix, I want you. I need you. Surrender to me.” I looked her deep in her eye, my finger still within her, but my mind solely set with truth. “Be mine. Only mine. Let me be true to you. Let me show you all the ways I can please you.” I looked her deep in her eyes. I needed her to surrender. I needed her to except my request. I needed her to give in.

  “I surrender,” she whispered.

  “You’ll be mine? And only mine?” I pulled my finger from within her and put my hand lightly upon her face.

  “Yes,” she agreed softly.

  I pulled her in and kissed her passionately, intensely, firmly. I wanted to make love to her right then and there. I wanted to celebrate our bond we confirmed. But, first a simple drink would do.

  I gestured for Curtis and Roxy, who seemed quite cozy with one another. Arm and arm they strolled towards us.

  “How about some drinks?” I asked.

  “Hell yeah,” Curtis agreed. “Be right back, babe.” He kissed Roxy and we walked towards the bar. So much for the VIP table. We hardly used the service.

  “You ok?” Roxy asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m so sorry about that girl. I just- he just-“

  “I know girl. He’s something special. I heard it in your voice when you talked about him. Look, if I had any idea that was him I swear, I would have never hit on him. Hell, I would of dragged his ass right over to you had I known!”

  “I know. I’m sorry Rox. I guess I was just feeling a bit insecure, and I shouldn’t of taken it out on you.”

  “It’s alright, girl. Let’s just enjoy the night.”

  “I will now. He just asked me to be with him.” Phoenix smiled wide.

  I stared at her from a distance. I knew she was in the midst of an update for Rox. I wanted to give her the time she needed to do so. Girl talk was important. I learned that early in my marriage. I waited at the bar for our drinks never taking my eyes off of her.

  “Wait, he what? Good for you girl! I’m so happy for you! He’s fucking hot!” she nudged me as she laughed.

  “Thanks girl. That means a lot. Anything from Eric yet?”

  “Yeah, he’ s been blowing up my phone since I got here. I’m gonna let him sweat. But, first, I’m gonna rock this fucking Curtis guy’s world.”

  “Oh really? You two got close, huh?”

  “You could say that?” She smiled wide as the two of us made our way back to the woman who awaited our arrival.

  “What ya talking about ladies?” Curtis questioned.

  “Oh, nothing.” They both looked to each other and smiled.

  It’s funny that woman think we actually believe them when they make such a comment and smile. It’s almost humorous to believe they think we are that stupid or naïve.

  “Let’s cheers.”

  Everyone raised a glass.

  “To us,” I yelled.

  “To us,” we all said in sync.

  The beer went down smooth as I chugged it back.

  “Wanna get outta here?” I softly whispered within her ear.

  “Yeah,” she nodded.

  “Hey, we are gonna get outta here I think. Do you mind? You want me to give you the keys to my place?” Phoenix asked Roxy.

  “No, I think I’m good. I think I’m gonna head to Curtis’ house,” she looked back at him as he nodded.

  “Alright, guys. We’ll see you later then?”

  “Have fun guys!” Roxy called out.

  “You too,” Phoenix yelled.

  Alone. I was about to have her alone.

  The taxi ride was simple and quiet. I wanted to rip her clothes off right then and there but I needed to show I could be a gentleman when given the chance. I needed to show her that I could restrain myself if needed. Restrain I did. I held back every inch of me wishing to take over her body there in the back seat. I watched her squirm though. I watched her inch closer to me – her body rubbed against mine. I watched her restrain herself.

  Soon enough. Soon enough I would have her alone within the walls of my domain to do with as I pleased.

  Moments of tension eased away as we pulled up to my place.

  I paid th
e taxi driver and we made our way in.

  “Wow, you’re home is lovely,” she complimented as she looked around. Her eyes wandered from one room to the next. It was as if she was trying with each room to get a better grasp, a better understanding of who I was. I hoped it worked for her. I hoped she took in what she needed to gain what she wanted.

  “Thank you,” I smiled, never taking my eyes off of her gaze. “How about another drink?”

