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Plantation Slaves

Page 9

by Powerone

  Jerry Lee was lying on the bed when Kaitlyn came in, Kaitlyn not surprised that he was naked and stroking his cock. Good, because she wasn't going to do it. She wouldn't let him put his cock in her for the last three years; let him fuck the blacks. But only if Kaitlyn was present and in most cases, she enjoyed helping out. Emily and Paris were going to be different; white girls for him to fuck. But not before Kaitlyn broke them in with the whip.

  His cock was sticking up in the air; his hand slowing riding up and down the shaft. “What do they look like?” He let his imagination get the best of him; that is why he was masturbating.

  "You'll like the tramps. Nice ripe bodies for you to violate. They'll scream nicely. Hopefully they're virgins, but I don't trust their father. The bastard probably took their cherry when they were thirteen. You going to present them to the family tonight?"

  "Yes, thought I would give them a peek and let the girls find out what they are going to have to submit to. I think Madison will like them.” He wasn't sure about his sister Charlotte, but she looked at other girls like a man would look at them.

  "Now you don't know that for a fact. She's had many beaus; she just can't find anyone good enough.” Like Charlotte's love of female flesh, Kaitlyn would often force Jerry Lee's latest conquest to lick her quim while he was fucking her; the thought of the twin white girls exciting her.

  "She just isn't lucky like you, to get the man of her dreams.” Jerry Lee groaned as his cock spewed his cum into the air; the thick ropey cum landing on the floor beside the bed; his hand pumping away until more leaked from the head of his cock.

  "I just settled for less,” Kaitlyn mocked him. She opened the door, catching one of the blacks in the hallway. She turned to Jerry Lee. “Get dressed,” watching as he went into the bathroom. “Get in here and clean up this mess,” she shouted at the trembling girl. She rushed in, wiping up the wet spot on the floor, not even realizing what it was. She would have been mortified if she knew it was Jerry Lee's cum, though she probably had some between her thighs at least once. “Get out now!” She shooed the girl out the door, slamming it behind her.

  The parlor was filled. The General, Jerry Lee and Kaitlyn, Doc, Savannah, Madison, Charlotte, as well as two of the overseers, one for the house and the other for the fields, were sipping brandies. The General lit up one of his cigars, blowing out the smoke into the room. “Well, where are they? Do I have to wait all night?” He heard they were here and wanted to see them.

  "I'll get them now,” Jerry Lee hurrying to satisfy the General. Nobody makes the General wait. He went outside the parlor, the girls waiting, both of them trembling in fear. “Now you do exactly as I tell you. You defy me, and I'll whip your asses until they bleed. In front of everyone. Do you understand me?” His hand shot out and slapped Paris across the face; her head rocked from one side to the other from the powerful blow. There were tears in her eyes and her cheek was already turning red. “Yes, Master, we understand,” Emily's voice shaking as she answered for both of them.

  "Doesn't she speak?” He glared at Paris, seeing her cringe as if he was going to strike her again.

  "Not much, Master. But she obeys good. So do I.” She couldn't believe that he had struck Paris for no reason.

  "We'll see. I'd love to whip that lovely ass naked. Would you like that Emily?"

  "No, Master, we be good.” She was afraid of him, almost as much as she was of Mistress.

  Jerry Lee ushered them into the room; all eyes on them as they walked in. He marched them until they stood in front of the General, the others taking chairs around them, wanting to get a better look at them. “This is Emily and Paris, General."

  The girls didn't say a word, the General looking at them, up and down their bodies, like the driver on the stage did. It was different back at home; Daddy didn't let the boys near them. Here it was different. Much different and that is why Emily feared for both of them.

  "How can you tell the difference?” The General looked at them, identical twins, not a clue to separate them.

  "Emily has a birth mark below her right breast.” Jerry Lee said it with authority, seeing the General looking at him. “Would you like to see it?"

  Emily looked at Master, not believing what he just said. Did he tell him that he could see it? She hadn't shown it to anyone, at least any boy. And there were at least four of them here, all staring at her.

