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Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 4-6 plus 2 Bonus Novellas

Page 61

by Kennedy, Elle

  Seth sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. Bad idea. Miranda would kick my ass.”

  Jackson stayed quiet, and experienced an odd pang of regret about it. He didn’t have a lovely lady—or in Dylan’s case, a lovely lady and a hot dude—getting all possessive over him. It bummed him out a little.

  “I can’t wait to get home and sleep,” Dylan announced as the four men strode out of the locker room.

  “Do you need a ride or did you take Aidan’s car this morning?” Cash asked.

  “Negative on the car. Claire took it to run a few last-minute errands before she leaves.”

  Jackson glanced over. “Where is she going?”

  “Los Angeles, for business. She’ll be gone three weeks.”

  “I guess that’s the good thing about living a life of sin—your girl’s away but you’ll still have your man at home,” Seth cracked.

  “Actually, Aidan’s gone too,” Dylan said glumly. “He’s got some downtime so he’s spending a few days in LA with the missus and then heading to Chicago to see his dad. Which means I’ll be all by my lonesome for three whole weeks.”

  Seth rolled his eyes. “Poor baby.”

  “Poor baby is right,” Dylan muttered. “That means no sex for twenty-one days.”

  “That’s an eternity in manwhore years,” Cash agreed solemnly.

  Jackson snorted. There was nobody who loved sex more than Dylan Wade. Men, women, didn’t matter the gender. Dylan was a serious horndog, which probably made it a good thing that he was now in a relationship with not one, but two partners.

  Truthfully, Jackson still had no clue how he felt about Dylan’s unorthodox love life. Growing up in a tiny town in Texas, he hadn’t encountered many polyamorous relationships. The residents of Abbott Creek were hard-workin’, God-fearin’ folks who loved their football and believed that marriage was reserved for a man and a woman, thank you very much. If there were any liberal-minded folks in town, Jackson sure as heck hadn’t encountered them. That was one of the reasons he’d skipped town and joined the navy—he hadn’t been able to put up with those narrow-minded busybodies for one more second.

  The fact that one of his best friends was involved in a permanent ménage a trois was a bit of a head-scratcher, but Jackson honestly couldn’t say he disapproved. He adored Claire McKinley, Dylan’s girlfriend. And Aidan Rhodes, Dylan’s boyfriend, was really fucking awesome. As long as Dylan was happy, who was Jackson to pass judgment?

  The four of them continued chatting as they left the base, but Jackson’s head was elsewhere now. He was going to see Mia again. In about, oh, ten minutes, according to the tactical watch strapped to his wrist.

  He couldn’t frickin’ wait.

  “See you boys later,” Cash said when they reached the parking lot.

  Dylan glanced at Jackson. “We still on for that COD sesh tonight?”

  “He might have other plans,” Seth spoke up with a barely restrained grin.

  “Another date?” Cash blurted out. “Oh man, if it’s another date can you please, please record it on your phone for me?”

  “Are you seeing the sex addict again?” Dylan demanded. “Because I want pictures of her cowboy outfit—oooh, and try to get a shot of the two of you where you’re holding your gun.”

  “Fuck you both,” Jackson said darkly.

  Cash’s blue eyes twinkled. “Aw, come on, turn that frown upside down. A sex addict broke into your house. Most men would consider that a high-fivable story.”

  “Seriously, though—you, me, Call of Duty tonight?” Dylan prompted.

  “We’ll see,” he answered, shrugging. “I’ll text you later.”

  “Cool beans.”

  Fortunately, neither Cash nor Dylan pressed him about why he might not be available. The duo waved goodbye and hopped into Cash’s SUV.

  Jackson had caught a ride with Seth that morning, so he slid into the passenger seat of Seth’s Jeep and waited for his buddy to start the engine.

  “So, you excited?” Seth grinned, then went on in a singsong voice. “Jackson and Gardener sitting in a tree, K-I-S—”

  Jackson slugged the other man in the arm. Hard. “And that’s enough of that,” he said, rolling his eyes. “You’ve been spending too much time with the twins.”

  Seth sighed. “I know, right?”

