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Country Girls 4 (Country Boy)

Page 9

by Blake Karrington

  “D!” Dollaz yelled out from upstairs.

  Diamond walked over to the bottom of the steps with her cup of coffee in her hand.

  “Yeah babe?” she answered.

  “Dr. Reed just called. He wants me to come in this afternoon for therapy. I’m not gonna be able to make the bank run wit you, but I’ma call Ski and tell him to go wit you.”

  “Nah babe, it’s cool. I can take myself. Plus, I was going to stop by the office and talk to Gwen after the run,” she said, looking up at him.

  “You must be crazy if you think I’ma let you walk out this door with all that money. As a matter of fact, fuck the doctor. I’m coming out…”

  “No babe. Go to ya appointment.” Diamond insisted.

  She knew how much it meant to Dollaz to get his legs back, and the only way he was going to do that was by going through the intense therapy regimen Dr. Reed had him on. He really couldn’t afford to miss one day. Diamond wanted him to start walking again just as bad as he wanted to.

  “A’ight, babe. Call Ski and tell him to be here by 12:30. I’ll have one of the girls take you to the doctor’s office.” Diamond said, bending to Dollaz’s demands.

  She really did love Dollaz. Despite his physical disability, Diamond still listened to him and took his advice whenever he voiced his opinion about something. Most of the time, he was right. Even in this instance, Diamond could understand his concern since she was traveling with a large amount of money. The bank wasn’t that far away, but the wolves were still out there, and they were always on the hunt.

  Gwen walked from her office to the copy machines, which were in a room on the far end of the floor. Her head was buried in the paperwork she was about to copy, so she didn’t even notice Terrence getting off the elevator. He noticed her right away and followed behind her, enjoying the view of her ass switching side to side in her linen khakis.

  When she got to the room and up to the copy machine, she was startled by Terrence who walked up behind her and grabbed her waist. She looked over her shoulder so see that it was him, and then gave him a stiff elbow to his gut.

  “Boy, don’t be walking up on me like that,” she said, turning back around to look at the copier.

  After the carnival date a few days before, Gwen and Terrence had become closer, connecting more on a mental level than anything. The physical connection was crazy too, but Gwen had yet to give him a shot of pussy. It’d just been a lot of heavy kissing and touching for now, but all of that was about to change.

  “Can I take you somewhere tonight? “ Terrence asked, moving her hair to the side so that he exposed the side of her neck.

  “You always wanna take me somewhere. You better cool out before you get yaself into something you can’t handle.” she shot back as she placed the paper on the glass.

  “Yeah, and what’s that supposed to mean?” He gripped her waist a little tighter and pulled her ass against him. “Don’t talk shit you can’t back up.”

  “I’m tryin’ to save you. I’m ain’t tryin’ to be responsible for corrupting you. It’s more to me than you think.”

  Gwen did have a crazy life. She had more responsibilities than any other female in Charlotte. Terrence wasn’t ready at all, but it wasn’t going to stop him from trying his hand. He was feeling Gwen. So much so, he wasn’t sure whether it was lust or just a genuine liking that made him want to dive deeper into her personal life.

  “If you scared of me, just say you scared.” Terrence said as he kissed her on the side of her neck.

  His warm lips sent chills down Gwen’s spine. She closed her eyes and imagined what his lips would feel like down below. It made her wet just thinking about it. She turned around to face him. “You sure you wanna go down this road?” Gwen asked, staring up at him with sex in her eyes. “Shit can get real dark for you once you cross these borders.”

  Terrence couldn’t care less about how dark it could get, and the way Gwen was talking made it seem like he couldn’t handle what she had. It only turned him on even more. “I’ma pick you up tonight at 9:00. Make sure you bring ya overnight kit wit you.”

  He pulled Gwen’s body closer to his then leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. Gwen practically melted in his arms. When he released his hold on her, she was almost tempted to grab him, lock the door and let him blow her back out right there on the spot.

  Gwen let him leave, but not before getting one more kiss from him, hoping it would keep her satisfied until later.

