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A Hell Hound's Fire

Page 2

by Siobhan Muir

  “I smell like them?”

  “Yes. Are you like me? Demon touched?”

  Sometimes it felt like that. “No, not quite. I’m a Moon Singer, just not the average kind.”

  Not average at all.

  “What do you mean ‘not average’?” Sarah drew away from him and sorrow flooded Alex’s chest. Why did it matter? He’d never found another like him or Lisa in all his two hundred years of life. He couldn’t expect Sarah to understand.

  “You know the Creation story of Moon Singers, right? How the First Canid, Ho’a’tote, asked for shifter abilities so he might find harmony with all the Goddess’s children?”

  “Of course.”

  Alex nodded. “And do you know She asked the dragons to protect all Her peoples from the dwellers of the Kilgorem, the underworld?”

  “I had to learn. We both did.” Sarah reached out to squeeze Liam’s hand.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” Why did her tender gesture to her son make him ache for some consolation of his own? “The Goddess knew the dragons wouldn't always be available. So She made backup plans. She took a few of Ho’a’tote’s children, and gave them some extra abilities.” He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, knowing this news would likely alienate him from Sarah and her son forever. “I’m a descendent of those children, the Hell Hounds, Moon Singers with the ability to fight the Kilgorem dwellers with tooth, claw, and a coat of blessed fire.”

  “Aren’t Hell Hounds supposed to be evil?” Sarah’s wariness broke his heart.

  “That’s a myth perpetuated to keep everyone safer from what trouble we can attract.” Alex looked up ahead at the bridge crossing one branch of the river to his house. “Mostly we got the name from the hell we have to go through to kill the monsters and send them home.”

  He believed that, though he’d never fought a demon himself. Hell Hounds lived on the fringes of pack life because of their extraordinary abilities. A wolf with the tendency to catch fire attracted a lot of attention, from both humans and curious pups. Alex had heard Hell Hounds died in a blaze of glory at the end of their life, the blessed fire taking them home.

  Lisa had retreated to die alone, to allow the fire to consume her where no one could see. At least, he assumed she’d died. She’d never returned and had been older than him by several centuries. Because they’d never True Mated, he didn’t know for sure. True Mates connected at the soul level, but he’d never experienced such a link to Lisa.

  “Lieutenant Fitzroy asked you to take us in because of your abilities?”

  “He asked me because the Goddess told him I’d be your best defender.”

  “Does he know what you are?” Sarah’s voice sounded wary.

  He couldn’t blame her.

  “Not about the Hell Hound part. At least, I’ve never told him. But he’s Morukai. You never can tell what he knows.”

  Alex didn’t know much about the Morukai either, other than they had a deeper connection to the Goddess than Alex did. Henry Fitzroy always seemed at ease around him, a change from most other members of the Elder Races. Although, Sarah doesn’t seem too bothered by me. At least she’s not jumping out of the Jeep.

  They trundled across the wooden bridge to the island and pulled up in front of the River House. Alex unloaded their few belongings from the back of the Jeep. Sarah and Liam stared at the land around the house as they walked up to the porch. Alex had bought the river island and a hundred acres surrounding it a century earlier when land prices had been dirt cheap. He’d left most of it natural to facilitate the nights he needed to run in his Brother form, but he’d made an effort to landscape the immediate grounds.

  “It’s too bad you don’t come here often. It’s beautiful and restful.” Sarah inhaled deeply and some of the tension riding her shoulders escaped with her exhale.

  Alex shrugged as he unlocked the front door. “Too many memories, I guess.” He didn’t want to discuss his dead mate. “Come on in. There are two extra bedrooms upstairs.”

  He tried to ignore the jolt of attraction tightening his balls when the light caressed Sarah’s hair as she stepped inside. Damn, he hadn’t experienced this kind of desire for anyone in eight years. She isn’t a Hell Hound. Down, boy. But his cock ignored the warning.

  “Let me show you the rooms.” He led them up the stairs and flipped on the lights in the hall. “The last two rooms are empty…I mean of occupants.” He mentally slapped his forehead. “Uh, anyway, you can choose whichever you want.”

