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Emergence (Awakening Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Hayes, Olivia

  "I'd love to go, and I'm sure Lou would too, but I don't know if she would want to leave Carly. That's a long way away if there were to be an emergency."

  "I'd never expect her to leave Carly behind, bring her too, your mother is coming as well, and you know how much she hates fishing, so I'm sure she'd love to help with Carly instead."

  That sounded like a great idea. I knew my mother would love to spend more time with Carly, and I was pretty sure that Lou would trust my mother to watch out for her. Plus, I really wanted to get a chance to fish with Lou. I knew it was a past time she thoroughly enjoyed and I wanted to be the one to give her an opportunity to do it again.

  "Thanks Dad, I'll talk to her on the ride home and let you know soon."

  As I signed the last paper, my dad and I both turned at the glee filled screams coming from the living room. My dad opened the office door as I closed the folder and put the pen down, and we both went to see what was going on.

  "We're engaged!" Caroline gushed when she saw our dad and me round the corner into the living room.

  Dad caught her up in a big hug while I went to shake hands with Luke.

  "Congratulations honey!" my dad told her.

  "Luke, man, welcome to the family. It's been a long time coming," I said to him with a smile.

  "It sure has, but she makes me happier than I've ever been in my life," he said, looking over at Caroline in my dad's arms. "I can't imagine living the rest of it without her in it."

  As I watched his face light as he watched Caroline, I found mine drawn to Lou. She stood off to the side, holding a sleeping Carly, with a soft smile on her face. When her eyes moved from Luke and Caroline to me I could see the emotion behind them and I felt almost as if she was conveying her love for me without words.

  If I hadn't already known that Lou was it for me, in that moment it would have become acutely clear. We hadn't been together long, but Lou and Carly were meant to be a part of my life, and I had every intention of keeping them in it forever.

  Chapter 21


  "This one or this one?" I asked Kelly, holding up my black one piece swim suit in one hand and my hot pink bikini in the other.

  "Both!" she laughed, yanking them out of my hands and tossing them into my overflowing suitcase. "I can't believe you're going to the Bahamas for the weekend."

  "I know. It's kind of like a dream come true. This will be my first trip out of the country, and I get to experience it with Carson and Carly," I gushed, yanking a couple of tanks and some shorts out of my dresser drawers.

  "I guess things are going pretty well with him then, huh?" Kelly asked.

  "Yeah, he's incredible," I said. "He's amazing with Carly too. It's almost like they formed an instant bond. And I'm surprised how well he seems to know me too, even though we haven't known each other that long. He really listens when I talk to him, and that means so much to me. He gets me, and he doesn't expect me to be anything that I'm not, and that's what I love about him."

  As soon as the words were out of my mouth I gasped. Could I really be in love with Carson so soon after reconnecting with him? The answer came to me in an instant. Yes.

  Stunned, I flopped down on the bed next to Kelly.

  "Wow," I breathed out.


  "I love him," I said to her, awed at the realization.

  Kelly smiled at me, laying a hand over my own. "Are you happy Lulu?"

  "Honestly, I am. More than I ever thought possible after everything with Derek. I never felt like this about him, but with Carson I have this desperate longing to be with him all the time, even when I've just seen him he's all I can think about. He invades my every thought. I swear if it weren't for Carly and my job, I could probably waste the rest of my life staring at his perfect abs and memorizing the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs."

  "Damn girl, you've got it bad," Kelly laughed. "Alright, enough of this mushy stuff, we've got to get you girls packed for paradise!"


  I was jolted awake when the jet touched down on the small uneven runway. I sat up in my seat and looked over at Carly who was still nestled into her carrier, which was strapped to the seat next to me.

  "Did you have a nice rest?" Carson asked, leaning toward me from his seat facing me.

  "Yes, but now I'm excited to check out this island I've heard so much about," I said, smiling and cupping his unshaven cheek.

  Carson told me that his family had been coming to Chub Cay for about 20 years. When they first started visiting the island there were about ten villas that could be rented and only a handful of privately owned homes, along with two restaurants and a small store.

  Several years ago someone bought it and decided to build a resort on it, so they knocked down the villas and sold the lots to members of the Chub Cay Club, including Jack Foster, so they could build private homes on them.

  Shortly after Jack's house was finished the resort ran out of money to build and the hotel and amenities had been largely unfinished since then. The only pieces that were completed were the infinity edge pool with the swim up bar, and the marina, where Jack docks his boat.

  As we climbed off the plane I was wrapped in the balmy tropical temperatures and kept cool by the endless breeze that drifted across the island.

  Carson and Jack assisted the flight crew in unloading all the luggage before checking in at the small cinderblock outbuilding that served as the island's customs and immigration station.

  Once all our paperwork was in order the customs worker radioed up to the marina for Nathaniel to come pick us up. About fifteen minutes later a beat up van made its way to the edge of the runway and a head popped out of the window and searched the sky.

  "What's he doing?" I asked Allison.

  "Oh, he's checking for oncoming aircraft. He wouldn't want to cross the runway if there was a plane getting ready to land."

  I stood there wide eyed as the driver pulled his head back in the van and made his way across the tarmac to our location.