  Diamond sat in front of the house waiting for Ski to show up. He was supposed to be there by 12:30, but he was running a little late, due to the traffic. He did get a chance to call Diamond and let her know, but it was already 1:00 and Diamond was getting impatient. She jumped on the phone and called Dollaz, who was already on his way to therapy. The call went straight to voicemail.

  “Come da hell on.” she mumbled to herself, looking down at her phone to find Ski’s number.

  When she found it, she called him. “Ski, what’s taking you so long?” Diamond said into the phone.

  “I’m not… I will… move…” he tried to get out.

  The phone signal was weak and Diamond could barely hear him. All of the words were broken up. It sounded like he was going through a tunnel. When Diamond tried to say something, the phone just went completely dead.

  “Hello! Hello!” Diamond yelled into the phone.

  She was frustrated, and she wasn’t trying to waste any more time. She walked back into the house and grabbed the small duffle bag. After locking the house up, she tossed the bag into the trunk of the Camaro.

  Just in case Ski was close, she waited for a few minutes to see if he would pop up. He didn’t, so Diamond said, “Fuck it.” She got into the car and pulled off.

  The drive to the bank was nerve wrecking. Although she was doing the speed limit, using her turn signals and wearing her seatbelt, she still felt nervous for some reason. This wasn’t even the first time that she had traveled with large amounts of money on her, so she really didn’t know why she was shook the way she was. The realty company afforded her with a valid excuse to have that much money on her, so it wasn’t that.

  After about 45 minutes of driving into the city, Diamond finally made it to the bank safely. The bank manager, Rebecca, who was also MHB, made sure that the money was deposited directly into the realty company’s account. The whole money laundering situation was set up to perfection. It was damn near impossible for them to be popped by the feds, especially since they had somebody in the bank to make sure the IRS stayed in their lane.

  “A’ight, Becca, I’ll talk to you later.” Diamond said before leaving the bank.

  Next stop was the office. Diamond didn’t really spend that much time at MHB Realty because she put in a lot of work hours on the streets. When she did stop by, it was to have lunch with Gwen or just BS around.

  When Diamond walked up to the driver side of her car, she instantly felt something was wrong. It was as if the black Ford Explorer 4x4 appeared from out of nowhere, and came to a screeching halt right in front of Diamond. It was only about a couple feet away from hitting her. When she turned around, both the front and rear passenger doors swung open. The only thing Diamond really saw were the guns pointed right in her face.

  “Get in the car,” the masked man sitting in the back seat said, motioning to her with his guns.

  “I’m not getting in ya car. If you gone shoot me, then go ahead and shoot!” Diamond shot back.

  She turned back around as though she was going to attempt to get into her car. Once the door was open, her gun would be in arms reach and if she was lucky enough to get her hands on it, she was going to open fire without hesitation.

  The chances of her getting that off were slim to none, because as soon as Diamond got her key in the door, she was was knocked over the back of her head with a lead pipe. The guy who hit her, caught her body before it hit the ground, then tossed Diamond into the back seat of the jeep l
ike a rag doll. It happened so fast that none of the few pedestrians who were out there noticed anything going on. The jeep simply pulled off calmly, blending in with the rest of the traffic.

  “Where you taking me?” Gwen playfully asked, reaching over and smacking Terrence in the arm.

  Gwen didn’t know exactly where she was, but she did know it was right outside the city limits. It was nighttime, so she really couldn’t see that well. What she did notice was that it was a lot of land and not too many houses in the area. It looked country.

  After driving a few more minutes, Terrence pulled off onto a rocky dirt road that led up to a large piece of open land. Motion sensor lights lit up around the house when the car pulled into the driveway. Gwen looked in awe at the huge, beautiful house.

  “This better not be ya house,” Gwen smiled.

  “This is just one of them,” he said gathering his things in the car. “I hardly ever come out here.”

  “Dis shit don’t make no sense.” Gwen got out of the car and looked up at the house.