  “And her name isn’t Gardener. It’s Mia.”

  “Gee, I’m so sorry. Jackson and Mia sitting in a—”

  Another hard punch shut Seth right up.

  “You’re no fun today,” the other SEAL mumbled. “I’m just showing some enthusiasm over your impending love connection, asshole. Not only that, but you should be thanking me. A strange woman is currently puttering around in my yard because of you. What if she decides to snoop inside and finds my porn stash?”

  Jackson had to laugh. “One, she’s not gonna snoop around on the job. Two, why do you still have a porn stash? I thought married men threw their porn away once they tied the knot.”

  “No way.” Seth steered the Jeep toward the security gate across the lot. “Miranda demanded I keep it all. We watch that shit together, bro.”

  Somehow that didn’t surprise him.

  As they drove off the base, Seth proceeded to tell him about the various pornographic movies he and his wife enjoyed, which, again, came as no surprise. Jackson had once thought it weird and oddly incestuous how easily the other guys talked about—and shared—women. Folks in Abbott Creek didn’t talk about sex—Jackson had found that out the hard way. But here in California he’d learned to go with the flow. Threesomes weren’t really his thing, mostly because of the strict small-town mentality he’d endured growing up, but he appreciated that his teammates trusted him with their secrets, no matter how depraved.

  One of these days he might even reciprocate, but he’d yet to find the balls to confide in his friends about the kinds of depravities he liked to indulge in.

  His palms grew unusually damp the closer they got to Seth’s place. Seth must have sensed his growing agitation because he glanced over with his trademark smirk.

  “Relax, Texas. You’ve got this. Believe in your dreams, think outside the box, there’s no ‘I’ in ‘Team’, et cetera, et cetera.”

  “Are you just spitting out random inspirational sayings to pump me up?”


  “I honestly don’t know why I’m still friends with you.”

  Seth pulled into the Mastersons’ driveway, where a familiar sky-blue pickup was already parked.

  Jackson’s pulse promptly sped up.

  She was here.

  “I’m going straight to bed,” Seth told him as they got out of the Jeep. “Wake me up when you want me to drive you home.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  They walked into the house together, but while Seth made a beeline for his bedroom, Jackson continued down the hall toward the kitchen.

  This was it. His second and last chance to persuade his sassy gardener to go on a date with him, which meant he couldn’t screw it up.

  He approached the glass sliding door and straightened his shoulders.

  Time to unleash his God-given Southern charm and do some serious wooing.


  She was wearing those cute denim shorts again. That was Jackson’s first observation when he stepped onto the stone patio. The fact that she was oblivious to his presence gave him ample opportunity to admire her petite body, and dang, he totally appreciated the view.

  With a pair of earbuds popped in, Mia bobbed her head to the music as she raked the fresh layer of dirt in the empty flowerbeds lining the fence. When Jackson glanced around, he was impressed by how much she’d already accomplished today. The jungle-length grass was freshly mowed, all the monstrous weeds had been pulled out, and the beds around the perimeter were dug out and topped with new soil.

  He took a step forward and cleared his throat, but Mia’s back stayed turned. Her arms and shoulders were bare, her golden-brown tan shimmering in the sunlight. Lord, she was
pretty. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  A few more steps and his scuffed-up combat boots met the grass, but Mia still didn’t turn around.

  So he raised his voice and called out, “Afternoon, sugar.”

  The rake clattered out of her hand, a loud shriek escaping her lips as she spun around in surprise. The movement was so quick that her sneaker-clad feet got tangled together, her arms windmilled and she went down like a stone.

  Right on her ass.

  Fuckin’ hell.

  “Oh my God! You scared the living crap out of me!” she yelled, her green eyes burning with annoyance. “Who sneaks up on people like that? Who?”

  Despite himself, Jackson laughed, which only made those mesmerizing eyes burn brighter.

  Mia yanked out her earbuds and shot to her feet, advancing on him like a predator. “Don’t do stuff like that! What if I had a heart condition? And what if—wait, what are you doing here? Did you follow me here?” Her breaths came out in pants. “I’m flabbergasted right now. Jackson, was it? I’m flabbergasted, Jackson.”

