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I'm In It (The Reed Brothers Book 18)

Page 13

by Tammy Falkner

  “I’m fine.” I’m not a porcelain doll that’s going to break with an orgasm. “Why do you keep asking?”

  “Because now I’m wondering if that was the right thing to do. I’m not sure.”

  “I didn’t turn you away.”

  He pats my hair dry in small locks, squeezing with the towel. “Did you want to?”

  “Not at any moment.”

  He lets out a breath. “The look on your face when you came. My God. That was fucking amazing. I want to see that look every day for the rest of my life.”

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “I want to make you happy, too.”

  He kisses my cheek and tosses the damp towel to the floor. “You do. Every single day. You do.”

  We lie down and he rolls me onto my side, and then he fits himself in behind me. He reaches between us and adjusts his junk so that it’s not poking me in the spine. “That’ll go away in a minute. Just ignore him.”

  I chuckle. “Him?”

  “Well, he’s definitely not a her.”

  No, that’s for sure. He’s definitely not a her.

  “Go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow. I have some things I need to tell you.”

  “You promise?” I yawn.

  “I swear it.”

  And that’s the last thing I hear as I close my eyes.


  We’re at the park the next day when Wren announces, “I think we should play a game.” She’s holding Devon in her lap, because for some reason he’s decided that he likes clinging to Wren. I can’t say I blame him. I like clinging to Wren too. Roxy is toddling around picking up sticks, while Anna swings on the swing set. Chase is in his stroller, being the good boy he is.

  “What kind of game?” Devon asks, sitting up so he can look Wren in the eye.

  She brushes his hair back from his forehead in a gesture that’s so maternal it makes my head spin. “It’s called favorites. Emilio used to play it with us when we were little and he didn’t know us very well. So, he could get to know us.”

  “How does it work?” Anna asks, her feet kicking up clouds of dust.

  “We get to take turns asking questions, and everyone has to answer, no matter how ridiculous the question is.”

  Devon furrows his brow. “That sounds boring.”

  “No, it doesn’t. It sounds like fun,” I say. I’ll take any chance I can get to learn more about Wren.

  “I don’t want to play,” Devon says, and he jumps out of Wren’s lap and sprints for the swings.

  “Me either,” Anna sings out. She’s already running toward the climbing structure.

  I sit down next to Wren on the bench. Roxy is toddling a few feet from us. Wren reaches down and plucks Chase out of his stroller so she can balance him on her knee. So domestic. This could be what my life looks like ten years from now.

  “I’ll play with you,” I say. “A question for a question.”

  She grins. “Deal. The only rule is that if it takes you longer than five seconds, you’re disqualified. You have to answer quickly, so you’ll be honest.”

  I lay my hand over my heart. “You think I’d lie?”

  “When folks play this game, they tend to try to please people rather than give a truthful answer. So, Emilio’s rule is that if it takes longer than five seconds, it doesn’t count.”

  “Sounds fair. When’s your birthday?” I blurt out.

  She doesn’t hesitate. “February second. What’s your favorite food?”

  “Pizza.” I glance down at her feet. “Favorite type of shoe.”

  She flexes her toes, holding her foot in the air. “Flip-flops. What’s your favorite childhood memory?”

  “Riding the roller coaster at the amusement park. Which of your sisters is the funniest?”

  “Finny.” She’s right. Finny has a mouth like a sailor and a very dry wit. “Were you ever jealous of Ryan?”

  “All the time. Still am.” Her eyes narrow. “Have you ever had a dog?” I ask.

  “No, but I wouldn’t mind it. When’s your birthday?”

  “Tomorrow.” Surprised, she turns her head to look at me but I ask another question. “Are you still in love with Shane?”

  She startles for a second but recovers quickly. Well within the five second rule. “No. What’s your favorite mixed drink?”

  “Long Island Iced Tea.” She looks at me doubtfully. I chuckle. “Go big or go home. Your favorite food.”

  “Mac and cheese. Your favorite color.”

  “Whatever you’re wearing.” She rolls her eyes. “Big dog, little dog, or no dog?”