  "Of course. I can't tell the difference. How will I know what to call them?” The General took a puff of his cigar, blowing it in the direction of Emily. He took a sip of brandy and settled back in his chair. “Come over here closer child; let me see your birthmark?” He rubbed his cock through his pants brazenly, making sure that she saw it.

  "Go next to the General. Take your dress and your chemise and pull it down to your waist.” He walked in back of her and whispered in her ear. “If you don't, I'm going to tie you up and whip you in front of them. Naked. Both of you."

  Either way she had no choice. They were going to see her naked as well as Paris and there was nothing she could do about it. With halting steps she moved close to the General, seeing his wrinkled hands rubbing the bulge in his pants as his eyes gazed at her half-naked bosom. She could feel her chest rising and falling as she struggled to breathe.

  Her fingers fumbled with the buttons. It was hard enough when she put it on, harder now to take if off in front of everyone. The buttons finally began to pop open, Emily not realizing how many there were until she saw the General growing impatient. She popped off two buttons, watching as they rolled over the floor, her hands working quicker to open all of them to the waist. The chemise was uncovered, Emily turning red when she saw how her nipples had become erect and pushed out the thin fabric of the chemise, Emily able to make out her nipples beneath it. Master glared at her, Emily slipping the dress off of her shoulders, letting it slide down until it hung around her waist. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she breathed heavily, unable to fill her lungs because of her nervousness. She held the chemise in the front as she let the slim straps on her shoulders slide down her arms, pulling them free, her hand holding it over her heaving breasts.

  "Hurry up!” The General grew impatient. “Let me see those titties."

  She dropped the front of the chemise, feeling the material slide over her nipples, Emily struggling to keep them from growing thicker from the sensuous touch. She closed her eyes, but it wouldn't stop her face and bosom from turning red in shame, knowing they were all staring at her bare chest.

  "Open your eyes,” Jerry Lee's voice booming loudly until Emily opened her eyes, the loud voice scaring her. He looked at her lovely tits, just as he imagined, though he wished her nipples were larger. Still they would feel the bite of clamps on them when he tired of fucking her and turned to relishing her pain. They were nice and firm, her nipples almost pointing up to the ceiling.

  Emily was humiliated, half naked in front of all of them, their eyes lusting after her naked breasts as she trembled in spite of the hot fire going in the fireplace.

  "Put your hands behind your neck,” Jerry Lee helping her as the General grew impatient. “Stick out your elbows to the side.” Her tits rose up even higher, Jerry Lee wanting to grab the firm flesh. He moved behind her, pressing his hard cock against her ass. His hands went to her hips, keeping her still as she tried to move away. “Don't move,” he whispered in her ear. His hand slid up her hips and over the naked skin of her side, feeling the goose bumps appear as he moved higher. He felt her body tense as his hands slid under her naked breasts, craddling them underneath to heft them up, offering them up to the General for his visual inspection. “See the birthmark,” moving his hand to the side so he could see it, the tiny brown mark just on the soft underbelly of her right breast.

  His hands fondled her naked breasts with impunity, her nipples growing larger even though he didn't touch them. She was half naked, the first time a man had seen her this way, humiliated to be treated like a slave. Is this what their life was going to be
like? Or would it be worse? If they stripped her to the waist, what would stop them from taking off all of her clothes? Or more?

  "Now the other. How do I know the other one doesn't have the same birth mark?” The General imagined his mouth gripping her erect nipples, biting and sucking them while she rubbed his cock. What would it be like to take twins for the first time? It would be like you were busting her hymen twice, able to enjoy the pleasure of her cry of pain twice. Now he knew why Jerry Lee was so insistent on bringing them here. He was going to take out his lust on them both.