  I walked to the kitchen and searched my cabinets for my best vodka. “You want something fruity?” Girls almost always wanted something fruity. After her watermelon martini I figured to stick to fruity as a safe route. I didn’t want to make her sick. Now, that would make the night go rouge.

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” She smiled sweet. I could see there was a devil behind her angel eyes – one that was ready to come out.

  A drink or two later and my stomach hurt from all the laughs. Who knew this woman could bring out the laughter out of me. I think I haven’t laughed that hard in years. Hell, I don’t know if I have ever laughed that hard before. Who is this woman? Where did she come from? What is she doing to me?

  “Who are you?” I look her dead in the eye and ask.

  “What do you mean?” She pulled her hair behind her ear and looked innocent. It was funny, such a devilish woman to look as innocent as she did then before me.

  “I mean who are you? Where did you come from? You are so different-“

  “Different? Is that a good thing?” She seemed confused.

  “Yes, it’s a great thing. You have changed me Phoenix Williams. You have opened my cold, closed heart. You have made me want to love again. Hell, you made me want to live again.”

  I could see it in her eyes she didn’t believe the words I was saying. For a woman who showed confidence on her shoulders, when it truly counted she was naïve and in denial of her hold on someone.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you love me.”

  “What? I mean we barely know one another. How can I say I love you.”

  “Tell me you don’t feel it. Tell me you don’t yearn for me since that first day. Tell me I don’t make you question everything you’ve ever stood guard of.”

  I could see her look away as if the words held an effect on her.

  “You feel it don’t you? You feel that pull between the two of us. The one I have felt since the moment I laid my eyes on you. I feel that pull every time you’re in the room with me. I feel that pull now.” I pulled her body close to me and leaned in to feel her luscious lips against mine.

  Her lips locked with mine, but she pulled away quicker than I anticipated.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked inquisitively.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for this. I’m sorry I just- I just can’t do this right now.” She got up abruptly from the couch next to me and walked towards the kitchen. “I just need a second to breathe right now. I need a second to think. Please. I’m sorry. Just give me a minute alone.”

  “Ok, ok. No problem. Take all the time you need. I’ll be in the other room when you’re ready.”

  What have you done Jaxson? Did you just loose her forever?

  Chapter Twenty


  “What are you doing girl? What is he doing? What the hell is going on?” I walked back and forth outside upon the porch. I grabbed my phone from my purse and dialed Roxy’s number quickly.

  “Come on, pick up. Pick up.”

  “Helloo?” Roxy said clearly strained on breathing and out of breath.

  “Rox, What are you doing? You’re not- You couldn’t- You wouldn’t- You are… Aren’t you?”


  “You’re fucking him right now, aren’t you?”

  Muffled in the background “Hey babe, Who is that? Come back to bed.”

  “Shhh, it’s Phoenix, Give me a sec.”

  “Sup, Nix!” Curtis hollered from the other line.

  “Oh my god, alright, I gotta talk to you real quick. Then you guys can get back to whatever you were clearly not doing.”

  “What’s up girl? Why do you sound so stressed?” She spoke with a hint of panting and concern all at once. “ Aren’t you supposed to be having like an amazing night with Captain Michaels, why do you sound so stressed?” then she took a second. “Do I have to go kick someone’s ass?”

  “No, no. Don’t worry. It’s nothing like that. I just- Can you talk for a sec?” I stressed my need for a conversation. I didn’t wish to cock block her right now, but I needed my friend.

  I needed advice.

  I needed guidance.

  I needed something.

  “Yeah, of course. Curtis, give me a sec babe would you. Girl talk,” I overheard her say. “Alright, you’re good. Shoot. What’s going on?”

  “Ok, so we have this amazing night right. We were both laughing and just having a good time, and then he hit me with it.”

  “He hit you! What?! He fucking hit you?”

  “Who hit her? Jax hit her? Is he fucking insane! I’m gonna kill him!” Curtis threatened in the background.

  “No, no- please, hold on. That’s not what I mean.”

  “Oh thank God,” she huffed. “He didn’t hit her,” she assured him.