  “Liam, why don’t you take a bath?”

  “Do I have to, Mama?” The boy crossed his arms over his chest and grimaced.

  “Yes. Off you go, now.”

  Sarah herded her son past Alex, checking the doors as she went.

  “Bathroom’s at the end.”

  “Thank you.” She gave him a dismissive smile and Alex retreated to the kitchen, trying to remember if he had anything to eat in the house. He listened to their footsteps along the floor above as he stepped into the pantry. Cans and boxes with a fine patina of dust on their surfaces filled the shelves. He grimaced.

  He pieced together the ingredients for spaghetti with chicken from the freezer, and started cooking as he heard the water upstairs running. Good thing he’d remembered to pay the gas bill and buy a few provisions this month. He’d been staying in a small apartment in town temporarily, despite the danger to his neighbors. Yeah, eight years temporarily.

  Alex shook his head. Maybe it was time to return to River House. But he had nothing to keep him here. Lisa was gone and everything here reminded him of her.

  The scuff of a boot against the flagstone floor made him look up.

  “Supper smells good.” Sarah hovered at the edge of the kitchen. “Can I help with anything?”

  “It’s just chicken and pasta. Best I could do on short notice.” He glanced around at the dusty kitchen and chagrin swirled in his gut. “Sorry about the dust. I’ll get to it here in a sec.”

  “Let me. I might be tired, but I can still wipe up some counters.”

  “Where’s Liam?”

  “I convinced him to take the bath.” She bit her lip. “Is that okay?”

  “Of course. Damn, I think there are towels in the linen closet behind the bathroom door. Let me go get them.”

  “I found them.” She rested her hand on his arm, stalling him. Heat crawled over his skin from her hand, warming him in ways he hadn’t known he needed. “Thank you.”

  He fell into her pale green gaze and his heart stirred along with his cock. This one! This one is the right one. His Brother let loose a whine and Alex almost pulled Sarah into his arms and kissed her. But lightning flashed and thunder shook the house, making him jump. He stepped back.

  “You’re welcome. All part of the plan to keep you safe. You’ve had a rough time and I’m happy to help.” Alex glanced out the windows to see rain rattling against the glass in great sheets. “Looks like we caught a break, though.”

  A cute crease developed between her auburn brows. “How so?”

  “Fitzroy said water confuses demons. I figure between the river and the rain storm, we got it covered.”

  “Oh, yes, I suppose you’re right.” She looked so lost and alone he wanted to gather her into his arms and hold her tight.

  “It’s going to be okay, Sarah.”

  The bleakness of her expression tore at his heart. “Do you know how often I’ve thought those words only to discover they aren’t true? A demon is after me and my son, Mr. MacLaren. Nothing will ever be okay.”

  “Hey.” He couldn’t resist grasping her hand and pulling her to face him. “You’ve come here seeking help and that’s what you’re going to get. We’ll get through this and beat this thing. I promise.”

  “You can’t promise that.” She shook her head fiercely. “Everyone who has come into contact with the demon, who has tried to help us—they’re dead.”

  “None of them were Hell Hounds, were they? Or dragons?”

  Sarah bit her bottom lip.

  “Believe me, that’s what will make the difference this time. We’ll take the demon down and send it packing.”

  “How?” She looked up at him and searched his eyes as if the answer scrolled across his face.

  “Let’s not worry about it right now. You and Liam need food and rest. Let’s start with that.”

  He met her gaze and offered his best encouraging smile. Some of the tension left her expression and she tentatively smiled back at him, the hope in her gaze drawing him closer. Before he could think through his actions, he tilted his head and covered her lips with his.

  Sarah stiffened with surprise, but with a moan of desperation, she opened her mouth and gave into his kiss. Hot, searing lust spiked through Alex as the taste warm, willing woman and frantic need hit his tongue. The scents of peat bogs and spring hyacinth flooded his nose, and he couldn’t stop caressing her tongue with his.

  Mine! Must protect. True Mate. His Brother surged forward and made him tighten his grip on the delicious woman in his arms. He wanted to question the “True Mate” bit, but lust, need, and her scent swamped his mind until emotion ruled him.

