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Your Soul to Take (Rise of the Fallen)

Page 17

by Hayden, Sean


  “Good. I guess you’ll just have to surprise me then.”

  “Okay. I will.” I’ll surprise me, too.

  We were at the park within ten minutes. We chatted the whole way and Jess even took one of her hands off the steering wheel to hold my hand. That made up for the week I had been having. I missed her and for some strange reason I felt like I just got my Jess back. I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it as we pulled into the park.

  She parked and we got out and headed toward the playground together, laughing like a couple of little kids. “Push me?”

  She ran toward the swings. Sitting down, she waited for me to catch up. I walked up behind her, gave her a little kiss on her neck, and pushed.

  She wobbled for the first few pushes, but then we both fell into the rhythm. “Not too high!”

  “I won’t,” I said with a laugh. “What are you doing this weekend?”

  “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it. Got anything in mind?”

  “How about if we go to the park. Then we could go to the park. Maybe top it off with a trip to the park?”

  “Sounds like the perfect weekend,” she said and I could hear the smile in her voice.

  I felt the sudden, unavoidable urge to hold her. On her backward swing, instead of pushing her, I caught her in my arms. “Gotcha,” I whispered into her ear.

  “Whatcha gonna do to me?”

  “Hmmm. Maybe kiss you?”

  “Oh, yeah? Well… You gotta catch me!”

  She pried herself loose and bolted toward the tornado slide and jungle gym. I cheated. I full on used my powers of good for evil nefarious purposes. I caught the woman I loved in my arms and carried her to the slide.

  “Hey! You cheated,” she said with a pout.

  I kissed her. “How did I cheat?”

  “You used rocket boosters or something.”

  I looked down at my feet and behind my back. “Nope. I forgot to bring them with us. That was pure talent, baby.”

  “Oh. Okay then. You may kiss me some more then.”

  I did as she asked and leaned forward, pushing her back against the cool metal of the slide. I knelt down in the mulch in front of her and wrapped her in my arms.

  She tasted sweet like strawberries and hotter than the sun. I could feel her melt beneath me as her lips opened to mine. The only sounds around us were the crickets and the soft moans that escaped from Jess. They drove me on. My hands slid down from her face, over her shoulders, and onto her chest. I cupped her for the first time.

  I expected a moan of protest and for her to push me away, but she didn’t. She reached down and unzipped her hoodie, allowing me even more access. I broke our kiss in surprise.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered and reached up, pulling me back in for more kissing.

  I slid my hands back over her chest and squeezed gently. Her soft moans turned into one long gasp of pleasure. She bit my lip, none too gently, either. It was my turn to moan. Her tongue invaded my mouth and her fingers dug into my back.

  I pulled away long enough to whisper, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Reaching up, she pushed me back, but she didn’t stop there. She kept pushing until I fell backwards onto the mulch. Smiling, she slid off the side and straddled my hips on the ground. It was her turn to be in control.

  She grabbed my hands and put them on her hips as she leaned in again, her mouth finding mine. She kissed me like she had never kissed me before. Still full of love, it was also filled with wanting and urgency. While she kissed me, she started grinding her hips against me…

  “Oh, my God,” I groaned into her lips.

  “Yes,” she whispered and continued.

  She started panting into the kiss. Finally her lips just rested against mine as she fought to breathe, the passion between us intensifying even more.

  I was going crazy with want and I could barely stand it. Jess sat up and continued. She looked down at me with all the love in the world and with glowing green eyes. Glowing in the darkness of the night. Glowing… Oh, shit.

  She called out my name, arched her back, and two white feathery wings erupted from behind her.

  She screamed and fell to my chest, passed out cold.

  * * *

  I lifted Jess and got her into her car. She lay nestled into the passenger seat still unconscious and wrapped in her wings. I had to physically restrain myself from reaching out and touching them, they were that soft.

  Nervously, I got behind the wheel of her mustang. I had never driven a car before, but I couldn’t see it being harder than a scooter. Or so I kept telling myself.

  I buckled up and pulled my cell from my pocket, dialing her dad after I backed up out of the spot. He answered on the third ring.


  “Hi, Mr. James. It’s Connor.”

  “What happened?”

  “She had a little accident.”

  “I’m on my way!”

  “No. Stay there. I put her in her car and am driving there.”

  “I’m confused. I assumed you meant with her car?”

  “No, sir. She… I don’t even know what to say. Her eyes started glowing and she sprouted wings, sir. She changed.”

  “Oh. I see. I’m glad you were there then. May I speak to her? Is she afraid?”

  “She passed out, sir.”

  “Thank you, Connor. I’ll see you shortly,” he said. “Call me again if she wakes up before you get here. I’ll calm her down.”

  As luck would have it. She did wake up as soon as we pulled into her driveway. She opened her eyes, saw her wings, and screamed again.

  “Jess! Look at me. You’re going to be fine. I promise. We’re back at your house. I called your dad. He will explain everything! Jess!”

  Her screams turned into sobs as she looked at me with wide frightened eyes. She started hyperventilating. “It’s okay, baby,” I kept repeating over and over while we slowed to a stop.

