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Murder Mysteries # 4

Page 23

by Waggoner, Robert C.

"A new mail sound announced to all at the table that Claire Morgan had send a response to Stacy's mail. Nancy brought it up for reading. Six eyes focused on the screen. It said, "I'm ready to meet you. P has informed me of the circumstances. Meet me at the Allentown General Hospital tomorrow at 1 pm. My mother has an appointment. We should be safe there away from prying eyes. I've convincing evidence with me. Have an ambulance pick us up at 1:30 for entry into the witness program. C."

  "Well, let's hope that evidence is enough to serve some warrants. Let's see what happens. I'll have the ambulance on site. I think Stacy you should dress like a nurse. We shouldn’t underestimate the powerful folks behind these homicides."

  The Church on its Knees

  It would be entirely fair to say Stacy was nervous as she traveled by helicopter to Allentown to meet Claire at the hospital. The hospital had a helipad on top for quick delivery of emergency patients. The hospital was asked to move the helicopter for a landing by a government helicopter.

  Stacy was decked out in a nurse's uniform complete with name tab. A little surprising was Connie was tagging along. The importance of the mission was clearly evident with her presence. In addition to Stacy as a nurse, a male was dressed the same. His strength would be needed to help Clair's mother into the helicopter.

  The timing was perfect. They sat down on the hospital's roof at 12:30 pm. The hospital director greeted them upon landing. Connie had on her gleaming political smile for him. The director in turn, reciprocated the gesture. Once inside they took the elevator to the cafeteria for refreshment.

  Connie had already appraised the director of the need for his hospital to assist with a patient of VIP status. He readily agreed. The patient, Mrs. Ruby Morgan, was a regular for her physical therapy. She came in once a week for a three-hour session. Her daughter Clair always came with her, he told Connie without ever looking at Stacy. "I've the head nurse and a physical therapist to assist us when the time comes," the director said.

  "Thanks for your assistance director. I suppose we should proceed to the physical therapy floor or section," asked Connie standing up obviously tired of the ostentatious director.

  At precisely 1 pm a young woman was pushing a wheel chair with a look of relief seeing Stacy looking at her. Stacy had told her to be on the lookout for a young blonde-haired person in a nurse's uniform. It appeared Claire could not have been more pleased. Claire held out her hand which felt cold to the touch. The mother too was smiling seeing all the attention around her. Stacy thought later that Ruby perhaps thought all the attention was for her.

  Claire said in a whisper, "I'm so happy you're here. All of the documents are under mom's blanket inside her dress. They are strapped to her legs. We left the house as you suggested. Nothing was touched or stored for long-term absence. It looks like we walked out and never returned.

  Thirty minutes later they were in the air, minus the male nurse. He'd take a regular flight or train back to DC as space on the helicopter was at capacity. The ride back was mostly in silence. For Connie this was old hat, but for Stacy, a new experience she'd not likely forget.

  After depositing the mother in a safe house with a nurse, Claire was sitting comfortably in Connie's office after a putting on a disguise. Without even glancing at the documents, Connie handed them off to Nancy for copies. Stacy wondered who would be the recipients of the copies. No matter, as she focused on the young woman sitting at the table wondering what would happen next. Stacy said, while there was not much going on, "Claire tell me about your work at the church or church office."

  "I work as a secretary for the five member governing council and Bishop Wainright. I've been there for almost five years. I think because I'm so plain looking and quiet, they don't think I'm even there. They'd discuss important church business right in front of me. I was astounded by it all. At first I just let it go in one ear and out the other. However, when I first heard talk of doing some harm to potential pastors I started listening harder. At night when I went home I'd write a kind of diary. When it got to the point of actually serious harm, I set my USB recorder to work. Later I had it transferred to a safe site in the clouds. I was confused at first with the notion of an organization called, POINT."

  "Okay Claire, let's save the story for the recorder. I see Connie is coming over so as she's running the show, I'll sit back and let it develop," said Stacy.

