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Journey To You

Page 21

by AJ Adaire

  “Well, I think I’m going to ask him if he’ll give me a ride back to his place. Maybe he’ll let me borrow Villy’s pickup. If not, there are plenty of others nobody is using on the way to Jennifer’s place. I’ll have any number of choices.”

  Allie put a hand on Kim’s knee. “Don’t go to her because you think you have limited choices, Kim. It wouldn’t be fair to either of you.”

  “The thing I appreciate the most about you is that you always say what’s on your mind.” Kim smiled at her friend and placed her hand on top of Allie’s giving it a squeeze. “I’m reasonably certain that’s not what I’m doing. I admit I’m lonely and eager to find another relationship for all the reasons we’ve discussed before. Truth is, I haven’t been able to get that kiss we shared out of my mind. I promise, I’ll be convinced that it’s more than her availability pulling me back there before I say anything to her. Jennifer deserves at least that much from me.”

  “I thought you might want to stay here.”

  “Maybe it sounds selfish. Hell, maybe it even is selfish. I don’t know.” Kim pulled her hand away and ran her fingers through her hair. “You still have Peri and Paige to help you here. You have enough food to last for the winter. Allie, If I don’t go now, I’ll be here forever and I’ll have no chance to be happy, ever. If I leave, I have a glimmer of hope that I may find…what I need.”


  After breakfast, Zeke and Paige were moving firewood up onto the porch. They took a break to watch Lola and Murdoch frolic with each other. “I’m having a great time being with you, Peri, and Kim. I’ve come to think of you as close friends. Hell, you guys are probably the closest thing to family I’ll ever have. Even more, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the beautiful woman I’ve just met.”

  “Yes, Zeke.” She gave the big man a hug. “It’s hard to explain since we’ve not really known each other that long. I agree, there is a special bond. We’ve all talked about it. How there’s a difference in relationships and friendships now.”

  The next morning, Zeke was sitting on the porch waiting for Allie to join him, to watch the sun peek over the top of the hill and share their second cup of coffee for the morning. They’d already finished the milking. He looked around the homestead. Allie had already told him how much acreage she and her husband had while she showed him around the property during their first walk. Most of the buildings were old and roughly built and in need of some tender loving care. He smiled to himself as he recalled their conversation about Allie’s move to the farm.

  “DJ told me he owned this land before we married, though we never visited here. We were high school sweethearts who married early. His parents passed in close succession, about eight years ago. He brought me up here for a two-week vacation. We came here again the following year. The day he told me he wanted us to quit our jobs and move here I wanted to have him committed.”

  Allie came out and set a cup of coffee on the table next to Zeke. He took a sip and gave her a smile. “Perfect…just the right amount of cream. Thank you.”

  He patted the seat next to him on the porch swing. “Come, sit with me.”

  “You look deep in thought. What are you thinking about?”

  “You.” He chuckled when she rolled her eyes.

  She sat down and took a sip of coffee.

  “Honest. I was thinking about you. I was chuckling about you telling me that you were ready to have DJ committed when he told you he wanted to move here.”

  “Oh boy, was I. I doubt a broom had been inside the house for twenty years. I bet I cried at least once a day for the first three months we were here.”

  He resisted the urge to touch her to convey his sadness that she’d had such a hard time adjusting. “I’m sorry you had a hard time.” They’d already discussed his reasons for moving to the remote area where he lived.

  “I remember being so thrilled, after we installed the solar panels and set up the refrigerator and alarm system. I almost felt we’d crept forward in time to a hundred years ago. I felt less afraid here with the alarm system he installed.”

  “Are you still afraid now?”

  “Not so much now that the others are here. Kim, Paige, and Peri have saved me in more ways than one.”

  As if on cue, Paige and Peri joined them. Kim followed them out less than a minute later. Conversation turned to coffee and how appreciative they were that Allie had made it.

  “Thank Zeke. He brought it. I only made it.” Allie blessed him with a smile, causing him to blush.