  “I’m… I’m… I’m a freak. Why are you not screaming?”

  “Because you’re my angel,” I said softly.

  That seemed to help. I could see her visibly relax as she looked down at the feathers around her. She even reached out her hand and gave it a tentative touch.

  Mr. James was standing on the porch waiting. I half expected him to have his wings out, but he didn’t. He looked like his normal self. He ran to Jess’ door and pulled it open.

  “Daddy,” she said as her voice started trembling again.

  “It’s okay, sweetie. Daddy will explain everything. Come inside.”

  He reached in and pulled her into his arms, lifting her like the little girl she would always be to him.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “You have nothing to be frightened of. I’ll explain in a moment.” He turned to me and gave me a sad look. I offered him a reassuring smile. “Would you care to join us, Connor?”

  “If you want me to, sir.”

  “It involves you as well. Come on.” He turned and carried her up to the porch. I walked around him and opened the door for him.

  He entered the house and set Jess down on the couch. I stood behind him, not wanting to be in the way. “What’s going on? How does this involve Connor? What the hell am I?”

  “We sweetie. Us. All of us. Even Connor. And it involves him because he saved your life and tried his best to give you a shot at being human. Apparently your body picked the stronger route.”

  He walked over to the mini-bar he had set up in the living room and pulled out three glasses and poured some amber colored liquid into each of them. My parents drank, so I knew it was whiskey of some sort. Probably scotch by the fancy crystal bottle it was in. He picked up all three glasses in one hand, gave one to me and Jess, and sat in the chair across from her. He took a small sip.

  I did the same and shuddered at the taste. Jessie stared at hers and then back at her dad. “Go ahead, sweetie. You will never b
e able to get drunk, but it does have a calming effect on one’s self. Or so I learned over the years.”

  “I’m confused. Are you trying to tell me that you’re like me?”

  Mr. James nodded and stood. With a soft thwump he called his wings. They weren’t as pristine white as his daughters, but they were still majestic. “I am.”

  “What about Mommy?”

  “Unfortunately no. Your mother was a beautiful human being and yet more angelic than the best of us.”

  “Connor?” She looked at me with pleading eyes.

  I looked at Mr. James who shook his head slightly. Not yet. I could read it in his face. “I’m not human either, but I’m not the same as you and your dad.”

  She looked terribly confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “Welcome to our world, sweetie,” he said and sat back and began his tale. He told her of the creation of the earth and the angels. He told her about the war and the split between the Chosen and the Fallen and their different views of the world. He didn’t sound angry or bitter, nor did he highly embellish the Chosen’s role in the war like I half expected him to.

  Mr. James sat in silence for a moment and let it all sink in before he continued with his tale of how he met her mother and fell in love and the disaster it always brought to the offspring of such a pairing. My heart broke as I heard him describe how he had loved her mother and how overjoyed he was when Jess came into the world and then it shattered when he told her of her mother’s loss. No matter the bad blood between Chosen and Fallen, no man should have to go through what he did when he lost his love.

  The rest of the tale Jess knew from experience. Waking in the hospital and all that. What she didn’t know was my role. When Mr. James began explaining that there were more creatures in the world than Chosen and Fallen, I took over the tale and explained about Brett and how he had been created by a Fallen in exchange for his soul, how he had gotten out of control and almost killed her.

  “So where do you fit in?” She looked at me confusedly. “And more importantly, what are you?” She asked the question, but I think she already knew the answer.

  “I used to be human,” I said and stole one more glance at her father, who nodded his approval this time. “But then one day, I got the idea to sell my soul for my fondest wish… I thought it was a joke and I thought I was just goofing around until one of the Fallen showed up to grant my wish.”

  “What happened?”

  “Well. In an effort to outsmart them and keep my soul, I did something stupid.”

  Mr. James gave a short bark of laughter. “And incredibly brave,” he said.

  “What?” Jessica looked intrigued.

  “I wished to become one of the Fallen.”

  “You two are making all this up. And it’s not funny.”

  “Says the girl with angel wings,” I said to soften the mood.

  She glanced behind her and gave them a little wiggle and shrugged. “So let’s see yours.” She looked at me.

  Fear ran through me like a chill. This was the moment of truth. She would either accept me or not. There was little I could do but hope for the very best. “Okay, but I’ll be honest, they’re not beautiful like yours.”

  I called them and they came. Jess’ eyes rounded. “I remember,” she said. “I remember you saving me, and you too, Daddy. You said I was hallucinating!” She looked at me accusingly.

  I shrugged and held up my hands innocently.

  “I told him to. He was under strict instructions from me,” her father added helpfully. “I didn’t know if you would stay human or not, and I didn’t want to burden you if you were.”

  “I sooo wouldn’t use the word burden. You kept things from me, the both of you. Not happy.” She crossed her arms for emphasis. “But I do understand,” she said and stood, first crossing the room to hug her father and then she crossed to me. She reached out and gently stroked the leathery membrane between the bones of my wing, sending a chill down my spine. “I actually think these suit you a little more than the fluffy ones, you little devil.”