  Carson and Jack greeted Nathaniel like he was an old friend as they loaded up all our belongings and we piled into the van for the short drive back to the marina.

  When we pulled up to the house I was in awe. It was a three story wooden structure with wrap around porches, white railings, and a sea green facade. Rocking chairs with beautiful tropically printed fabric pillows lined the enclosed porch areas while wicker furniture sat out in the open.

  The interior of the house was decorated with light walls and dark wood flooring. All the window dressings and coverings were tropical or nautical, flowing with the beach theme throughout the house.

  "This is our room," Carson said, leading me to a room at the front of the house with a massive king sized bed, an ensuite bathroom, and a large bay window overlooking the marina. "I thought we could put Carly's porta-crib right at the foot of the bed. There's plenty of space."

  "It's perfect," I said, setting her down on the rug with a couple of her toys.

  Carson walked over to me, taking me in his arms. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I can't wait to take you fishing again."

  "Again?" I asked.

  "The night we met you mentioned that you used to fish a lot with your dad and that you miss it. I want to take you out there and let you get your sea legs back. Let you show me what kind of fisherwoman you really are," he said, nuzzling my neck.

  "I can't believe you remember that conversation," I said, burrowing into his chest.

  "I remember everything from that night," he assured me. "Okay, you get settled, and I'm going to bring in the rest of the luggage. My parents room is on the third floor, so I'll help them get their belongings up there, and then we can change into our swimsuits and hit the beach or the pool, whichever you'd prefer."

  "Sounds good to me," I replied, reluctantly letting go of him.

  As Carson left the room I picked up Carly and walked over to the bay window.

  "Look baby girl, we're in paradise!" I said as she wrap
ped her slobbery fingers in my hair. "Come on, let's set up your crib and get into our bathing suits."

  Chapter 22


  Lou and I walked on the beach with Carly for a while before heading back to the house for dinner. Dad grilled some steaks and chicken while Mom baked potatoes, made a salad, and passed out cocktails.

  Once we were all full we headed down to the boat to help Captain Scott prep for the next day. Mom and Lou stopped at the end of the dock where there was a covered sitting area. I could see Carly sleeping on Lou's chest while her soft laughter drifted down towards me on the breeze.

  I smiled that she and my mom were getting along so well while I mindlessly rigged some bait for tomorrow's fishing trip.

  "That's a real nice lady you've got there, kid," Captain Scott said as he sat down next to me and picked up a Ballyhoo, sliding a circle hook into place at the head, before wrapping the nose with a leader.

  "Thanks man, she's definitely a keeper."

  "So, she's the one who's finally pulled the great Carson Foster to heel, huh?" he asked, jabbing me in the ribs.

  "I wasn't that bad, was I?"

  "Boy, when I met you twenty years ago you were already wooing the ladies with your dimpled smile and your kisses, even at two years old. I didn't think you'd ever quit playing the field."

  "I guess I did always have a soft spot for women," I replied, bending the rigged Ballyhoo back and forth in my hand before setting it down and picking up the next one.

  "Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. It only matters that you recognized your match when you met her, and you never looked back."

  "That's even more true than you know, Cap."

  "Nah, Carson, I used to be like you were. Before I worked for your dad I ran boats up and down the Florida coast and all over the Bahamas. I had women all over the place, in every port of call. "

  I stopped what I was doing and focused on him for a moment. "Really? I thought you and Grace had been together forever. You just seem that much in love."

  Scott got a wistful look on his face and his mouth turned up at the corners as I went back to rigging my fish. "Grace was my one. As soon as I met her, all the rest paled in comparison. I knew I would never meet anyone like her ever again so I set about making some changes in my life, and I never looked back. We've been together ever since. So you see, we're not so different after all."

  "I guess not, especially now that I've found her," I said, gesturing toward Lou. "She's definitely my one and that baby girl of hers has me wrapped around her little finger."

  "I honestly never thought I'd see the day."

  "What day is that?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow at him.

  "The day you fell in love," he said with a smirk.

  My hands stilled again as the impact of his words hit me full force. A moment later I felt a lightening in my gut as I realized his words were true. I was in love with Lou Evans.

  She slipped into my life one night and flipped it upside down before disappearing. It was probably the biggest blessing I could have received. I wouldn't have been prepared for her if I hadn't have had the time to get myself together before she walked back into my world.

  My dad cleared his throat as he exited the salon, and sat down next to Scott, picking up a Ballyhoo to rig. "How's the weather looking for tomorrow?"

  "It looks pretty favorable. The wind has been blowing hard into the pocket for several days. We can do billfish in the morning and dolphin in the afternoon if you want. I spoke to Roger and he released a couple whites and a sail yesterday, and Bruce released a small blue," Captain Scott told my dad.

  "What do you think Carson?" my dad asked.

  "I'd like to do some offshore fishing tomorrow, and then I was thinking on Sunday we could catch some lobster or do some bone fishing in the morning, depending on the tides, and then hit Flo's for lunch and swing by the blue hole if we have time."

  "Man, you're really trying to pack it in, son," my dad said, amused.