  Zeke shrugged away the thanks. “My pleasure, I assure you. Enjoy it. I’m sorry it’s the last I have. I’m glad I could share it with friends.”

  Allie frowned. “I hadn’t thought of that before. Because there are no more distribution networks, things like coffee won’t be available anymore.” Everyone fell silent, contemplating the changes that had occurred. Life as they knew it had shifted. They would likely feel the effects for the remainder of their lives.

  Zeke set his coffee cup on the table and turned to Allie. “I’d better be getting on my way. Thank you for making me feel so welcome. I’ve enjoyed my visit.” He looked away, put his hands on his knees, and prepared to stand. Thinking better of it, he again turned to Allie. “Um, I was wondering, do you think I could visit again, maybe next week for a couple of days? I’ll bring my toolbox with me and fix those loose boards in the barn for you. Make a list of anything else that needs attention and I’ll take care of it for you.”

  Allie tipped her head and studied the kind man. “That would be wonderful. I’m sure we’ll all look forward to your visit.”

  “Good. I’ll go collect my things.”

  Kim followed him inside to ask a favor.

  Zeke gave a jaunty wave as he headed out of the drive with Lola perched on the seat beside him.

  Wasting no time, Kim turned to the others. “I think we need to talk about what’s going to happen in a few weeks. Next week, Zeke plans to return and when he leaves, I’m going to go back with him. I’m going back to the Halls’ farm.”

  “Let’s talk over dinner what we each think is best to do,” Peri said. “We’ve been thinking about the approaching winter, too. In the meantime, we need to get on about our chores.”


  The women picked cabbage that day. Some of it went into the dehydrator. “This can be easily rehydrated to use in soups and stews.” Some they shredded and made into coleslaw for immediate consumption. Several heads they placed in crates for trading with neighbors the following week. Allie wrapped some in old newspaper she’d saved for the purpose, before placing them into wooden crates to be stored in the root cellar. The rest they put into large crocks and made sauerkraut.

  As they’d worked in the field, Peri had a few minutes alone to speak with Paige. She shared that Kim’s announcement had come as a surprise. “I’ll admit I’m more than a little miffed that she made this decision without at least exploring options with the rest of us. I wonder if she’s already talked about this with Allie, and what Allie plans to do.”

  “If we go back to Villy’s, I think we should ask Allie to come with us, don’t you?”

  “Absolutely. I doubt she can survive a winter here alone. We’ll have to figure out logistics of what we can bring, if she agrees to come with us.”

  Conversation was limited while they ate, not only because they were tired. It seemed that nobody wanted to open the topic that would signal big changes in their living situation. Peri decided to broach the subject. She fought a difficult internal battle to be open to Kim’s explanation for her decision to leave without mentioning it to her.

  “You surprised us with your announcement, Kim. At what point did you decide to leave?” She bit her tongue to keep from saying, ‘Don’t you think you should have discussed it with the rest of us?’ She reconsidered and said instead, “Your decision bears some consequence for the rest of us, especially for Allie.”

  Allie’s eyes snapped to Peri. “Are you two planning to leave also?”r />
  Peri nodded. “We haven’t made any decision yet, although we’ve been talking about what would be the best thing to do. We’re considering going back to Villy’s cabin. We wanted to discuss it with both of you.”

  Peri’s accusing look at Kim caused Allie to defend her friend. “Kim talked to me last night. I want her to be happy, and I’m not her responsibility. You’ve all helped me tremendously. We have put up enough food to last all of us for the winter. I can share the seed supply and everyone can go her own way.”

  Paige, who had been silent throughout the discussion so far, shared her opinion. She reached across the table to take Allie’s smaller hand into her own. “Allie, Peri and I have concerns about staying here over the colder months. We think it would be much easier to manage a winter at Villy’s place. He has solar power, like you, so there’s refrigeration and light. However his home is smaller, much more energy efficient and will be easier to heat. We were planning to speak to you and Kim about wintering there. Since it appears Kim is leaving, I’m especially strong in my opinion that you can’t stay here alone. We’d like to encourage you to come there with us. We can relocate the animals for the winter, and we can revisit and reassess what you want to do in the spring. It would appear that you’re better equipped to do the growing of the crops here, because you have an established garden. Plus, you have a mature orchard. It makes sense though, to come with us for this winter. Please, consider it.”

