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Rescuing Maria

Page 2

by Alexandria Bishop

  She laughs and takes a sip from her glass of red wine. “Oh honey, no need to apologize. I always do like a show when I’m drinking. Adds a little excitement to my otherwise boring life, please continue.”

  Before Rhett can respond, the bartender beats him to it. “Why don’t you sit your ass down and drink your martini and then get out of my bar before I have to call security and have you removed.”

  Spit flies from his mouth as he yells, “You can’t do that to me. Don’t you know who I am?”

  The bartender laughs and shakes his head, “Nobody gives a shit about who you are. You’ve been nothing but a giant douche canoe and you’re harassing my customers. So, finish up and get out.”

  “I don’t want your damn drink.” He slams his hand down on the bar and purposely knocks the drink over before stomping out of the small bar area like a two-year-old.

  “Can I get you anything to drink sir?”

  He shakes his head. “No thanks. But I hope your day gets better than that.”

  “Don’t worry about me, I’m used to it at this point. You couldn’t imagine the number of dicks that come through here every day.”

  He continues shaking his head and walks away. He finds himself wondering yet again why he’s even doing this. If the people at the Dallas airport are this bad, he can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like when he gets to Las Vegas. They don’t call it Sin City for no reason. He sighs as he heaves his duffle onto his shoulder. There’s no turning back now.

  Now, where did that little spitfire go?

  Chapter Three


  Maria downed that martini out of principle, but she regretted the decision almost instantly as the vodka sloshes around in her empty stomach. She didn’t get anything to eat before she left her mom’s house this morning and although she threw up all of the tequila in there her stomach is still a little queasy. Her plan had been to sit down at the bar and order a glass of ice water. Then hopefully there would be a small bar menu and she could get an appetizer or salad. Something light and not too heavy. The last thing she wants is a mass of food sitting in her stomach before hopping on a plane. No thank you. Instead, that major dickbag had to cause a scene and her plan went flying out the window.

  After stalking through the airport for five minutes, she stops dead in her tracks. She was so set on making an epic departure that she didn’t even pay attention to where she was going. Way to go, Maria, you’re a real badass now. Her backpack slips down her arm as some chick bashes her way past. Her heels click-clack on the floor as she loudly yammers on her cell phone.

  Maria catches the tail end of her high-pitched voice as she says, “…so rude. I don’t understand how people can be so dumb. You don’t just stop in the middle of the aisle in an airport. Not that I expect intelligence from someone wearing dirty raggy clothes.”

  Did that seriously just happen?

  What is with these people in this godforsaken airport? She hikes her backpack back up on her arm and takes off toward little miss socialite. Flight be damned. Her anger gets the best of her and Maria finds herself cursing in her native Spanish. She does take after her mother in that sense.

  She takes one step toward the bitch on her phone but can’t go any further as someone wraps their large hand around her arm and holds her in place. “Are you fuc⎯” Her words get caught in her throat as her eyes trail over the smoking hot cowboy from the bar.

  He’s a got a giant smirk on his face when he says, “I don’t know what to think about you, but you sure do like to get yourself into trouble don’t you?”

  Forcefully pulling on her arm, she wiggles out of his grip and replies, “It’s not my fault this airport is full of a bunch of dickbags. I just need to get back home and as far away from this place as humanly possible. Not that you would understand what that’s like Cowboy.” She cringes slightly at her use of the word home but ignores the digging feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  “What wouldn’t I understand?”

  “Well, you’re probably used to assholes like this.” She motions around to the entire airport. “Not that I know for sure but just a wild guess from your get up, you’re from around here.”

  “My get up?”

  Nodding she points to him from his head to toes. “Yeah, your cowboy boots and hat.”

  He glances down at his clothing like he forgot what he was wearing and back at Maria. “So only someone that lives in Texas can be dressed like this? That’s a little stereotypical don’t you think?”

  “Hey, I’m not the one dressed like that in Texas, now am I?” She asks with a shrug.

  “You have a point, but I could be heading back home, maybe I just came to visit some family and these were gifts.”

  Shit, she didn’t think of that. Maria digs the toe of her threadbare Converse into the dirty airport carpet. Less than a few inches away from her is what can only be described as a giant vomit stain. Her cheeks redden at her slight embarrassment and she asks, “Is that true?”

  He stares right into her eyes and a bolt of electricity shoots right through her. She allows herself to really look at him and she’s shocked she didn’t pay attention to his appearance until now. Where the hell is a cold shower when you need one? His eyes smolder and darken as his tongue slides out and he runs it along his bottom lip. Fuck. She can’t say she’s ever felt the urge to climb a man from a single look before, but shit that’s fucking hot.

  But his looks? Ever watch that show Prison Break? Holy Michael Scofield in a cowboy hat. Maria can’t even count the number of naughty fantasies she’s had involving Wentworth Miller, but seeing his real-life doppelgänger up close and personal? Nothing can compare. The sinful things running through her mind involving this stranger are kind of ridiculous. But she’ll keep those thoughts to herself. It’s not like she’s going to hook up with this guy. One night stands were sworn off long ago. Now the only action she ever sees is with her trusty pal B.O.B.

