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Hot & Enchanting (De La Cruz Saga)

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by Macias, P. T

  Hot & Enchanting

  Hot & Enchanting

  De La Cruz Saga by P.T. Macias

  Copyright © 2012 by P. T. Macias.

  ISBN-13: 978-1481086400

  ISBN-10: 1481086405

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book was printed in the United States of America.


  I’m dedicating this book with all of my amor to my esposo, hijos, nietos, hermanos, and familia.

  Thank you for your patience, amor, support and believing.

  Thank you for your amor Arturo. Special thanks to my son Andres for the heart design, my daughter Erica and son Ricardo for their assistance. Te amo!


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eighteen

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Chapter Fifty

  Chapter Fifty-One


  About the author

  Chapter One

  Jacqueline Cortez, Jacki turns to get her purse from her desk after she turns off the computer. “Ahh, hmmm,” murmurs Jacki stretching. I’m so tired. I’m glad the work day is over. I’m going to get me a nice romance novel to read with a cold drink, but first I’ll go swimming a little. It’s such a lovely noche, thinks Jacki, striding out of the office.

  Jacki walks down the hall and into the elevator. Yeah, I’m often one of the last one’s out of here, Jacki thinks walking to her carro. Jacki opens her car door throwing her purse inside. The moment before entering she hears some voices. There’s laughter down the parking aisle. She turns looking down the end of the parking aisle that is reserved for the executives of the compania.

  Jacki’s hermoso hazel eyes expand enormously, she is flabbergasted. Damn it, si, there’s the wicked playboy at it again. Oh dios mio, will he ever stop. I have been watching him for years. It doesn’t help that I work for his compania now. No, I still struggle with my corazon every time I see him, especially when I see him with his mujeres. Okay, quiet mi corazon, he’s not for me. I have to stamp this in my corazon and alma, reasons Jacki standing outside her car.

  Jacki is at her carro, observing her eternal enchantment attempting to escape the arms of a hot hermosa mujer. Every word is echoed in the parking garage.

  “Muñeca I’m going inside to my office for a quick minute. I need to get my portfolio. I forgot it,” says Ricky pulling away from the arms of the hermosa mujer smiling. “I’ll be back real soon.”

  Ricardo Emmanuel De La Cruz, the in house attorney. He’s the eldest son in his familia. He’s in charge of the building contracts. Ricky is known for his playboy ways. Las chicas have pursued him since high school. Every week he’s seen with a new chica. He’s never, ever taken a serious interest in one chica. Ricky loves them all.

  Jacki is observing the entire exchange with disgust and annoyance. I have seen her before on the Spanish television station. She’s the new Latina model. Si of course Davina Sala and he always dates only hot bella mujeres, judges Jacki. She bites her lower lip with frustration.

  The mujer giggles, pulling Ricky down closer to her. “Come and give me another beso and then you can go,” she laughs. She succeeds in pulling him down for another beso. “Oh, si, Ricky I love tus besos,” says Davina.

  Ricky manages to escape Davina’s arms laughing and shaking his head with amusement. Yeah this is going to be fun, like always, Davina is hot for me. She just has to chill for a bit, I need to get my portfolio to review the contracts. All of these viajas are the same. I’m another hombre in their vida. No worries, I’m only going to see her once maybe twice at the most. Damn, she’s something else, but she’s hermosa, contemplates Ricky walking into the elevator. Ricky never detects that Jacki is observing him.

  Jacqueline shakes her head with anger and disappointment. Yeah he’ll never change. I know that I’m not his type. Okay forget him, I need to go to my casa. Maybe I’ll take a bubble bath instead. Si that’s what I’ll do. I’ll put some romantic music and forget about him. Yeah, like if it’s so easy. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing all of my vida. I pray that I will meet the hombre that will outshine Ricky in every aspect. Maybe I can fall in love with him, ponders Jacki sliding into her car seat.

  I need to leave before they notice that I’m watching him. He doesn’t know that I exist. I’ll wait until he leaves the garage parking lot and then I’ll drive away. At least I can’t hear them right now and definitely I will not look at them. This is too depressing, reflects Jacki leaning into the seat, closing her eyes tight. One single tear escapes from her eye, rolling down her cheek. Jacki wipes it away with anger.

  Okay, finally he has gone inside the building. Now I can leave. Yeah, thinks Jacki turning on her carro, backing out quickly.

  Jacki pulls into her casa driveway, parking her carro. She gets out, walks inside her casa. “Mama, Jessy,” calls out Jacki, craving to talk to someone. She strides to the family room in search of her mama. “Mama, where are you?”

  Hmmmm, just great, nobody is in casa. Now I’m here all alone and depress, thinks Jacki. She walks to the kitchen to get something to drink and notices the nota on the table from her mama. Mi hija, we went to visit your Tia Carmen. We’ll be back later. I left you some dinner. Jessy went out with her amigas, I love you, mama.