  “I will, I promise. Thank you for the offer. I’ve been a bit worried myself about being here alone. Even if all of us stayed, there’s no doubt, living here in the winter is a lot of work.” She bit her lower lip. “I doubt I could manage alone. We’ve been so focused on growing, harvesting, and storing all the crops, we haven’t even begun to put up the wood for winter. I admit that in past years, once the cold weather hit and the temps started to drop, I don’t think I was ever warm until the spring thaw.”

  “We won’t leave you without everything you need, should you decide to stay.” Peri glanced at Allie and sensed there was something else. “Is there something that’s making you hesitate about coming with us?”

  Allie glanced out the window. Her fingers found her earlobe and tugged it. Beyond her control, a blush spread from her neck to her cheeks. “I…uh…well, you two have a new relationship and deserve some privacy. You need time to be alone. You don’t need a third wheel to intrude as you start your lives together.”

  “Don’t be silly. The invitation is sincere and reasonable. We hope you’ll realize that and agree to come with us.” Paige stood, walked to the sink, and after putting her plate and silverware there, she faced the group. “We should determine what we’re doing before Zeke returns, so we can recruit him to help us move.”

  “Let me sleep on it tonight. I’ll tell you in the morning.”

  “We’ll clean up here,” Peri said.

  “Thank you…for everything.” Allie stood and gave each of the women a hug.


  Breakfast brought Allie’s announcement. “Thank you for your offer to come with you, Paige and Peri. I’m very grateful, and I’ve decided to accept your kind invitation to join you at Villy’s for the winter.”

  In the week remaining, before Zeke’s return, they finished harvesting, drying, and storing the last of the lima beans. Allie took a conservative portion of honey from the hives, assuring that there would be a sufficient amount for the bees to use for their winter food source. Paige made small tins of beeswax candles.

  One evening after dinner, they were all sitting on the porch. Allie looked out over her fields. “That’s just about the end of the vegetables. We still have to harvest the apples and pumpkins though. When do you think we should relocate, and how do you suggest we do it? We have a lot of food to bring.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll get everything done.” Paige wrapped a protective arm around Allie. “Because we have a lot to relocate. There are the animals, all the food, and us. I suspect the move will be accomplished over a number of weeks. Let’s ask Zeke his opinion when he shows up tomorrow.”

  As if on cue, the alarm sounded. The women took cover as before, only relaxing when they saw Zeke’s vehicle pull into the drive.

  He jumped from the ATV and bounded over to the women, hugging each in turn, including Allie.

  Paige smiled as Zeke pressed his clean-shaven face against hers. She noted his clothes smelled fresh as well. “You’re here ahead of schedule! We’re happy to see you though. How come you came early?” Lola greeted everyone, while Murdoch said hello to Zeke with a thorough ration of doggie kisses.

  “I missed you too, Murdoch, and your people.”

  “Well, we’re more than happy to see you. You can join in our discussion.” Paige filled Zeke in on their plans to move to Villy’s, at least for the winter.

  “I’m glad you made the decision to come closer to me. I think it’s wise.”

  As the sun set, the group moved indoors. They sat around the table and made a list of things they couldn’t live without, a second for the things they wanted to move. Last was a wish list for things to move if there was room. First on the list were the goats and chickens.

  “There’s no coop at Villy’s. If you don’t mind, we could house the chickens in my coop.”

  “The goats will need cover. They hate the rain,” Allie said, concern clouding her face. “They can take some cold, but need shelter from the wind and snow.”

  “I think I can convert one of Villy’s outbuildings to house the animals. I’ll work on it this week, when I go back. We’ll need to figure out where to get bedding and feed for them.”