  "I just want Lou to enjoy herself. She used to fish a lot when she was younger, with her father, but hasn't gotten a chance to get out there in a long while. I think she misses it so I want to take advantage of the time we have down here. But I'm sure she'll have a good time regardless of what we decide to do."

  "Well, personally, I'm trying to catch the big one, so why don't we plan to work the deep water until lunch time, and then we can move in to the ledge and try for a few dolphin and maybe pick up a white or a sailfish in the afternoon?"

  "Sounds good to me," I said.

  Just then I heard footsteps on the dock and looked up to see Lou making her way down to us. Her long dark hair was blowing behind her in the breeze, and her crystal blue eyes were focused directly on me. When I caught her eye she smiled brilliantly, lighting me up from the inside.

  "Hey beautiful," I said to her, returning her smile.

  "Permission to come aboard, Captain?"

  "Granted," Scott said, sliding a step box to the side of the cockpit so she could step aboard.

  I reached out, grabbed her hand, and helped her down.

  "Your mom took Carly up to the house. Can I help you guys?" she asked, looking around at our faces.

  "You want to rig Ballyhoo?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

  "I've rigged a bait or two in my day," she said, picking up a Ballyhoo and hook. "But, these don't look like the hooks I'm used to."

  "Come here and let me show you," I told her, making room on the cooler I was seated on. "The way you're probably used to is sliding the hook through the belly, but these new circle hooks go like this," I said, twisting the hook through the already existing bridal so it was exposed above the Ballyhoo's head. "Doing it this way greatly reduces the chances of gut hooking a fish."

  "Got it. Let me try the next one."

  I watched as she expertly fed the hook through just like I'd shown her.

  "You're a quick study. Great job!" She beamed at me as she picked up the next Ballyhoo and continued to help us rig.


  Once we finished up the prep work for the next day's fishing trip, we cleaned up the cockpit and headed up to the house.

  "See you all in the morning," my dad said as he made his way to the stairs.

  "Goodnight Dad," I called to him as I followed Lou to our room.

  "I need a shower, I smell like fish," she whispered to me after checking on Carly and pulling the blanket up over her chest.

  "Mind if I join you?" I asked, slipping my arms around her waist and pulling her into me for a slow open mouthed kiss.

  "I had hoped you would."

  I stepped backwards into the bathroom, pulling her along by the waist. After closing the door behind us I lifted her shirt over her head and let it fall to the floor.

  Her creamy breasts rose with her chest as her breathing increased. I reached behind her to untie her bikini top, and then dropped it to the floor before kneeling to pull off her shorts and bikini bottom.

  When she was naked in front of me I stood up and stepped back just to take her in.

  "You know you're the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. I've always thought that. I remember the night we met, how I marveled that your lips match the color of your nipples. I still can't get enough of you," I said, raising my hands to cup her breasts in my hands.

  "Mmm," she moaned, pressing herself more fully into me.

  I lowered my head, pulling one soft areola into my mouth and swirling my tongue around until the nipple was a hard peak before moving to give the same attention to the other.

  When both nipples were erect I stepped back to admire my handiwork, giving her a salacious smile. I turned to start the shower and Lou's hands slipped underneath the hem of my shirt, pulling it up as she ran her fingers over my abs and up to my shoulders before lifting it over my head.

  Her touch drove me wild. I loved the feeling of her hands on my skin. It made me feel alive in ways I never thought I'd experience. It was as if her touch awakened my soul. />
  She moved to the button on my shorts, quickly unfastening them and sliding them down my legs with my boxers. We both stepped out of our flip-flops and into the large tiled shower.

  Her hands slid down, curving over my swelling dick as I leaned into kiss her. The steam from the water cocooned us behind the glass door, blocking out everything beyond.

  She picked up the body soap and poured some onto a washcloth and then proceeded to lather me from my head to my feet. The slow circular motions she used were highly erotic and I couldn't stop myself from thrusting lightly into her grip when her hands encircled my erection.

  After she ensured that I was adequately soapy, she pushed against my sternum until I backed under the stream of the shower head and then ran her hands over me until I was thoroughly clean.

  When she was finished, I picked up the bottle of shampoo and washed my own hair, before turning to wash hers. She leaned into me as I rinsed her hair clean and then I proceeded to soap her body, running my hands over her breasts until her nipples pebbled under my touch.

  Without warning she dropped to her knees in front of me and I sucked in a sharp gasp of air as her tongue snaked out and licked at the tip of me.

  "Fuck," I breathed out as her hands came up to grip me, one cupping my balls and the other my base as her tongue continued to lick its way along my length and over the head.

  I fought the urge to wrap my hands in her hair as she opened her mouth and sucked me right down her throat. It was all I could do to remain standing. This girl could set me off in a moment.

  "Ah yeah, baby, just like that. Show me how good you can suck my cock," I groaned out, thrusting towards her.

  She moaned around me as her hand began to move in rhythm with her mouth, pumping me and sucking me until my entire world was focused on my dick sliding in and out of her hot wet mouth. When she pulled me to the back of her throat and swallowed I couldn't contain my hands and they went straight into her hair, pulling her further against me as I thrust down her throat.


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