  Stacy could see her boss was totally efficient in every way. In a short time she'd informed Claire what was happening, going to happen and to relax as she was under the protection of the government. "Before we officially begin Claire, we'll be joined by two special lawyers from the Attorney General's Office. Please relax and just tell the story as you know it."

  "Thank you Ms. Wilson. The burden I was carrying was getting mighty heavy. Paul Deveraux has been a big supporter."

  "I've scanned your documents Claire and with your fine recording of the facts with names attached, we should have a solid case against the perpetrators who murdered three innocent people. Okay, Claire, pick up where you left off with Stacy."

  "The council meets every Wednesday and Friday to discuss church business. The council members are: Ronald Tempest, Gordon Listry, William Benndict, Russell Clark and Welford Ashley. All live in Allentown or Pittsburg. The leader of the council seems like its Ronald Tempest with Welford Ashley as second.

  The first time I heard that some members of POINT were in harm's way was about a month before the first death of a POINT's member. I was in the conference room serving coffee or tea when they mentioned the fact. I think someone kicked a member under the table as all was quiet until I scurried out the door leaving it open as usual. They went on discussing the pros and cons until I went home.

  The same thing happened that next Friday late afternoon. The five of the council members and Bishop Wainright were present. I served drinks and snacks as usual and left the room as I normally did. I wondered if my USB recorder would pick up their voices, but it sure did. Meanwhile I opened up a document and started taking notes about who was talking and who was having the strongest voice. The bishop was not happy with doing something drastic to a POINT member. However, he was overruled as you'll see in my notes, Ronald Tempest was so set on his way he left no room for others to argue. It was agreed upon that a scare tactic would be used. Some twisting of the arm was mentioned, but certainly not murder.

  When the first POINT member was killed the council called an emergency meeting on a Tuesday night. The killing was the focus of the meeting. I remember Mr. Tempest saying, "Well, what done is done. Maybe the bastard will shut the hell up now. Our church will not condone gays at the pulpit. End of story."

  "I was totally shocked and sick to my stomach. I didn't know what to do. I feared for my safety and my mother's safety as well. I'd a letter with POINT letterhead and e-mail address. I went to a computer room and e-mailed a note. To make a long story short, I became their inside source.

  "Now as I understand it, three of the council members have left on vacation to where -- is anybody's guess. The only two that are left is the leader Mr. Tempest and Welford Ashley. I know they think each is beyond the law and their God will save them from any harm."

  "Thanks Claire and let's take a break. I had Nancy call for lunch. I know it's kind of late for lunch, but better late than never."

  Connie went with the two visitors to another room while Stacy was left with Claire. Stacy said, "You're a brave girl Claire. I'm a US Marshall from Oregon where we had one of POINTs member murdered. Fortunately, Paul responded to a photo to ID the victim. From him and now from you, we can build a case against the men who orchestrated the deaths of three victims. There only crime was being gay with wanting to express their love of God being a pastor. Anyway, are you leaving behind many relatives or friends?"

  "Not really Stacy. My father ran off years ago. My mother suffers from a muscle disorder. She can't walk anymore. She needs full time attention. I'm happy to devote myself to her full time. We don't care where we go. We just wa
nt to live our lives without fear of reprisal. I'll testify in any court of law to see those power hungry men put away."

  Connie came back saying lunch was on the way. "Many thanks Claire for you coming forward to right some wrongs. My colleagues are forming a grand jury hearing as we speak. Your documentation and testimony will provide a good case against the church and the council of elders. You'll be transported back and forth under guard. A nurse will be provided for the foreseeable future. Nobody knows how long this will take Claire, but adjust to it the best you can."

  An excellent lunch, compared to breakfast, came with high anticipation for Stacy. After lunch, Claire was whisked away back to her new temporary home. Connie and Stacy sat talking for a while. "Stacy another good job girl. We don’t know who directly ordered the killings, but I'd sure like to find the guy who did the strangling. He's connected with the church, that's a given."