  Alex growled and pressed Sarah up against the counter, one arm wrapped around her back, his other hand spearing through her silken ponytail. The auburn strands felt like satin rope and he tightened his fist, dragging her head back. She whimpered and her nails dug into his back through his shirt as she wrapped one leg around his thigh. She ground her mound against his rock-hard cock and he swore his eyes rolled back in his head.

  Want. Want her now. True Mate. Tugging her head back again, he broke the kiss and licked her throat, lust demanding he mark her as his. He worked his hand between their bodies and stroked the crotch of her jeans, the heat and dampness there searing his fingers. Feral need exploded through him and the scent of her arousal insisted he mate with her immediately.

  And he would have, except the pasta pot boiled over right beside them.

  They broke apart, Alex scrambling to turn down the heat on the stove. His cock throbbed against the fly of his jeans, mourning the loss of Sarah’s warmth, but guilt hit him straight between the eyes. What the fuck am I doing?


  What in bloody hell am I doing?

  Sarah watched Alex save the food and tried to gather her wits. She had a demon after her, for the Goddess’s sake. Now was not the time for romance. True Mate. Want more. Her Sister self whined with lust and need.

  Oh, be off with you. There’s no such thing as True Mates.

  Malcolm wasn’t our True Mate. Alex is.

  Sarah pressed her fingers to her lips. Alex’s kiss had been different than any other kiss she’d experienced. It had reached down into her very core, setting needs and desires alight she never knew she had.

  “Saved it.” He gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry for…” He waved at her and licked his lips, sending cream flooding straight to her pussy. She wanted his tongue again.

  Preferably in more sensitive places.

  What was wrong with her? She’d never behaved so wanton before in her life. But she desperately wanted more of Alex. It’s just the stress, is what it is.

  True Mate. Her Sister self seemed so certain.

  She wanted to scoff, but she didn’t want Alex to think she didn’t believe him. “It’s all right. I’m sure it’s just the ‘poor me’ attitude I was giving you. Isn’t there a line in Under the Tuscan Sun where the bloke says she has to stop crying or he’d be forced to make love to her? I’m sure it’s just something like that.”

  Did she just suggest he’d been thinking of making love to her? Can you be any more forward with a man trying to help you? Chewed bones. She felt her face flush and ran a hand over her hair.

  Alex chuckled and shifted his hips as if his jeans had become too tight. Her gaze automatically dropped to his fly and her breath caught at the sight of the large ridge outlined there. More cream soaked her panties and she jerked her gaze away as his nostrils flared. He can smell the desire, you know. Aw, sod it!

  “To be honest, I might have gone that far to make you smile again if necessary.” He ran a hand over the back of his neck. “But we were saved by the steam, so no harm, no foul.” He rolled his shoulders to loosen them. “Okay. Why don’t you go check on Liam while I get the rest of this dinner made? Then we’ll make a plan of action after we’ve eaten. I always think better on a full stomach.” He gave her a gorgeous, cheeky grin.

  “Right. Okay.”

  Sarah didn’t want walk away from Alex, but she forced herself out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She had to think this through and they did need a plan of action. Her Sister remarked the only action she wanted was beneath Alex, but Sarah mentally bitch-slapped her and opened the bathroom door.

  “Liam love, are you done?”

  Her son turned about, his hair sticking up in all directions as he buttoned his pants. He nodded and wiped his nose on the towel he held. His eyes looked red as if he’d been crying and her heart squeezed tight in her chest.

  “What’s wrong, boyo?” She pulled him into her arms and held him tight, just like she’d done when he was a cub.

  “I’m afraid of the demon getting us, Mama.”

  “Oh, now, let’s not worry too much tonight, shall we? Supper’s coming and we’ll all feel better then.” She smoothed down some of the flyaway hair as she met his sapphire gaze. “We got a good head start on it this time, Liam love, and we’ve come to the right place should we have to face it. Mr. MacLaren won’t let anything happen to us, to be sure.”

  “Do you think he can stop it, Mama?”