  “All of them. Who was your first girlfriend?”

  “Janice Malloy. Favorite sport.”

  “Duh. Baseball.” She starts to play pat-a-cake with Chase, and Roxy brings me a leaf she found. I tuck it into my pocket. I’ll throw it away later. Anna and Devon are arguing over who can swing higher. “Which of your parents is more stubborn?”

  “My mom. How many serious boyfriends have you had?”

  She starts to count on her fingers. “Four. How old were you the first time you had sex?”

  “Eighteen. How many kids do you want?”

  “Three. What kind of fabric softener do you use?”

  “I don’t.” I grin at her. “Who was your first kiss?”

  She looks down. “My foster father. Before we got adopted.” My jaw drops. She lays her hand on my arm. “It stopped there. I’m okay with it. But you did ask.”

  I nod, still trying to catch my breath. She bounces Chase gently when she realizes he’s falling asleep. He grins at her. “Whose turn is it?”

  “I’ve lost track. You can go again.”

  Questions escape me, because I’m still rolling that last one around in my brain.

  “You’re ruining the game, Mick.”

  “Your first real kiss,” I blurt out. I scrub a hand across my forehead, trying to wipe the thought of that last one away.

  “Greg Donovan. Under the bleachers at a football game. Your favorite dessert.”

  “Cheesecake. Dream job?”

  “Helping kids out of the foster system. Do you like what you do for work?”

  “Love it. How many people have you had sex with?”

  “Four. Is there anyone you really dislike?”

  “Mr. Mitchell, our next-door neighbor when Ryan and I were little. He still has the airplane I shot into a tree in his yard. Would you still be with Shane if he hadn’t cheated?”

  “Yes, probably. Beach or lake?”

  “Lake. Mountains or desert?”

  “Mountains. Why did you like the roller coaster so much?”

  “Because it tore me apart and then it put me back together again. Can you swim?”

  “Like a fish. Would you ever go skydiving?”

  “Not even if somebody paid me. Favorite fruit?”

  “Strawberries.” She stops and stares at me for a moment. Then her eyes narrow and she says clearly, “Why did you and Nicky break up?”

  “She did something that I couldn’t get over.” I scoot closer to her on the bench. “Why do you shut me out?”

  No hesitation in her answer. “Because I’m scared. Did you love Nicky or her kids more?”

  No hesitation in my answer, either. “Her kids, and she knew it. That’s why she dumped me. What would it take for you to let me in all the way?”

  “Time. Would you ever consider adopting?”

  “Wouldn’t even have to consider it. Yes. Have you ever had sex in public?”

  “Not yet. Are you over Nicky?”

  I stare at her, willing her to believe me. “Yes.”

  Anna and Devon run over just as Alex and Mel step out of the shadows. “We’re tired,” Anna says.

  “We should go.” I get up and pick Roxy up, spinning her around like an airplane. We go back to the bus, do a round of diapers, and settle everyone in their car seats with something to drink.

  Wren holds up two game control
lers. “Wanna play?” she asks me. She shifts nervously.

  “Sure.” I start a movie for the kids on the other TV, and then I lean over and kiss Wren on the lips. It’s quick and quiet and comfortable. “Can we come back to some of those questions later?” I ask.

  “No. What happens in the game stays in the game.”

  I nod and settle back against the seat, but my head is still reeling.


  I wake up the next day with Mick wrapped around me. It has become my favorite way to wake up. He’s warm and cuddly, and he snuffles lightly in my ear. I roll over and stare at him. I think he’s still asleep, but I can’t tell. I kind of like these unguarded moments when he’s vulnerable, because it feels like we’re more on a level playing field.

  Yesterday, Mick was kind and generous to me all day, and during the night, he got up for Chase, which was sweet of him. But all through the afternoon yesterday, he looked at me differently, like the answers I gave him left him unsettled.

  Mick’s dark hair is all askew and his long lashes lie darkly against his cheeks. His chin looks scratchy with morning beard shadow, and I itch to run my fingertips across it. His lips are slightly open, and air rushes from between them, hitting my face because I’m so close.