  It looked even bigger from the outside the car. The night-lights lined the walkway from the driveway up to the front of the house. Gwen didn’t say anything right away, but she swore she could smell water in the near distance.

  “If I would have known you was bringing me to your home, I wouldn’t have wasted a perfectly good outfit.’’ Gwen said, stopping at the bottom of the stairs and looking down at her clothes.

  Terrence had to admit, Gwen looked sexy as hell. She had on a pink pencil skirt, a white blouse with a yellow leather biker jacket over it, and on her feet were a pair of Louboutin heels. In her hand was a cute clutch by Alexander McQueen. Her overnight bag was still in the car.

  “So you gone come in or stay out here?” Terrence smiled, opening the front door.

  Gwen shook her head as she climbed the steps. She bumped Terrence on her way inside for not helping her up the stairs in her heels.

  When she got inside, she was impressed with the way he’d decorated the house; hardwood floors throughout, cedar wood stairs and banisters, plush leather furniture with glass tables and a red brick fireplace in the center of the living room.

  “You swear you gone get some tonight.” Gwen chuckled, looking around the house.

  Terrence smiled at her comment. “Come on, silly. Let me show you around the rest of the house.” he said, grabbing her hand and walking backward towards the staircase.

  Diamond woke up, only to be drowning in a bathtub full of water. She inhaled water through her nose and mouth as she tried to breathe. Randy pulled her head from the water, allowing her to get a second worth of air before he shoved her head back into the water. He repeated this act several times, bringing Diamond to the edge of death then pulling back just in the nick of time.

  The last time he pulled her head up from the water, he let her almost lifeless body drop to the floor. Tianna stood at the entrance to the bathroom looking on. It took her a minute, but eventually Diamond came to, coughing and throwing up water and the meal she ate for breakfast.

  “Now look, shawty. I can do dis shit all day… or until I end up killing you. I just wanna know who made the call for Dink to be killed?” Randy said, taking a seat on the toilet.

  Diamond didn’t say anything. Snot, water and vomit ran down her face. She was still a little discombobulated, so she was unable to answer the question.

  “Let’s just shoot dis bitch!” Tianna said, pulling a 9mm from her front pocket.

  Diamond already had it in her mind that they were going to kill her, so she definitely didn’t have anything to say. That only made Randy more upset. He leaned over and punched Diamond clean across her chin.

  Tianna pointed the gun at Diamond’s head.

  Randy quickly reacted, pushing the gun away from Diamond. The gun went off in the process, but bullet missed Diamond and went into the floor.

  “What da fuck is you doin’ Tianna!’’ Randy snapped. “We need dis bitch alive. If she do know something, I know one sick muthafucka who can get it out of her.” Randy said, looking down at Diamond.

  The person Randy was talking about was well experienced in making people talk. Randy had seen first-hand what Terrence could do, and knew that Diamond wouldn’t last five minutes being in the room with him alone. There was no question that Diamond went hard in the paint, but the fact still remained that she was a woman, and it was only so much pain a woman could take before she cracked. Terrence knew that, Randy knew that, and deep down inside, Diamond knew it too, but she was going to hold on for as long as she could to preserve the lives of her friends.

  Gwen and Terrence sat on the balcony outside his bedroom, looking out at the large pond in his backyard. It had to be the size of an Olympic swimming pool, and what made it look so beautiful was the underwater lights Terrence had installed a while back. You could actually see fish swimming around the pond, unharmed by the lights.

  “You know, when my brain becomes cluttered with all the bullshit goin’ on in my life, I come out here and get a piece of mind.” Terrence said, looking out at the water.

  Gwen could feel the sense of peace he was talking about. It seemed like the view overlapped all the bad, and for the first time in months, Gwen didn’t think about Zion, Chad or Mayo, nor did she worry herself with the piles of paperwork sitting on her office desk.

  “Hold up for a second.” Terrence said, getting up and walking into his bedroom.