  "I've my suspicions and to catch the guy Connie, let's spread the word around I'm here to put away the strangler. Word it as such, 'She's at a local hotel,' kind of thing."

  "You want to use yourself as bait!" exclaimed Connie. "My lord are you sure?"

  "How else we going to get him?"

  Connie sat back thinking while Stacy drank off her cold tea. Stacy saw Connie's jaw grinding and wondered if she ground her teeth at night. "Okay, if you're serious, and I can see you are, let's set up a plan that puts you the least risk as possible. First we need someone in the room with you, but where is a good question. I think maybe we've someone watching your door and when that person enters, room service is not far behind. I think we've to assume it's someone connected with the church for sure. He'll use the church to get you to open the door. He'll try and get you to relax and chat awhile. How you handle that is up to you. I'd have some pepper spray handy. What time will he show up? I'd guess between 9 and 10."

  "I am not helpless Connie. However, a full grown man gets me in a bear hug, I'm in a bit of trouble. Never mind. Let's do it. How to we notify the church where I'm staying is up to you. If that Bill guy is around, so much the better," Stacy said with a smile.

  A Ballistic Bishop

  "What do you mean Shawn, Claire is not here this afternoon. What else could possibly go wrong? Bishop Fairweather was not having a good day. Ever since he'd word that the third victim's mate, Paul Deveraux had visited Eugene to have a meeting with that US Marshall Foreham, he'd was looking for a place to hide his immense body. It was obvious to the good bishop that things were not going well. When the notion came up to scare away these radical gays, things started to unravel. The fact is Shawn went berserk first with the local victim and then he was to scare off the second one, but killed her also. By then it was too late. The two graduate students, Paul and Clancy, were just too smart and too good. The bishop turned his head again as the powers above him sanction the removal of Clancy Struthers.

  It was researched that all of the POINT members were estranged from their parents. The notion to remove all forms of ID was thought perfect. However, when the autopsy report came out with Clancy having a tattoo and all the victims' pictures flashed across the country, it didn't look good.

  He'd been informed that three of the five member governing body had left for an extended vacation. Where was not known. The remaining two thought they were secure from prosecution.

  Shawn came in saying, "Bishop, US Marshall Foreham is in DC with her boss. I feel we need to take some action, but I don't know what to do. Help me Bishop Wainright."

  "Shawn, it's the saying made popular in a movie, 'you can run but you can't hide.'"

  "I've no money bishop. Please lend some so I can disappear into Eastern Europe."

  "I've no money Shawn. Let's hide behind the church. I've been promised no prosecution will happen to either one of us. I'm really worried now about Claire. Where is she? You need to go to her house and see what is what. I know she usually goes to the hospital for her mother's therapy, but is back by now. Also Shawn, it might be a good idea to visit Marshall Foreham to convince her to leave this case alone, if you know what I mean. I'll find ten grand while you're gone. I can get that much from the church. Now go and take care of flapping gums."

  A Night to Remember

  Stacy had returned to her hotel room. She took a shower and a nap. She woke up around 7 pm. She'd asked downstairs for someone to buy some sweat pants and shirt. She needed something loose to move quickly if necessary.

  When all was set and ready, she opened her laptop for catching up on some personal e-mails. She saw a recent on from Rory. She felt a little pang in her lower midsection. She missed the guy. It's was times like this, especially nearing the end of a case, they'd talk about going somewhere for a few days to relax and enjoy themselves. She missed that part of the relationship. He said:

  "Hey Super, I hear you're back east sucking up to the boss lady? Things for me are going along okay, but nothing special. I'd be lying if I didn't miss you and Ben. I realize we shouldn't live in the past but look to the future. I like Bend. We've had a few snow flurries, but nothing major yet. One thing that is nice Stacy is the guys here are great to work with. They're all outdoorsy types. They've promised when the snow flies to show me the ropes. Okay one more piece of info and that is I'm scheduled for a hearing on some abstract new regulations in Salem come first of December. I'd like it if we could enjoy a scrumptious dinner together. You take care. Forever you're admirer, Tall Man.