  “You’re a creepy stalker, you know that?” he asks.

  “I’m not stalking. I just think you’re really handsome when you’re sleeping.”

  He wipes the edge of his mouth. “Stop watching me drool. It’s gross.” He rolls onto his back and pulls me on top of him. He kisses the side of my neck. “How much time do you think we have before the kids get up?”

  “Not long enough.” I kiss his cheek, and then his lips. He grabs the back of my head and holds me close when I would have pulled away.

  “Good morning,” he says quietly. I hover over him, my hands braced on the bed on either side of his head.

  “Happy birthday,” I tell him.

  He grins. “You remembered!”

  “Hell yeah, I remembered. And I have something amazing planned for today.” I kiss him again and pat his stomach as I lift myself from on top of him. “Wake up. Get ready. Big day planned for you.”

  We’re about a hundred miles from San Diego, which is where the kids’ grandmother lives. But it’s also where one of the most famous theme parks in the world is located.

  “What time is it?” Mick asks as he rolls to sit up.

  “Six in the morning. Come on. Wake up. I’m so excited!” I pat the side of the bed and he laughs at me.

  “Where are we going at six in the morning?”

  “It’s a surprise! Wake up!”

  We actually parked around the corner from the amusement park last night, but Mick has no idea. After our round of questions and answers, I realized that I needed—and wanted, truth be told—to do something special for him. So, I called Emilio, and I had him have his people set it all up. Emilio grumbled the whole time, but I think he really appreciated that I was willing to do something special for Mick. He was surprised, but happy.

  “Does this outing involve breakfast, because I’m starving.” Mick stands up and stretches. His shirt lifts, and I can see the trail of hair that dips below the waistband of his boxers. He was half hard when he woke up, I could feel it, but now…now he’s rising to attention. “Stop looking at it,” he grumbles. He gives his dick a gentle shove and tries to tuck it away, closer to his body, but then he says, “Fuck it,” and he gives up. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Mm-hmm,” I hum. “Is that a code word for masturbating? Showering?”

  He leans down and kisses me. “No, if I wanted to masturbate, I’d just say I’m going to jack off. Which, by the way, I’m probably going to do.” He sticks his tongue out at me and steps into the bathroom. I hear the water turn on and laugh at him.

  Anna and Devon are awake, and I rush to get the other two up and dressed while Mick is in the shower.

  “I’m still trying to figure out how you pulled this off,” Alex says to me.

  I shrug. “The lifestyle comes with some perks.” It also comes with some drawbacks, like a lack of privacy, and constant scrutiny. But, yeah, it also comes with perks. Today is one of them.

  Mick comes out of the bathroom fully dressed, his hair still damp. He stops and runs a brush through it.

  “Feel better?” I ask. I glance down toward his lap.

  “I always feel better when you’re around,” he says. He grabs my head and pulls me into a noogie, which then turns into him tickling me until I’m afraid I’ll pee my pants.

  “That’s not what I meant,” I say as he holds me close.

  His eyes twinkle at me. “If it makes you feel any better, I thought about you the whole time.”

  “Not gonna lie…” I whisper. “I’m a little turned-on. Maybe I need to go and think about you for a few minutes.”

  He hitches his shoulder against the wall. “Can I watch?” His eyes blaze at me, full of heat and want and warmth.

  Mel opens the door and steps onto the bus. “They’re ready for you, Miss Vasquez,” she says.

  “Who’s ready?” Mick asks, looking from me to her and back.

  “You’ll find out,” I say, as I pick up Chase and he grabs Roxy. As I squeeze by him in the narrow confines of the bus, he grabs my ass. I gasp. “I can’t believe you did that.”

  “Believe it. Because I’ll probably do it again and again, for years to come. When you’re eighty, I’ll still be grabbing your ass.”

