2 “the noblest”: AP, 9/23/09;
3 “Palestine”: ed. Lawrence, 9;
4 “Crusaders’ ”: ibid., 17;
5 “theft”/“paltry”: ibid., 163;
6 “have surrendered”: ibid., 163, 171, and Scheuer, Osama bin Laden, 155;
7 $144: AP, 9/28/01, NYT, 10/14/01;
8 $100: ed. Lawrence, 272;
9 $146: BBC News, 7/3/08;
10 $124: AFP, 4/8/11;
11 permitted: Lacey, Inside the Kingdom, 291, Guardian (U.K.), 4/30/03;
12 a constant: see ed. Lawrence, 4, & refs., Scheuer, Osama bin Laden, 99, 153, & refs.;
13 motivation: see pp. 233, 276–77, and 279–80. “We wanted”: Bergen, OBL I Know, 225;
14 bled: ibid., 316, bin Ladens & Sasson, 177, CR, 191: “I am rejoicing”: ed. Lawrence, 208;
15 second only: NYT, 7/24/10, CNN, 7/20/10;
16 Pew: “Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah,” 12/2/10, http://pewglobal.org;
17 “Brand”: “Bin Laden Is a Dying Brand,” 1/7/10, www.businessinsider.com;
18 Leiter: Fox News, 2/9/11, citing testimony to House Homeland Security Committee;
19 Aulaqi target: Sunday Times (London), 5/8/11;
20 pastor/Qur’an: NYT, 4/1, 4/2/11, New York Daily News, 4/2/11, Irish Times, 4/2, 4/4, 4/6/11;
21 mosque: Washington Times, 8/18/10, WSJ, 8/15/10, NYT, 7/13/10, 8/21/10, 4/1/11, press release, 5/24/10, www.911familiesforamerica.org, “Proposed Muslim Community Center Near Ground Zero,” 5/21/10, www.huffingtonpost.com;
22 Museum/remains/disagreements: press release, 12/11/09, National Sept. 11 Memorial Museum, AP, 8/10/10, NYT, 4/1/11, 5/12/11, AP, 4/3/11;
23 Phoenix: Arizona Daily Star, 4/2/11, Yuma Sun, 3/29/11; Aeneid: NYT, 4/1, 4/6, 4/8/11.
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