  He came back out with a few pillows and a couple of thick comforters. He tossed them on the edge of the roof that slightly lapped over the balcony, and then jumped on the rail and climbed onto the roof.

  “What are you doin’?” Gwen chuckled, watching him as he brushed his clothes off.

  “Come on,” he said, leaning over and sticking his hand out over the ledge.

  “Boy, I’m not coming up there on that roof.” Gwen replied. “I think I’m scared of heights,” she smiled.

  “Trust me.” he told her, wiggling his fingers for her to grab his hand.

  Gwen looked up at him and let out a sigh. He just stood there with his hand out waiting for her to grab it. Gwen looked back at the pond then back up at Terrence. She got up from the chair and reached for his hand. “You better not drop me,” she said as she took off her heels and allowed him to pull her up to where he was.

  The rooftop was slanted in certain places, but smack dab in the middle of the roof was an evenly flat surface about 30 square feet. Terrence led her to it with the comforters and pillows in hand. The view of the pond was even better from the roof.

  Gwen stopped and did a full 360° turn, looking into the open field and the bright city lights in the far distance. “Now how many of your bitches did you bring up here?” Gwen playfully asked turning back around to face him.

  Terrence wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his hands on the lower part of her back. He pulled her closer to him, then leaned in and kissed her. Gwen held onto his arms, returning the kisses and allowing his tongue to roam freely inside her mouth.

  “I swear on my mother, that I never even brought another female to this house,” he said, looking into her eyes.

  From the sincere look that he gave her, Gwen believed him and didn’t second guess it.

  “I’m not gonna lie, Gwen, I want you bad.” he confessed.

  His hands traveled from her lower back, around her ass and then down the back of her thighs. His touch was driving Gwen crazy, especially when his hands began to go underneath her skirt. Her body become more submissive the higher his hands traveled.

  “Don’t be scared.” he whispered, palming both of her ass cheeks.

  In one swift motion, he lifted Gwen off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked them. Terrence held her up with one arm while squatting down to spread the comforter out with his free hand. Gwen kept her arms wrapped around his neck, watching as he laid out the makeshift bed.

  It was a little chilly out, so when h
e laid her down, he took another blanket and put it over them. Gwen was nervous. She hadn’t had sex for almost a year, and she hoped to God that she could handle Terrence.

  “I got you now.” Terrence said, leaning in to kiss her.

  He peeled off his shirt and didn’t even give Gwen the chance to unbutton her blouse. He popped it open then stuffed his tongue in her mouth before she could complain. He shimmied his pants down, and at the same time, pulled off her pink lace panties. The aroma from her box was sweet like she bathed in fruit. Terrence had to taste it. He started by kissing and licking around her stomach, biting down on her side as he made his way further down. Gwen couldn’t believe what she was allowing him to do to her.

  Her skirt remained on, but it was hiked up over her waist, making it easier for him to point his face inside her garden. Gwen moaned, feeling his lips softly kiss around her labia. Her jaw dropped and she looked down at Terrence like he was doing something strange to her. The way he wiggled his tongue around inside of her almost felt like a small, warm, wet dick.

  “Sssss!,” she hissed, throwing her head back in pleasure.

  An orgasm was right around the corner and Gwen could feel it down in her gut. She spread her legs wider, reached down and grabbed her vulva. Gwen felt a little embarrassed to cum in his mouth, but at this point she really couldn’t help it. Her body went into shock and the fluids flowing from her pussy poured into Terrence’s mouth. He cleaned up good too, swallowing every drop of her.

  “Oh, my fuckin’ God!” Gwen yelled.

  She brought his head up to hers and threw her tongue into his mouth. His dick was rock hard and didn’t need guidance in finding her entrance point. His thick member tunneled down into her warm pulsating canal until the full length of it was inside her. Gwen bit down on the top of his shoulder in pleasure, her nipples rock hard from the light breeze that passed through the blanket. As Terrence took his time stroking Gwen slowly and passionately, she looked up at the stars in the sky and felt like she was sampling a piece of heaven.


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