  I’m alone again and this is starting to get annoying. I need to meet my baby and marry. I want to start my familia. I want my amor, mi alma gemela in my vida. I think I need to start going out. I’m going to start accepting some dates from the hombres that ask me out. I have an invitation from some guy named James. Yeah, he invited me to dinner. Okay I will make a date for manana, contemplates Jacki striding to su cuarto.

  Jacki enters her cuarto and grabs her cell phone from her purse. She immediately calls James the job site assistant.

answers on the first ring sounding very nervous. “Hello?” says James waiting to hear who it is.

  “Hi James, its Jacki, I want to see if you’re still interested in going out to dinner?” asks Jacki waiting for his response and regretting the impulse to call him. Hmmm I don’t really like him, but he’s nice. Maybe I can learn to like him.

  “Yes, I do want to have dinner with you, how about tonight?” asks James a little stressed out.

  Hmmm, I wanted to go manana, but I think tonight will be better. That way I will not be by myself thinking of Ricky, ponders Jacki. “Yes that will be nice, in about an hour?” asks Jacki walking to her cuarto to change into something nice.

  “Okay, I’ll pick you up in an hour. Where do you live?” asks James.

  “I live at 40161 Dream Lane,” advises Jacki taking off her clothes.

  James writes down the address. “Okay. I have it. I’ll see you in a few.”

  “Okay,” says Jacki ending the call. She takes a quick shower. Well, I sure did it. Now I have to listen to James and maybe he’s not so bad, she muses.

  Jacki gets ready quickly, waiting for James to show. Jacki writes una nota for her padres, since her padres don’t text.

  Well at least I’m trying to give a Chico a chance and maybe we’ll have fun, she reasons. The doorbell rings, and Jacki strides to get the door ready to leave. She opens the door. “Hi James, you made it,” she smiles stepping out of la casa.

  “Hi Jacki, it was real easy to find. Where do you want to have dinner?” asks James a little nervous, blushing beet red.

  James is tall, thin, and has a full head of strawberry blond pelo that reaches his shirt collar. Hmmm, he’s sort of, kind of nice looking, not bad. I think that he’s shy, considers Jacki smiling. Well at least I’m not the only one that’s shy in this mundo. “I’d love to have some Italian food.”

  “Okay, I that’s a great choice,” smiles James walking to his truck, sliding in.

  Jacki follows and gets inside the truck. Well he’s not a gentleman, considers Jacki. She looks over at him. Hmmm, well maybe I need to start a conversation.

  “So did you have a nice day at work today?” asks Jacki, observing how many shades of red he turns. Okay, I didn’t realize that you can blush in so many shades of red. This is real funny, thinks Jacki amused. She’s attempting not to giggle and not succeeding. Wow, he just got even redder, if that’s possible.

  “I did,” answers James turning into the parking lot of the restaurant.

  James quickly jumps out of his truck and waits for Jacki to get out. Wow she’s so pretty and I don’t know how I got so lucky, ponders James sweating.

  “Okay I’m real hungry,” says James walking ahead of Jacki not waiting for her to walk next to him.

  Well he’s not making any points, ponders Jacki observing him stride up ahead of her into the restaurant.

  They enter the restaurant, James strides to the hostess to get a table. They’re seated at a table near the window, next to the kitchen door.

  Wow this is real nice. I can hear all of the cooks joking around in the back, geeze that sounds gross. Okay I’m not real hungry anymore, deems Jacki attempting not to get sick.

  James is busy reviewing the menu and isn’t aware of Jacki starting to get upset. “I want to have a pizza,” says James looking at Jacki.

  “Okay, I want a salad,” states Jacki attempting not to think of the food or if it’s clean. Hmmm, apparently not from what I overheard the cooks say a few minutes ago, reflects Jacki shuddering.

  “How long have you been working at the company?” asks Jacki observing James turn red, yeah this is fun, thinks Jacki grinning with amusement.

  “Huh, I have been working for the company for about ten months,” answers James looking a Jacki. Yeah she’s lovely, reflects James, wiping the sweat from his forehead. “What about you?”

  “I have been working at the company for two years,” says Jacki taking a drink of her water.

  The waiter approaches their table. He takes James order. “I want a small pepperoni pizza and water,” says James smiling at Jacki. “It will be separate tickets. Thanks.”

  The waiter smiles politely and turns to take Jacki’s order. Jacki gives the waiter her order, attempting to control her anger. Wow he’s really something else. We’re each paying for our own meals, reflects Jacki. I don’t think that I’m going to encourage him, I don’t like his ways.

  The entire meal progressed in silence. James didn’t have the nerve to make any type of conversation. He waits for Jacki to ask him some questions, huh, she’s not talking anymore, I wonder why, ponders James observing how pretty she is.

  “Jacki did you enjoy your dinner? I liked the pizza. We should go out again next week,” says James smiling.

  “James I did like the salad. I will call you,” replies Jacki with a small smile.