  Paris watched her sister as though it was happening to someone else and she wasn't even there. She saw her sister's shame as she was forced to take off her clothes to the waist and let them look at her naked breasts. Now the reality set in. She would have to do the same thing. She didn't want to pay the price of defying them, her fingers moving swiftly to unbutton the dress, letting it fall to her waist. She slipped off the chemise, her breasts popping free into the bright light of the parlor, all eyes on her as she revealed her naked breasts to the men. She didn't wait, getting into the position as Emily had, feeling Master behind her, bracing for the hands that would cradle her naked breasts for the first time. She was shocked by the touch, her nipples growing so erect they almost hurt. The calloused hands played across the silky skin of her breasts, but nothing could have prepared her for the touch of his fingers on her nipples. “EEEEWWW,” she gasped in sudden shocked as the fingers touched her nipples, rubbing them, Paris feeling them continue to grow as the blood pounded in the tips. He pinched them again, another squeal from her mouth, the sudden shock sending a shiver between her legs.

  Jerry Lee felt her push her ass back onto his cock when he pinched her nipples; another pinch and he was rewarded with another rub of his cock. He wished he had more time for her to masturbate him with her lovely ass, but the General grew bored with this game.

  "Leave them over in the corner for a while. They can learn.” He dismissed Jerry Lee, going back to his cigar and brandy.

  Emily and Paris found themselves bound for the first time, though not the last. Their hands were thrust into iron cuffs hanging from chains high on the ceiling; their proud breasts naked and thrust up for all to admire. They were left there for hours while the rest of the family and friends talked and enjoyed their brandies, an occasional hand coming over to caress the naked flesh, first a calloused hand and then the soft hand of a female teasing the nipples of both of the trembling girls back to erection. They couldn't believe that a girl could do such a thing to them. Or would want to. They were finally released, sent back to the slave quarters to fall into a sound sleep until the roosters woke them up at the crack of dawn; the girls ushered out of their rooms to begin the long day of a slave.

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  Madison and the Young Buck

  Madison was waiting for him, the overseer giving him a lesson just days ago. He was strung up, the overseer whipping his back with the black bullwhip, making sure that he didn't damage him too much. It was just enough so he learned that he was to obey any white, even the women. Madison could take care of herself, a dagger in her night stand and a small revolver under her pillow. She had never had a problem with a black before and she didn't expect this one to be any different. After all, he was going to have a chance to fuck a white woman. There was a knock at the door. “Come in."

  The overseer brought the buck in, the one she had bought at the slave mart a short time ago. “This'un here is Charlie, Ma'am."

  Madison looked at him, bathed and oiled, dressed in a loin cloth that could barely contain the thick cock that hung down between his legs. She looked at his chest, the oiled abs bursting with muscles and his thighs thick and muscular. “Turn around.” He obeyed without question; his firm haunches would feel good when he used their power to thrust his cock into her. She liked to be ridden hard, especially by a big cock, the pain mixing with the pleasure. She just hoped that she was right about this one having stamina, not wanting a quick fuck. “You can go now,” Madison dismissed the overseer.

  "Yes'm, Ma'am. I'll be just down the hall in case you need me.” He still never trusted the black bucks, no matter how much she did. He shut the door and went down to the end of the hall, finding the chair he had placed there along with a bottle of whiskey and a cigar. It would be a couple of hours, so he settled in. The rest of the hall was empty, Madison making sure no one else was around. She liked to make lots of noise.

  Charlie looked at the white woman, remembering the way her soft, silky hands glided over his cock, making him cum. She was dressed in a silky bathrobe; Charlie had never seen such a fine garment before. He could make out her lovely body beneath it, hoping that he would have a chance to fuck her this time. He felt his cock beginning to stir as she gazed at him; her eyes glued to his crotch.

  "Take it off,” she ordered him, Charlie proud of his large cock, throwing the short loin cloth to the side, spreading his legs so she could see his massive weapon. The girls loved or hated his cock, either too big or big enough, never in between. And he loved to fuck, able to keep from cumming no matter how tight a pussy he was in. And with his large cock they were all tight.