  “I have a deal with one of the guys on the other side of the valley. In exchange for feed, I trade some veggies, honey, and the use of my buck. Don’t forget, next week is the gathering. We need to load stuff in the truck that we’re offering and bring home what we get in trade. People are pretty fair about things.”

  “Zeke, like we discussed, I’d like to bum a ride as far as your place, when you head home. I’m going to head down to Morrison.”

  Zeke’s eyebrows twitched as if they wanted to furrow his forehead. “Sure thing.”

  On the day of his arrival, Zeke had told the women he planned to stay the weekend. However, Kim was eager to get underway and Zeke, too, had a mental list of things he wanted to accomplish. So, they agreed to leave right after breakfast.

  Everyone took turns hugging. Kim promised she would try to let them know she arrived at her destination, if she could figure out a way to contact them. Lola sat on the floor between Kim’s legs, as Zeke drove away.

  Paige and Peri, arms around each other’s waists, stood side by side with Allie until the dust from the truck was long settled. Slowly, they returned to the house.

  “How about some tea? There’s already a nip in the air tonight.” Allie put the water on to heat. “It’s so quiet with Zeke gone. Well, Kim too.”

  “Yes, I agree. How about we play some cards?” Paige got the deck from the hutch.

  The kettle whistled, and Allie stood to make the tea. Setting the cups on the table in front of Peri and Paige, she said, “I hope we’re making the right decision, to move everything with us. It’s a huge undertaking. I feel a little funny walking off and leaving the farm.”

  “It’ll be okay, Allie.” Paige volunteered to ask Ernie and his bunch to keep an eye on it. “We’re taking the food and the animals. Other than that, everything else will be here when we return in the spring. You said yourself the farm had stood unused for long periods in past years.”


  The following weekend, Zeke arrived with Villy’s pickup. “I’ve got some good news. Kim and I arrived back at the cabin, and the next morning I drove her out to the roadway. We were towing the ATV behind my pickup. We planned to see if we could maybe find an extra car hanging around that nobody was using. If not, I told her she could take mine.” He cleared his throat and gave a sideways glance at Paige. “You know, she wanted to, um, borrow one. An
yway, we drove a little way beyond a farm, and up over the hill came a convoy of militia. The men stopped and questioned us. After a bit, we got a little friendly with them and they told us they are a voluntary militia patrolling the road now, clear down to Morrison. Kim asked if they thought it was safe for her to drive down there and they said not yet. As you get closer to the town there is still some danger. She chatted with them a little longer and the boss of the outfit offered her a ride with them. How’s that?” He beamed at being able to share the good news.

  “That’s wonderful news, Zeke.” Allie’s praise caused Zeke to beam. “Now, we don’t have to worry about her. We know she’ll get to her destination.”

  “That’s not all. I stopped in at the farm there and met Simon Bailey. I was able to trade my truck with him for enough feed and bedding for the animals for the winter. That way, if you do your trade again for goat food, you’ll have a supply here if you decide to return in the spring.”

  “Oh, Zeke. You shouldn’t have. I have no way to repay you.” A frown line appeared on Allie’s forehead. “Won’t you need your truck?”

  “Nah. I rarely use it. You know I use the solar ATV most of the time. Gas is hard to come by nowadays. Besides, I’ve still got Villy’s truck. As part of the trade, he’s also sending over his sons, Toby and Foster, to do some chores. They’ll modify the largest shed into an appropriate living space for Allie’s small herd of goats. They’ll do a couple of other little things I asked them to do as well.”


  They took their tradable items to the swap meet and returned with goods they needed in exchange. Zeke sold his furs and bought a new pair of boots. Allie sold her honey, a few of the chickens, and one of the goats. All the extra food they could spare got traded for flour, salt, and material for clothes.

  Peri and Paige had no winter clothes. Paige was lucky, because she could fit into DJ’s winter jackets. Peri needed everything. Because so many people had passed away, used clothing was abundant. They each picked up some used clothing in exchange for some of the beeswax candles Paige had made.


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