  Another wave of laughter poured out of him. She looked so confused and upset and he knew he shouldn’t laugh. He really, really shouldn’t be laughing, but his attempt at reconnecting with this woman had failed so miserably it was impossible not to find it hilarious.

  “And now you’re laughing at me,” she said in disbelief. “Wow.”

  “I’m sorry,” he choked out. “I don’t mean to laugh, darlin’. But the look on your face right now…” He tried to compose himself. “Shit. I really am sorry. Why don’t we start over? Afternoon, Mia. It’s good to see you again.”

  She gaped at him.

  “I’m not following you,” he added. “I’m friends with Seth and Miranda.”

  “You’re friends with Seth and Miranda.”

  “Yep. I caught a ride with Seth from the base—”

  “You caught a ride with Seth from the base.”

  “Yeah, we’re both SEALs. Anyway—”

  “You’re both SEALs.”

  “—he’s drivin’ me home soon, but I wanted to say hi to you before we—”

  “You wanted to say hi.”

  He stopped. “Are you just gonna keep repeating everything I say?”

  “Are you going to prove to me I’m not being stalked right now?” she shot back. “Because I’m not sold on that yet, bud.”

  He swept his gaze over her indignation-flushed cheeks. “You’re pretty when you’re mad, sugar.”

  Her jaw fell open again. “Flirting? You’re flirting with me? How about explaining yourself?”

  Amusement tickled his throat. “All righty. Here’s the thing, Mia. I’d really like to have dinner with you.”

  “Oh, for the love of…”

  “Unfortunately, you were mighty difficult the last time we spoke, so I figured we needed to try this again.”

  Her mouth slammed shut. She looked around the backyard for a moment, and then understanding dawned in her eyes. “Wait a minute—you hired my company to work this yard so you could ask me out again? This job is a farce?”

  His lips twitched. “The job is not a farce. This is my wedding present to Seth and Miranda. You saw the state of their yard—it definitely needed the work.”

  “But you specifically requested for me to do it.”


  She shook her head. “You do realize that’s nuts, right?”

  “Nah, it’s not nuts. Just persistent.”

  “Persistent,” she echoed.

  “Persistent,” he confirmed. When she didn’t speak, he slanted his head and searched her gaze. “So, about that dinner…”

  This time her jaw opened so wide it almost hit the grass. “Seriously? After everything I just heard, sugar, what makes you think I’d go out with you?”

  “Because you want to.”

  * * *

  Mia didn’t know whether to kick Jackson in the shin or burst out laughing. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected to see this guy again, let alone here, at a new client’s house. The lengths he’d gone to in order to ask her out triggered a tidal wave of disbelief, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a tiny bit flattered. No man had ever pursued her so hard, especially one as spectacular-looking as Jackson.

  But still. She couldn’t go out with him. Her former shrink would tell her that enabling stalker behavior was a recipe for disaster.

  “I told you, I don’t have time to date,” she finally responded, whipping off her cap so she could run a frazzled hand through her hair.

  “One dinner, Mia.” His tone softened, his whiskey-brown eyes taking on a vulnerable glimmer.

  The vulnerability threw her for a loop. A man as big and sexy as this one wasn’t supposed to be so…sweet.

  Sweet? Oh boy, she was in trouble. She wondered if there was a Stockholm Syndrome-esque diagnosis for women who developed crushes on their stalkers.

  “You can’t deny you’re enjoying this,” he went on, shooting her the most adorable grin she’d ever seen in her life. “You, me, this easy banter we’ve got goin’ on.”

  She had to sigh. “It’s definitely rom-com-level banter, I’ll give you that.”

  “Look, darlin’, I like you.” He shrugged sheepishly. “And I think you like me too. So what’s the harm in having one teeny weeny dinner together?”

  Teeny weeny? Shit. The lame words only made him more endearing.

  Oh, throw the guy a bone. He’s practically groveling at your feet.

  Argh. Truth was, she did like him. He was tall and gorgeous and charming as all get-out. And maybe saying yes to a date wouldn’t be a terrible idea. She hadn’t gone out with anyone in ages, and she couldn’t live like a nun forever.