  “Okay that would be great. I will wait for your call,” says James strolling ahead of her to exit the restaurant.

  “Okay, that’s a plan,” says Jacki. No, no way in hell. I will never date this jerk. Not in this life time. He’s loco, thinks Jacki following him out of the restaurant.

  Finally this date is over. He’s too much, thinks Jacki, fuming, and getting out of the truck quickly before he turns it off. “Thanks,” says Jacki. She doesn’t wait for his response, striding quickly inside her casa.

  I can’t believe the jerk. I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to meet a chico that will outshine Ricky. What am I going to do? I need to get him out of my corazon. Las bebes always told me that he has tons of chicas after him. I knew then that it was an impossible dream. Here I am alone again. I’ll go to my cuarto to read a love story. That’s the only love I’m going to get tonight, thinks Jacki.

  Chapter Two

  The next day Jacki wakes up early and has breakfast. Yeah, my padres are still sleeping and so is Jessy. I don’t know why I always wake up early. I think that I will take a walk before I go to the office, thinks Jacki smiling.

  Jacki strides down the walkway, thinking about Ricky. Damn I know that I need to stop thinking about him. Jacki pushes her sunglasses up her nose. These sunglasses always slide down and it’s getting hotter. What was I thinking? This was not a great idea. Estoy loca, I just wanted to see if I can get a glimpse of Ricky. Si, I’m crazy, deduces Jacki shaking her head.

  She turns the corner and watches Ricky drive away. Well at least he did make it back. I thought he stayed out all night with that viaja. Why do I keep on torturing myself? OMG, he’s coming back, he’s going to see me. The sun glasses manage to slip off her face. She bends down to retrieve them.

  Ricky parks on the side of the sidewalk exiting his carro. He watches her bend down to retrieve the sunglasses. Oh yeah, that’s a wonderful sight to behold. Hmmm, nice, real nice and I want some. I wonder who she is, contemplates Ricky attempting to control his hot reaction.

  “Hello, hola,” says Ricky walking towards her smiling.

  Jacki retrieves her sunglasses, looks quickly at him, and then she quickly puts them back on. She blushes like crazy. She turns around, strides away from him.

  Omg, he’s so cute, I love him so, and he’s what I always dream of. I’m going to die. I don’t know what to say to him. I can’t talk to him. Oh si I’m gone, muses Jacki.

  She strides quickly down the side walk swaying her hips. The small shorts fit just right, hugging her sweet heart shape ass. She’s wearing some cute sandals that wrap around her ankle enhancing her legs. Her hair reaches halfway down her back, swaying as she rushes away.

  OMG, I better hurry up and disappear. I can’t talk to Ricky, I will die from embarrassment. I know that I wouldn’t be able to say one single word. What was I thinking? I need to get home. It’s so warm out here. I need to take another shower. I will then run into the office and finish some of the entries that I didn’t finish. I love to be on top of my work. There’s hardly anyone there right now, ponders Jacki.

  Damn it, why is she walking away? “He
llo, wait a minute, I want to talk to you,” says Ricky watching her leave.

  Why doesn’t she stop and talk to me? I want to meet her, she has an awesome ass and I want some. Damn yes, I love her hair. Who is she, ponders Ricky adjusting himself. Damn this hurts.

  He walks back into the casa to get some cloths to go to the gym and runs into his mama. “Mama, I’m back. I forgot my bag. I’m going into the office for a few hours,” says Ricky giving his mama a hug and beso.

  “Buenos dias mi hijo, are you going to be here for lunch?” asks Mama Lupe hugging him back.

  “Si I think so, I will call you if I change my mind,” replies Ricky. He walks away down the hall to his room. His cell phone rings, he notices that it is Davina, and he answers with irritation.

  “Hola,” says Ricky closing his eyes. I need to be nice and patient. I can’t be mean to her, thinks Ricky.

  “Hola Baby, I want to see you. I want you to come over now,” whines Davina rolling on her bed tangled in the sheet. “I don’t know why you didn’t stay the night. I wanted to wake up in your arms.”

  “I never spend the night with any mujer. I told you that I couldn’t see you today. I also told you I will call you,” says Ricky shaking his head. He bends down to get the bag. “I have plans. I need to let you go. Enjoy your day.”

  “Baby you’re being nasty to me. I know that you loved being in my arms. I want you now. I have some lunch ready,” says Davina looking out of the window.

  Ricky strides out of his room down the hall. He waves at his mama walking out the door. He waits until he’s outside before responding. “Okay Davina, I will talk to you later. I have to go,” says Ricky ending the call.

  I never can understand why these viajas chase me when I am not interested. Once, maybe twice is all I can handle. They never allow me to chase them. They don’t give me the chance to desire them. I don’t want a relationship with her. She is not what I want in my vida. I’m not going to risk getting caught by the wrong mujer. I don’t spend the night for a reason. I do not want to encourage them. It is bad enough without me encouraging them. Damn it, thinks Ricky sliding into the carro.


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