  I gave her a smile and went to hug her. She backed up a step and my heart froze, but I nodded. “Okay. I’ll let you two talk about the rest.” I said trying my hardest not to let my voice catch. If it did, I knew I would break down crying and I really didn’t want to do that right now. Later, when I was alone, maybe. “Have a good night, Mr. James. Call me later if you want, Jess.”

  I turned and walked to the door, pulling it open and stepping outside.

  “Connor, wait,” Jess called and stepped outside with me, pulling the door closed behind her.

  I turned and my chest tightened while I waited for her to deliver the blow. “What’s up?”

  “Don’t what’s up me. I saw your face when I stepped back. I didn’t mean to, but it’s a lot to wrap my…um…wings around,” she said and smiled at her own joke. “Don’t think anything has changed between us because it hasn’t. And don’t think I don’t love you because I do.” She stepped closer and pulled me into her arms, her wings striking a beautiful contrast against mine.

  “I love you, too,” I said and held her tight.

  “I just found out that my boyfriend isn’t human. I just found out that I’m not human. It’s a little much to process.”

  “I know, baby. No worries. Go ask your dad how to banish your wings. They’re a bitch to sleep in.”

  She laughed. “I will. Does this mean we’re mortal enemies now?”

  “I won’t give a shit if you won’t.”

  “Not even a little bit. They can keep their war.”


  “Anything else I should know?”

  “Claire’s real name is Clarisse and she’s one of the Fallen, too. That’s why we hang out so much. She is in charge of teaching me all the Falleny stuff I need to know.”

  “Oh. That’s actually a good thing.”


  “It’s much better than the whole ‘we’re just friends’ thing.”

  “Ahh. That makes sense.”

  “Anything else?”

  “My sister’s a vampire?”

  “Will you stop picking on her? She’s a nice kid.”

  “Not joking. She died when you were in the hospital from a vampire bite. She woke up on the morgue table with fangs. Oh, and her friend Elizabeth is one, too, but she sold her soul for it.”

  “Okay. I’m going to bed now. If there’s anything else, write it down and tell me later.”

  “One more thing.”

  “Your parents are werewolves?”

  “No. You look damn hot as an angel,” I said with a wink and kissed her one more time.

  Chapter 24

  I stepped off the porch and flapped my wings. I gave one more quick wave to Jess as she watched me fly for the first time. I could see her smile.

  “You are sooo teaching me how to do that in the morning,” she called out, turned around, and went back inside. I imagined she and her father would be up most of the night talking. I told her to call me if she needed me.

  I cleared the trees next to her house and headed home, figuring Cae and Elizabeth would be there. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and noticed a missed call from Cae. I was a little nervous playing with my phone while flying, but I checked my text messages anyway.

  There weren’t any, so I called Cae back. It rang with no answer. I hung up when I got her voicemail.

  I called Clarisse to see if she was still with them. She answered on the first ring. “What’s up?”

  “Just left Jessie’s. She turned tonight. Wings and everything.”

  There was a moment of silence on the other end. Finally she asked, “How did that go?”

  “Better than expected. She’s having a long talk with her father right now.”

  “Did you show her yours?”

  “My what?”

  “Wings, pervert. Did you show her your wings and tell her what you were.”

  “Yeah. Her dad and I gave h
er the whole rundown.”

  “She doesn’t hate you?”


  “Give it time. She will,” she said and laughed to let me know she was joking.

  “Where’s Cae?”

  “We were all hungry after the mall closed so we’re at Denny’s eating breakfast. You in?”

  “I used the last of my money at the mall.”

  “I got you. Come on. The one on Highway One.”

  “Be there in five,” I said and hung up. I turned more north and could see the lights of the highway in the distance. I swear I could smell the pancakes. My stomach growled in anticipation.

  I landed behind Denny’s in the shadows, quickly dispelling my wings. A cat jumped out of the dumpster and scared the hell out of me. “Stupid cat.”

  I found the three of them sitting in a corner booth. I couldn’t believe how packed the place was, but then again, nothing topped off Christmas shopping like a twenty thousand calorie breakfast.

  Clarisse scooted in and made room for me. Cae shot us a dirty look. I shook my head at her, telling her not to worry about the proximity of our seating arrangement. I told myself it would make it easier on the waitress if we sat next to each other since she was paying.

  “So. Jess knows everything now, huh?”

  “For the most part,” I replied to my sister, not falling for her baited trap to make me feel even more guilty than I already did.

  “And she’s cool with you being a little demonic when she’s the angel in the relationship?”

  “Opposites attract. Are you done?” I was starting to get a little pissed at her attitude.

  She nodded and started picking at her omelet.

  “I ordered for you. I hope you like pancakes and bacon,” Clarisse tried to inject a little less hostility into the conversation.

  “Perfect. Thanks.”

  “I told her what your favorite was,” Cae added.


  “Well, I figured she didn’t know you well enough to guess what your favorite food was. I mean, I know you two are close, but I didn’t think the topic of breakfast had ever come up. Has it?”

  “Cae. Enough.” Elizabeth added, apparently having enough as well.


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