  Stacy had blurry vision after reading the e-mail. She arched her back and looked up at the stupid wall picture hanging on a bland hotel wall. ''This sucks," she said aloud.

  Looking over her other mail she saw Janet, her best friend, had sent a note. "Hi Stac, just humming right along these days. Apartment is good. Let's see if we can have T-day together? Love J.'

  Stacy looked at her watch which was on west coast time. It was just approaching 9 pm and she was getting a little hungry. Standing up she checked her Velcro belt to make sure her pepper spray was within easy reach. A knock at the door startled her. Well, it's action time she thought with an increase in heart rate. With purpose she walked to the door, rose up a bit on her toes, peered through the eyehole seeing exactly who she expected. "Who is it," she asked.

  "It's me Shawn Roberts from the church. I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes Marshall. The bishop has some things he wants me to share with you."

  "Sure can do. Hang on a minute," as she rattled the chain and opened the door. "Come in Mr. Roberts. I wonder how you knew I was in town? Have a seat please," as she pointed to the small table where her laptop sat. "I was catching up on some personal e-mails. Now what can I do for you," she asked sitting on the bed perhaps six feet away from him.

  "We very worried about the three murders and the terrible affect it's having upon our church. My bishop is wondering if you're any closer to solving the case. We need to get on with our work serving God," said a smiling Shawn Roberts.

  Stacy was as if enraptured with his conversation. She was playing into his hands. He'd make his move very soon she thought. Also, Bill would be rapping on the door saying 'room service'. She said, "In answer to your question Mr. Roberts, I'd say we are about to wrap it up. In a few weeks, all will return to some semblance of normal. As for the three dead victims, nothing will bring them back. Their relatives and friends will never forget them and what they meant to each other. You know Shawn, God never said gays were sub human, but just a bit different. Man seems to believe he can form whatever he wants regardless of the environment or man himself," said Stacy pretending to scratch her hip wrapping her hand around the pepper spray.

  Stacy continued, "Shawn you really seem like you're not a bad person. I wonder why you killed those three servants of God?" Stacy saw his face contort and scrunch up into a look of some wild monster. He rose up out of his chair with his hands held out with the full intention of strangling the life out of her. While he growled he said, "They're perverted anomalies not fit to live on God's green earth," as he made a lunge for what he hoppe
d was a startled young woman on the bed.

  However, before he reached the bed, Stacy had shot a full frontal face load of pepper spray into his face. He roared in protest scratching at his eyes. Stacy had left the room door open a crack. Bill and two other agents were in the room, tackled Shawn Roberts and had him cuffed before he really knew what happened. His eyes were streaming tears. Strangely enough, he was calling for his mama to help him. Stacy stood there almost feeling a little pitiful for him. Then she remembered Paul and the others at home tonight alone with their own thoughts. Sometimes, it's true, life sucks. The only consolation was under interrogation he capitulated spilling all he knew to save his rotten hide.

  Westward Bound

  Stacy wasn't unhappy about leaving Washington DC. She was out of the picture until time for a trial occurred. Meanwhile, she took the first plane out and back to the rainy Pacific North West. Her treasure was in her bag. It was Dan's commendation. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face. Better yet, Emma would be beside herself admiring her new man. The whole thing made Stacy feel warm. However, one thing was still puzzling her. Connie had taken the time to give her a ride to the airport. She said, "Stacy, what are your thoughts on Rory Caltex as the next Portland, Oregon US Marshall?"

  Stacy had no come back. She sat in the coach section with music in her ears thinking about Rory as a Marshall. Her head was spinning as to what it might mean for all of them. What started out as a Southwestern Oregon detective team was, if he came on board, a statewide team of investigators?

  When it Rains it Pours

  Surprisingly Ben picked Stacy up at the airport in Portland. He was in the area, he said. The drive to Eugene was first about the events in DC and then the conversation swung around to the idea of Rory Caltex as a US Marshall. Ben said, "We are mere pawns in the real game of chess."


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