  Cowboy smiles, pulling her from her perverse musings. What were they talking about?

  “Nope. I was born and in raised in East Texas,” he says as he tips his hat.

  Oh right. He was giving her shit about assumptions. Which she might add, happen to be true. But what does he expect? They’re in the Dallas airport and he’s, well, dressed like a cowboy. Of course, she’s going to assume he’s from here. That’s not so far-fetched.

  “You ran out so fast back there that I didn’t get your name,” he says with the biggest grin on his face.

  Back there. She almost forgot about what happened in the little bar. “You know I should beat you up for what you pulled back there.” She points behind them in the direction they both came from.

  A screaming child runs full force toward them and almost slams right into Maria. Thinking quick on his feet, the cowboy gently tugs on her elbow and pulls her near a drinking fountain on the wall.

  Out of harm’s way he asks, “For what I pulled?”

  “Yeah. I am fully capable of taking care of myself. I don’t need some random dude swooping in and trying to save the day. Again.” She adds that last bit with a pointed glare and says, “No damsels in distress here.”

  “I apologize ma’am. My mama raised me to always do the right thing and when I see some dick treating a lady that way, I can’t just sit there and watch.”

  “A lady?” She doesn’t know whether she should laugh, cry, or be angry. If there’s one thing that Maria has never been accused of, that’s of being a lady. “That’s really rich. You obviously don’t know me if you think I’m a fucking lady.”

  “Do you think your cursing is going to shock me or something? If anything, it’s a major turn-off.”

  “Good. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea here, buddy. I’m not the kind of woman you bring home to your mama. Never have been and never will be.”

  “Not that I was asking, but I’m sure that’s not the truth.”

  There’s really no point in arguing with him at this point. He’s
already made up his mind it would seem. She shakes her head and turns away. “Well, it was…an experience…getting to know you, Cowboy. I hope you enjoy your flight and make it to wherever you’re headed, but I need to go find my gate before I miss mine. Have a nice life.”

  “It’s Rhett,” he yells from behind her.

  She doesn’t turn back around and instead heads further away from him. Yelling, “Who cares.” As she walks away. Fuck if she knows if she’s heading in the right way this time but she’d rather not let him catch up. She slides her crumpled boarding pass out of her front pocket and glances at the gate numbers up ahead. She’s got exactly five minutes until her flight starts boarding and fortunately she’s heading in the right way. That’s at least one right thing she’s done today.

  Chapter Four


  Rhett slides his sweaty palms down the front of his jeans as he steps foot onto the plane. He can wrangle an entire field of cattle no problem, but putting his life in someone else’s hands at tens of thousands of feet in the air? That’s absolutely terrifying. After the two run-ins with the infuriatingly gorgeous woman from the bar, which he still didn’t get her name, he became a little discombobulated and it took him a minute to find out where he was at.

  By the time he made it to the correct gate, they were making a last call, and he barely slipped by before the door, from the airport and safety, was shut behind him. The loud slam was a little too ominous for him, but there’s no turning back now.

  It’s impossible not to notice everyone is seated and the aisle has been cleared. They’re all staring up at the front and it’s hard to miss their judgmental eyes. Rhett’s cheeks redden knowing how late he must be for the flight. The flight attendant standing in front of him has the brightest smile on her face. Her face lights up even more and she asks, “We have an older gentleman currently sitting in one of the emergency exit seats. Right now, nobody is willing to trade seats with him and I’m wondering if you would be willing to do that?”

  He nods his head even though he’s not quite sure what she means by that. “Sure, I could do that. Where do you want me to go?”

  She’s looking toward another woman who’s standing in the aisle and she nods her head. The older guys slowly gets up from his seat and she holds onto his arm helping him down the aisle toward the back of the plane. “Right over there is your new seat. Thank you again so much for swapping. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem.”

  He makes his way down the aisle and hears, “Fuck me,” before he even makes it to the seat. A teenage boy chuckles at the outburst and the woman sitting next to him smacks him on the back of his head. Rhett tries not to laugh at the scene in front of him but he can’t hold it in when he reaches his new seat.

  Who else would he find, but the little spitfire from the bar. Her eyes blaze with emotion and she flips her head around to look out the window. The overhead compartment is still open and there’s just enough space to smash his duffle in there.

  Taking a seat, he’s pleasantly surprised with the amount of room to stretch himself out. That was one thing he was worried about, being crammed into the seat like a can of sardines. Turning to his neighbor, he clears his throat and with a smile says, “Well isn’t this a fine coincidence. You’re heading off to Las Vegas too?”

  “It would appear that way, wouldn’t it?” She replies dryly still refusing to turn herself around.

  “I’m noticing some hostility here. Why don’t we start over?” He taps her on the shoulder and with a scowl, she turns to look at his outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you, ma’am. My name is Rhett Walker, what’s yours?”

  Rather than offering hers for a proper handshake, all she says is, “Of course it is.”