  “Come on,” he cajoled. “One dinner.”

  After a long beat of hesitation, Mia capitulated.

  “Fine.” When his expression lit up, she added a quick caveat. “One dinner,” she said sternly. “We’ll eat some food, banter some more, and that’s it. I’m not committing to a second date, got it?”

  His surprisingly full lips quirked up in a smile. “Got it. Don’t worry, I’ll be a gentleman—I won’t demand a second date until we’ve got the first one squared away.”

  “Who says you’ll enjoy the first one enough to request a follow-up?”

  “Oh, I’ll enjoy it.” He cocked a brow. “So will you, by the way.”

  “I will, huh? I guess we’ll just have to see about that.”

  “Yup, we sure will.” He reached into his back pocket. “Give me your number, sugar. I’ll call you tonight to set up the details for our date.”

  His confidence was a little unnerving. So was the cocky glint in his eyes.

  But since it was too late to back out, she dutifully recited her number so he could enter it into his phone.

  All the while wondering exactly what she’d just gotten herself into.

  * * *

  “I’m sorry, I think I misheard you,” Mia’s brother said the next evening. “Did you just say you had a date tonight?”

  She ignored his shocked tone and brushed past him, her bare feet slapping the hardwood floor on her way to the bathroom.

  “Really? A date?” Danny trailed after her into the bathroom, disregarding all the manners she’d tried to instill in him.

  Mia glared at him in the mirror over the vanity. “Go away, kiddo. I have about ten minutes to learn how to put on makeup.”

  With that, she opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the plastic bin that housed all the unopened beauty supplies she never used.

  “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me about this date,” Danny said. “Who is he? Where did you meet? And why does he want to go out with you?”

  She ripped open a package of mascara and tossed the wrapping in the pink wastebasket. “Ha ha. You’re a comedian. Hey, do you know how to use this thing?”

  As she held up the plastic tube, Danny stared at her as if she’d grown horns and sprouted a tail.

  Then he opened his mouth and shouted, “Angie, get in here! Mia needs you to make her look attractive!”

  Mia glowered at him. “Eff you,” she grumbled.

  Danny’s girlfriend dove into the bathroom in record time. Her fair face was flushed and her blue eyes shone with curiosity. “What’s going on? What do you guys need?”

  “Mia doesn’t know how to put on makeup,” Danny announced before rolling his eyes. “Jeez. I’m a dude and even I know how to put on makeup.”

  Mia stifled a groan. “I’m fine. I really don’t need help.”

  “She really needs help,” Danny said.

  Angie’s expression brightened as she released a happy cry. “Oh my God! I’ve been waiting months for this moment! BRB—just gonna get my makeup kit from my backpack!”

  As the blonde flew off in a whirl of excitement, Mia scowled at her brother. “Now look what you’ve done. I’ll never leave this bathroom.”

  “Trust me, Ang is good with this kind of stuff. She wants to be a makeup artist.” Danny edged out the door. “I’m grabbing some chips so I have something to snack on while I watch you turn into a real girl.”

  As he wandered off, Mia stared at her reflection and heaved a massive sigh. Damn it, why had she agreed to this date? She hated all this girly shit.

  And why was she even trying to pretty herself up? She wasn’t planning on seducing Jackson—or even seeing him again after tonight. What she really ought to do was show up at the restaurant in sweats and with her hair in a ponytail. At least then he wouldn’t want a second date.

  Footsteps sounded from the hall again, signaling Angie’s return. Argh. Danny just had to open his big mouth. Now thanks to him, she was officially at his girlfriend’s mercy.

  Not that she disliked Angie or anything. In fact, Mia adored her. The sixteen-year-old was sweet, smart, unbelievably kind—and a virgin, to boot. A fact Mia had discovered when grilling the girl the first time Danny brought her home.

  Just because Mia had lost her own virginity at sixteen didn’t mean she wanted the same for her brother, but as far as she knew, Danny and his girlfriend still hadn’t done the deed even after a year of dating.


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