  He follows me out of the bus. The kids are giddy, because I told them where we were going while he was in the shower. I buckle Chase in his stroller, and we put Roxy in hers. Then Mick takes my hand, while he pushes with the other. I do the same. Anna and Devon skip along ahead of us. We get to a gate on the side of a building, and Alex stops and knocks. The door swings open, and we all step inside.

  “We can only stay for two hours,” I explain. “Then the park will open and we’ll have to share it with others.”

  “Wait a minute,” Mick says, as a grin splits his face. “You got the park to open early for my birthday, and we get it all to ourselves?”

  I hold up a hand to slow his roll. “We only get five rides, because they don’t have enough operators at this time of the day. But I did make sure that one of them is… “I pretend to do a drum roll on the handle of the stroller. “…the roller coaster!”

  “Are you serious?” he cries. Just as he does, a big-eared character comes around the corner, and his squeaky voice greets the kids. “This is fucking unbelievable,” Mick says to me. He’s grinning from ear to ear, and I’ve never seen him so happy. “How did you do this?”

  “I called in some favors.” I shrug, as heat fills my face.

  “Thank you,” he says quietly. Then he kisses me. It’s long and languid and leisurely and…long.”

  Alex clears his throat behind us and we spring apart. “We had better catch up with the kids,” Alex says, and we look to find Mel, the mouse character, and the two older kids moving ahead of us into the park.

  Mick and I hurry, both of us pushing strollers, to catch up with the others. The kids immediately want to ride the swings, so we get them all set up and pull down their safety bars. The attendant checks on them, and then steps back.

  “You ride with them, Mick,” I say, as I take the stroller from him.

  “What about you?” he asks.

  “Oh, fuck it,” Alex mutters. “Both of you go. Mel can watch the kids.”

  “I don’t like kids,” Mel deadpans.

  “Well, I don’t like you either, but I’ve spent the last week with you.”

  “Fine,” she grumbles. She takes the strollers from our hands. “Go ride. I’ll watch the babies.”

  “You’ll call us if they need us?” I ask. They’re not even mine, and I’m worried about them.

  “Oh, you’ll hear her screaming from miles away,” Alex bites out. She shoots him the finger and pushes both the strollers toward a bench where there’s shade

  Anna wiggles her feet. “Let’s go,” she says. Mick and I both get strapped in, and then the swings start a slow spin. Mick looks over at me and winks as the ride starts, and my heart does this little pitter-patter in my chest. It’s more than infatuation. It’s more than lust. It’s more than fondness. I am in love with him. Head over heels, completely taken, don’t know how I’d live without him love.

  “I know,” he says. “Me too.”

  Heat creeps up my face, but it’s okay. Because it’s Mick.

  After the ride, we move to a kids’ roller coaster, and then to some kind of virtual reality ride which scares the britches off me but the kids love it.

  We stop at a picnic table and eat some pizza, which I’d had delivered since it’s Mick’s favorite food, and then I look at Mick. “Are you ready for the big one?” I ask. I’m bouncing in my seat.

  He looks around. “The big what?”

  I point toward the biggest roller coaster in the park. “The big one,” I say again.

  “Are you kidding?” Mick jumps to his feet. “We get to ride that?” He picks me up and spins me around. “Can we do it now?”

  Some face-painting pixies show up to entertain Anna and Devon, and Mick and I leave to go ride the big coaster all by ourselves.

  When we get to the platform, Mick stops and takes a selfie of us. But he has no idea that someone has been here the whole time taking pictures of us and the kids, to add to their memories of this week. For his birthday, I’m going to use a picture of the six of us in a very special way.

  We get on the roller coaster and buckle in, and Mick leans over to kiss me.

  “You said you love roller coasters because they tear you apart and then put you back together,” I remind him. He nods. “That’s what you do for me,” I say quietly. “You tear me apart, and then you put me back together, every single time.”

  He doesn’t take his eyes from mine until the slow clack-clack-clack of the trestle turns into a whistling noise. We whoosh through twists and turns, we slam sideways, and we fall forward, and he yells and whoops through it all. His enthusiasm is contagious.

  Finally, when it’s over, we stop at the platform. “Can we do it again?” he asks.


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