  “Oh, thank God, I was ready to fucking kill him!” he stressed.

  Well, it was at least good to know where his friend’s morals stood. God forbid he did something morally wrong, he would be dashed off the friendship tier.

  “No, ok he hit me with that three letter word.”

  “Three letter word? Sex? Girl, you already had sex, what’s the big deal,” Roxy joked as if she was correct on her choice of word guessing.

  “No, not sex. He- he told me he loved me.”

  “He what?” Roxy sounded more stressed than I in that second. “He told you that? Holy shit girl, that’s fucking awesome!” Her stress voice changed to excitement and happiness.

  “Awesome? What are you talking about? How is that awesome?”

  “How is that not? I don’t get you. You have been looking for so long for someone to break down your walls. For someone to love you for you. For someone to see you as you want to see yourself. For someone nothing like your father. Girl, you found him. I heard all the things you said about him. I watched your expressions as you told me what you two did and how he made you feel. You may not believe it, but I know you, and you love him back.”

  “Who loves who?” Curtis interrupted.

  “Babe, go grab me some water for a sec, huh? What do ya say?”

  He nodded and left the room.

  “Sorry. He’s so damn noisy,” she laughed.

  “It’s ok. I guess I understand. I’m just so confused Rox. I mean I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what love is. I don’t know how to feel that or give it for that matter.”

  “Sure you do. You do it every day. You love your job. You love me. You love yourself. You have been in love with idea of finding someone to change you for so long now, here you go. Sure, you said Blaine started that, but look who was ready to finish. Look who is willing to challenge you and be by your side while you go through the obstacle course. Look who’s ready to stand by you, to stick up for you, to do anything for you. Isn’t that what loves all about? If not, then fuck it. Who wants that? But, trust me girl, you found someone special. You found someone every girl looks for their whole lives, but most don’t have any luck. Do you hear me?”

  I second guessed everything she said, yet somehow I knew she spoke the truth. She was right. I was in search of someone subconsciously and I was lucky to find someone like him. Someone who wanted me to be his everything in return for me to be his.

  “Listen girl, I saw him look at you. I saw you look at him. The look between the two of you is undeniable. You found each other. You need each other. Girl, you are meant to be with each other. Now, stop being so damn stubborn, and go be with that mother fucker!”

  “Damn, girl you’re demanding.”

“No, hunnie, I’m right.” I could almost envision her smirk on the other end. She knew she was right about this. Hell, I knew she was right about this. It still didn’t stop me from aspects of denial.

  “Alright, alright, miss boss. I’ll go. Hey Rox-“

  “Yeah, babe.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled.

  “Anytime girl. Now, go. Go to your fucked up version of prince charming,” she laughed.

  I hung up the phone and felt reassured. I felt a million times better and I thanked Roxy internally for her support and mother like instincts. Sure, she was a wild one sometimes, and most of the time I was the one mothering her, but without loss, every time I needed her to role reverse she did.

  As I walked back inside, my heart beat fast. I felt clammy. I was nervous and for the first time in a long time, I felt extremely vulnerable. I was out of my element, but I guess that’s what love is all about right? Being out of your element with someone who makes you feel comfort in the change. Somehow that person makes that uncomfortable feeling worth the while, and what the relationship was all about. It’s the challenges that bring others together and this was definitely a challenge.

  My whole life led up to nonexistent relationships. My whole life led up to being alone and staying strong. In this moment, my strength was clear, yet my wish to be alone was no longer.

  “Hey,” the Captain said as I walked back into the living room. He shot straight up as he say my presence within the room once more. “Are you ok?”

  I nodded as I pulled my hair my hair back behind my ears.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you. I fucked things up didn’t I?” His look of pure concern showed truth to how much he cared.

  “No, no. No,” I looked him in the eye. “You didn’t. I just- I’m just not ready to say those words back just yet. Give me some time, please?”

  “Take all the time you need.” He kissed my forehead. The sentimental moment was nice, but I was still lit up from the alcohol and I wanted something more. I didn’t want the love just yet, I wanted the sex.


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