  The flight attendant closes the door to the airplane and Rhett tries to push all thoughts of takeoff out of his head. He leans back against the seat and closes his eyes. He’s never been much of a religious man, but he puts up a silent prayer for a safe landing in Las Vegas. He can’t help but chuckle that he’s on his way to sin city right now and he’s asking the Universe, God, whoever is out there to make it there safely. He sighs and with his eyes still closed asks his seatmate, “Your name is of course it is?”

  “No smartass. Of course, your name is Rhett Walker. It just screams cowboy from Texas. Why wouldn’t your name be that?”

  “Thanks, I think?” He pops his eyes open and is surprised to find her studying him so closely. Her eyes go wide and she turns her attention back out the window.

  “You know my name, I think it’s only fair you reciprocate,” Rhett says.


  He waits for her to continue but when nothing else comes out of her mouth, he asks, “And do you have last name, Maria?”

  “Why so you can hunt me down and kill me when we make it to Nevada?”

  The teenage kid sitting in front of them starts cracking up laughing, no doubt eavesdropping on their conversation. Nice try kid, those earbuds in your ears aren’t fooling anybody. Then again Rhett doesn’t really blame him, he’s known Maria for less than an hour but every word out of her mouth has surprised the hell out of him so far.

  “Well, that took a dark turn.”

  “Yeah, it did.” The kid in front of them says.

  Way to make it obvious kid.

  Maria releases a long dramatic sigh and turns back to Rhett. “I’m sorry. I’m being a bitch. I’m not having a very good day. Make that week. Fuck, let’s just go for life. I’m not having a very good life. Can I get a do-over on one of those?”

  “I’m not sure about a do-over but you can make the most of the one you’ve got.”

  Their conversation is suddenly halted as the captain announces they’re set for take-off and starts backing up the plane. Rhett closes his eyes and grips the armrests as he attempts to focus on his own breathing.

  Breathe. Just breathe. He thinks to himself repeatedly. His disorientation doesn’t help matters but he doesn’t dare open his eyes to watch as the plane lifts off the ground. Whenever that happens. They’re currently sitting at a stand-still which doesn’t seem very safe.

  What if another plane crashes into them?

  Rhett doesn’t have to contemplate on that for long as the plane starts moving again. He almost breathes a small sigh of relief but that is quickly cut off as the plane shudders as it picks up speed. The force of the acceleration pushes his entire body back into his seat. A blinding headache builds between his eyes as he squeezes them closed tighter and tighter. That stupid kid starts hooting and hollering like they’re on a damn roller coaster ride. Rhett contemplates kicking the shit out of the seat when a small cool hand is placed on his own.

  The strong floral scent of Maria’s perfume overwhelms his senses as her warm breath whispers into his ear, “Is this your first time?”

  “What gave it away?” He asks through clenched teeth, still refusing to open a single eye.

  “You mean other than the fact that you’re squeezing the life out of the armrests like they killed your puppy? I don’t know, just a hunch.”

  He can almost see her shrug when she asks that last question. Unlocking his jaw, he slowly eases up the armrests and forces his focus on her. And only her. “You’re really funny, you know that?”

  “I may have heard that a time or two.” The soft skin of her hand starts driving him wild as she runs her fingers slowly up and down his arm. All the way up to his elbow and back down to his fingertips. Over and over again. The front of his jeans grows increasingly tight just imagining her mimicking that motion elsewhere on his body. Still whispering into his ear, she says, “And don’t worry, the odds of you dying in a plane crash are like a million to one. You’re more likely to die in a car crash and people drive those every day.”

  Rhett chokes out a small laugh and says, “Yeah well I like my odds better when I’m the one driving.”

  “Ah, a control freak. Makes sense.”

  “What?” He finally pops his eyes open and
says, “No. I’m not a control freak. I just don’t like putting my life into someone else’s hands that I don’t know or trust.”

  The smile that overtakes Maria’s face can only be described as breathtaking. Her chocolate brown eyes light up and the small wrinkles around her eyes set him at ease. “You’re back. I almost thought I was going to lose you there for a bit.”

  She darts her tongue out and runs it along her bottom lip and Rhett releases an involuntary groan. He’s a gentleman through and through, but the thoughts he’s having about her? Are the furthest thing from gentlemanly and he needs to get himself in check before he seriously embarrasses himself.

  He shifts slightly in his chair trying to adjust himself without doing it. He chuckles and says, “I guess I was a little more nervous than I thought. It seemed worse, somehow, to have my eyes open.” Rhett takes a quick glance over her shoulder and his heart rate picks up slightly to see the clouds outside of the window. He grips the armrest again. “When did we take off? I don’t remember that.”

  Maria’s eyes sparkle as she slides her hand up Rhett’s arm. His bicep flexes involuntarily and she tightens her small grip. “My powers of distraction worked perfectly. I’m going to have to keep that up the rest of the flight I see.”

  And that’s one thing Rhett won’t mind one bit. Not in the slightest.

  Chapter Five


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