  Sarah didn’t know the answer to that question, but she’d be damned before she allowed Liam’s worry to grow. “I think it might take all of us together, but we’ve never had a better ally.”

  “No one’s ever been able to help us before.” Liam’s lower lip quavered and Sarah’s determination roared to the fore.

  “Well, he’s a Hell Hound, init?” She squeezed him as he nodded. “It’ll be all right, love. Now let’s go get us some supper. Do you need help combing your hair?”

  Liam shook his head and reached for the comb on the bath sink. “Why do you smell like him?”

  “What?” Surprise and chagrin spiked through her.

  “Why do you smell like Alex? Like hot wet rock?”

  True Mate. Her Sister’s voice held smugness. Sarah had heard the legends surrounding True Mates. They shared a similar scent as if their personal odors mixed together to allow others to know they’d mated. She’d also heard True Mates couldn’t keep their hands off each other and couldn’t tolerate anyone of the opposite sex to touch their partners once mated.

  That can’t be what’s going on. Could it?

  “Do I? I hadn’t noticed.” Sarah shrugged off her unease. “I’m sure it’s because we’re in his house and spent time with him in his Jeep. That’s all.” She straightened his clothes to cover her nervousness. “Come now. Let’s go down to supper. I can smell the chicken, can’t you?”

  Liam nodded and allowed her to shepherd him down the stairs to the dining area where Alex set the table.

  “Feeling better, Liam?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Liam looked the older male Moon Singer over carefully, his curiosity plain.

  “Great. Come on and sit down. What would you like to drink?” Alex set a steaming plate full of chicken and pasta down on the table in front of the boy and pulled out a chair.

  “Just water, please.” Her son perched on the seat, licking his lips.

  Sarah helped him scoot in then turned to get her own food, but Alex waved her toward the table. “Go ahead and sit down. I’ll bring it.”

  “Oh, thank you.” She retreated to sit beside her son.


  Alex returned with a glass of water and a plate of food for her. The scent of hot tropical nights at the foot of a rumbling volcano flooded over her as he set down her meal and she met his amber gaze. He paused and his jaw tig
htened as his nostrils flared. He looked wild and primal in that moment, and a shiver of desire shot down her spine.

  Want him now. True Mate. Her Sister self had never been so vocal in her thoughts before, but the presence of this man had unleashed her. Sarah fought against the urge to throw herself into his arms despite her son watching.

  Alex inhaled deeply and shifted his shoulders. “Can I get you something to drink? Water? Tea?”

  “Whiskey?” she whispered.

  Alex blinked then laughed, the sexual tension bleeding away. “I don’t think I have any of that around here right now. Especially not good Irish whiskey.”

  “Aw, more’s the pity.” She gave him a smile and tried to recover her composure as he retrieved his own plate. “Water will be fine for now.”

  “Right.” Did she hear strain in his voice? He returned to the table with her glass and his plate, but he didn’t seem to carry any tension in his broad shoulders. Lovely, strong shoulders with hard muscles stretching his shirt.

  Bloody hell. She’d never wanted anyone like this, but the timing couldn’t be worse. Sarah forced herself to concentrate on her food, though she barely tasted it with the handsome male sitting beside her.

  They ate in silence as the rain pattered against the windows of the house. Liam’s gaze kept flicking between Sarah and Alex. She couldn’t scent any distress from him, only curiosity. Thank the Goddess he’s not afraid for the moment.

  They’d almost finished eating when Liam set his glass down, and fixed Alex with a frank stare. “May I ask a question, Alex?”

  Alex raised his eyebrow. “Sure, Liam. What do you want to know?”

  “Why do you and my mama smell alike?”

  Alex’s second eyebrow joined the first and he shot a look at Sarah. “I thought I smelled like hot rock.”

  “Yeah, you do. But now Mama smells like that, too, a little.”

  “Does she?” A smile quirked Alex’s lips. “I’ll have to check for myself.” He leaned over to Sarah and made a big production of sniffing at her.

  “Hmm.” Alex frowned thoughtfully. “I smell chicken, pasta, wolf, and…” He cocked his head quizzically, making Liam giggle. “Girl.”


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