  Madison licked her lips when his naked cock came into view, the prick as long and thick as a babies arm. She couldn't wait to feel it between her legs; it had been a while since she had something that big inside her. “Stroke it, make it bigger.” She watched his hand take his semi-hard cock and begin to rub it, slowly rubbing over the head, the cock jerking in his hand. He took long strokes from the base of his balls all the way to the head, a drop of cum leaking from the head with each broad stroke. He teased her with it, aiming it at her as he stroked it to erection. She watched the black shaft grow in his hand; his cum making it slick; his hand sliding easier up and down the cum-laden shaft. With his other hand he hefted up his balls, the twin balls must weigh a pound each, the black wrinkled bag covered with black, springy hair, Madison loving it when it tickled against her asshole as she was getting pounded by the cock. She could only imagine all the cum that was in them.

  He watched her as she watched him. Her hand began to unbutton the bathrobe she was wearing, pulling back the top until her twin white breasts broke free into the light. Her fingers plucked at her nipples; Charlie licking his lips hoping he would get a chance to suck and bite on them. She pushed the robe off her shoulders and down her arms until she was naked to the waist; Charlie had never seen a white woman's breasts before. The nipples and areolas stood out in sharp contrast to the white skin of her breast, almost as if they were targets. She played with them as she watched him masturbate his cock, her nipples growing just as his cock did.

  It had to be almost a foot long, the head as big as her fist. She remembered barely being able to put her fingers around the thick shaft. She sat lower in an upholstered chair, unbuttoning more buttons of the dressing gown, her belly revealed to Charlie, his eyes looking at her as she undressed for him. She could feel her pussy grow damp with desire. It was so forbidden to let a black male see you naked, never mind letting them fuck you. That is what excited her; that and the size of the prick. There weren't many bucks that had a prick as big as Charlie's; that is what drew him to her.

  She was undressing, taking off the bathrobe, the buttons opened past her waist, Charlie looking at her tiny belly button on the sea of white skin. Her hands were so tiny unbuttoning the buttons with such precision, a dark bush barely visible as the buttons popped open. She sat up, unbuttoning all the buttons on the bathrobe, all the way to her ankles, leaning back, the bathrobe just folded over her body, undone and ready to unveil her naked body to him. He stroked his cock with broad strokes, stopping at the head, his fingernail scratching just under the head, a delicious combination of pain and pleasure that made his cock twitch.

  She looked at him, pushing her bathrobe to the sides until it fell beneath her, her naked thighs clenched together. For now. She felt a shiver run through her body, the
same feeling she got each time she stripped naked for a new buck, knowing that she was the first white woman they had ever seen naked. “Do you like it, Charlie?” Her fingers stroked across her dense black bush, teasing the follicles, the tiny hairs resonating down to the roots.

  "I ain't seen nothin’ like it, Mistress.” Her skin was so white, her bush black, like a painting on a white canvas. With a black, the colors were all the same. With the white woman, it made her bush so more pronounced. He struggled with the tingling in his balls, the sight of the naked white woman making his balls want to release his cum, but he knew that he better not. He needed to satisfy her or else; the memory of the bull whip on his back still fresh in his mind.

  She spread her legs slowly, watching his eyes as the lips of her pussy parted, her white thighs opening up to his gaze. Her fingers continued to toy with her bush. She bent her knees opening up wider, both hands moving down to her pussy, gripping her slick pussy lips tightly opening up her pussy to his eyes.

  She was so pink on the inside; her juices glistening on her silky lips; her manicured nails opening her up until he could almost see inside her. Her legs were open wide, her knees drawn back. He looked down at her, her slit so pronounced, his eyes following it down until he could almost make out the tiny hole between her ass cheeks. Even her pussy looked so small, not sure if she would be able to take his great big prick. She was rubbing her finger up and down her slit, Charlie seeing the wetness on her fingertips. She moved her finger up to her clit, two fingers pushing down at the base until the red, hard button appeared, erect just like a tiny cock. Her finger slapped over the head, her hips beginning to gently roll on the chair.

  She masturbated unashamedly in front of him with her fingers rubbing up and down her slit until they were wet, then plucking out her clit and teasing it erect. She couldn't wait any longer. “Over here, Charlie.” She spread her thighs obscenely, watching as Charlie kneeled down between them. “You know how to pleasure a girl with your mouth, Charlie?"


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